First time IVF - Started Lupron last Thurs - Would Love some Buddies

Hi ladies!

I started my first ivf with pgd testing cycle on Saturday. Im doing the long protocol & down regulating with Buserelin injections.
When should I expect to get those horrible side effects ive heard about?
Amy, good luck with the biopsy results 👍 x

Sorry Rachy, but I don't have any experience with this. But I wish you lots of success!
Ugh Kfs, I was waiting for a fun update from you! Haha you are a champ!

Amy!!! Yes!! So exciting! So your transfer is this morning? Check in when you can!

Welcome Rachy, I was not on that medication so I have no answer for you but everyone is different.

Beagle, I have medela bottles and I just recently tried tomme tippe and I really like them. Medela bottles came with my breast pump so I started with those. They have the slow flow nipple which is good. But, the tomme tippe bottles resemble more of a boob type nipple so I'm a fan of those. Lol Charli luckily doesn't really care which one I use..likes both but hates any type of pacifier I give her. So weird! Of course she prefers my boob over anything else though. Do you plan on breast feeding? Let me tell you, it is HARD WORK. I went into it thinking oh great so easy, she latched great and sucked properly but I still wanted to quit every other day. Now, at 9 weeks I'm glad I stuck it out. No pain, no issues and she used to be on each boob for 45 minutes at a she's efficient and gets what she needs in 10 mins on each side. It's awesome. Of course bottles are good for when DH feeds but I wasn't able to think about pumping a supply for that after the initial month. I still supplement with formula. I do 2 bottles in 24 hours.
As for labor and who you want, I thought i didn't want my mom during the delivery part because it should just be DH but I LOVED having her with me. I was so scared and while DH is great at keeping me calm there's just something really special about your mom holding your hand and telling you what to expect. Of course I ended up having a c section and she never had one of those but it was nice for her to tell me everything was going great. Plus, how cool is it that the woman that went through this to get you, gets to watch you do it for your baby? Just my opinion but let her stay for everything. It made my mom so happy and I was glad we got to share this experience. Charli was in the NICU for the first night but the first night I got her, DH went home to be with the dogs (he stayed with me the first night) and my mom stayed that second night. Such a huge help because of course she knew what to do. Sure, DH has kids and he knows how to swaddle and hold a baby but a mom is different. Plus recovering from a c section is pretty difficult on it's own without having to get out of that damn bed every 45 minutes. Lol! It was just me and DH the first week at home. My parents came by daily to see me. Along with everyone else I the world. Then the second week my mom stayed the night every other night. That was awesome because I was so tired because the adrenaline from having a baby had worn off. She would wake up with the baby and bring her to me to feed and then take her back and get her back to sleep so I could get rest without a baby in bed with me. Take advantage of all of the time mom wants to spend with you!! Sometimes I want her to stay the night now!

Wow that was long! Hi everyone!
Hi everyone!!!

Omg was I a nervous wreck this morning. I just kept thinking I'd get there and we wouldn't have any normal embryos. I guess the multiple miscarriages have messed with my brain a little making me think none of my eggs are viable anymore lol. However we got there and found out FOUR of our 5 embryos are normal. I still can't believe it. Even the Dr. was surprised. And the funny thing about embryo grading is that the highest graded embryo was the one with the abnormality (trisomy 21, down syndrome). We had 1 boy and 3 girls. The Dr. left it up to us whether we wanted to transfer 1 or 2 (because of my age) although he did stress the higher possibility of twins. My husband wanted to do 2, I said no way, and so we agreed on 1 lol (although I promised to transfer 2 next time if this time doesn't work). So we transferred one girl this morning. It is so weird already knowing the sex. So now I'm just home relaxing and I'm officially in the dreaded 2WW!!!
Amy that is great! Some people wanted to wait until an u/s or heartbeat...some didn't want to know the sex. But I felt like how cool to know? No one else gets to do this. So we asked before the transfer. I felt so high & positive I went straight to the store to buy a few boy things. I was going to tell you sooner, but didn't want to sound negative. A girl I watch on youtube had several m/c & also some pgs with no good embryos. But then this last one she had maybe 4 or 5 sent up & ALL came back normal. You just never know. So glad to know you had 4.

