First time IVF - Started Lupron last Thurs - Would Love some Buddies

Hi ladies. :flower:

Terri - Well, Friday is only 2 days away now. How are you feeling about this cycle?

Amy - Glad you guys aren't dealing with the fires. I know you guys burn every year but it seems like things are worse since the drought won't seem to let up.

Beagle - Isn't it funny to see your belly bump and move around? It's the weirdest feeling to me still.

Sars - I'm glad the interview went so well! That's awesome. I'm sure you'll make the right decision once you have all the information. At least you have options! I have had a few sips of DHs beer on occasion and I agree, it tastes so good. I'm thinking if all goes well tomorrow (more about that later) I might start having a small glass once a week or so once I get into the third trimester.

Any baby updates from kfs or Erose??

So, I had my glucose challenge test on Monday and I failed. :blush: I go back tomorrow for the full 3-hour fasting test. Not looking forward to it but I guess it must be done. I was a little surprised but I guess it's not too uncommon for women to fail the challenge and then be fine on the second test. In fact, most women who fail the challenge do fine on the longer test. I hope that's the case for me. I'm going to try to get to the lab first thing when they open at 6:30 am. Ugh.

Hope everyone is doing well?
Hi ladies! Sorry I've been MIA for a while! Been super lazy about checking in. I get on every other day to keep up w/ everyone, but just haven't posted. I'm excited about all the BFPs we should be seeing this month.:thumbup:

I have 4 days until my csection. We have to be at the hospital at 5am on Mon. I can't believe I may have this baby before kfs has her baby!! Kfs, your little tyke is sure holding on in there! Maybe our babies will end up having the same bday. :winkwink:

I've been so tired (physically) and uncomfortable, that I started WFH every single day. I tried to go in one day last week, and I was so miserable sitting in my office chair, that I didn't make it past 1pm. Much more comfy working at home in lounge clothes on my comfy couch. I did come in today so that I can get all my contracts transitioned to others. I have housekeepers coming in tomorrow to do a nice deep cleaning of every nook and cranny in my house, yay! I attempt cleaning, I'm out of breath in minutes. My parents arrive on Sat, so my mom can help me wrap up any last minute stuff. I got a bunch of nursing stuff... gowns/robes for the hospital, nursing bras, a couple of nursing tops to get started. I even bought some panties that can be unfolded to come over a csection incision, instead of resting directly on it. They're not super attractive, but they're actually fairly decent looking in cute animal prints, and SUPER comfy. Hopefully I only need them for a week or so.

Anyway, just wanted to check in! I hope everyone is doing great! I wish I had time to reply to everyone's recent posts, but I have to get with my manager now to transition my work. Just know that I've kept up with every single one of you. When I'm not posting, I'm still reading! :)
Booger - hope the 3 hour test went okay! I've heard that juice can be prettttttty sweet! maybe it made the baby extra active ;)

Beagle - i cannot imagine my belly moving visibly like that! that has got to be sooo strange - it is amazing when you think you have grown that baby in you and it is big enough to make your belly do crazy things!
I am excited to get far enough along where my bump shows

Sars - congrats on the interview! lots of think about when changing jobs, but you just gotta take it day by day and do whats best for y'all, even if that means changing jobs during other life events

terri - thinking of you as you start your next cycle

erose - wow so close! glad to hear you are doing well, baby will be here before you know it, any last minute nesting?!

Met my new OB today -- 10 weeks and 3 days. I am not sure if I was just expecting too much.....but we were really really underwhelmed, and my husband was even kinda offended. I can't tell if we are just being too sensitive, or the OB was just rude.
He is actually the same OB that my REI doctor went to (she just gave birth to her IVF baby) - and we LOVED her (the REI doc) - so we figured, if she trusted him, then that was a good sign for us.

