First scan

I think a boy, just because I've felt so different this time and I think the baby looks like a boy from the scan lol. Bit who knows! I'd like a boy, as then I'd have one of each bit I'll be really happy either way. It prob will b a girl as with my daughter I thought boy all along! Just can't wait to find out now :)

When is your 12 week scan? U have the same due date as my best friend!

I have my scan booked for Dec 28th but I will actually be 13 and 3 days.
Yes def pros and cons to both, I was a single mum when I had lo, and bottle feeding meant I could stay at my mums and she would get up and do a feed or 2 for me in the night sometimes which helped. One thing that really bothers me though is my husband and others keep saying things like "it's not like your breast feeding so u can just get anyone to have the baby" it annoys me because that's not the reason I want to bottle feed at all, I didnt leave lo at all till she was 3 months and even then it was only for an hour or so, It def does not make it any easier to leave them. But it does mean i can hav a little sleep while someone else feeds which is nice :) I admire women who breast feed, ive learnt from friends it's not without it's problems and is sometimes hard for the first few weeks but i think it's great if u can get through that. We're lucky that these days formula is very good.

Baby has started to kick a bit now! Not just flutters, I had a proper kick this morning :)

I was thinking of going to a breast feeding group, to see of that changed my mind, maybe I just need to understand it more!

a few weeks ago i had decided not to bf, ive swung back to bf now again and im gonna try stick to it.
but we never know how birth is gonna go r how we wil feel or anything so not setting anything in stone :)
yeah i saw my sis, sil and niece all bf recently and first few weeks r pretty shit :) excuse my language, for most people :)
thats what was putting me off. :) but after that they all seemed very happy they did.
but first few weeks is when u r lowest urself too so il see how it goes, hopefully il barely have to push and be right as rain after birth ha ha xx
wishful thinking much........................
to be honest ff was appealing to me so i could get some proper sleep once in a while to heal better :) sorry if thats a bit selfish but its what i was thinking :)
aw hurray for kicking :) thats really cool. :)
im sur ei can feel movement too :) its really nice but faint a while :)
libbysmum silly xmas gettin in the way of ur scan xxxxx
I know!!! I hate when places close for holidays sometimes...when my DH has to work I don't like it though LOL
i know hon. il be working xmas too doh!! wish my hospital closed ha ha
I'm going to try and BF because in the first couple of months with DD I was just exhausted. I found that when I was half asleep in the middle of the night having to give feeds that sticking bubs on the boob was a lot easier than trying to worry about getting formula and bottles ready. FF was a lot easier to cope with once I had bubs in a routine. So hoping I can BF again. I'm aiming for at least 4months. We'll have to see how we go.

Hubby got my Christmas present yesterday (can't have it til Christmas of course). I will now have a rocking chair in bubs room. I really didn't want to have to take the rocking chair out of DD's room because we use it every night for story time. So I'm happy that I'll have one in the nursery as well! Yay!

I hope everyone is doing well. Xxx
thats a nice present bubsta :) xxxxxxxx

my stretching pains werent just stretchy pains, i have a kidney infection and touch of d vomiting bug, doh!!!
least my pains werent bub related which is great xxx
Oh no Lilesmom! I really hope you feel better soon! Xxx
I have a 12 week scan scheduled at the end of December. I am pretty excited about it :) What I feel nervous about is my second trimester scan scheduled in Feb. The receptionist I scheduled the appointment with informed me of the medical center I would need to go to for it..and it is the same place I went to in May of this year when I was told I lost my son. I really don't know if I am prepared for the anxiety I am going to feel when I walk through those doors...not so much because I am fearful for the child I carry as I am confident my little one will be fine. But more so because I don't feel like having painful memories brought to the surface.
I'm sorry you have to face the same place again. Xx. It's completely understandable to have those sad feelings about returning. I had the same OB so going back into the same room for me was daunting.... But now I try and look at going in that room as a positive thing. I now have new positive memories and try to focus on those instead. Xxx
I totally understand where you are coming from. We lost ours back in August. But I am always worrying we may have something go wrong with this little one too. I read that this week the placenta takes over a lot of things so it reassures me that just cause my ms has eased doesn't mean anything is wrong. I can hardly wait for my next scan but at the same time feel uneasy about going.
Right now I just want to get through Christmas without any dramas.
I have a 12 week scan scheduled at the end of December. I am pretty excited about it :) What I feel nervous about is my second trimester scan scheduled in Feb. The receptionist I scheduled the appointment with informed me of the medical center I would need to go to for it..and it is the same place I went to in May of this year when I was told I lost my son. I really don't know if I am prepared for the anxiety I am going to feel when I walk through those doors...not so much because I am fearful for the child I carry as I am confident my little one will be fine. But more so because I don't feel like having painful memories brought to the surface.

