first cycle actively trying (June 2015)

Kiki- Mmh not really.. actually one cup of coffee is ok a day but not more. I make sure that I don't drink anything more with caffeine if I had my cup. :)

Gina-- haha I slip naked in bed too when I want to dtd with df xD he loves it ^^

AFM so AF is still a no show and just had a bit of ewcm and having a bit of cramping... last night I had extreme nausea and been feeling cranky, weak and queasy all day and ready to cry at anything. My LO isn't helping... he is driving me insane today. I am literally at the end of my patience.

St. Patricks day and he is ruining it all for himself. In the morning were Going to brunch with DF's family... didn't want to eat and kept crying and whining at everything. Went home because he was being horrible.. had to stay in his room until we left for the parade ended up throwing himself on the road crying and screaming because he wanted chocolate. Told hi he didn't finish his breakfast then he won't get chocolate. Now had to go home from the effing parade because of that. Sitting here and he keeps smiling and coming out of his room thinking it's funny.

Oh pls lord help me have patience...

How is it going with you guys?
Good afternoon.. I'm thinking per my chart it looks like my body is getting ready to O.. Anyone want to add their opinions?


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So from what I can compile, the hcg trigger shot is a substitute for the LH surge - like a LH replacement. Somehow, I'm not sure, but it gives you that surge to do the final prep steps to mature the egg and release it. I will ask RE more about it on the 25th, when I went yesterday for a blood draw it's literally a 5 minute pit stop. I asked for a patient info sheet but strangely they don't have one - the nurse there thought there has to be one. So, I'll stay as Nurse Google, LPN in the meantime :rofl:

Can't wait! Paid for that bad boy this morning, gotta keep my eyes on the mail for when it comes. Eee! Also got my other meds in place for mail order, I'll get 90 day supplies cheaper than I've been paying for 30 days at the local pharmacy.

Happy Friday girls! How is everyone?
Wifey that actually makes sense. Hcg and lh are very similar in properties. Hcg can bind to lh receptors. When pg my opks were crazy dark, and they say it's bc of the hcg. It's actually the progesterone and estrogen levels that prevent O in pregnancy, not the hcg. I looked into it and it seems that lh is harder to get/produce than hcg, so that's why they do the hcg shot instead.
Hey ladies ^^

Gag- I'd say that looks like you will be ovulating but I dont know much about temping yet. Will be starting this cycle :)

Wifey-can't wait to see what happens this month ^^ FX you catch that egg ^^

AFM AF showed yesterday :( so I am out.. sadly.. but it's ok.. I am gonna do temping and digi opks and hopefully this month we will catch that egg. ^^

How do you guys put your chart in your sig?
Hey ladies ^^

Gag- I'd say that looks like you will be ovulating but I dont know much about temping yet. Will be starting this cycle :)

Wifey-can't wait to see what happens this month ^^ FX you catch that egg ^^

AFM AF showed yesterday :( so I am out.. sadly.. but it's ok.. I am gonna do temping and digi opks and hopefully this month we will catch that egg. ^^

How do you guys put your chart in your sig?

Sorry about AF :-(

Friend finder had a link to put the chart in a Sig. I use Kindara all out lets me save that on my phone as a picture.
Vel I saw your signature change yesterday. :( damn witch :hugs: and I would give you instructions but my account is on hold lol. But I know you have to do it on the computer version of the website. There is somewhere to get links and you use the one for message boards.

Wifey I suppose that makes sense can't wait to hear about everything and see your bfp!!

Afm just taking care of a broken hubby all weekend. Trying to keep him off his feet which is very hard when he's such an active guy. I have no idea how many dpo I am so I can't obsess over that at least.
Vel - I'm so sorry :hugs:. Was at least your usual cycle again?

For the chart, go to the website (you can go to it on your phone but you may need to say you want the desktop version of the page). At the top there are drop down menus, select "sharing" then "get code" and copy the code in the "chart thumbnail" box under "bbCode Code (message boards). Paste the code in your sig and voila :)
Hi ladies. Been a bit busy lately, but now being super lazy and I LOVE it. It's nice and sunny too, which is always uplifting. I cannot wait for the spring. Just seeing sunshine and little green buds on the trees has such a positive impact on my mood.

