Felt like giving up, Got new hope!!

Hi Lab,Dragonfly, Liz_n- do you remember when you started getting morning sickness? I know I'm being a little paranoid, but I don't really have any and I'm a bit worried. If my stomach is empty I feel a little off, but not exactly nauseous.
Xan - I know it's easier said than done but try not to worry every pregnancy is different. It could kick in later.

Well temp went down not up. I think my body tried to O but didn't. Still waiting to hear from the doctor.
Hi ladies,

Sorry I've been absent a bit, I've been the shoulder for 3 different people who have loved ones diagnosed with cancer, and a suicide. I hope you'll keep my friends in your thoughts!

Xan - the lab in lab is because I'm a lab rat, working in a lab. It occurred to me after I made it people would probably think lab puppy, and I think they are cute but I'm a cat person - I have two, Hero and Mo, and they're my awesome boys!

Great about your levels tripling now! I wouldn't worry at all about the MS. For the first couple of weeks my stomach was "floppy" if I didn't eat, but it wasn't horrible. Then around 7 weeks it got bad, and progressively worse for a while. I think between 6 and 8 weeks is pretty standard for when it kicks in. :)

Leetie - I hope you can get a hold of your doc and you can convince her to just put you on clomid. It seems pretty clear you're not Oing...and if you do, it's a weak O. I'd call like 5x a day until they called me back, lol. I know you'll get a quick BFP once they get you Oing!

TTC - Did you get your HSG scheduled?

AFM, I really haven't worried much throughout the pregnancy but I'm really anxious today. Not sure if it's because it's been a month and a half about since my last ultrasound, I just want to see baby and make sure that everything is alright. 6 days until the anatomy scan and I'm nervous they'll find something wrong, even though every scan and thing has come back great. It could be that others' emotions are affecting me, or maybe I'm just having a day.
Xan - glad to see your numbers going up!! Like they said easier said than done but I wouldn't worry about MS. My SIL didn't have it at all. Each person is different.

Leetie - I'm confused. I thought progesterone helped with the Oing and clomid helped have more regular cycles? A friend of mine just started progesterone because she wasn't Oing and not having regular AF.

AFM - I couldn't wait to get online and share with y'all I had my hsg test today. It definitely wasn't a pleasant feeling but my tubes are open!!!!!!!!! Omg. I cried right there on the exam table lol. The dr went back thru the pics explaining what each one was. The one tube doesn't look like it emptied as fast but he said they both emptied. I was so relieved. I only slept 3 hours last night. So now I wait to hear from the dr to see when I can start clomid. I took a pic of the scans but I don't know how to load it here lol.
I think I did this right lol. The first 2 are no dye. The next few are the dye going in and the last ones are the dye coming out. U can clearly see the dye coming out on the right. The left worried me but he said it was coming out.


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Lab - your friends are definitely in my prayers. I actually never thought of lab being for a dog and I'm a major dog person lol. I'm sorry your having anxiety it could be from helping your friends and I think its natural to just have anxiety when your pregnant. I hope you feel better tomorrow.

Ttc - Yay! So glad your tubes are open and you will be starting clomid soon. I know clomid makes you O but I'm not sure what progesterone does I thought it was for sustaining a pregnancy. I'm not sure.
Yayyy TTC! That's so great your tubes are open... I can definately see they both spilled, the other just looks a little faint I think because of angle. Congrats! You'll start clomid next cycle? Woohoo!

Clomid is for O, it does make your cycles more regular but only because it ensures that you ovulate, so if you had really long cycles they would be shorter. On clomid you make more eggs as well, so its easier to fall preg.

Leetie is right, progesterone is usually given to help sustain preg if you've had repeated MC or to treat a luteal phase defect. Maybe your friend has short LPs?

Leetie - you ever get in touch with doc?
Lab- all my best thoughts for your friends and :hugs: of strength for you. It's not easy, but I am sure your friends really appreciate all you're doing.

I'm also a lab rat- I do experimental psychology, doing the academic route :)

TTC- that is great! One of my tubes spilled more slowly, but they said sometimes that is a sign of clearing out a bit of junk from a tube and can only help. Sounds like you are ruling out all the scary stuff and on your way to a BFP!

AFM- sorry for the paranoia, it's just after 2 1/2 years, it's so hard to believe that I think more symptoms would be comforting. When I woke up the other day and felt great, it really freaked me out :) One more HCG test tomorrow, which is always reassuring.