:hugs: honey, sorry for ur loss. xxx
i work in the place that i had my scans and on the ward i was on when i had me d and c. i dreaded going back and it was difficult the first time walking up to there but then i realised its just a place and nothing to do with what happened to me with my first bub. they were all really lovely to me when i was in hosp so i tried to focus on that instead,.xxxx
when u get ur good news at ur scan and see ur bub it wil take away ur pain and anxiety xxxx
my first scan this time i really dreaded it cos to me scans meant bad news ,
but once i was in there and saw the flickery heartbeat, scans became good again :)
being preg again def brought up some hidden feelings from the mc but its good for us to deal with um and not bury um . xxxxxxx
happy and healthy preg to u sweetie xxxxxx
if u feel really bad could u look into changing centres ?
but it may be better for u to face it in the long run xxxxx
i feel much better today thank god :)
just had slice of toast and im full :)
i could get used to this h aha. easy diet :) (joke)
how ye all? xxxxxxxxxx
DD is very tired and needs a sleep. She has been jumping on me all morning. I usually take her for a walk in her stroller but right now it is pouring rain so there is no way I am chancing it.
I put kids shows on TV for her to amuse herself with.
Had to call our real estate agent this morning about our shower hose nozzle it has been spraying weird the last couple of days. Suppose to go get some deoderizer for the car because DD spilled something, probably milk or yogurt and it is starting to make the car smell rancid.
I hit the 11 week mark! So exciting! I just hope all is well inside! A friend of mine just found out she is having a girl. I am so excited for her as she already has a boy so it will be nice for them. I am thinking if I have a boy we should just do a clothes swap between each other and I can have her little boy clothes and she can have my little girl clothes. Not sure what we will have yet though. I just hope it is healthy!
Yay for feeling better Lilesmom! Yay for 11wks Libbysmum! That's a good idea about the clothes swapping! I have a friend at work who has 2year old twin boys who has said if we have a boy that we can have her sons clothes. Happy about that! If we have a girl then we have my DD clothes. Bit of a win win in that way. Only a week and a half to go (so long as bubs co-operates) and we'll know! Yay!

Well I am fried today. Totally hellish brain draining day at work. They decided to 'upgrade' our computer systems over the weekend.... Only problem was is that nothing worked when I went on this morning. So spent 5 hours trying to get it all fixed.... Then for another two hours the font on my screen was blurry. I could feel my stress levels getting beyond frustrated. The worst thing is that I work with deadlines and the deadline is the next two days so I really needed today to go smoothly. I'm not going to think about it any more today though because it will do my head in. Rant over,lol.

I hope everyone is having a good day/night. Xxxxxx
I haven't been able to get online all day cause our computer at home wasn't connecting properly. DH fixed it and I have no idea how he did it.
I have a pain in my pelvis on my right side...been there all yesterday and now today too...any ideas of what it is? I am hoping it isn't a UTI!
i ha d pain like that for about a week, i rang doc and was told prob stretching pain but if it persisits come back , i did and i have uti. get ti checked just in case cos faster u catch it d better xxxx
my cat peed in my car once cos i accidentally locked him into it :)
nothing worse than a smelly car cos the smell gets so trapped xx

bubsta how annoying about ur work, gla dits fixed now, hope it didnt throw u off deadline too much xxxx

i went to work and came home after an hour , i spoke too soon, feel like crap again :) xxxxxxxxxx
Hahaha.... Smelly cat, smelly cat...... Reminds me of phoebe out of Friends. Xxxx
he really was smelly cat that day, i couldnt be cross cos it was me who locked him in, :)
we even went lookin for him cos he had been missing for few hrs :) silly me :)
Yuck, that would have been stinky! Lucky you realised when you did... Could have Ben a lot worse! Xxxxx

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