Vel - when do you usually O, or are your cycle irregular? It sounds a bit odd but I feel like something is so often very odd with OPKs or temps or symptoms or whatever! I know you've had positive OPKs before, but I guess it's definitely possible you missed your surge. If I hadn't thought to test a second time in the afternoon last week, I would've missed my surge too and been convinced I don't ovulate. Luckily temping (hopefully!) confirmed I did, but even that was a bit anxiety-provoking. In any case, it sounds like for you it's also quite possible to be bleeding, showing up negative OPKs and still have conceived, so there's that too. It's annoying there are so many possibilities! I'm sure you've mentioned this before, but do you temp? Maybe just try to keep busy and keep BDing! Did you end up looking into writing courses, btw?
AFM, I'm very tempted to POAS but had been holding out. I'm sure I'll cave in a few days and then regret it. I've also had increasing tooth pain in a tooth with a root canal that I had done several years ago where the little metal rod they put inside the tooth broke (bad sentence, but whatever), so now it's maybe infected. My dentist has been telling me to make an appointment with the endodontist for 1.5 years now but I'm so avoidant! The other this is that they will probably want to take an X-ray if I do go, but they don't do it if there's a chance of being pg. I've also not been flossing and haven't arranged for my wisdom teeth to be removed, which I should've had done AFTER I had my root canal tooth sorted. And I wouldn't be surprised if I need more root canals in other locations that have been sensitive for a while now. Gosh, can you tell I'm British...?