first cycle actively trying (June 2015)

Hiya ladies!

I've been MIA for a bit also. Had a bit of a rough go. Wasn't even going to seriously ttc this month but I'm about to ovulate so getting back into it.

OPK's been very useful for me. Discovered I ovulate a lot earlier than text book day 14. They do take some of the guess work out of things.

Mini, congratulations!!!! So very happy for you!! :)))))
Same ol' same ol' symptoms, lots of creamy CM, swollen and tender boobs, and some minor aches and back pains. I swear something about TTC makes the symptoms worse, because my boobs have never been as big as they have the past 3 months!

Waiting out the testing, argh. How is everyone feeling? Where are we all on our cycles?

Gina, you're testing the 17th! Our cycles are close every month, I'll probably do a cheapie test on the 18th. Hopefully we'll be bump buddies!
I tend to do that too fertile flower. I tell myself i am not trying until o time. Then i cant help it. FX it will happen for you!

Rexmom, I hope so! I feel so weird lately. I was so sure I was out until I got watery cm and was so crampy yesterday. Today I have been so nauseous. I thought it was because I ate burger King for lunch but that usually only lasts an hour or so and its been 7 hours now. Really trying not to get my hopes up because I have felt like AF was going to show all day but I can't help but hope this is it. Also the past 2 weeks my cat has not left me alone. She lays on me every chance she gets. And she does not cuddle normally! But I can't get away from her lately. Doesn't matter where I am, if there is room on my lap she will be there. I've heard animals can sense pregnancy so I'm hoping that's it and she isn't all of a sudden just super cuddly. She is my only animal that isn't fixed and is female. My other cat and dog are fixed males. Really hoping it means something.
I have been pretty busy with getting settled into our new place. It's been actually pretty good with not thinking too much about ttc and then I was at a store yesterday and saw all the cute baby stuff and i just couldn't help it.... I was so sad and annoyed that this month didn't work out and next month is still so far away. So bought some wine to drink with dinner yesterday just to get something for me to feel better. And been cuddling with my son alot although he doesn't want to with mommy xD
Bought 40 opks on amazon and a basal thermometer to start my temping for real. So starting when AF gets here. Hope everyone is doing well. My AF is due on the 20th so let's see. Got extreme pain in my right side of my leg... have never had that.. maybe new pre-AF symptom?
So I took that other HPT before I called my gyn and BFN. Not surprised. My BC just really screwed me up. I have an appt to get some tests done on the 29th, so impatiently waiting for that now... But good news, the spotting finally stopped! That makes my first AF after coming off BC an 18 day cycle and 14 day long AF... Jeez. Oh, and I got something at the Vitamin Shoppe called Vitex. I've been doing a lot of research on it and apparently it regulates your cycles, prevents miscarriage, and induces ovulation. So I started taking that today on top of my prenatals, I hope it does the trick! I could use all the help I can get. Trying to convince the hubby to get on some kind of multivitamin or zinc or SOMETHING. He's got more of a "laid-back" approach to TTC and that's just not my style haha.

But I have a feeling that even if these supplements do work, I still won't get my BFP for a couple months, since our lives about to get really stressful. We're moving to Texas here in a month or so and last time we moved, I ended up having a 47 day cycle... But keeping my fingers crossed that everything doesn't get more messed up!
@gina: your symptoms sound really promising!! keeping my fingers crossed for you!! :happydance:
Stress definitely messes with things. FX it won't take too long! I've heard good things about vitex. I agree that every little bit will help. My husband won't look anything up but if I say hey take this or don't put your phone between your legs when you drive :haha: he listens. He agrees that anything we can do to help he is up for. He just leaves it to me to find the stuff.

Last night I was making a bunch of fertility smoothies for my dh and I while he rewired the kitchen. Ended up having to go lay down. After 2 batches I got super nauseous. I kept trying to convince myself it was in my head but even the smell of the smoothies was turning my stomach. So either af is on the way and bringing reinforcements or hopefully a bfp is coming. I keep meaning to test but don't think of it until after fmu. I should be around 13 dpo today. Or 11 if I O'd at the end of my fertile time. I have a 14 day lp so half expecting to start spotting soon..
OOOO gina! that sounds promising, I can't wait for you to test! I think you should do it first thing in the am ;)

I'm having relatively few symptoms: the biggest boobs I've ever had during PMS/TWW, lots of creamy CM, and that's been about it until today. Now I'm having some pinching/cramping located to one little hot spot, and I just checked my cervix for the first time in a few days and it is low, tightly closed (more than I've ever felt) and ENGORGED. TMI? Probably not here ;)

Hopefully all good signs!
Never tmi here ;) sounds like some good symptoms! I will try to remember to test tomorrow but I keep forgetting haha. And a little afraid to test and get a bfn..
Well I took a cheapie. Bfn :( but I swore I saw something when I looked at it. It dried completely blank tho. So I think I am going to take a frer with smu. If I can do it sneaky at work. I have never seen even a squinter on a wondofo so I'm hoping that's a good thing and not just my eyes playing tricks on me. I didn't see anything at first so I dumped my urine, then picked it up and swore I saw something. I wish I dipped my frer in it before dumping it but I didn't think I saw anything. I don't want to waste the frer as it will only be like a 1.5 hour hold but I should be around 12-14 dpo so I shouldn't need too much of a hold. I check my cervix and I can't even reach it. And finger came out completely free of any redness or brown. So haven't started spotting at all. At least that's a good sign.