Well the nurses and techs clearly didn't know anything about IVF or infertility....then he finally came in, and he was nice at first....small chat. DH and I both work in the same healthcare facility, so he was asking us about that. Then once we finally starting going over the next steps.......he started saying things like, "when I was in med school, they wouldn't allow IVF for unexplained infertility. It just wasn't accessible to people then, egg harvest was invasive, and not many people could afford all of it." --- then he goes on to tell us that many people who did IVF and other treatment have their next child easily, without any medical intervention (I would be happy to have that). Then as he is looking for the heartbeat with the doppler, he goes on to ask us, "so did you spend a lot of money doing all these treatments?" ----- and lastly, right before we left, i said "i know this is a silly question but i am okay to get massages right?" --- he rolled his eyes, and was like yes of course, why wouldn't it be okay? --- I knew it was a silly question, but after IVF, you want to clear most things by your doctor (and this is my first pregnancy too......and some massage places want doctors notes and crazy things - so i didn't think it was the dumbest thing to ask)

Anyways -- it was just kinda weird. I can't tell if he was just awkward and didn't know how to talk about infertility and infertility treatments with us.....or he had other intentions.

DH was more offended than I was.....he thought the OB was telling us we shouldn't have done IVF and kept trying the "natural" way since we are unexplained. He didn't like how he was asking how much we paid, as in we "paid for this baby" rather than the "natural way".

So i don't know what to think. I know it is a hard transition from the REI to OB -- and I know both DH and I are both sensitive about the subject.....I can't tell if we read too much into it, or what.

The office schedules appts until the delivery, and told me if his clinic is full, one of the partners would see me (so it is not uncommon to meet many of them throughout pregnancy) --- and the chances of him delivering me seem pretty slim. I don't know if requesting to go to someone else would fix it?

I don't have another appt for 4 I am just going to sit on it for right now. DH was more upset than I was, but I want him to be happy with our doctor too.

DH took it personally too -- because both of us work in the same healthcare facility, and we are both providers -- and like MOST people going through IVF, we read and read and read and educated ourselves. Even though we were unexplained, we had tried for 18 months -- all of our tests were normal, but clearly there was a problem. We are happy with our decision making throughout all of this, we feel educated and knowledgeable about our medical care. And when the OB kept saying all of this, and wondering how much we paid, and that we will probably get pregnant without assistance next time -- DH felt like he was basically cutting us down on a professional and personal level.

I dunnnnooo....too much for one day.....
I am just happy we heard the heartbeat and it was 164 today :) Focus on the thing that really matters, right?
MrsL-Sorry you had such a weird/bad experience. I think that when we go through fertility clinics, we are so used to top notch, constant care, that it's really weird to go back to the regular doctor who may or may not know anything about your situation, all you've been through, etc.., and they just seem insensitive because they are not used to it, nor do they pay as close attention to us as we're used to. In this day and age, though, not sure why doctors haven't come across people with fertility problems, but you just never know. Hopefully the doctor will be better at your next appointment, and if not, you can still change doctors. They're everywhere, and personal connections are a thing of the past, so if you don't like the one you have, it's easy to change. I, too, would sit on it for a while. He sounds pretty rude to me. I probably would have said something like 'it's none of your business. Is my baby ok?'

booger-Sorry you failed your first test, but hopefully today you'll get good results from the repeat. I don't have many feelings about this cycle. I was excited getting my medicine out yesterday (it's all set up and ready to go), but I guess I'm just more aware of the fact that none of it is in my control, so I'll just go through the motions and hope for the best.

sars-Did you get the offer letter? What are you thinking?

BabyW/Amy/LadySosa-How are you ladies doing?

:wave: to everyone else!
The glucose test def made my baby very active with all that sugar. Hope test #2 goes well. I hear most people pass that one.

Terri - congrats on starting again.

MrsL - I am sort of in the middle on this one. I def without a doubt think the money question was just rude & insensitive. He should know better as a healthcare provider & also he should be knowledgeable on IVF since he is an OB & this is a common procedure. I was lucky in the fact that my dr has been my dr for almost 10 years & she actually performed my earlier IUIs. My office seems to be very knowledgeable on the subject & even though my RE clinic is over an hour away, they even came to my dr office to speak to the staff apparently. They are one of the top clinics in the state & maybe the I think any OB in NC should have some knowledge about them.

