Hi ladies,
Gina - defo sounds like you're ovulating, which is pretty exciting! Hope it's true about chances of conception going up after MC! Also, would you mind sharing the name of the Amazon listing for the raspberry leaf tea? Sounds delicious and I was thinking about getting something like that. And re: monster drinks, I totally sympathize. Sugar and even diet drinks can be a real addiction! I can't relate to Monster drinks, but it took me a long time just to cut down on how much sugar I put in my coffee (I use none now, but when someone who doesn't know I gave it up puts some in my coffee, it's like heaven and makes me hooked again... my sugarless coffees always taste terrible for a little while after that) and my best friend's bf is totally hooked on coke (not the BAD bad kind).
Vel - did you catch your son's sickness or was that something different? Either way, feeling sick is so suckie. I actually think I have a bit of a phobia of vomiting. And I'm pretty sure I'll get really nauseous when pregnant, which I'm sooo not looking forward to. In any case, hold in there till testing time! Sounds like it'll come sooner rather than later, because you may be a POAS addict like me.
Wifey - yuck, I hate work politics. Sorry you have to deal with that, but good for you for having a resolute stance. As you said, at least your place is actually a high school, ha! As for other people TTC, it just confirms what a crazy world it is huh (TTC, I mean). I swear I used to think it's (a) super easy to get pregnant and (b) MC was really, really rare. It's scary how those things aren't true. And just so cruel that the only way to guard against the devastation of CPs is to not test early, but who can resist that!? Also, I heard something the other day on TV that really worried me - in an interview, Erin Brockovich said that many states in the US refuse to use the safest water treatment method because they're a tiny but more expensive than alternatives, and it's meant that these states have drinking water with levels of harmful chemicals that exceed some kind of guideline. Sounded terrible enough already, but then she said that these states in particular happen to have something like a 18% (if I remember correctly) increase in miscarriage rates compared to other states. I know I'm not in the US, but there must be plenty of greedy governmental bodies elsewhere.
AFM, I had an interview today for my second practicum placement, which has kept me busy. But now I'm back home and SHOULD be doing more work but instead am wondering if I'm pregnant. I symptom spotted last time and regretted it and also spent way too much time staring at my BFN on an IC yesterday. It's making me quite unproductive. I'm wondering if my breasts are sorer than last month and whether I had creamy CM at this point last month and whether I had cramping this early on before AF (I think the answer to the latter is yes, sad face).