Felt like giving up, Got new hope!!

Labgal- sweetie leetie thats so nice thank you :flower: my plan this month is to start opks on cd 7 take my vitex and do smep.

Dragonfly- I am so glad your scan went well and you know you havent o'd yet so you can keep bding. Its so strange though because we would have thought your ops were positve before.

Ttc-your temps went up that good right? I dont know if the vitex made me spot or not ive had spotting before but this was really early.

Xan- Every time my DH hears a baby cry he says are you sure you want one lol. I know he is only kidding he wants a baby just as much as i do.
Yay Newlyweds! That's great news.

TTC, I just don't know what to make of it. They say you can get a dip at implantation? Good luck- never stopped crossing fingers for you.

Labgal- 4dpo we're really in synch this month :)
The us went just fine! It wasn't as awkward as I thought it would be, although the pressure I felt was a lot more than I expected. They said it doesn't look like I've ovulated yet, but I have large beautiful (her words) follicles waiting to go on each ovary!! So DH and I need to spend more time in bed and bd it up!! The tech couldn't see anything abnormal but the Gyno will be looking at it when she's back on the office next week. Such a relief all looks good at this moment, praying the Gyno doesn't see otherwise :)

Xan - our friend who has a baby already is a projectile vomiter, makes me relax quite a bit about ttc when I see that toddler vomit! :haha:

All those tests that I woulda swore were positive and you didn't O. Do you temp? I don't remember. Other than that seems like everything went well, so glad to hear it!!
Leetie, Xan I don't have a clue ladies. I haven't googled to see what the temps is all about so who knows. My FF says I have 19 days above coverline though. I dropped to 96.64 and my coverline is 96.62 LOL. But today it's back up to 97.04.
I was asking about the vitex because I take it too but it never caused me to spot. This month is the first month that I've spotted that didn't lead to AF and I didn't take the vitex hardly any. Of course we all see how crazy my body is though lol.
Labgal- sweetie leetie thats so nice thank you :flower: my plan this month is to start opks on cd 7 take my vitex and do smep.

Dragonfly- I am so glad your scan went well and you know you havent o'd yet so you can keep bding. Its so strange though because we would have thought your ops were positve before.

Ttc-your temps went up that good right? I dont know if the vitex made me spot or not ive had spotting before but this was really early.

Xan- Every time my DH hears a baby cry he says are you sure you want one lol. I know he is only kidding he wants a baby just as much as i do.

Good luck with smep! I've heard that gets great results:thumbup:

I am so shocked I didn't O, how many opk's I got that I swear were positive!! CD14 when the results first showed up the line was way darker than the control line:shrug: But an actual picture of inside my body doesn't like lol. I'm excited about having a big follicle on each ovary, hopefully I O very soon!

All those tests that I woulda swore were positive and you didn't O. Do you temp? I don't remember. Other than that seems like everything went well, so glad to hear it!!

Right? I am so confused over them and not using anymore opks. Next cycle *if we have to* I'll be buying digitals. And I have decided if we don't get a bfp at the end of this cycle I'll be getting a thermometer and going into temping. DH can call me crazy but we both want this baby so bad. For now we'll just keep bd'ing until either a bfp or the witch shows.
ttc- I read that quite a few women had temp drops right above their coverlines only to jump back up ending in a bfp.

I really hope that's whats happening to you.
ttc- I read that quite a few women had temp drops right above their coverlines only to jump back up ending in a bfp.

I really hope that's whats happening to you.

I hope this is it TTC! Crazy things can happen before a bfp!:thumbup:
Mrs maybe it's one of those times where our bodies gear up for O and don't actually O so you might be O'ing sometime soon since you didn't before. If you don't get your bfp I agree I would def start temping. I was skeptical at first too because it seems like too much of a hassle but it did make me feel better having my temps confirm O. But I'm also worried beings the last 2 months I got positive opk's and my temps never confirmed it so perhaps I'm not always O'ing and that worries me.