I will say though my appts are kind of blah. If I don't have questions, not much is happening. I get my vitals...blood pressure, weight, pee check, belly measure, & heart beat. They do not say anything about any of it...I am going with no news is good news. They ask how I am & that is pretty much it. But if I do have questions, they answer everything & make me feel like I got my questions answered. I sort of like this because it doesn't make me stress about weight or what I eat. It seems very relaxed & they basically want you to be healthy & enjoy it. I highly siggest to take notes on your phone as you think of questions so you are ready for your appt.

You have 4 weeks to go before the next one. I would suggest taking that time to look in to other offices just to see. This is going to be your dr for a while & you will need to feel like you are important & can trust him. Don't just settle. Especially if it doesn't feel right. The massage question was totally legit in my opinion & you never want to feel stupid for asking something. That attitude could make you keep your mouth shut later & you should feel open with your dr.

My office purposely exposes us to everyone in the office. It is not like this everywhere, but I think my office has someone on call for the hospital all the time. So even though I may not get my dr, I will most likely get one of the dr at my office for delivery. Oh & I have only seen my dr once during all this so far. Luckily I like the whole office & have no issue with this.

I know we say this all the time, but try to relax. As I eat a fast food breakfast combo with a coke, I also say try to be as healthy as you can, but your baby will be fine. Enjoy your pregnancy. Tomorrow is week 30 for me...time is flying by & it makes me a little sad. Of course I am so excited to meet my son...but you know. We only get to feel them inside for such a short time. Right now 40 weeks seems like forever, but believe me, it's NOT. You will be big in no time. So enjoy everything. Let your husband take care of you. Eat 4 hot dogs in one sitting. Just be happy. Another reason to maybe research more dr. You do not want to dread your appts. These people are doing something very important. Just think do you want these people at your bedside during labor? And it is really important your husband likes them as well.
I'm so excited Erin!!! I brought robes and nursing bras too...didn't use anything! I got really used to letting it all hang out! Lol. My hospital had gowns that you just stick the baby in (like a kangaroo pouch) for skin to skin. It was cool. I only got dressed the day before I left in comfy pj maternity pants, a sports bra, and a fitted maternity tank. I slept in it that night and went home in the same clothes. Lol I packed sooooo much too. I was there Thursday-Sunday and only got to take a real shower on Saturday. It was amazing. Then I used my comfy giant underwear. But, I have to be honest, the mesh undies they give you are so gross and ugly and THE MOST COMFORTABLE things I've ever worn. The giant pads fit perfectly. It's like a giant diaper. I kept saying you'd think they'd have an actual diaper for women after delivery by now but there's nothing better than those mesh undies. Goes right over your incision and it's mesh so you feel protected against everything but comfortable so it does irritate your skin.
Also, you'll still look pregnant a couple days after. I cried when I saw my body during my shower. Haha ohhh my emotions were out of control. Then my stepkids came to visit and the 5 year old asked what I was gonna name my other baby and I was confused and said like the next baby? And she said no, the baby in your tummy right now. Geeeeez.

MrsL, asking about massage is NOT a dumb question. You are nervous and want to do everything right. Screw that OB. I agree with Terri. What a jerk off. See if you can switch? You'll be seeing a lot of your dr and you want to like them. I'm obsessed with my OB. She held me in her arms and kept telling me everything was ok while the aniesleiologist gave me my spinal. You get real close with those people at the end, very quickly. You wanna be happy with everyone on your delivery team!

Which brings me to my next realization...those Drs and nurses are strong!! I was 170 pounds of dead weight and they were moving me around from operating tables to beds to wheelchairs like I was nothing! I swear my OR nurse was less than 100 pounds. Tiny little Asian lady. My catheter bag was leaking in recovery and she changed the bedding with me still on the bed just moving me side to side and there was NO WAY I was helping. It was incredible.

Wow! I guess I really miss that whole experience. It was pretty perfect and I really hope you all have the same experience.

I'm so excited for you to start up again Terri!

Hope your feeling good, Amy! Or crappy...if your pregnancy will be anything like mine! Haha!

