first cycle actively trying (June 2015)

That's good.. I try too but I get annoyed after a while lol..
I looked up a bit. And I can't imagine being pregnant this month... or atleast that it was IB ... cause I must've ovulated then on cd 10 and that means I had IB 3 rays later which only happens to rare cases that it can happen that fast and I tend to think I am the rule not the exception... I am just gonna let it go now and see when my AF is due. And then go from there..

Definitely a weird ass cycle. I guess everyone has one like that but if this cycle is another hit and miss then I am making an appointment at the doc and getting checked out-me and df.

And then ask her what I should take to help out a bit and what I shouldn't take. :) But I would love it if it is a bfp this month. :)
Maybe I am pregnant... I feel so sick today. I am exhausted even after sleeping 9 hours.
And we just ate and I hardly ate anything cause I started feeling nauseous.... I've been having this weird cramping in my lower abdomen, like it becomes rock hard and then goes back to normal..

I don't want to get my hopes up >. <
In maybe a week, or if I'm waiting till AF is due then the 1st of march.

So my throat is getting worse. I feel like shit today. Could just lay in bed all day. But last night was horrible. I was so nauseous. .. couldn't eat at all for dinner and since then I didn't even want to think about food.
Now it's all good though eating breakfast and feeling fine. Let's see what happens tonight.

I so hope I am. Thanks gina :)
I hope I'm not reading too much into it again and that I am right. .. I think I am gonna go test crazy this month. It seems like it happened pretty early so it's fine lol
So I shouldn't have eaten breakfast because I got so sick after and I felt like puking a few times. And I was super dizzy and lightheaded at the store had to ask for a drink of water and a seat or I would've passed out. My son is not making it easier on me today. He us being extra bad so I snapped and chucked a bowl across the room... not at him don't worry. He got to sit in his room for a while.

Thank god my DF arrived then while I was in tears moping up the floor... don't know what's going on today. It's like so extreme. Either these are extreme pms or I have to be pregnant.. I don't know.. I just don't want to let my mind wander to it cause I'm worried I'm just gonna get disappointed even worse then last month.

How is everyone else?
I totally hope it's pregnancy but I understand not wanting to get hopes up too much. I've actually been just as bad lately (started crying yesterday because I wanted chips and dh didn't have any cash for the vending machine :haha:). I don't usually get so moody around ovulation so I think my body is still adjusting alittle after the MC.

But AFM I have no idea lol. Opk was almost positive last night but cb advanced ovulation test said low this morning, even tho the strip looked like a high to me. I have been VERY constipated and finally got some relief today (tmi I know) but hoping that will allow me to dtd tonight in case I O early since we haven't in a week because my stomach has been hurting so bad. Got some ewcm this morning so hopefully it's coming on time. Been drinking a fertility tea every night that I'm loving. It's red raspberry leaf, red clover, peppermint and nettles. It has great reviews so maybe it actually does something lol.

Wifey how are you feeling?
Thanks gina :) sounds like you are ovulating :) good luck :) let's hope you get the egg this time and it sticks. :) oh constipation is never great.

I think I might try a fertility tea too if this month is a negative. I love tea so it be prefect for me. Better then stupid vitamins and pills.
I agree. I was going to take red raspberry leaf pills but then when I was browsing amazon came across a tea. I've never been a big tea drinker but always wanted to be and starting to get into it now. I am trying to replace my monster energy with green or black tea, depending how tired I am feeling. Way better for you and less caffeine. I stopped with them altogether until I got the call from my doctor saying my levels were too low. Got kinda pissed off about it and had one a day for like a week. Now I've been trying to wean myself off them again. Ugh. Why do I have to like the taste so much?!
I'm glad I never got into that. I used to drink one a day before work before I got pregnant but it was no problem to just stop. Thank god it was no problem. But my DF is addicted to them. I have to say I am surprised though. I told him a few times that they are bad for little swimmers and he didn't want to hear it but now that it's taking so long he is wondering if it could be him so he us actually trying to wean himself of of them too. I'm so glad. Maybe that helped already this month.
That could be it! Ya my dh loves them. He's the one that got me addicted years ago lol. He used to drink 2 a day along with coffee. Caffeine doesnt effect him at all. Ive gotten him down to 1 every few days. But I actually love the brand. My rims on my jeep are actually discontinued monster rims that I had to search high and low for :haha: I just know the drinks are terrible for you and I don't want to end up with ulcers etc. Hopefully I can get back to my max of one a week so when I get pregnant I can easily stop.
I posted here earlier but don't see it now :shrug:

I'm hanging in there, Gina, thank you for asking. Enduring the worst wait thus far to go back to my RE on the first for postop followup and hopefully proceed with Clomid. Feeling like I'm going to need to use Provera to induce AF in order to use the Clomid. So, forever annoyed about that. Other than that, work is irritating and stressful, the new nurse has done great but the classroom assistants and teachers have become hostile over petty things. They think I turned them into administration when I honestly did not. Its so childish, like, "I'm mad at you because you told on me so now I'm not gonna talk to you" -- I do work in a high school, after all :rofl: I couldn't care less, I'm not there to make friends, and they're only looking more idiotic by being rude to me. Shows their true colors.

But on a positive note, a girl at work who had been TTC for years finally got her BFP and is 6.5 weeks. So truly happy for her. :) hoping it sticks! Although, a friend from my company told me she's currently MC :cry: Life is so crazy.