I'm currently 5DPO right now. I am feeling a lot more relaxed and less obsessive than last month :thumbup:. I was worried I wouldn't ovulate for some reason because my darkest OPK wasn't as dark as control, but my temps seem to say otherwise. I went back and changed my darkest OPK to +ve on FF because the dashed line annoyed me. I remember last month it was a little questionable whether the test line was as dark as the control line, so I guess for me it's never going to be super dark :shrug: Apparently some women are just like that. I've told myself I won't test till

Vel - sorry to hear about AF. I think temping and OPKs can make a huge difference, so I'm v. hopeful for you too. Have you used OPKs before? Also, sorry to hear your LO was acting up on St. P's day. What's funny is that for some reason I initially read "LO" as "SO" and that COMPLETELY changed the context. I thought you were really annoying with him and (for some reason) that YOU kept crying and whining when out. It wasn't till you mentioned rolling around in the road and wanting chocolate that I thought, "hang on a ssssecond..." I'm such a fool! :dohh:

Gina - FX for you! And good on ya for avoiding DPO counting etc. I'd fine that so hard to do, even if I knew it was for the best. I can't help but compare every symptom I have to my ones from last cycle on FF. I'm obsessive! Oh, and your 7-hour trip sounds awesome! I'd love to do go on road trips around the US and just check out random places. Like... what's Santa Fe like? Or Tallahassee or Rapid City? For some reason there's more appeal in doing that there than in Canada.

Wifey - trigger shot sounds super promising. Can't believe it's so expensive, though! Still, it's fascinating how far we've come with biochemistry and the amazing things we can do to help with the process of TTC.

Gag - I love the look of Kindara. I wish FF looked like that. Is it free? And I know what you posted was a few days ago, but what are you thinking now re: O?

Kiki - I drink coffee for the exact same reasons as you. I have a Nespresso machine, which makes really great coffee so it's really hard to stop. Though I will say it's stopped me from buying coffee when out, 'cause unless I buy the fancy stuff it's just not as good. Like others said, a cup a day is supposedly fine. I remember seeing a chart somewhere about the average caffeine content in the various Starbucks coffees and other brands, and I was surprised that there was a fair bit of leeway with how much you can drink (depending on the strength ofc.). I do suggest weaning off via decaf for sure. I have decaf if I ever crave more than one cup. But if you do give up, don't forget withdrawal is real! Headaches, lack of concentration, fogginess etc., but it'll go away.

Les - How are you, m'love? Sounds like you're in a good place right now. Oh, and I've also heard about the chemicals in decaf coffee though I don't really know much. Do you mind sharing your knowledge? Is there any research on how it may affect a pregnancy? I've heard there are "natural" methods of decaffeinating, but I doubt my Nespresso pucks (which are small and recyclable, btw! But I still feel bad about that... it was a gift, in my defence ;)) have been decaf'd the safe way.

<3 to you all. Hope your weekends are very pleasant so far.
Sure Jez! Good to hear from you. I was just wondering how you were doing. So for decaf - they use a chemical called ethyl acetate (EA) to remove the caffeine from the beans. They soak the beans in water, which softens the beans and dissolves the caffeine. They then take the beans out and add EA to the water. EA then binds to the caffeine, they heat the water, and EA evaporates off taking the caffeine with it. Last, they put the beans back in the water and let them absorb all of the good flavor and oil back up. The process is generally safe and the beans never really touch EA directly, but there might be small amounts left in the water. There aren't any studies on decaf in pregnancy, but the FDA classifies EA as a class C drug for pregnancy, meaning that some adverse effects were found in animal studies. It's probably safe, but after spending 5 weeks hoping and dreaming for the little bean growing inside of me only to lose him or her, I'm more in a better safe than sorry frame of mind. Swiss water method decaf is easy to find/buy so I figure why not.

I'm a bit depressed right now :cry:, but hanging in there. Not really much else to say. I just keep picturing our perfect little baby that I met in the folds of the tissue paper. I can't believe that was over a month ago. Seems I'm Oing a bit later than usual, so I'm going a bit batty waiting for that to happen and I'm a bit stressed thinking I'm back to the irregular type cycles I had off of bcp - none of which resulted in pregnancy. Hopefully they settle back down quickly. We're trying this cycle, but I'd be shocked if it happened so quickly. I'm really hoping for some time between April and June.
Hi ladies. Been a bit busy lately, but now being super lazy and I LOVE it. It's nice and sunny too, which is always uplifting. I cannot wait for the spring. Just seeing sunshine and little green buds on the trees has such a positive impact on my mood.