Where is that baby Kfs?? I never understood how or why people wanted to wait to see the gender at delivery...and now I know why. This is so stinking exciting! My mom spent the night last night so DH and I could sleep a full night and this morning at 5 I grabbed my ipad and told my mom "I have to see if kfs had her baby yet!" She was like huh? What are you talking about? Is that a show ? Haha

Hello to everyone!! Happy Friday!
Good morning, ladies!!

ERose - Thanks for checking in - it's completely understandable why you wouldn't be posting very much but I just wanted to make sure all was okay! I can't believe in THREE days you're going to be holding little Owen in your arms. How awesome is that! Sounds like you're ready to go. Can't wait.

MrsL4 - My RE was about 4 hours from where I live so when I was going through my retrieval and FET cycles, I was able to do some monitoring somewhat locally. The OB who was doing my monitoring is in the bigger city from where I live (about 45 minutes away) and I really liked him. After I got pregnant, he continued to do my monitoring for my RE until it was time to be released to a local OB. I went to one appointment at my local OB - and at the time, I was pretty dead set on delivering at my local hospital to avoid a bunch of driving throughout my pregnancy - and then I switched back to the OB 45 minutes away. It wasn't even that I didn't "like" the local OB, it just didn't feel right. So, I say go with your gut on this one. If you don't feel right, look into someone else. There's no harm in that. This is definitely one doctor that you want to feel comfortable with. Having said that, some doctors are just awkward and have no bedside manner but they are still really good doctors - my RE was like that actually; I call him Dr. Awkward. Anyway, you'll figure out what to do - just think about if for a few days or even ask your RE if she had any odd experiences with the OB.

Beagle - Your OB appointments sound pretty similar to mine. Haha - I feel like I say that a lot. But my Dr. always says that he likes easy - I very rarely have questions and I'm glad that nothing has popped up to make him concerned. Usually, I'm in and out of there in like 15 minutes, unless there's an ultrasound or something. I can't believe you're 30 weeks!!! I agree, the time does start to fly. I felt like the first tri drug on forever but since then, it feels like time has moved very fast.

Terri - Well, today is the day! I hope your stimming goes smoothly. And you're right, all this is out of our control - not that knowing that makes any of this any easier. Good luck!!! I hope this is it for you. :hugs:

JCM - I got a pair of the mesh undies after I had my hysteroscopy in December and joked with DH then about how comfortable they were. They are hideous but man, are they comfortable! I overpack for everything so I will try to remember not to do that for the hospital. My hospitals website recommends your bring a pair of your own PJs that you don't mind throwing away. But I just figure those hospital gowns aren't that bad and since I'll have my own room, I won't mind letting it all hang out either.

Amy - Are you testing early? I'm not encouraging it, just wondering because I know your doctor seems to wait what seems like FOREVER to do betas.

Hi to everyone else! :hi:

Well, I am happy to report I passed the 3-hour test. I was a little worried after it actually. You have to fast for at least 8-10 hours before the test, have a blood draw, then drink 100 grams of this glucose drink (that's like 4 Cokes works of sugar :sick:), then have a blood draw every hour for 3 hours. The 100 gram glucose drink was pretty nasty, I must admit. The 50 gram you drink for the challenge test was tolerable. Anyway, I got done with my last blood draw about 10:30 so I figured I would just drive home and then grab something to eat. Well, about halfway between the hospital and home, I started to get really dizzy, nauseated and started sweating profusely. I had to stop at a Subway and grab something to eat. I probably looked like a junkie with my marked up arms and sweating like a madwoman. I ordered a footlong and sat in my truck in the parking lot and ate half of it in record time. I started feeling better right away but I still ended up taking the rest of the day off from work. I was soaked from sweating and just didn't feel 100%. I ate the rest of the sandwich on my way home and then took like a 3-hour nap. Haha. I thought for sure I failed my test based on that reaction but my Dr's office called late in the afternoon and said I passed. In any case, I feel normal today so that's good.
MrsL: I'm sorry that was your first OB experience. That should've been exciting getting to see your baby, not stressful. Wahoo on an excellent heart rate. Like Beagle, I have some mixed feelings on the doctor. I go to an OB practice where you rotate amongst all the docs. For my annual I usually see a nurse practitioner who I just love. My first appointment the OB we met couldn't have been more awesome. His son is an IVF baby and is 16 and he was joking they sometimes think they picked the wrong egg. But later I met with this doc, who did my friend's c-section, he clearly had not read my chart. He was very friendly and was asking about if this was a first grandchild when I said it was for my parents. He asked if they'd "given up hope" or they knew it would happen eventually. Not the best thing to say to someone that got pregnant over IVF. My friend strongly disliked his bedside manner but had no problem healing from her c-section and was running again by 7 weeks. I've like the other docs enough that I tolerate him and just hope he isn't working when I go into labor. But feeling comfortable enough to ask questions with your OB is really important. Your massage question was NOT stupid, most places require a medical note, and it was so inappropriate to ask about how much it cost. You've got plenty of time to switch if you decide you want to.