Thanks Liz! That gives me a little bit of hope. And thanks to all of you, you have really kept my hopes up going through this craziness. Hopefully it ends up with a bfp soon. I'm on 19dpo ugh!!!
Mrs maybe it's one of those times where our bodies gear up for O and don't actually O so you might be O'ing sometime soon since you didn't before. If you don't get your bfp I agree I would def start temping. I was skeptical at first too because it seems like too much of a hassle but it did make me feel better having my temps confirm O. But I'm also worried beings the last 2 months I got positive opk's and my temps never confirmed it so perhaps I'm not always O'ing and that worries me.

Thanks Liz! That gives me a little bit of hope. And thanks to all of you, you have really kept my hopes up going through this craziness. Hopefully it ends up with a bfp soon. I'm on 19dpo ugh!!!

TTC I think you're right. That makes those positives make sense, and since the u/s tech confirmed I was close to O'ing we're just going to keep :sex: lol. Now I wish I was temping so I knew when it happened. Oh well, for now we'll just be like bunnies.

That is curious, I don't want to say you might not being O'ing but if temping isn't confirming it it's really hard to say... but with your temps this month you definitely have O'd without question. Staying hopeful for you!

Dragonfly, I like your style!

Ha, thanks Xanzaba :)

I wanted to ask you if after your ultrasounds if you were sore? I was only a little tender until I woke up at 3am with serious cramping in both my ovaries :( It was like an awful stomach ache but in my ovaries rather than my stomach. It hurt so much I woke DH up and he told me it was just because of the u/s and I was alright so eventually I was able to get back to sleep. I haven't had any spotting that they said might happen, and now I'm aching off an on but no where near as bad. Is this normal?
Hi Dragonfly- I haven't ever had discomfort, but I hear that I am not the norm. Did you have one with saline or dye? Those are supposed to be the most uncomfortable. It could also be ovulation pain. Have you ever had ovulation cramps? If you have follicles on both sides, that might explain it...

Last week when I had the IUI I had cramps. They warn you about them but I never had. I actually thought it might be a good sign, but who knows :)
Hi Dragonfly- I haven't ever had discomfort, but I hear that I am not the norm. Did you have one with saline or dye? Those are supposed to be the most uncomfortable. It could also be ovulation pain. Have you ever had ovulation cramps? If you have follicles on both sides, that might explain it...

Last week when I had the IUI I had cramps. They warn you about them but I never had. I actually thought it might be a good sign, but who knows :)

Lucky you for being out of the norm then!:haha: There wasn't any dye used, that wont be until a later date, for now it was just a plain old ultrasound. I was on the phone with DH while I was laying in bed and he said maybe the tech knocked my follicles loose:rofl: He's great. So I'm really hoping that they're turning into ovulation pains, but when they started this morning it was more intense than I'm used to for ovulation.

I hope it was a good sign for you:thumbup: How are you doing today?
Mrs maybe it's one of those times where our bodies gear up for O and don't actually O so you might be O'ing sometime soon since you didn't before. If you don't get your bfp I agree I would def start temping. I was skeptical at first too because it seems like too much of a hassle but it did make me feel better having my temps confirm O. But I'm also worried beings the last 2 months I got positive opk's and my temps never confirmed it so perhaps I'm not always O'ing and that worries me.

Thanks Liz! That gives me a little bit of hope. And thanks to all of you, you have really kept my hopes up going through this craziness. Hopefully it ends up with a bfp soon. I'm on 19dpo ugh!!!

TTC I think you're right. That makes those positives make sense, and since the u/s tech confirmed I was close to O'ing we're just going to keep :sex: lol. Now I wish I was temping so I knew when it happened. Oh well, for now we'll just be like bunnies.

That is curious, I don't want to say you might not being O'ing but if temping isn't confirming it it's really hard to say... but with your temps this month you definitely have O'd without question. Staying hopeful for you!

Dragonfly, I like your style!

Ha, thanks Xanzaba :)

I wanted to ask you if after your ultrasounds if you were sore? I was only a little tender until I woke up at 3am with serious cramping in both my ovaries :( It was like an awful stomach ache but in my ovaries rather than my stomach. It hurt so much I woke DH up and he told me it was just because of the u/s and I was alright so eventually I was able to get back to sleep. I haven't had any spotting that they said might happen, and now I'm aching off an on but no where near as bad. Is this normal?