Jen - that info & advice is really good for me to know. My pump takes first years & gumdrop bottles. I have a few nuk I bought on clearance. I went looking around & I think I may buy a few avent & another brand...may have been tommy tippee. Also the first years breastflow are meant to mimick the breast, so I may get some of those. I want at least 1 or 2 of them all so I can try them. I def plan to breast feed while I am home, but I want my husband to be able to feed to help out or just to have his own alone time. Once I go back to work I will need to work on storage, so he may be more bottles then anything. I hope to be able to stick it out but also not putting any pressure on myself.

I may just have my mom stay. I already jokingly said don't snatch the baby before my husband can hold him. I like the idea of it just being us because I know she will hog him after. But I wouldn't mind if she stayed the whole time. Just a little unsure. My mom is an hour & a half if she comes, she will stay. And I know she plans to take a week off to stay with me. I am just thinking week 2 or 3 may be better since I may be more by myself & will need more help then.
Hi Everyone :waves: Back from vacation and trying to catch up.

JCM - I LOVE your new pic, one of the most stunning mother/newborn shots I've seen. I love the all white and soft colors.

Amy - Congrats on PUPO!! FXed for you :dust:

AFM - I got an official date, Aug 21st at 2:00 :D So basically it's just a two week wait and then I'm on to the TWW :)
One little wrinkle is that I'm also waiting for a blood panel to come back. This past week I've been very tired (although it was a hectic trip), gotten dizzy at least once a day, and have been getting some very bad looking bruises. DD even asked about one and asked if I needed to go to the doctor lol. And the :witch: was VERY heavy this cycle, but I had originally just assumed it was because of the CP. So we're checking to see if I've developed anemia or any thyroid issues.
Hi Krissy-Glad you're back. I hope those bruises are nothing, and everything is ok for moving forward.

Jen-Love your new pictures, and the information about your mom was very insightful.

Amy-Woohoo!! One girl coming right up! You know the day kfs1 officially goes into labor, or reports that she had her baby is the day you'll get your BFP, so keep an eye out! That's so awesome that you have 4/5 normal embryos. Especially after all you've been through. This has to be your take home baby girl. Rest easy and enjoy your day. :hugs:

beagle-I think you should have your mom come up. It's your first baby, and I think you and your husband will be excited/overwhelmed, and you may just need that extra support of at least one person that has done this before. There is no need to be the hero, but of course, it's up to you. My bestie always tells me about the nightmare of the first few days alone she and her husband had trying to deal with a little baby alone and it's scary. You're tired and just freaking out about this, that or the other thing. Plus, your mom's been waiting fot this day as much as you have. :)

AFM-I went in for bloodwork/ultrasound this morning and everything looks fine (no cysts). The doc had trouble finding my right ovary, so that was kind of weird. She ended up putting the probe ON my stomach to get a picture. I hope it behaves the next time I go in. I think I'm supposed to take one more bcp tonight (I usually take them in the mornings), so I think I'll just skip tonight because I feel like it. hee hee. Other than that, not much going on.
Hi ladies! :flower:

Krissy - Hooray for having the date and for being so close!! I think it's a good idea you're getting checked out. Sounds like you could be a little anemic so best to get ahead of it now if you need to do so.