Erin: I cannot believe Owen is going to be here so soon! Enjoy this weekend preparing for him.

KFS: You still pregnant lady? I'm dying with anticipation. (Jen, you cracked me up with your story too.)

Terri: I'm so excited for you that you're getting started! Here's wishing you a smooth stimming. We've got lots of babies coming for your BFP. I have not heard anything re: the job. They told me the next step if I was still interested was an edit test/ story idea pitch. They move pretty slow in my experience. I was mixed on whether I should follow up or not as they recruited me.

Beagle: I'm feeling the same way as you. I can't believe it is 30 weeks tomorrow! I've surprised myself with how much I have enjoyed this pregnancy. I'm torn between wanting to meet this To wanting more time pregnant. The kicks and movements are starting to feel more like rumbles these days.

Booger: Congrats! What a relief! That sounds awful. I'm not sure if I mentioned I had a little bit of glucose in my urine at my last appointment. OB wasn't concerned b/c I'd just passed my glucose "with flying colors" and I'd just ate some fruit beforehand. But if it happens again I'm in for the three hour. Hubs was like wait what? I thought we were done with this. I keep saying I'm going to have a small drink at some point, like when I was in Italy I said a glass of wine. With the wedding I said I'd have a beer. Yesterday, started this massive music festival in our city that draws 1 million people and lasts 10 days. It's my favorite time of year and I said I thought I might have one then. But I keep not being able to relax and do it. I don't think it'll really make a difference but I don't feel like I can enjoy it.

This weekend we'll be festing a lot as the festival is six blocks from our house but we also have our full day labor and delivery class, which we're doing with our friends. I'm hoping to get some input from the lactation consultant on two breast pumps I'm torn between as well as cement whether I want to pursue a doula. I feel like we have so much to do and so little time left.

We did book a long beach vacation to Dewey Beach the weekend after Labor Day, so I am very psyched for that.

Anyone have fun weekend plans?
Erin - I'm so excited! I can't believe little Owen will be here on Monday!! (Maybe I should test on Monday hee hee).

MrsL4 - I'm so sorry your first appointment with the OB sucked. I would maybe give him one more visit. If you don't warm up to him next time, definitely switch to a new Dr.

Booger - I'm so glad you passed the 3-hour test. What a scary reaction after though. I'm glad you shared the story though because if I or anyone else I know ever has to go though it, I'm definitely going to tell them to bring a snack in their purse for after. My Dr. totally makes me wait FOREVER for the betas lol. He does them on 12dpt and since this time that falls on a Saturday, he's making me wait until 14dpt. I am definitely going to test early. Next week sometime. I was originally thinking Tuesday or Wednesday. But now that Owen is going to be born on Monday, I was thinking of using his good luck and testing on Monday. I'll be 7dp6dt on Monday. I'm not sure if that's too early or not. You know I'm always scared to test lol.

Terri - YAY!! Today is the day!! I'm so glad you're all ready and getting started again!!