Just got back from my work trip out near Portland, Oregon. It was so hot- it was 100+ degrees almost every day, with one cool day of 96!!! It made coming back to DC feel great. Who would ever think Portland would be 20 degrees hotter than DC in the summer. Weird. The puppy has been bringing her toys and playing on top of my suitcase (squeal!), so I think she missed me. Plus, I took the red-eye back, so we've been dozing on and off all day :)
Lab I'm so sorry about all your friends are going through. My mind was so filled with thoughts I didn't even see your post. I will be praying for them. Yes that's the plan to start clomid next cycle. I'm a little worried about more eggs because DFs mom is a twin and from what I've seen it tends to skip a generation ahhhhhh lol. I will take whatever God has in store for me but going from none to 2 would be "interesting" lol.

Leetie oh ok, maybe that's why she is on progesterone. She had a MC in December. I wasn't sure what the difference was because I asked my dr if I would be on progesterone or clomid and she said clomid because I was Oing at different times so I just assumed it shortened the cycles.

Xan I totally understand the paranoia. I think I would feel the same way. I'm glad u made it back, that weather in OR sounds horrible. It's on the 70s here in WA. Not to rub it in lol but we don't have a/c's here so being any hotter would be terrible.

AFM I'm in a lot of pain. Did you have pain afterwords lab?? It feels like a really bad period. Lots of pressure in my lower tummy. The same area I felt pressure when they put the balloon and dye in but its much worse now. He did say it might get worse as the day went on but it's been 12 hours and still feels so bloated and tons of pressure. Also I'm one my phone so I can't go back and see who said it but thanks so much for the reassurance that they both spilled. I was so afraid maybe he was being nice or something the more I looked at the pic lol. I could clearly see the one but the other didn't do it as fast or as much so I did have concern so thank you for that. It eased the little bit of fear I had in the back of my mind.
TTC- everything about this process is panic inducing, I'm glad we all have each other to chat with. I know I would be much more of a panic monster without my favorite ladies.

Just went in for final HCG before first ultrasound. Of course this morning I was sure my boobs no longer looked bigger and that something was different, then my purse swung a little and hit the side of my boobs. Yowsers, it hurt, and I started smiling right in the middle of the street. Yes, I am officially the crazy pregnant lady :)

Puppy slept all through the night- 10 to 6- and then did her business on her walk. I felt so bad leaving her in the bathroom (she chewed threw her crate in protest) but I had to go to the doctor and then pick up a prescription, and then straight back to the baby. She is a spoiled little beast!
Xan - I love hot weather but 100 would be crazy. Is it humid in Oregon like it is on the east coast? I can't wait to hear those last round of numbers, I laughed about you being the crazy pregnant lady because your boobs hurt lol. You don't have to apologize for being paranoid that's why we are all here is to comfort each other. Yay for puppy sleeping all night I bet that was a nice break she sounds so cute and I bet she did miss you.

Ttc - I'm sorry your in pain I've never had it done so I can't give any insight but I hope it stops hurting soon. And FX you get your bfp this cycle and won't have to start clomid. That's cool your df mom is a twin, I would love twins. I completely understand the risks of multiples but I would love having 2 babies to grow up together, probably because me and my sister were so close growing up.

Lab - how are you feeling today? I haven't heard from the doctor yet I don't know if I misunderstood the lady and she told me to call back, I'm pretty sure she said she had to talk to the doctor and she would get back to me though. I think I might call today and talk to her. I get so nervous though I feel like I'm being a pain and I'm afraid she won't put me on clomid and if that's the case I think I will find a different doctor.

Dragonfly - almost gender reveal time! How have you been feeling?
Oh, also, TTC- I think they say if it still hurts, or starts feeling worse, to call because there is a small chance of infection. It's probably not that, but if you're worried I would call
TTC - Mine hurt that day mostly, I think I was sore for about 24-48 hours but it didn't get any worse. My OB had me taking antibiotics before I had the procedure done, so I would give your doc a call and maybe they will put you on anti-bs just in case. Is tylenol helping at all?

The rate for twinnies on clomid is around 8% my doc said...It sounds high, but it's really not too high :) I don't think super common to get twins from it, and I know that if you take it later (I think CD 5-7) there's a lower chance than if you take it starting on CD 2 or 3.

Xan - :hugs: Everything you're going to be like... am I still pregnant? What does x y z mean... or lack of x y z?? I still occasionally give my boobs a quick squeeze (though they haven't actually hurt as much as I expected them to. However, in the past week and a half they've started stinging and burning) if I'm skeptical, and checking for other signs of right/wrongness.

Yay for being a lab rat :) it's great, for the most part! My DH is one, too. One of my girlfriends already got the baby a onesie that says "future nerd" lol - if s/he's anything like their parents, that is! It's so adorable.

Feeling better today, Leetie, thanks for asking! Baby was more active than its ever been last night, which was really reassuring. Of course it was right as I was going to bed...but I'll take it! DH could even feel it a bit. He was so cute exclaiming, "that's my baby!"