Amy - :happydance::happydance::happydance: Those are awesome results! I am so happy for you. I hope this two week wait flies by. :thumbup:

Beagle - I was wondering how your birthing class went. I'm still trying to figure out what to do myself. Our hospital offers one but I'm also leaning heavily towards getting a doula so I'm thinking whoever that is might be able to help me prep. Anyway, sorry you didn't get to do the hospital tour though. My Mom is coming out to stay with us and plans on getting here just before the baby is due. I don't know if I'll have her in the room when it's time to actually deliver, but I know I'll want her at the hospital and to be with me during labor. She is going to stay with us for about 6 weeks - which is a lot - but she can do it and we have the room. I'm sure we'll all get tired of each other eventually but I'm looking forward to it, at least for now! It's hard to know what to do since we haven't been through any of this before. Maybe she could be most useful after your husband goes back to work? It's hard to say how you're going to feel.

JCM - I love hearing your experience. It makes me even more excited to have my Mom with me!

kfs - Hope you're hanging in there okay!!! Baby watch continues.......

sars - Well, how did the interview go???

Terri - Happy Belated birthday to Fun!! I hope he got an extra treat or two this weekend. So, when do you get going again??

rachy28 - Hi! Good luck with your cycle. I think the drug you are using is similar to Lupron. Who know how you'll react. Seems like we have had many different experiences here - some people didn't notice a thing and other were affected pretty quick.

Hello to everyone else!

I had a Dr's appointment this morning. It was super quick and easy. Heard the heartbeat (which was no worry since she moves around all the time). He measured my belly but I don't know what the measurement actually was but since he didn't say anything, I'm assuming all is good. I went and took my gestational diabetes screening since I was right there in town and didn't want to have to go back for it in a week's time. Should know tomorrow how that went.

DH started on the crib this weekend. It's going to look so good. I can't wait for it to be done!
Thanks for the opinions, guys. I guess I will just let her do what she wants. I just know I don't have the luxury of being able to have her more than a week. So wanted to get the most out of my time. And like I said, I want her there during labor...just not sure if I will change my mind for the pushing.

Krissy - hope your blood work comes back okay.

Terri - hope your body cooperates!

Booger - I liked the birthing class. It was not like lamaze or anything. Just basic stuff to expect during delivery. I liked that the nurses were hospital nurses so they could put in their insight. They also mention pain med options. Do you plan to go natural or just have the doula for support? I plan to go as long as possible without meds & even use some of the lesser means before actually getting the epidural. They did mention if going natural, to keep the option open for the epidural just in case. Overall it was helpful. They went over possible scenarios & everything. I think it is a good experience. I find something like this easier than reading a book. They also talked about things to pack in your bag & certain hospital policies.

Totally forgot to tell you I had my rescan for the 3d. I will be able to put up pics later tonight.
Lots to catch up on but not much time this sec- will have to come back

Beagle- I've thought ab the delivery room situation a lot (already) -- my mom wants to be in there but I'm so private, just not sure I want anyone but dh. We will see!!

Amy- great news! So happy for you! Not many people can say they know the sex this early 😉. I kinda wish I knew bc I'm ready to buy!!

Krissy- hope all turns out ok.... Try to stay hydrated

Today starts week 10. REI said I can stop estrace and crinone today --- nervous ab that. First ob appt is thurs..... When did yall stop?
MrsL - I stopped at 10 OB appt was the same week & she reassured me. I think everyone is nervous to stop...since we are so reliant on the meds up to that point.

Here are a few pics...profile, foot, & long legs


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Hi ladies!

Beagle - Cute pictures! Your "plan" for birth sounds similar to what I am thinking. I'd love to start without meds and then we'll see how things progress from there.

MrsL - I stopped around 10 weeks as well. I think it's pretty common to stop between 10-12 weeks. You'll be fine!

Terri - I think we cross-posted yesterday so I see your schedule for moving along now. :happydance::happydance: Can't wait for you to get going again. One of my ovaries (I can't remember which one now) was always a playing hide and seek. I want to say my right and I think it happens because of the bowels (lovely, eh?). Hopefully, it cooperates next time!