AFM - I'm 4dp6dt today. Not really feeling any different than I normally do. As I said above, I'm thinking of testing Monday. I'm SOO scared though. I can never shake all the doubts I have while waiting to test. Oh well, it's out of my hands. Fingers crossed though! On another note, today is mine and DH's 8-year anniversary. For some reason we always celebrate this day (our first date) rather than really celebrating our wedding anniversary lol. So we are going to Benihana's for dinner, which is one of my favorite places! So I'll be thinking about yummy food all day :)
Good morning ladies!

I'm sorry I've been MIA lately! With my new job and we've had guests staying with us this week from Ohio I haven't had a single minute to myself. I had my suppression check yesterday and I start esterace tomorrow. As a side note - I AM LOVING MY NEW JOB!!! I can't say it with more enthusiasm. My boss is hilarious and so supportive. And my new team is amazing. I just feel comfortable already and feel like I made the right move.

Erose- OMG! You are so close, I am so excited for you! I can't wait to hear an update.

Amy - woohoo for being PUPO with a little gal! Congrats lady! :) I think this is it for you.

Terri - did you start stimming? Yay for things moving along!

Sars - congrats on the great job interview! That is always exciting to be wanted by another employer. I am surprised the guy asked if you were married and had kids - you're not supposed to ask that...hmm... oh well. I am glad you were up front about your pregnancy. Fingers crossed the information about maternity leave that they come up with is good and you can make a move!

More later ladies, we're in Cannon Beach this weekend and we're headed out for a beach walk!
I typed out something this weekend & it didn't take & now I don't know what I said.

Lady - congrats on the job. Glad you are liking it.

Terri - hope stimming is going well.

Erin - so excited for you today. I hope Owen comes easily & safely. I am sure all will be fine.

We went out & spent our gift cards this weekend getting all the other things for the baby. I am sure we have totally over done it! Like all first time parents. We were so exhausted after...well mainly me. But I feel so good about everything. I have a couple things to return but for the most part, I think we have everything we wanted/needed.

My husband is in Colorado this week. I had to drop him off at the airport at 4 am! Luckily it is only 20 min away...if that with no traffic. I am so anxious & upset about it. But I will be fine. He was so nice over the weekend. Determined to make a big pot of something so I could just reheat it all week. But I told him I would be fine. I just hope the week goes by fast.

My dog is again not doing well. Back injury full blown has returned. I think because we stopped the steroids. We thought it would be okay, but it got so much worse this weekend. There is a laser non evasive treatment we can do. it is 3 weeks long...3x week 1, 2x week 2, & 1x week 3. It is only $300. But our main issue is maiking the time. They are open late Wed. So I am thinking if they can get me in to start this week. I could leave early today, do a late one Wed, & I took Fri off.

My husband's birthday is Friday, so I took the day off to get my hair cut, take my other dog in to get shots, buy him a cake, & try to get my house clean. I pick him up around 2 & I really want it to look good when he gets back. He does so much for me. And he doesn't know I am off. I told him I had to go back to work after getting him. And then I plan to get him up early to go to the beach for a private sunrise photo shoot. He doesn't know anything about that. I am so excited.
Good morning, ladies. :coffee:

ERose - Today is the day!!! :happydance::happydance: I hope all goes well. So happy for you and your family.

Beagle - Your surprise for your husband sounds awesome! I bet he is going to be so happy. Sorry your dog is feeling bad again. We found with our old dog that everytime we tried to lower his dose of prednisone he went downhill pretty fast with his arthritis. Our vet said not to worry about keeping him on it since he was so old and the dose wasn't really that high. Anyway, I hope he's on the mend soon!!

Amy - I hope you and DH had a nice anniversary celebration! And I really hope that your :bfp: is your anniversary gift this year.

Lady - That's awesome you're loving your new job. :thumbup: What a great feeling to be excited about work and not dreading it. Hooray for jumping on the estrace train - that means you're getting closer to transfer again.

Terri - How goes the stimming??

