Good evening, girls!
I hope you all had a great day!
I didn't do a whole lot of anything today....slept in, spent time with hubby

, did the dishes

and ran errands. When I went to check out at the grocery store, two things happened, 1) The cashier was questioning all my purchases which was annoying

"are you going to make something with all that cream?" (I got 2 quarts of organic half and half and 1 quart of organic heavy whipping cream) - what can I say, I drink a lot of coffee and like both!

and 2) The girl bagging my groceries asked me, "how far along are you?"

I wasn't sure what to say, so I said, "uh, I'm not pregnant" and she was all

and said she was so sorry and walked away. This can be taken 1 of 2 ways. 1) She has a strong intuition and can tell that I'm

- OR - more likely, 2) I need to do better on my dieting endeavors.
I'm not sure which way to take it - maybe both? LOL
Tonight we had a charity BINGO event that I was one of the sponsors for - had a great time (didn't win anything, spent $40

) but met some great people! It was for a dog rescue so that's awesome.

Hubby was supposed to go but he wasn't feeling it - still down in the dumps. Hope he isn't getting sick! When I got home at 9:45 he was sound asleep!

Poor guy!
What are everyone's approximate test dates? TWW is hard - but at least on weekends, I am busy enough that I don't really think about it!