I had the worst headache yesterday when I got home from work. I ended up just sitting in the dark for a couple hours before just going and lying in bed. I popped a couple Tylenol and they seemed to help a little bit. I think it's allergy related so I started taking my Claritin again last night. There is a ton of smoke in the air right now due to all the wildfires in California, Oregon and Washington. It's pretty gross.

Speaking of wildfires - I hope you're nice and safe, Amy. Scary stuff going on in California, right now. :nope:
One of the other benefits to the class was being explained the pain management options & timing. So basically it sounded like you can get an epidural anytime you want...just be sure the nurses know you are open to it because you need a bag a fluid before the epidural. I am not about to pretend I am Superwoman, but I do want to be able to move around as long as I can. So I want to hold off the epidural if I can as long as possible so I am not confined to the bed. This may sound stupid, but I thought epidurals were a one shot thing. But apparently it is just the access point in your back for the meds & they can give you more.

Erin - wondering how you are doing. One week left to wait for your little boy! So exciting!
booger-Yeah, we cross posted. I did mention to the doctor that I had eaten a banana before I went in for my exam. Then we both laughed. She was saying something about what was hiding it, but I couldn't hear her clearly (or understand what she was mumblin), and wasn't really that concerned about it. It just better show up on Monday when I go back. Glad you're feeling better. The fires are insane. Glad you can take claritin.

MrsL-Yay for Thursday.

beagle-Cool pics. Thanks for sharing. My sister, mom of 4, says that the epidural really slows everything down, so if you want to hang in the hospital and are in too much pain, get it. If you want to have your baby and move on, and can stand the pain for a brief amount of time, try to hold off. My sister is nuts though. She was walking around, doing squats, etc..hee hee. She really wanted that baby to come out. The doctor even asked if she wanted to stand to deliver her baby. HA!!HA!! Not sure what the answer was. :dohh:
Hi ladies! Lots of exciting updates since I last checked in.

Amy yay for being PUPO! A little girl how wonderful. I am so thrilled for you that four of your embryos came back normal. That's awesome! And totally crazy that the best blast had those issues. Thankfully you did the PGS and didn't have to go through that again.

Jen: I second that your photo is absolutely beautiful. Your insights were really helpful as well. Glad to hear breastfeeding is getting easier.

Beagle: My hospital requires you to do the labor and delivery unit tour separately. We have our birth class this Saturday with my friend who is due 6 days before me. She just hired a doula. We both want to go natural and I've been considering it too. I haven't ruled out having my mom in the room while I'm in labor. I do think I could find her very comforting. While I know my husband will be very supportive, I do think he's going to have trouble not being able to stop me being in pain. My mom is going to spend about two weeks with us after the baby is born and DH is taking off the first two weeks as well. So, right now our plan is for my parents to be there for our first few days home, then we'll be on our own until DH goes back to work and then my mom will come stay with me for another week-10 days. My mom does work four days a week but she's only an hour away, so we should be able to adjust as needed.

I got the tommee tippee bottles as well as Dr. Brown's as they're good for gassy babies. I plan on returning them if I don't have the issue. Primarily, I plan to use the Kindee Twist system. Have any of you checked it out? I'm hoping it makes breastfeeding a bit smoother as we don't have a dishwasher. Stupid old house.

KFS: Hang in there lady! Any day now, right? How long will your doctor let you go?

Krissy: Crazy as it is your date isn't too far off! I hope you enjoyed your vacation. Sounds like it is definitely a good idea to get that checked out.

Booger: That's awesome that your mom is going to be there for six weeks, especially since she is so far away normally. That will be really special for you guys. As I said, my friend using a doula is still doing the birth class. Have you started talking to folks? I keep vacillating back and forth. I feel like I might regret not getting one but I'm not 100 percent sure I want one. I'd like to labor at home as long as possible and some I've looked at come to your house to be with you before you go to the hospital. I can literally see the hospital from my dining room window. I can't wait to see your crib.

Terri: You're getting close again. I had one ovary that was tough to find at times too. Then they got so big they were impossible to miss!