Sars - Haha - I keep doing the same thing with the beer/wine. I keep saying "Oh, maybe Sunday evening I'll have a small glass" and then I never do. I know it would be fine but then I get all nervous about doing it and chicken out. Which is completely fine too! I had another sip of DHs beer last night while we were hanging out on the back porch and it was oh so delicious. Guess I'll just stick to sips for now. Hope you had fun at the festival this weekend!

Hello to everyone else!

Well, hopefully we have a couple more babies around here soon. I know it has to be hard to check-in, so I'm just guessing that kfs has already had or is very close to having hers.

Nothing too exciting going on here. Did a pretty thorough cleaning of the house this weekend, mowed the lawn, picked the garden, those kinds of things, etc. DH is making pretty good progress on the crib, so that's reassuring. Pretty much just need to paint and get it all assembled now.
Booger - you are a much better pregnant person than I am! But maybe it is the weeks behind me you are. Right now, this is recent, walking any considerable distance makes me tired & out of breath. Shopping was a little hard because if we stopped too long to look at something I was looking for a chair. It must just be the pushing on the organs thing.

My dr said recently about my dog's allergies that being on prednisone was like quality of life vs quantity. So doing it in small doses in the summer is okay especially considering how miserable he is off of it...not a way to live. But with this back thing, I do not want him on it long term. He is only about 9...which is not that old in beagle years. So I really hope this laser thing works. I can't stand seeing him shaking. I put heat on him & that seems to help. I am going to buy a smaller crate & basically crate him full time this week. I hate it, but I have to. Just walking to go to the bathroom irritates his back & he is in a shaking fit. I did add glucosamine to his diet this last week. Hoping it helps in the long run. I researched the laser & it seems like a good thing. She also said he can come in for touch ups...seems sort of like chirpractic medicine. Come in as you need it when the inital issue is over. So it is 3 days in a row this week...starting him on Wed. Then it will be 3 days next week...every other day.

I meant to say earlier...I think the pregnancy hormones are hitting now...with all the emotions I am having over my husband leaving. Or it could just be stress overload. I still haven't gotten the day care thing worked out. I know my place jsut haven't done a walk through. Maybe since I am off Fri, I can just schedule that afternoon to go with my husband.

So someone posted a pic of Owen on Erin's FB. They seem to be doing great!
Erin - Congrats on baby Owen being born. I hope you and baby are doing well. I'm so happy for you and your family.

LadySosa - I'm so happy you love your new job. That's just awesome. It looks like you made the right decision.

Terri - How was stimming this weekend? How did your appointment go? (It's today right?).

Beagle - I'm so sorry that your pup is not feeling well again. It's so hard to see them sick or in pain. I think the laser treatment sounds like a good idea. I really hope it works and he starts to get better.

AFM - So I tested this morning. For some reason this has made me more anxious and not in a good way (I swear everything I've been through had traumatized me lol). I got the squinter of all squinters in the world :haha: I guess I was just expecting that if it was negative, it would be negative and if it was positive, it would be a little darker by 7dp6dt (13dpo). I guess all I can do is wait to see what happens tomorrow. The first two pics are 5 min after I took the test (squinter of the year award). The last two pics are about an hour later when it dried.

Edited: To try and make pics more clear. Not sure it helped lol.


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Amy-I can actually see both lines, so I wouldn't say thats the squinter of the year! I normally don't see anything on those ICs, so your FRER looks good to me. Do you want me to dance yet? :wohoo: How about that?

booger-Sounds like things are coming along for you. Yay!! I can't believe how much you do in a weekend. It takes all my strength to get off the couch and do 20 dishes. hee hee. I need to clear an area in my back yard, so maybe i'll work on that next weekend. I'll spray the brush/weed killer today and maybe they'll be dead by the weekend. My husband doesn't mind cutting the grass, but it seems he could care less about the ivy growing on the shed/ground. *sigh*

LadySosa-That makes me so happy to hear that you love your new job. It was definitely the right decision.

beagle-Sorry to hear that your dog is still having trouble. I hope the laser treatment works for him.'s so sad seeing dogs in pain because they can't complain about it.

