I'm glad it's working for you vel! I thought it would. It definitely helps you know exactly what's going on.
AFM I have been having the strangest dreams! Last night's dream makes me wonder if my body is telling me something.. okay now this is going to sound completely insane.

so I had a dream last night that dh and I watched this thing on TV about these white worm like things that go through people's gums. It was kinda portrayed as a disease. To get rid of them you have to swallow all of them and then pee out this huge snake like thing and then swallow that again to make sure it doesn't spread. So we watch this show, then I look at dh and he has them! And so do i! So we spend the rest of the dream trying to get rid of them but can't seem to pee them back out. Then we see a myth busters episode that says these things aren't real and we stop freaking out. I woke up needing to check my mouth it felt so real. Still kinda feel it almost 3 hours later...
So I did a little research and worms actually represent daughters (no idea why or how but that's what the Internet told me lol) so I'm wondering if the dream was telling me that there is a foreign invader or a daughter inside me. I'm really really hoping the whole trying to get rid of it doesn't mean anything like my immune system is attacking it or anything. Idk. Or maybe it was a freak dream. Just makes me wonder.
And all morning I have had this pulling pain. From right below my belly button to just above my pubic bone feels like it's being pulled. I'm not bloated or anything so idk what that's about. It's kinda high to be my uterus but maybe it has to do with it. Just more things to get my hopes up. Really hope I push these hopes back down before AF or testing. I don't wanna be crushed if it's not my month.
Fertile I can't get over that your pregnant!! I'm so happy for you!