Fireworks Will Fly With BFPs In July!

The good news: My hubby found the part we need for our car for $500. He watched a you tube video and said it is really easy to put into the car. So instead of the $1800 the dealership wants we can fix it for $500... and then HOPEFULLY our problems with the car are OVER! If so we will keep driving it while casually trying to sell it and only sell it if we are offered something good.

As for the rental car we were driving: We are hoping the guy takes blame for it (since it was his fault). However the good things is we have a big company (Volvo dealership) on our side. So I think it will be just fine. Volvo told us assuming he take blame then we wont be involved at all... they would handle everything else.

Sorry I have had such a headache for all of this that I haven't wanted to look at my phone or computer screens... so I have to catch up with you chatty divas!!

Also, good-ish news.... mom has a second interview today with a company and she has a first interview tomorrow with another company. Crossing my fingers she starts a job in 2-ish weeks. However, grandma is headed here in a week ... which is exciting... but mom said she has $0 in her bank account for when she is here and asked to barrow a few hundred $. Sometimes money stresses me out.. but it will all work out!
Ash, I def see something!!! I can't wait to see FRER's and digi's!!

Waves, how are you doing in your parents? is all okay there?

Morgan, sorry about the bfn! 100miu is sooo not sensitive though.

Cassidy, I would maybe test again?

AFM, No AF yet. I lost my wallet, can't find my keys, and have tons of laundry to do, so I called in sick to work today. Currently in bed watching The Hills reruns while OH cuddles with me :) . I haven't had a day off in forever so its really nice to just chill. I'm going to do a whole lot of laundry and that is about it! OH is home today too, so its nice to have some relaxed time with him! We may go on a hike or bike ride later, too.

I haven't tested again or had blood drawn. I will go, as soon as I find my keys! haha.

Happy Friday Ladies!
I hope I see something on the FRERs and Digis! Don't want to waste them though, so going to wait until Sunday. No talking me out of it! lol

Lucky you! I wish I was home with DH today. So does he, I'm sure lol. Every morning at 5am he wakes up and says "are you sure I shouldn't cal in today?" lol. Find your keys already! I wanna see some blood results! lol

mornign chicas...

Ashlee i c sth...let it bcom a solid line already...jeezz

Cassidy i wud defly say test again...bcos this is exactly wat had happened to me in feb this my period for 2.5 days..thought alls normal...went and got HSG done thinking i was not pg bcos of tht stupid af and then 2 days after hsg test dono wat made me test and bam ...bfp...

Nothing much goin on in my end...5 day of provera....booorrriiiiinnnggg....although tonight oh and me r goin for a jet boat excursion....his company keeps giving aways this passes to diff kinds of social events....lotsa im defly looking forward to tht ...

Happy Friday everyone :flower:
I know right!?! I just want a solid line...too much to ask? I don't think so... Jet boat excursion sounds fun!

Ashlee- I don't see anything but then again, I never seem too lol.


Amanda- That sounds wonderful. DH works ALLLLLL the time. He technically has 3 jobs. 2 of them could be counted as 1 but he gets paid from 2 different companies. He does the maintenance for an apartment complex. 1 place pays him to fix the inside, another pays him to fix the outside. When the weekend comes all we want to do is stay home and cuddle lol.

AFM- No af but I'm not surprised. I am over stressing about it. I am just going to relax until it comes. Might go get some new white undies this weekend though and test out the new undies theory. I went for another 3 mile bike ride this morning and OMG my legs are sore! I was not able to push myself like I did yesterday. Still loved it though :). Will probably go for another bike ride with the hurbs later.

Lol no worries. I think I have crazy line eye anyway. AF probably is getting put off even more by your stressing :? Try and do relaxing stuff this weekend, maybe it will help.


Lol I hope I don't waste one tonight (is it even possible to get a bfp at 8DPO?) but DEF TOMORROW AM :)

I am now feeling very out lol.. my symptoms subsided. And I remember last month I had cramps for a week after O (I think I have very high progestrone, AKA symptoms..) and then they vanished at 8 DPO. Poop. Come on rainbow baby.

Hold off on the testing! I know it's hard but multiple BFNs is worse than waiting to test and you're not out till the :witch shows! You're only at 8DPO girl! lol, try to be more patient ;)

I took a FRER yesterday with a BFN. I'm just sooooo confused. My AF always, always lasts 4 or 5 days. Wtf is going on body?!?!?! Last night I got super light-headed and almost passed out just walking to the kitchen too. Hmmmmmm.