Keep on bd'ing until you get the bfp lol. Thanks hun, I'm trying to stay hopeful but each day I'm getting more discouraged. Getting very tempted to take the vitex and see what happens. I tested with a FRER and bfn I don't know what the heck my body is doing. Hope you are feeling better now, maybe it's a good sign!! FX for you!!
That's the plan:winkwink:

Have you looked into how vitex affects early pregnancy? I don't know much about it so I can't give any advice. One option you could do is call a doctors office in your area and just ask questions over the phone and see their thoughts before deciding on something. I know lots of doctors call poopoo on vitamins and supplments so you could call a supplement store or a midwife and get their opinions.
That's the plan:winkwink:

Have you looked into how vitex affects early pregnancy? I don't know much about it so I can't give any advice. One option you could do is call a doctors office in your area and just ask questions over the phone and see their thoughts before deciding on something. I know lots of doctors call poopoo on vitamins and supplments so you could call a supplement store or a midwife and get their opinions.

When I got the vitex at the vitamin store I got it they recommended it after researching different things I could take to help with getting pregnant. They are the ones that told me do not take the vitex during pregnancy and once there was a chance of pregnancy to stop taking it immediately that's why I have put off taking it but I'm thinking I should take so I can start my next cycle. I'm thinking I won't get my bfp and my body is just doing some craziness stuff because I had such a small chance of a bfp anyway because of only bd'ing once.
So I seen this other post about being overweight and ttc so I checked it out. But the point of saying that is a girl posted a link about helping egg quality and figured I would share it. https://natural-fertility-info.com/increase-egg-health

I'm going to check out the maca, royal jelly and L-arginine that the article lists and see what what I can find out thru research. Have any of you heard of or taken any of them??
TTC - With that suggestion I wouldn't take it then since I would still say there's a chance, but listen to your intuition about it. Did your temp today give you anymore insight? Thanks for the link, I'm going to check it out! I haven't heard of any of those things lol, but I am looking forward to reading up on them.:thumbup:

Ok ladies, I need help. I decided to swear off opk's but the aching I had all day faded and now just my left side is hurting to no end, worse than the pains I usually feel. Anyways, I took an opk because let's face it, I'm a poas addict, and it's with a FR. I think it might be positive, do you think the test line looks darker than the control? I hope this is it! We bd last night and I told DH we should bd again tonight when he's home from work, although he might want to wait until tomorrow to do so.


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TTC - With that suggestion I wouldn't take it then since I would still say there's a chance, but listen to your intuition about it. Did your temp today give you anymore insight? Thanks for the link, I'm going to check it out! I haven't heard of any of those things lol, but I am looking forward to reading up on them.:thumbup:

Ok ladies, I need help. I decided to swear off opk's but the aching I had all day faded and now just my left side is hurting to no end, worse than the pains I usually feel. Anyways, I took an opk because let's face it, I'm a poas addict, and it's with a FR. I think it might be positive, do you think the test line looks darker than the control? I hope this is it! We bd last night and I told DH we should bd again tonight when he's home from work, although he might want to wait until tomorrow to do so.

I think I'm just being impatient, I want answers now lol. My temp dropped but not to coverline. I didn't get a chance to read about them yet but I will. Just the little bit I read was interesting stuff. My cm is back. TMI but there's tons of it. I thought I had finally started AF because it had dried up a little but now it's worse than before. I think I read some women get that before AF? Some before bfp? Who knows!! I never get cm except when it's time to O so I took an opk and no smiley.
Looking at your pic I'm not sure which one is the control line but the one closest to the writing looks lighter. Hope that helps!!
Dragonfly, that looks positive to me.

TTC- I really think this cycle is very weird. Have you still been having enhanced sense of smell and fatigue? Any nausea?
Dragonfly, that looks positive to me.

TTC- I really think this cycle is very weird. Have you still been having enhanced sense of smell and fatigue? Any nausea?

I think it's been very weird as well!! YES! Smells are really getting to me but especially orange juice ugh. And I haven't been nauseous too much but today I woke up nauseous, for the first time. I'm trying to sip tea to help it but it's not helping much. Also, my lines on FF turned to dotted lines :( Probably because I'm so far past O

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