drsquid - good luck with the beta!! Let us know as soon as you hear anything.
flybaby - when are you going to test?!
s08 - I've done acupuncture a lot over the years and while it has always helped my cycle in one way or another, I've never gotten a bfp from it. Worth it if you can afford it though. I've always had to quit after some time because of cost. It's not painful at all, and very relaxing. Enjoy it!!
Hello! I'm on day 10 PO today - it seems like there are a few of us right around here. I don't have any symptoms other than bronchitis, yes a strange symptom I know! My husband says I sound pregnant. I had almost forgotten but I got bronchitis when I was 3 months pregnant with my daughter and it did not go away until the day after she was born. So, hoping! Otherwise I am just annoyed to be coughing all the time, LOL. It's my anniversary today too
neg beta. docs wants to do an us before starting another round of femara. however, he likes to start day 2... so timing is super goofy if i dont have a full period by tomorrow. timorrow as day 1 would work better for me though.. sigh, super down
neg beta. docs wants to do an us before starting another round of femara. however, he likes to start day 2... so timing is super goofy if i dont have a full period by tomorrow. timorrow as day 1 would work better for me though.. sigh, super down
drsquid - did you get an actual number on your beta results? My result came in at a 3 from this morning. I'm only 9dpo, so it could be good news or not. Getting retested on monday.
Hi Ladies!
I've been away for a while (and haven't posted in forever!), but just read through and think I am caught up. I am a little rushed today, but wanted to let you all know I'm keeping tabs on everyone and have my fingers crossed for you all!
AFM, I'm on my 5th month of femara 2.5 (and second month of bravelle and ovidrel trigger). We opted not to do another IUI this month and are saving our pennies for IVF in March/April. I have my CD 10 follie check this afternoon after my first acupuncture appt. I'm a little nervous about it, and don't usually buy into the eastern medicine thing for some reason, but thought it couldn't hurt. And my clinic recommends it. Anyone else do acupuncture?
Good luck everyone!
Just jumped over to first trimester thread in hope of finding mrscompass there which I didn't ( if anyone has heard how she is going please let me know ) and it was such a big mistake. There is girls whinging about being sick and getting fat etc etc. Oh boo hoo poor you!!!! Sorry but I needed to vent....