Hmmm that's super weird. Maybe your hormones are a little wacky or something? The 2 days you bled, were they like the normal first 2 days of AF?
Haha Cassidy, Ashlee, and Amanda I wish I could virtually hand you these 3 FRER's I have, you need em more!!!

And Sonia- I know, my DH is still at home all day while I work.. I miss him all day and it's so great coming home to him and my mini family! Lol I can't imagine not seeing him. He's like my bff and before we got married we spent 3 STRAIGHT YEARS being together EVERY SINGLE DAY. And we lived in separate houses! Lol and I used to run away to his house in high school, too!

Awh I wanna go home now. Lol my hubs and puppy always take my mind off of PingOAS and SSing..

Oh btw Kilo is 37 lbs now. At 4.5 months!! Lol he is going to be a killer I just know it ;)
The good news: My hubby found the part we need for our car for $500. He watched a you tube video and said it is really easy to put into the car. So instead of the $1800 the dealership wants we can fix it for $500... and then HOPEFULLY our problems with the car are OVER! If so we will keep driving it while casually trying to sell it and only sell it if we are offered something good.

As for the rental car we were driving: We are hoping the guy takes blame for it (since it was his fault). However the good things is we have a big company (Volvo dealership) on our side. So I think it will be just fine. Volvo told us assuming he take blame then we wont be involved at all... they would handle everything else.

Sorry I have had such a headache for all of this that I haven't wanted to look at my phone or computer screens... so I have to catch up with you chatty divas!!

Also, good-ish news.... mom has a second interview today with a company and she has a first interview tomorrow with another company. Crossing my fingers she starts a job in 2-ish weeks. However, grandma is headed here in a week ... which is exciting... but mom said she has $0 in her bank account for when she is here and asked to barrow a few hundred $. Sometimes money stresses me out.. but it will all work out!
Hopefully that guy will admit to being at fault! That's super sucky to get hit again right after you got hit in your own car :? Also, great news about your mom's interviews! And honestly, who doesn't get stressed out by money lol the majority of us will be stressing out about it for the rest of our lives but it all works out!
Ugh I have no clue why my body would be acting up. I haven't changed anything!! Grrrrr. And idk. It's was a weird AF. 1st day was medium flow, 2nd day was heavy but there weren't clots like I normally have (teeny tiny ones, but I usually have some decent ones in there on day 2 and 3 of AF lol) So i'm just sooo confused. PLUS that crazy dream I had on top of it just trips me out. Now of course I am doing research and have found women saying they had what they thought was a 2 day AF and ended up getting a BFP like a week later, or of course those ladies who tested negative on urine tests but finally went and got a blood test and it was positive. I'm just looking too much into it hahaha i'm sure it's just my body messing with me.

FX for BFPs morgan, amanda, and ashlee!!!!!

Nikki- so glad to hear you are ok! FX your mom gets the job! And that the other driver rightfully takes the blame!!

Nichole- grrr i'm sorry this cycle is being such a pain in the ass for you. FX AF shows soon.. or ya know.. a BFP ;)
Ugh I have no clue why my body would be acting up. I haven't changed anything!! Grrrrr. And idk. It's was a weird AF. 1st day was medium flow, 2nd day was heavy but there weren't clots like I normally have (teeny tiny ones, but I usually have some decent ones in there on day 2 and 3 of AF lol) So i'm just sooo confused. PLUS that crazy dream I had on top of it just trips me out. Now of course I am doing research and have found women saying they had what they thought was a 2 day AF and ended up getting a BFP like a week later, or of course those ladies who tested negative on urine tests but finally went and got a blood test and it was positive. I'm just looking too much into it hahaha i'm sure it's just my body messing with me.

FX for BFPs morgan, amanda, and ashlee!!!!!

Nikki- so glad to hear you are ok! FX your mom gets the job! And that the other driver rightfully takes the blame!!