Don't feel like you are being a pain. They're suppose to be there to help! Maybe give them until the afternoon and then call - just a friendly reminder. I'm sure they have people that call much more often than you! If they get too dodgy I'd request the records and look for another doc. I hope they give you some answers without you having to pressure them, though.

How's dragonfly?
Lab - Aww your dh sounds excited I bet he is anxious to find out what baby is.

Well I called the doctor and told the lady at the front desk that I didn't O and I don't think I'm going to and she put me on hold and when she came back she said the doctor needs me to come in the day I ovulate. I told her I thought I had but my chart didn't confirm and my temp went down. She asked if I was using opks I said yeah although I haven't the last few days. I told her I think my body tried to O but didn't and I am already on CD 35. All she said was when I do ovulate to call and schedule to come in. I don't know what to do. My boobs hurt and i've had a few cramps that feel like AF is coming. I guess I will have to wait and see what happens.

Oh and today's my birthday :)
Oh, Leetie- happy birthday! Sorry this is so frustrating, and on your birthday too :( People at the front desk don't really know what to do, and it's frustrating that you can't talk to the doctor directly. I guess at this point I would wait until you see a spike or if AF comes. Then, if you didn't O, the doctor will know something is going on. Good luck, and try not to let it ruin your birthday :hugs:
Happy birthday Leetie!! How long are your cycles typically? I guess when AF comes you'll have to tell them you never Od, and that's the problem you've been talking about. Otherwise maybe demand the doctor calls you back and explain the not Oing thing is what your concern is. I hate that they are giving you the ring around! I think you deserve some cake!!
Just heard back from the doctor- HCG is at 1639, so I'm officially doubling every 2 days. So far so good. It's crazy, I think I would never have guessed I was pregnant if I didn't take the hpt. Going to schedule an ultrasound for the week of the 18th!
Xan - Thank you. Yay I knew those numbers would be great!

Thanks Lab!

OK well I called my doctor back and told them I'm pretty sure I'm not going to O and I want clomid for next cycle. The girl put me on hold and when she came back she said the doctor doesn't prescribe clomid and wants to refer me to a reproductive specialist. I called another gyno office and they said my insurance doesn't cover anything fertility related and said just the consult would be $161, endocrine biopsy is $300 and a few other tests I can't remember are around $200 each. I never cry and I broke down sobbing. I called my doctor back and asked if I get referred to a specialist will my insurance cover anything and they didn't know and told me to call my insurance. So I did and the guy was really nice and called an RE for me and they said they don't take my insurance and he found an obgyn who specializes in fertility and does take my insurance but they can't get me in until sept. 2nd. I made the appointment but I'm going to try to call a few other gynos in my area since this one is a half hour away. I'm sorry for the super long rant I'm just really upset and frustrated. I would be so lost if I didn't have you ladies to talk to. The only other person I can talk to is my sister and she can't really relate at all.
Oh Leetie :hugs: I'm sorry, lovie! It's like.... what's the point of that doc doing any kind of fertility tests at all if they don't do anything for it? That's so stupid. What a bitch. I'm angry at that office for you!

I'm sorry you are having such a horrible day on your birthday. All the tears will be worth it, though, when you are able to hold your LO in the future, and I know you will!

Get copies of your bloodwork and things you had done from the shitty office and bring them along to the new appointment. They should have all the info they need to get you started on the clomid, though they may make you do a HSG. It's so frustrating to have to be put on hold when you wait so long to go to the doc in the first place, and you just want to have the ball rolling on it all, and then the next appointment isn't for another month. A month isn't too bad, but it definately feels like it when you're going through so much already.

Double :hugs:
Leetie- My heart aches for you!! I'm so sorry you are experiencing that. I really hope you find a dr closer to you or at least the dr 30 min away is so wonderful that it makes it worth the 30 min drive. Happy Birthday Hun!! I'm praying things look up for you soon.
Xan- hahaha I loved your story about the boobs and purse lol. Crazy pregnant lady, I was cracking up lol.
Lab- That's great the DH is so excited!!
Dragonfly- hope things are going great for you!!

AFM- I just got the call from my dr so I will start clomid next cycle cd5-9 then progesterone test on cd21. I'm so excited. I turned to DF and said well u know the med makes women a raging bitch. He calms replies.....Thank God I will have football lmboooo!!! The clomid isn't covered by insurance so I was wondering if you know what the price was Lab? I'm gonna get it regardless but wondering if I should prepare myself for the cost lol. Also I just called the dr back and asked about still leaking the dye and still having pressure and she said it could happen for up to a week after the test. So she just suggests tylenol. This is the time I wish I was allowed to take my pain meds. There's a lot of pressure down there still so y'all had me freaking out lol. I slept all day yesterday, all night and until 1 today and it's still bad. I'm gonna go out shopping and hope that walking doesn't make it worse. I'm used to getting 10,000 steps a day so yesterday was strange for me lol

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