first cycle actively trying (June 2015)

CD14 is a great time to O esp with a 28 day cycle. If it's negative, maybe your eggs are just taking a little extra time so that they're tip top and this will be your month! :)
Maybe that is the case. I'm gonna go the test now... I can't hold this pee any longer lol.
Wish me luck.
Ok sorry for the late update but had to hurry to the doc cause of appointment and then sat there for ages. Hpt was a blazing negative and opk was actually lighter then usual.

I was just in the bathroom and after wiping It was pink on my tissue and I had slight cramping a while ago... so now I'm thinking maybe I ovulated really early this month and didn't know.
What do you guys think?
That's really weird. The spotting could be anything really. Sometimes women spot when they ovulate, or IB? I feel like it couldn't be AF. If you are CD 13, you would have had to O on like CD 1. But who knows. Definitely weird. I'd keep checking and see if it's just that one spot or if it turns into more.
This is really weird. I stopped taking maca root this month so do you think it could be that?
It's possible. Starting or stopping anything can throw things off.
Mmmh maybe I am ovulating and it's not as strong cause I stopped maca....
That's definitely possible. And it's possible you had a really short surge and missed it on opks. I'd continue to BD and just see what happens.
This is a bit odd, Vel! But I wouldn't worry. Not trying to be TMI, but did you notice it with a BM? I've had that happen a couple times and from googling it seems common. Do you also think it was maybe from BD? I think it definitely could be the discontinued maca, supplements really effect us more than we know I think. It could absolutely be that you're O'ing! If it continues I'd grow a little concerned, but if it was a one day thing I'd leave it open to possibilities. I agree with Gina, carry on with the BDing!
Hey guys so the bleeding stopped and we BD'd again last night. What's BM ? I might have really missed my surge and sadly I am out of opks now too... I'm gonna get some digital ones though from now on. Stupid cheapies confuse me too much. My cycle used to be normal and I still took maca you think I shouldn't if it is normal?
BM is bowel movement lol Once or twice I had some spotting after having a bm and it freaked me out, but I guess its common and not a concern if its far and few. OPKs totally irritated me last cycle, they were all neg but FF confirmed O with temps, I went out and got the clear blue digital advanced for March cycle. I don't know much about maca, I've never taken it, so sadly I don't have advice for you on that.. I hope the spotting was O related, and your BD timing is perfect :)
No couldn't have been bm... I didn't go until this morning. Lol tmi xD the things we talk about here.

It was a but pink after a few times urinating but that was it. Bd'ed again this morning and last night. I really hope we covered this week. Cause we had only bd'ed the day before yesterday and then only 4 days before that.
It sounds like it was O spotting. Which means your timing sounds great. Sometimes less is more. DH and I seem to conceive when we only DTD once or twice around O week. The times we :sex: like bunnies, nothing. So FX it worked!!
I guess I will see then in two weeks. Don't even know then what dpo I am. Oh well maybe it's good I don't know. I won't obsess so much. :)
Vel - when do you usually O, or are your cycle irregular? It sounds a bit odd but I feel like something is so often very odd with OPKs or temps or symptoms or whatever! I know you've had positive OPKs before, but I guess it's definitely possible you missed your surge. If I hadn't thought to test a second time in the afternoon last week, I would've missed my surge too and been convinced I don't ovulate. Luckily temping (hopefully!) confirmed I did, but even that was a bit anxiety-provoking. In any case, it sounds like for you it's also quite possible to be bleeding, showing up negative OPKs and still have conceived, so there's that too. It's annoying there are so many possibilities! I'm sure you've mentioned this before, but do you temp? Maybe just try to keep busy and keep BDing! Did you end up looking into writing courses, btw?

AFM, I'm very tempted to POAS but had been holding out. I'm sure I'll cave in a few days and then regret it. I've also had increasing tooth pain in a tooth with a root canal that I had done several years ago where the little metal rod they put inside the tooth broke (bad sentence, but whatever), so now it's maybe infected. My dentist has been telling me to make an appointment with the endodontist for 1.5 years now but I'm so avoidant! The other this is that they will probably want to take an X-ray if I do go, but they don't do it if there's a chance of being pg. I've also not been flossing and haven't arranged for my wisdom teeth to be removed, which I should've had done AFTER I had my root canal tooth sorted. And I wouldn't be surprised if I need more root canals in other locations that have been sensitive for a while now. Gosh, can you tell I'm British...?
Haha jez I'm the same way with the dentist. Used to go every 6 months and then I got a cavity in my wisdom tooth. My first cavity ever. My dentist filled it but said if I get another he's just going to make me get them out. After I got it filled I stopped going because i was afraid of having another one (and because my mom stopped making my appointments >.< ) i had a referral to get my wisdom teeth out for about 4 years. Then the one I got filled finally got infected like a year later and I was forced to get them out. Lol. Still haven't been to the dentist since then though. :haha: Oh as for the xray, I had one for my wisdom teeth when I was ttc (earlier in this thread actually) and I looked it up after and from what I read it would take some crazy number like 50,000 x-rays at the same time for it to have any effect on the baby at all. They just warn against it for liability reasons. Your chart is looking pretty good! FX for you!
Ah Jez I feel your pain. DH and I now floss religiously. It's actually always out on the coffee table and we floss together after dinner while watching a show or listening to music. The noise and everything about it used to bother me, but now I think it's a cute, quirky routine. While having good teeth would be great, our main motivation is keeping the dentist bill down.

Good to know about the X-ray Gina! I was worried about it with being pg and being due for X-rays at my appointment on March 1st. No risk now I guess, but still good to know for future :)
Jezika- I have different times when I ovulated... usually between CD10-CD14. And I am thinking now more and more that I ovulated earlier and didn't think to use opk.
Because I was so horny at that time and my cm was pretty watery ... I'd say ewcm but I wasn't sure with all the sperm ... sorry tmi xD
So I don't know... I had been testing twice a day so I don't miss my surge but the line on the opk was always the same.. except yesterday where it was extremely negative. No second line... and I am out of opks now...
If I am not pregnant this month then I am buying the digital sticks. I have the monitor I just need to buy the refills.

And you should probably get that checked out with your teeth. It'll just get worse.. I've been lucky that I haven't had anything like that yet but I had to get two teeth pulled because they were baby teeth and no grown up teeth were there to grow back...

Gina - I didn't know that with the x-rays. You are always so full of information xD we don't need to go to the doctor... I just always think to ask you :)

Les- that's a good routine to do. I should get my DF to do that. But his death are so in pain yet he refuses to go to the dentist cause he is also scared of the pain.
Someday I will get him to go xD

AFM just woke up with a killer sore throat. Feels like I am swallowing glass shards.

Hope this goes away. Except that my bbs are still sore...

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