first cycle actively trying (June 2015)

It's really hard but you have the right attitude! You just can't let it win.
Damn I am having so many O symptoms that I couldn't help but look at my journal and see what day was cd1. I thought I was only like CD10 which would be super early for me to O. Looks like I am cd12 today which is usually the day I O when I O early. (Normal for me is cd14). Had some semen discharge with the ewcm so hopefully it's still ready and waiting! I already told dh if he is feeling up for it we should :sex: between his jobs today or he needs to wake me up when he gets home. I think if we don't dtd before he goes to his second job, I'll go to bed naked to make sure I get my way :winkwink: hehe.
Damn I am having so many O symptoms that I couldn't help but look at my journal and see what day was cd1. I thought I was only like CD10 which would be super early for me to O. Looks like I am cd12 today which is usually the day I O when I O early. (Normal for me is cd14). Had some semen discharge with the ewcm so hopefully it's still ready and waiting! I already told dh if he is feeling up for it we should :sex: between his jobs today or he needs to wake me up when he gets home. I think if we don't dtd before he goes to his second job, I'll go to bed naked to make sure I get my way :winkwink: hehe.

LOL!! That's the way to do it. I always sleep that way, I do not like sleeping with clothes on.
Haha Gina you crack me up, and I really needed a good laugh today so thank you :)

As for anxiety, I'm a big proponent of Mindfulness and well of course as you read before, ACT, but mindfulness is probably easier to follow on your own. Although, I'm a psychologist, this rec is from personal experience. I also previously struggled with going places, like the gym, on my own. Panic attacks are the worst, but getting mad at yourself for having them just adds fuel to the fire. Accepting where your at and taking small steps can go a long way. I tackled it behaviorally before going on bcp, and hadn't felt anxious in nearly a decade. Coming off of bcp now I get spikes, but they're super predictable and once I realize it's just hormones I can relax.
Haha Gina you crack me up, and I really needed a good laugh today so thank you :)

As for anxiety, I'm a big proponent of Mindfulness and well of course as you read before, ACT, but mindfulness is probably easier to follow on your own. Although, I'm a psychologist, this rec is from personal experience. I also previously struggled with going places, like the gym, on my own. Panic attacks are the worst, but getting mad at yourself for having them just adds fuel to the fire. Accepting where your at and taking small steps can go a long way. I tackled it behaviorally before going on bcp, and hadn't felt anxious in nearly a decade. Coming off of bcp now I get spikes, but they're super predictable and once I realize it's just hormones I can relax.

I never had anxiety so bad until about six months ago. We had a car accident (my second one, first was much worse) but start that my anxiety went full force. I couldn't sleep because I was so afraid I wouldn't wake up. I wouldn't take any sort of medicine because I was afraid I'd have an allergic reaction even though I never did before (same with eating nuts and peanut butter). It's gotten much better but there are still days that it will choke on so strong it takes a few days to come down from it.
Hi girls!

Yesterday I spoke with the nurse from my REs office. My next appt is on the 25th, where we'll do an the follicle tracking, and as of yesterday I'll be doing a trigger shot to release the egg. I think it'll really help me because I kinda feel like that's the problem I have sometimes, I get an almost positive OPK but never a true positive so I feel like it's that I get to that final phase and then it doesn't release. So I'm feeling very optimistic and happy that I think it will work -- but I know to keep in mind a bfn is very much possible. Trying so hard to not get my hopes up, and it's hard. I just want this so freaking badly. I read that multiple statistics are 10% percent with clomid, and 30% with the hcg shot, so we talked about that last night and got all excited. So, CD 2 here, starting clomud tomorrow daily for 5 days, going for the appt/shot on the 25th, will O between 12-48 hours after that, then the 2ww. Anndd, I can't test early because the hcg from the shot will still be in my system so possible false positive.

I'm a big ball of emotions here lol
Hi girls!

Yesterday I spoke with the nurse from my REs office. My next appt is on the 25th, where we'll do an the follicle tracking, and as of yesterday I'll be doing a trigger shot to release the egg. I think it'll really help me because I kinda feel like that's the problem I have sometimes, I get an almost positive OPK but never a true positive so I feel like it's that I get to that final phase and then it doesn't release. So I'm feeling very optimistic and happy that I think it will work -- but I know to keep in mind a bfn is very much possible. Trying so hard to not get my hopes up, and it's hard. I just want this so freaking badly. I read that multiple statistics are 10% percent with clomid, and 30% with the hcg shot, so we talked about that last night and got all excited. So, CD 2 here, starting clomud tomorrow daily for 5 days, going for the appt/shot on the 25th, will O between 12-48 hours after that, then the 2ww. Anndd, I can't test early because the hcg from the shot will still be in my system so possible false positive.

I'm a big ball of emotions here lol
Huge fx this is your cycle
Gina- haha we tell ourself we won't focus n ovulation and take it easy but then we see the signs so it's hard not to. XD

AFM AF is 3 days late now but still bfn.. longest cycle I've had was 29 and Friday will be CD29 so if AF is still a no show then I will test with a frer.
Bbs starting getting tender yesterday and today my nipples started.. cervix is still high and soft.

