OH has officially given his notice now. Unfortunately, it's a bit later than planned, so our dates might not work out as we hoped. He wants to leave a couple weeks between jobs where the first week would just be the week he has of annual leave at his current job, and then a week where he doesn't have a job either place so he doesn't have to use annual leave (because there are other things booked already later in the year).
The main problem is, his last day of work might be the day before Good Friday- which isn't good for the plan of getting married in Gibraltar for the start of the trip because all the government offices, such as the registry office, will be shut until the following Tuesday. But, if we push it back a week later, it goes into our last week of teaching, which I can't miss. And later than that, OH would have to start his new job by then and can't start and then go on holiday right away.
OH said he'll get all the dates and annual leave firmed up with his boss tomorrow, and then we can worry about how we're going to do it. It doesn't look like our original plan will work though unless they let him go a week earlier.
Other options are to have the honeymoon first and then get married at the end of the trip, which wouldn't bother me but I like the idea of having the trip as a celebration of getting married and putting just married signs on the campervan, or to get married here in a registry office during the week and then just do the trip as planned, though I think that wedding would be a real let down!