We're a couple of redbull addicts over here lol but we kick it every once in a while. Now, coffee is another story lol

I think my horrible mood this week is lack of pain meds and going back to work in pain/discomfort. Also, training other new hire substitute nurses in case I or my coworker call off. It's so exhausting. I'm over it. Is it spring break yet?!
Hi ladies,

Gina - defo sounds like you're ovulating, which is pretty exciting! Hope it's true about chances of conception going up after MC! Also, would you mind sharing the name of the Amazon listing for the raspberry leaf tea? Sounds delicious and I was thinking about getting something like that. And re: monster drinks, I totally sympathize. Sugar and even diet drinks can be a real addiction! I can't relate to Monster drinks, but it took me a long time just to cut down on how much sugar I put in my coffee (I use none now, but when someone who doesn't know I gave it up puts some in my coffee, it's like heaven and makes me hooked again... my sugarless coffees always taste terrible for a little while after that) and my best friend's bf is totally hooked on coke (not the BAD bad kind).

Vel - did you catch your son's sickness or was that something different? Either way, feeling sick is so suckie. I actually think I have a bit of a phobia of vomiting. And I'm pretty sure I'll get really nauseous when pregnant, which I'm sooo not looking forward to. In any case, hold in there till testing time! Sounds like it'll come sooner rather than later, because you may be a POAS addict like me.

Wifey - yuck, I hate work politics. Sorry you have to deal with that, but good for you for having a resolute stance. As you said, at least your place is actually a high school, ha! As for other people TTC, it just confirms what a crazy world it is huh (TTC, I mean). I swear I used to think it's (a) super easy to get pregnant and (b) MC was really, really rare. It's scary how those things aren't true. And just so cruel that the only way to guard against the devastation of CPs is to not test early, but who can resist that!? Also, I heard something the other day on TV that really worried me - in an interview, Erin Brockovich said that many states in the US refuse to use the safest water treatment method because they're a tiny but more expensive than alternatives, and it's meant that these states have drinking water with levels of harmful chemicals that exceed some kind of guideline. Sounded terrible enough already, but then she said that these states in particular happen to have something like a 18% (if I remember correctly) increase in miscarriage rates compared to other states. I know I'm not in the US, but there must be plenty of greedy governmental bodies elsewhere.

AFM, I had an interview today for my second practicum placement, which has kept me busy. But now I'm back home and SHOULD be doing more work but instead am wondering if I'm pregnant. I symptom spotted last time and regretted it and also spent way too much time staring at my BFN on an IC yesterday. It's making me quite unproductive. I'm wondering if my breasts are sorer than last month and whether I had creamy CM at this point last month and whether I had cramping this early on before AF (I think the answer to the latter is yes, sad face).
jezika- i think i got that bug my son had. I just hope i am still pregnant though because that bleeding was very strange. But i guess i will see then. I really wanna go crazy testing but at the same time i scared.. Scared that it was another fail and that i had gotten my hopes up for nothing again. And to be true my hopes are far up. I just can't help it.. I really feel like this month is it.
So i dont know about early testing...

Wifey- Sorry you are having such horrible coworkers. I had the same thing at my old job. I think you have those everywhere. It's ridiculous and childish but you always come across them. You're doing right though. Just ignore them. They don't deserve your time of day.
So you have your appointment on the 1st of march? That's when my AF is due. Looks like we both might be cycle buddies then next month?

And then on to bump buddies :haha: wouldn't that be great? lol
Hope you feel better soon and don't need pain meds anymore.. I took some medication today. i just couldn't handle the sore throat and the killer headache i had plus not eating anything.. i still feel horrible. Hope this bug goes away soon.

Gina- i hope you can get off those horrible drinks. They are really really bad. I heard that some that drank it like crazy actually had a heart attack in their twenties. That's very rare.
Coffee is at least healthier then those drinks.

That reminds me.. Jezika i totally used to drink sugar in my coffee but i got rid of it too. I still wish i could put some in but i know that if i do then i won't wanna go back. lol
Ok I have had it with this cycle!!! I don't know what my body is doing anymore :hissy:
I just woke up and couldn't go back to sleep from my throat hurting and being too cold. I go to the bathroom and I see blood. I am effing bleeding. I am just cd 16 or so... what is wrong with Me this month. :cry:
Is my period starting or am I just midcycle bleeding again? And I have cramps but they are different then af cramping yet they are super strong.....

I have had it... I don't wanna anymore... :(
Oh no, Vel! Hang in there! It must be so confusing and then frustrating on top of being sick. Could it be IB? And you say you've had mid-cycle bleeding before? Was it cause for concern? I think just the fact that you had bleeding with your DS and all was fine is a good thing. But if it helps to try to be neutral rather than hopeful and then be disappointed, try to do that (if that's even possible). But hang in there! You will know soon enough and we're all here for support. <3
So the bleeding got stronger in the morning now... and I am having cramps like AF and super strong.
Seems like it failed again and it fits with ovulating early in the month... I guess.. I mean I looked it up.. this cycle was then 19 days long... I've never had that. And yeah I had spotting a few days ago and then again a day or two after that one. And now I have blown bleeding.
I am just gonna see what happens and count this as being back on CD1.
Let's hope that was just a one month thing.
I'm sorry, Vel :( I feel so frustrated for you. I had a feeling this was it for you. Miracles happen, but we know to act as the rule and not the exception. I really hope its a one time thing for you.. I want to kick and scream and cry for you. I don't know about you but I'm a firm believer in "everything happens for a reason"; even when it seems hard, stupid or impossible, something knew it wasn't the moment. Its so close for you I can taste it though lol

I'd die if I drank sugarless coffee lol I need sugar AND creamer -- I can go without the creamer, but sugar no way. I'd love to theoretically though, I for one do not need the sugar in my diet.

Monsters Anonymous, Gina? :rofl: The rims sound cute! I totally see you as a Jeep girl ;)

Jez, good luck on your placement! TTC distractions are great. Hope it goes well for you and its where you're meant to be! :) thanks for being an open ear and supportive :)

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