I'm currently 5DPO right now. I am feeling a lot more relaxed and less obsessive than last month :thumbup:. I was worried I wouldn't ovulate for some reason because my darkest OPK wasn't as dark as control, but my temps seem to say otherwise. I went back and changed my darkest OPK to +ve on FF because the dashed line annoyed me. I remember last month it was a little questionable whether the test line was as dark as the control line, so I guess for me it's never going to be super dark :shrug: Apparently some women are just like that. I've told myself I won't test till

Vel - sorry to hear about AF. I think temping and OPKs can make a huge difference, so I'm v. hopeful for you too. Have you used OPKs before? Also, sorry to hear your LO was acting up on St. P's day. What's funny is that for some reason I initially read "LO" as "SO" and that COMPLETELY changed the context. I thought you were really annoying with him and (for some reason) that YOU kept crying and whining when out. It wasn't till you mentioned rolling around in the road and wanting chocolate that I thought, "hang on a ssssecond..." I'm such a fool! :dohh:

Gina - FX for you! And good on ya for avoiding DPO counting etc. I'd fine that so hard to do, even if I knew it was for the best. I can't help but compare every symptom I have to my ones from last cycle on FF. I'm obsessive! Oh, and your 7-hour trip sounds awesome! I'd love to do go on road trips around the US and just check out random places. Like... what's Santa Fe like? Or Tallahassee or Rapid City? For some reason there's more appeal in doing that there than in Canada.

Wifey - trigger shot sounds super promising. Can't believe it's so expensive, though! Still, it's fascinating how far we've come with biochemistry and the amazing things we can do to help with the process of TTC.

Gag - I love the look of Kindara. I wish FF looked like that. Is it free? And I know what you posted was a few days ago, but what are you thinking now re: O?

Kiki - I drink coffee for the exact same reasons as you. I have a Nespresso machine, which makes really great coffee so it's really hard to stop. Though I will say it's stopped me from buying coffee when out, 'cause unless I buy the fancy stuff it's just not as good. Like others said, a cup a day is supposedly fine. I remember seeing a chart somewhere about the average caffeine content in the various Starbucks coffees and other brands, and I was surprised that there was a fair bit of leeway with how much you can drink (depending on the strength ofc.). I do suggest weaning off via decaf for sure. I have decaf if I ever crave more than one cup. But if you do give up, don't forget withdrawal is real! Headaches, lack of concentration, fogginess etc., but it'll go away.

Les - How are you, m'love? Sounds like you're in a good place right now. Oh, and I've also heard about the chemicals in decaf coffee though I don't really know much. Do you mind sharing your knowledge? Is there any research on how it may affect a pregnancy? I've heard there are "natural" methods of decaffeinating, but I doubt my Nespresso pucks (which are small and recyclable, btw! But I still feel bad about that... it was a gift, in my defence ;)) have been decaf'd the safe way.

<3 to you all. Hope your weekends are very pleasant so far.

Kindara is free and honestly I like it more than friend finder..

Here us my current chart


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Thanks guys. ^^ AF sucks but for the first time in the last 6 cycles my AF and everything is back to how I remember it to be. I have a really good feeling about this cycle. Hopefully I'll have lots of ewcm.. I used to have so much.. ^^ maybe it took that long for my body to go back to normal after the iud..

Should finally get my bbthermometer tomorrow in the mail so I can start ^^ and my blood results should be back tomorrow. I am actually quit excited about this cycle. ^^
Thanks guys. ^^ AF sucks but for the first time in the last 6 cycles my AF and everything is back to how I remember it to be. I have a really good feeling about this cycle. Hopefully I'll have lots of ewcm.. I used to have so much.. ^^ maybe it took that long for my body to go back to normal after the iud..

Should finally get my bbthermometer tomorrow in the mail so I can start ^^ and my blood results should be back tomorrow. I am actually quit excited about this cycle. ^^
I'm excited for you.. Temping has helped me a ton
Well I am out also! :coffee: ... AF arrived this AM - right on time for a 31 day cycle. As frustrating it is, I am happy that it was a normal cycle for me. When I have shorter 26 day cycles I just don't feel healthy for myself. This cycle was very informative!... I found out that I O'd on CD18 and then have a 13-day LP. My temp stayed elevated until yesterday AM when it dropped a full point. What I don't get is that even tho I did not feel overly stressed - my cycle was still different then it has ever been. I had cramps & a back ache from CD 23 on. That never happens. I usually get the 1-2days prior to AF. Also, my breasts usually hurt 1-1 1/2 weeks prior. They did not start hurting until CD 28. So confusing! Oh well. On to the next cycle. Good news is - if I have the same length of cycle I should ovulate the week my husband is home! :) FX for everyone else as they enter the TWW!