**edit. Chickened out. Maybe I'll test again tonight. I decided I didn't want to find out at work. So I'll stop drinking water around 3 so I can have a good hold for testing.
Hey ladies!

I've been gone for like...forever... but I needed to keep distracted since I knew our first cycle of TTC was coming soon. Well, I'm on CD 11, about to O in a few days, started temping and using my cheapies. DP has finally moved in and I'm praying that this is my month! I'm a little worried that we BD too much and by O his sperm count might be low, but we haven't seen each other in forever. Thinking of taking a break for a couple of days since I know O is coming in a few.

Gina -- It's still a little soon. Your BFP is coming very soon, and with those symptoms, fx, it's this month! I think I'm going to get back on my fertility smoothies. I use maca powder, royal jelly, vitamin-C, a prenatal vitamin liquid, fish oil, a supergreens mixture, 1 raw egg, and orange juice.

Rex -- Your symptoms sound very promising too. When do you plan to test?

mininun-- That's so amazing! Your little sticky bean is just THRIVING! Time to change your status and signature, love. You are definitely "Expecting"!!

Emmy_jo -- Welcome! So glad the spotting stopped! Do you plan to temp or use an OPK to determine ovulation?

Baby dust to you all!
Hey ladies!! Thanks for all the well wishes. Gina your symptoms sound so promising....I'll be watching for your bfp :)

So I got the ultrasound results in finally and baby is doing good! So that's a relief. The doctor did say that I have a small placental bleed, which freaks me out slightly even though she said it's nothing to be overly concerned about. So I go in for another ultrasound in a couple weeks and in the meantime just take it really easy. So nervewracking!
Hi girls! Good to hear from both of you! Glad your dp is back and things are going well magicalmom2be! Mini, I'm sure it is nothing to worry about. Take it easy. Especially with all your responsibilities at your new job. Try not to stress!

I am excited to test tonight. Really hoping I get that bfp. It's very bad of me but dh has this all day long party thing tomorrow that I'm not allowed at (members only) and I really stress every year when he goes so I'm kinda hoping this will distract him and give me an excuse to ask him home earlier than he normally would leave lol. As terrible as that is. :haha:
Hey guys just read up a bit and @Gina omg you sound soooo pregnant. I really hope this is your month. Got my fingers and toes crossed for you. I will definitely be checking soon to see if your tested was bfp.

@magicalmom I know what you mean. Me and my bf are starting actively trying now so I'm really excited for that but he has a more relaxed way about it. Hope it goes well in the first month :)

@mini I hope everything stays worry free. I know how it felt like when I started bleeding in week 11 with my son. I was in bits. It's the worst. Docs tell you don't worry but you can't help not to. But hope your baby stays strong and healthy. Have any names yet?
So sorry to hear that, Gina :( It may be too soon though? Especially with all your positive symptoms. Maybe test again in a couple days?
Well I guess the good thing is I am back to my regular 28 day cycle. But what really bothers me about that is that means I ovulated the day I tried to get dh to DTD all day and he wouldnt. I have been quite angry with him this weekend and realizing this just makes it worse. I need to just listen to my gut. It obviously knows things I don't lol.
So sorry, Gina! It really freaking sucks seeing a BFN... especially when you have preggo symptoms. I know how you feel when it comes to being frustrated with your hubby for not BDing when it's time. My husband doesn't like to be "put on the spot" like that and will refuse to BD. I mean, where is their common sense at?? If you want a baby, you kinda gotta DTD at the right time. It's not rocket science. I swear, men and their egos... ](*,)

AFM, still waiting to O... I've been tracking my temp and using OPKs and even resorted to checking my cervix. In the past couple days, my cervix has gotten higher and softer and there's a definite opening now, so I must be about to ovulate but my OPKs all come back negative. It's so confusing. Maybe my LH levels just aren't detectable or something.. I've also added a couple more vitamins to my regimen, cause it can't hurt right? Did some research and it's okay to take them together so, why not?
Right now I'm taking:
Vitex 1200mg
Maca 500mg
B6 and B-complex
Extra 400mg of folic acid

I almost puked trying to get the Maca down this morning. Even in capsule form they're quite nasty. :sick:

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