Can't wait to see what happens till friday ^^
Wifey sounds so promising this month!! That's so exciting!! Can't wait to see your bfp! :) I really hope it works out but I get trying to keep your hopes down. Hope you don't have too many side effects with the clomid. I've never understood the trigger shot. How does injecting hcg (a hormone that stops you from ovulating) make you ovulate? Chemistry is weird lol.

Ahh vel FX so tight for you! That witch better not be hiding around the corner. Can't wait to see your test!

Afm dtd last night, instead of monday. DH wasn't feeling it Monday. So he finished Saturday night and last night. I ovulated probably Monday or Tuesday so hopefully some :spermy: made it. I still had fertile symptoms Tuesday and the egg lives for 12-24 hours after ovulation so hopefully it was still there. If dh doesn't hurt himself again riding tonight we will continue to dtd every other day or so for another week or so just to be sure. The original app I used to use says I will O tomorrow. FF said Monday and I had fertile signs Monday but wanting to cover all my bases. I actually tried to take an Opk test Monday night and found I'm all out of my cheap ones :haha: took my only cb advanced digi one but I was impatient so it was only a 2 hr hold with 80 oz of water drunk that day so it was obviously negative lol. O well. It was nice not having any clue until my body told me. I won't test until the 31st. That is the latest af date any app is giving me so if she isn't here by then I'll test. No testing early for me! (Even tho I did buy 6 old style frers last month :blush: )
Gina, you are cracking me up too! Haha! In a good way :D Going to bed naked is a for sure way to get what you want!! Your BD seems spot on, I hope you catch a sticky one. The 31st will be here before you know it. I'm reading as much as possible about the trigger shot, and like you said chemisty makes no sense. But the success rates seem great and it is tried and true. When I go in for the appt I'll inquire more about that and let you know how they rationalize it. Going to call the pharmacy today to see how much it will cost. DH is still feeling like this will be it, too. :) Staying humble though. Oh, and I'm in Ohio - where are you?!

Sounds promising, Vel! But as we talked about, either way you'll be a happy girl :) It's selfish of me, but I totally hope you get your BFP then I get mine - I want my bump buddy! haha! Just keep on testing girlfriend <3

Thank you, GaGrl! I feel so positive about it! I hope this is it. It's going to be such a hard TWW. I think I will pick up a bunch of IC's on Friday, and test daily until I get BFN and see if the BFP comes back. They'll do betas and whatnot but I want to follow along lol
First cycle TTC and what happens??? My dog eats my thermometer... :dohh: I don't think she is ready for a sibling! lol. What a week I've had also!

FX for everyone!... I'm on 10 DPO. AF has not come, cramps have subsided but I have continuous lower back pain, and mild breast pain. I feel like I need to go to the chiro!... No other symptoms. I am hopeful that if no baby at least I will be back to an average cycle for myself.
Gina, you are cracking me up too! Haha! In a good way :D Going to bed naked is a for sure way to get what you want!! Your BD seems spot on, I hope you catch a sticky one. The 31st will be here before you know it. I'm reading as much as possible about the trigger shot, and like you said chemisty makes no sense. But the success rates seem great and it is tried and true. When I go in for the appt I'll inquire more about that and let you know how they rationalize it. Going to call the pharmacy today to see how much it will cost. DH is still feeling like this will be it, too. :) Staying humble though. Oh, and I'm in Ohio - where are you?!

This thread is the first time that I have heard anything about a "trigger" shot. Also curious to know what more you learn!
Wifey I'm in CT so not TOO far! ;) my ex and I tried to drive to Ohio one night after work as a spontaneous trip. I decided Ohio when I saw it on a sign and realized I'd never been there. But we got lost and ended up going to Albany NY instead. :haha: what could be like a 3 hour drive we took like 7 hours by going all the way south and then back up. Hahaha. That was the best trip. We worked 2nd shift so Friday at midnight when we got out we just started driving with no destination in mind. Talk about out of my comfort zone! He loved forcing me to overcome my anxiety and experience new things. :) p.s. totally don't recommend a Vaca to albany. It had to be the most boring town ever! :rofl: but the Hudson River area was nice to walk around.

Anyyywayyyys, lol. Definitely let me know what you find out about the trigger. It's always confused me.

Kiki that's funny your dog doesn't want a sibling :haha: Hopefully it wasn't too expensive of one! Symptoms could be very promising! FX for you!
:rofl: Kiki, my dog would throw a fit if he knew were trying haha! We actually worry about what he'll be like when a baby comes along - he gets jealous when I pet the cat lol he always has to be the center of attention. Big baby :p

That's hilarious, Gina! Oh I'd love a random road trip. That's adorable! I've never been to Albany, but went to NYC as a kid, I'd love to go now as an adult with money to spend lol :) Ohio is beautiful, we live out in the middle of nowhere. It gets boring in the long run but it's nice to come home to peace and quiet after working in the city. Only complaint I have is the Amish - they are horrible to live around! I know they have a nice, sweet reputation but trust me, they're assholes lol oh and btw, Jeeps are kind of a big deal in these parts, lol!