Hi to anyone I missed! This is getting long.

I had the interview yesterday and it went really well. I met with four people, three who I interviewed with last time. The one person I hadn't met, their digital director, I really hit it off with and he was very enthusiastic about my ideas.

Downside was the HR person had just gotten back from vacation so they had none of the essential information I needed on things like maternity leave, child care discount for the center etc. He promised to get me the information soon. I'll probably follow up via e-mail today.

It was funny because I told the female editor I was interviewing with ahead of time that I am pregnant but I'm not sure if she told anyone else. The men were very afraid to acknowledge it. One of the editors asked if I was married or had any kids. One asked if I was training for any races.

Overall, I think I'd really enjoy the job. Just not sure if it is the right time. I need more information for sure. They told me if I'm still interested the next step is an edit test of freelancer work and pitching some ideas for the section. So, we'll see. I plan to go forward with that at least. They did say they want someone to start ASAP.

The female editor was very sweet and told me not to be afraid to ask any questions related to my pregnancy b/c they are fair questions and I deserve the answers.

I'm at the OB and I've been waiting 35 minutes for my appointment. Getting annoyed.

Wedding this weekend was great fun seeing all of my college friends. I discovered that heels and I do not get along any longer but I can still hang until 3 AM. =) I did have a sip of wine and beer. Boy, did that beer taste good. I'm excited for pumpkin beer season this fall when I can finally have one.
JCM - Your new picture is sooo cute.

Beaglemom - I agree, I actually like knowing the gender this early. I know it's not for everyone but I love that I can refer to her in my mind as a she and not an it lol. I love the new pics.

Krissy - Congrats on having an official date. I hope your blood tests come back with no real issues either.

Terri - When do you start stimming?

MrsL4 - Although I ended up miscarrying, my RE also wanted me to stop at 10 weeks. It seems like 10 weeks is standard.

Booger - Yes the wildfires in Southern California are something we battle ever summer. So sad and scary. Especially with this drought we have going on. There aren't any really close to me at the moment. But it seems like every year we'll have at least one that smells like it's in our backyard and sometimes carries ashes in the wind that cover everything.
MrsL - To clarify, the reason we are on the meds is because our body is not producing it the way it should on its own since it is a manipulated cycle. So the studies show by 10 weeks your body kicks in & starts producing the hormones they way it should. But also I have heard if you wanted to keep taking them until 12 weeks, it wouldn't hurt anything. So if you are really nervous, you could ask about that. I was planning to ween myself off until I was out of meds. But the look my dr gave me reassured me so I just quit them.
Starting over the weekend the baby has been moving pretty regularly. I was in bed last night & I told my husband I felt like a wave feeling in my belly but he never catches it. Last night though he saw it on my belly. Pretty crazy! I am not sure what motion he is doing to cause that wave. But he is def more active. And I think he will be tall. His legs seem so long in the pics.
Amy-I start stimming on Friday night and go in on Monday to see how things are going. I hope great although it would have been nice if my doc had changed my protocol just a smidge. I guess since I'm an ok responder he wanted to stick to what he knows so we'll see what happens this time around. I like that you can refer to your little baby as a girl too. So cute.'s super quiet on here. ERose? kfs1? Check in please when you can.. I'm trying to be patient, but I'm too excited. hee hee.

Amy-any symptoms to report? Peeing a lot, weird dreams?
LadySosa-how are you doing?

Everyone else, hello!

Oh, and I actually went running yesterday. I was slow as molasses, and a mile in I got drenched!! There was no turning back at that point, so I just kept going. I probably ran 3 miles. Today I'm going to do a few mile repeats. Probably only two repeats because I'm going to take Fun with me, and he's going to be tired (most likely), so I'm driving to the starting point (it's about a mile away), and then if it's too much for him, we can just jump in the car and go home.
Nope, nothing going on over here! :shrug:

I'm so excited you're getting started again on Friday though!! :happydance:

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