Nichole- grrr i'm sorry this cycle is being such a pain in the ass for you. FX AF shows soon.. or ya know.. a BFP ;)

My mom had some pretty intense bleeding and even had clots and she was pregnant. It's definitely not unheard of. I say if AF doesn't figure itself out in the next couple days get a blood draw. I kinda wish you were temping so we could see where you're at with that lol
Hahaha I know! I didn't do anything this cycle and now am wishing I have! I'll see if AF decides to 'reappear' lol. If not i'll probably wait a week and test and see what happens. Idk really, i'm just confused! lmao
Hahaha I know! I didn't do anything this cycle and now am wishing I have! I'll see if AF decides to 'reappear' lol. If not i'll probably wait a week and test and see what happens. Idk really, i'm just confused! lmao
Yea, that is really confusing. Hopefully it gets figured out soon!

The blood test thing reminded me though, did you apply for SP insurance yet? I gave Chad the papers last week and he didn't turn them in until Tuesday :? figures....he's not the best at doing things on time as you know lol
Nikki- I really hope the guys owns up to it being his fault. I'll keep my fingers crossed that your mom gets the job!

Cassidy- Thanks :) I doubt I'll get a bfp because my temp was supper low yesterday. Like pre O low. I kinda just don't care anymore. My body keeps tricking me with AF like craps so I am just going to ignore it and go with the flow.

How confusing with your af! I hope it stays away and you get your :bfp:

AFM- I feel like I have accomplished a lot already today and it's not even 11am! I've rode 3 miles, took my shower, did some laundry, paid bills, and planned the meal and dessert for my mom's b-day tomorrow. Now to go get the groceries lol. I love how good I feel after these bike rides.
No I haven't gotten on SP's insurance yet. Kevin's being weird about it because he is on disability right now. I told him it doesn't matter!!! lol.
No I haven't gotten on SP's insurance yet. Kevin's being weird about it because he is on disability right now. I told him it doesn't matter!!! lol.

Yea, seriously. They gave him a leave so it shouldn't matter. And what's the worst that could happen, they say no? At least you tried! And I'm pretty sure you have to apply within 30 days otherwise you have to wait until open enrollment or something? At least I know you have to do that for a baby after it's born. I think it's the same with marriage. He needs to look into it though. 30 days is only a couple days away for you guys!

Also, I think they consider pregnancy a pre-existing condition so if you got pregnant then applied for it they would probably deny you :?
I didn't know that! Grrrrr I asked him if there was a certain time period we had to apply for it or if they only do it on open enrollment and he was like "No you can do it anytime." Grrrrr I should know better than to trust his word!!! Lol
I wish that I was temping right now too! Cassidy, maybe that was a late IB? Totally TMI, but sometimes my period is heavy for 2-3 days, then lightens up enough to make me think that its gone, so we will have sex and then I start bleeding mid sex. awkward!

Ashlee, Still waiting to see your FRER! OH always pulls me back into bed as I am leaving for work most days and goes "are you sure you dont want to stay home and snuggle me?". I have been working at the new company for long enough to finally have vaca/sick time, so im taking advantage of it. I have done like 6 loads of laundry so far, cleaned both of the bathrooms, and started a big pot of puerto rican beans that take all day to cook. No wallet yet :/ but OH is going to the gym soon and maybe I can go with and get my blood drawn while we are out.

Morgan, Aw. I used to work from home and would spend nearly all day with OH. I loved it! We would have lunch at home together every day and it was heavenly :)

Nichole, boo for this cycle being so strange!! I wish you knew what was going on. Are you still trying to avoid using provera to bring on AF? I want you to start clomid!!!

My boobs hurt and are huuuuge. They're super tingly today, and were tingly last night. TMI but my nipples are really big and dark. Typical for AF and preggo for me, so we shall see.

I'm still in Pj's and haven't even brushed my teeth yet. Its just one of those lazy days...and i am looooving it!
Cassidy- I hope its IB! My bestfriend had cancer in her uterus and had to get like 3/4ths of it removed (she also had PCOS). Basically was told she can't get prego. Well she and her BF decided to just do unprotected stuff so they can "try". Well her AF arrived and lasted 2 days. She didn't really think anything of it because she wasn't really tracking anything. 2 weeks after she was throwing up like crazy and got a BFP.

Amanda and Ashlee- I hope you get a BFP ASAP!

Sonia and Nicole- you should have the "red" party someone had a few months back.... I think DH and her wore red shirts, had red pasta sauce (and pasta) for dinner and had red wine... bring on the AFs!

Julie- have fun for me too! JEALOUS!

