Flybaby - Congrats!!!
How many dpo did you test?
Iwantmyturn - I had a serious fear of making any purchases. Even when I was pregnant, I didn't buy a thing until I was 7 months along (and it was a crib - couldn't buy clothes or anything like that til I was almost due). I've heard of people that decorate their nurseries and all that - in fact, in adoption training, they suggested doing that. I could never bring myself to do that. And I'm SO glad! It's been almost 6 years since we started the adoption process (and 3 since we quit) and if I had a nursery all this time, I think it would have been the end of me. So I like flybaby's suggestion - buy a pack of diapers or something you can give as a gift to someone else later on if you decide you've been holding on to them too long. Of course, you're going to have your bfp very soon, right?!