In re: finishing pressure for DH, my only thought is probably the obvious - do his favorite position or do his favorite moves ;) although since it's a mental thing another idea would be to give it a pep talk, remind him you want all this BD because you love and crave him as a person, not a sperm donor. I'm sure he knows but it's nice to hear stuff like that sometimes.

I will keep you all posted on the injection, I've read so much good things about it but not so much the rationale behind it. Sounds like it's used for like 10-11 days in a row with IVF tx's, in some cases. It's going to cost me $92 for one - so for those couples there's $1k in just those injections. Scary thought.
Haha Kiki dogs are great for that right? My furbabies knocked my thermometer under the bed, but at least I could still use it. I ended up getting the easy@home thermometer. It has a nice case so no more lost thermometer.

Vel - FX for you! On pins and needles waiting for an update.

AFM: CD10 today and it's looking like I'm gearing up to O. Hoping for cd12 right on schedule! I went to a park for an assessment of a little 4 yo today, and well silly me forgot that parks are full of my number one allergy - grass. I'm so allergic to grass that my throat starts to close up when it gets in my blood stream. My medicine usually does the trick, but today I guess it was just too much grass. I haven't had that itchy of a throat in a long time and my head is still killing me. I might cave and take a Benedryl. I'm hesitant bc I've read it can dry up you ewcm and I really don't want that just before O, but I guess I can use preseed if I need to. Hate that TTC and pregnancy makes me second guess everything.
Leson hopefully one dose of benadryl will be okay. Drink lots and lots of water. That will help combat what the benadryl does.

Wifey I told my dh we are moving to Ohio because of that last line :haha: there is a good jeep following here but it's illegal to offroad on public land so kinda sucks.

So dh didn't give himself whiplash again, instead he messed up his ankle -_- spent the night in the ER. They say it's not broken but he has a really high pain tolerance and he's been whimpering all night so idk how much I believe them. So taking the day off work to make sure he stays off it so hopefully it will heal quick. Looks like no more :sex: for me lol.
Ladies I need help!... How oh how do you suggest I ween myself off of coffee??? :coffee: I love it!... I don't even use it for the caffeine necessarily - more so it is just used because it is warm and I love the taste. I do not like tea at all. I was down to around 2 cups a day but during this week (which hasn't been good at work) I am back up around 3 or 4 :blush: . I do not know what to do... I am starting to look into decaf coffee. I think if I can find some good flavors in that - then that might help. Any other ideas ladies?
Gina, you are cracking me up too! Haha! In a good way :D Going to bed naked is a for sure way to get what you want!! Your BD seems spot on, I hope you catch a sticky one. The 31st will be here before you know it. I'm reading as much as possible about the trigger shot, and like you said chemisty makes no sense. But the success rates seem great and it is tried and true. When I go in for the appt I'll inquire more about that and let you know how they rationalize it. Going to call the pharmacy today to see how much it will cost. DH is still feeling like this will be it, too. :) Staying humble though. Oh, and I'm in Ohio - where are you?!

Sounds promising, Vel! But as we talked about, either way you'll be a happy girl :) It's selfish of me, but I totally hope you get your BFP then I get mine - I want my bump buddy! haha! Just keep on testing girlfriend <3

Thank you, GaGrl! I feel so positive about it! I hope this is it. It's going to be such a hard TWW. I think I will pick up a bunch of IC's on Friday, and test daily until I get BFN and see if the BFP comes back. They'll do betas and whatnot but I want to follow along lol

I hope so too wifey xD I'd love that. We will know for sure tomorrow I'd say. ^^
Ladies I need help!... How oh how do you suggest I ween myself off of coffee??? :coffee: I love it!... I don't even use it for the caffeine necessarily - more so it is just used because it is warm and I love the taste. I do not like tea at all. I was down to around 2 cups a day but during this week (which hasn't been good at work) I am back up around 3 or 4 :blush: . I do not know what to do... I am starting to look into decaf coffee. I think if I can find some good flavors in that - then that might help. Any other ideas ladies?

I would say definitely try decaf if you just like the taste. But even when pregnant 2 cups a day is okay. It is recommended to not exceed 200 mg of caffeine a day. So maybe do half caffeine half decaf.
Kiki - Coffee for me was more of a ritual as well. I'm completely on decaf now. I just get decaf made with the Swiss water method to minimize chemicals. I had a bad headache the first day I switched, but it's been easy and fine since then. I was down to just 1, 6 oz cup in the am while pg, but the MMC gave me the motivation to quit completely. I wasn't even close to that 200 mg mark that they say is safe, but I can't help but wonder and I just want to be super safe the next time.

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