AFM, insurance guy called hubbs back. Sounds like they are taking blame!!! We are free and clear of the accident. Volvo told us not to worry and they will deal with EVERYTHING from her on out with the other guys insurance. YAY! Day is getting a bit better already. Mom said interview went really well... she said the owner is putting together an offer that she will get by beginning of next week by the latest! I hope its a good offer and she can start beginning of Aug!
Ashlee and Cassidy- I don't know what insurance you are talking about but, obama made a law that pregnancy will NEVER be considered preexisting condition. I know this because HOPEFULLY i will be changing to DH's insurance soon and I am prego.
I went to e-mail my doctor yesterday about my AF being a no show but she's out until the 22nd. If it's still not here by then I am going to talk to her about my options.
Everyone always asks me how I can stand working with DH. I love it!!! We can have lunch together. We both know all the work gossip, so we can chat about it together. We drive to work together. I know where to find him when I need him... I LOVE IT. We work in different labs so we also can get time apart when needed.
I didn't know that! Grrrrr I asked him if there was a certain time period we had to apply for it or if they only do it on open enrollment and he was like "No you can do it anytime." Grrrrr I should know better than to trust his word!!! Lol

Make him go pick up the papers today! lol They should also give him the papers to make you his beneficiary in case of a work accident and a life insurance paper. Which he better list you as his beneficiary instead of his mom this time lmao.

I wish that I was temping right now too! Cassidy, maybe that was a late IB? Totally TMI, but sometimes my period is heavy for 2-3 days, then lightens up enough to make me think that its gone, so we will have sex and then I start bleeding mid sex. awkward!

Ashlee, Still waiting to see your FRER! OH always pulls me back into bed as I am leaving for work most days and goes "are you sure you dont want to stay home and snuggle me?". I have been working at the new company for long enough to finally have vaca/sick time, so im taking advantage of it. I have done like 6 loads of laundry so far, cleaned both of the bathrooms, and started a big pot of puerto rican beans that take all day to cook. No wallet yet :/ but OH is going to the gym soon and maybe I can go with and get my blood drawn while we are out.

Morgan, Aw. I used to work from home and would spend nearly all day with OH. I loved it! We would have lunch at home together every day and it was heavenly :)

Nichole, boo for this cycle being so strange!! I wish you knew what was going on. Are you still trying to avoid using provera to bring on AF? I want you to start clomid!!!

My boobs hurt and are huuuuge. They're super tingly today, and were tingly last night. TMI but my nipples are really big and dark. Typical for AF and preggo for me, so we shall see.

I'm still in Pj's and haven't even brushed my teeth yet. Its just one of those lazy days...and i am looooving it!

Lol I'm trying to not look at the FRER for now. It's calling my name but I think I would just be wasting it to take it today. I wish I was at home cleaning and doing laundry today. I'm so overdue on both :? I think you should go with OH and get your blood drawn ;)

Cassidy- I hope its IB! My bestfriend had cancer in her uterus and had to get like 3/4ths of it removed (she also had PCOS). Basically was told she can't get prego. Well she and her BF decided to just do unprotected stuff so they can "try". Well her AF arrived and lasted 2 days. She didn't really think anything of it because she wasn't really tracking anything. 2 weeks after she was throwing up like crazy and got a BFP.

Amanda and Ashlee- I hope you get a BFP ASAP!

Sonia and Nicole- you should have the "red" party someone had a few months back.... I think DH and her wore red shirts, had red pasta sauce (and pasta) for dinner and had red wine... bring on the AFs!

Julie- have fun for me too! JEALOUS!

AFM, insurance guy called hubbs back. Sounds like they are taking blame!!! We are free and clear of the accident. Volvo told us not to worry and they will deal with EVERYTHING from her on out with the other guys insurance. YAY! Day is getting a bit better already. Mom said interview went really well... she said the owner is putting together an offer that she will get by beginning of next week by the latest! I hope its a good offer and she can start beginning of Aug!
Thanks! I really hope I get one soon too! So glad you and your hubby are all clear in the accident and that your mom's interview went well!
Slowly dragging my butt up and Ill probably go for a run and then go to the lab. OH is going to take batting practice in a little bit, and I'm hoping he will let me take his car and drop him off, then go to the lab. my keys are still AWOL! my wallet too. uggh.
Wow this board is so quiet today compared to yesterday lol.

Amanda, OH better let you use his car to go to the lab! lol Bummer that your keys and wallet are still missing :? wonder here they could have gone

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