ON a different note I think I am going to take this cycle to try to cut some bad habits and start some good ones! I looked into decaf coffee and did order some. I figure 1 cup caffeinated and 1 cup decaf would be ok yet. I am also going to by the carbonated water and not drink my usually pop - so I can cut out the other portion of my caffeine. I am also going to try to start exercising some. Nothing big but maybe just hop on the elliptical for a 30 min/day. I need to start doing something & figure there is no time like the present! :)
Ah sorry Kiki! Glad you had a nice long typical cycle. I find that my symptoms are different every tww. The only reliable symptom is an anxiety spike at 2-3 DPO. My BFP cycle I had zero symptoms and was so sure I was out. As for sparkling water, I'm hooked on la croix, but I do keep dry soda on hand for when I want a treat. The cucumber flavor is my favorite. It uses cane sugar and has about 45-60 calls per can. I hate all the substitutes. I prefer natural but in moderation.

Vel - So glad you're getting back to your norm. I'm so excited for you this next month!

Oing today, TWW tomorrow. Hpts starting at 10 DPO on 3/30.
Ah sorry Kiki! Glad you had a nice long typical cycle. I find that my symptoms are different every tww. The only reliable symptom is an anxiety spike at 2-3 DPO. My BFP cycle I had zero symptoms and was so sure I was out. As for sparkling water, I'm hooked on la croix, but I do keep dry soda on hand for when I want a treat. The cucumber flavor is my favorite. It uses cane sugar and has about 45-60 calls per can. I hate all the substitutes. I prefer natural but in moderation.

Vel - So glad you're getting back to your norm. I'm so excited for you this next month!

Oing today, TWW tomorrow. Hpts starting at 10 DPO on 3/30.

Kiki- I'm sorry AF came but so glad to hear your cycle is starting to normalize and your LF is normal length.

Lesin- FX this is your cycle.. I think O will be tommorow or Tuesday for me, so I'll be joining you soon with the TWW and then we can wait impatiently together.
Hi ladies! Hope everyone had a nice weekend! It's snowing here :grr: we have been having 60-70 degree weather and now snow. New England weather sucks! Lol. But anyways I am starting to get very hopeful and I kinda wish I would stop! My allergies were acting up all day yesterday and it made me remember the last time they bothered me was while I was pregnant. Making me wonder if there is a link there. Most likely just coincidence but can't help but wonder. I don't have my normal gut feeling (most likely because I'm specifically trying not to pay attention) but I feel like I'm not alone. Like he/she is just floating around looking for a good place to dig in but hasn't implanted yet. Who knows. I've got a long wait to test still so hopefully I won't crack and test early. Trying to talk myself down and convince myself it didn't happen and that it's all just wishful thinking. The 31st is so far away.
Temp rise this am so 1 DPO today. So glad I continued tracking O. AF will likely be later since O was later. The BFNs and late AF would just crush me. Now I know for sure that a longer cycle does not mean I'm pg *phew*. I looked up the Edd and it would be 12-12. I'm not betting on it, but I think I can deal with that if it happens. My BFF just told me about this couple she knows. It took 8 months for their first and just 1 for their second. Almost wish she didn't tell me that. I can feel my hopes going up already when really I just want to be ok either way. *sigh*.

Gina - I should know around the 31st as well. Fx to us all :dust:
Hello ladies!

I'm so sorry I have not been around in a while. I was feeling depressed and defeated, and did come back to find some joy for Leson and Gina only to learn there was more heartbreak. I'm sorry I was not strong enough to be here for you at that time.

I wont be back for a little while longer, but I WILL return and see how you ladies are doing once this little snugglebug is nestled in and got a heartbeat. Yes, you read it right.
After 8 months of one cp and nothing else, I got my first, very faint positive hpt yesterday at 10/11dpo. I went crazy and took about 10 more tests up until today. All positives and getting slightly darker. Finally just confirmed it with a clearblue digital!! Still can't believe it. My first wee baby at 40yo.

I have had less symptoms this month than before! Almost none! I will share the few symptoms I have had when I return in a little while.

My head is spinning but my heart is pure bliss!!

Les - How are you? I hope you are in a good place now! FC

Gina - Keeping my fingers crossed we'll be bump buddies my dear ttc friend!

Vel, keeping my fingers crossed for you too!! Baby dust!

Magic - are you still around? I hope you're ok!

Wifey - greetings and best wishes, baby dust and good fortune!!
Oh my goodness fertile!!! I can't post much now...heading into the office to see some clients and I'm in tears now gosh darn you. I'm sooo incredibly happy for you!!! Please keep us updated. I'm doing as well as you'd expect. I miss gremlin so very much, but I'm still standing and hopeful <3. Celebrate every day you get, and hopefully you'll get 9 months and a baby in your arms. It's such an amazingly joyful time (even when you're sick). So much love and hope your way!

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