AFM-Ten follicles today (3 on one side, 7 on the other). That's about my normal, so so far things are right on track. Stimming is uneventful. I just do it, and then cook dinner, or turn on the ball game or whatever. I'm to return on Wednesday for another checkup. No bloating just yet.
Guys...I am so forgetful. Meant to tell you with all this beer & wine talk I had one of the new Dew Shines by Mt Dew. Totally no alcohol but it tasted just like Smirnoff Ice.

Amy - I see the line for sure. I was a 6 day transfer as well. I am pretty sure by 7 days, my lines were not super dark. But I get the anxiety. You have been through so much. But you did PGS which greatly increases your chances. And Erin just had a right on time for a positive!

Terri - my husband is similar. He seems so concerned with the opposite of what I am in the yard. I get upset when we have vines & things grow on the fence because I know it is not good for the fence. And some is passion fruit which one of my dogs must think it is growing tennis balls. So I prefer to just cut it down.

I am feeling good about this new treatment. The office is not my regular is a sister site. I left them when the new office came. One it is right around the corner...two my vet was going there...three I hated the other place. So busy & horrible front staff. I have a new vet now & I love her too. So I called her to ask about anything else I should do during this treatment. Waiting to hear back. I swear one thing better than an OB you love is a vet you love & trust. My dog has been in so much even the staff knows when I say his name.

So apparently getting a pediatrician is not as hard as I thought. I am just going to go with a referral from a friend. They said all I have to do is tell the staff when I deliver who my ped is. Then the on call dr will come by to see him. I do all my paperwork & everything afterwards. One thing crossed off the list. I will visit the day care on Fri. Feels so good to have that done. I really don't think I need to see any other day cares. So unless there is a space issue, I am confident I will like them & go with them. Feeling good about getting things wrapped up. Maybe if I am on it this week I can even install my car seat & have the fire dept check it out.
Oh & Terri - nice start on the stimming...hope your body keeps it up!
Hooray for Baby Owen making his long-awaited appearance!! :blue:

Amy - I'm with Terri, no squinting required! I'm going to throw in a dancer as well (maybe 2 or 3). :happydance::happydance::happydance:

Terri - Well, your stimming sounds like it's going well. Here's hoping it keeps up! :thumbup:

Beagle - The laser treatment sounds like a good plan. Yeah, my dog was older than yours so the prednisone wasn't a big deal to me. Glad you got the pediatrician figured out. I haven't even thought about that. I just assumed the baby would go to my doctor since she's a family doctor. :shrug:

Well, it just sounds like I get a lot done on the weekends. There is certainly some downtime too. However, I have always had ants in my pants so I get bored pretty easily with just sitting around. If I have a good book going, that's one thing but I hate wasting my precious summer days. Plus, I figure I still feel pretty good right now so I had better take advantage of these days while they are still hanging around. I did actually *cough* run *cough* a 5K race that was put on by a local non-profit on Friday night. I'm not sure you could call it running but I was trying! I haven't actually been running very much, just been sticking with a 45-minute walk in the morning most days of the week. I can't believe how quickly I lost my stamina!
Booger - I actually don't have a family dr. Before fertility treatment, I only saw my gyno once a year. I don't really get sick. And I had to do blood work once a year for my insurance. With how you are keeping up physically you will probably recover well from labor. I am naturally lazy. Well not so much lazy as a couch potato. When I get home, I crash! But I enjoy that. Me & my husband enjoy watching tv on the couch after work to unwind.

So again...forgetful...I meant to tell you after lunch I called my husband. It is amazing how open I realize I am when I am trying to hide something. Several times I almost told my husband I was off Fri. My boss hasn't actually approved it, but I don't care. I put it on the calendar & reminded him to review it several times. No reason I can't be off. I almost told that story to my husband. Also I told him about my dog doing laser treatment. I said the vet said I can drop him off in the morning & pick him up at lunch. Which works out well. So I said Wed is a late night for them, so I can go after work. The other days I will drop him off. Then he was like well I will have to pick him up Fri since you are getting me on your lunch. And I was like oh yeh, right. When actually I just have a mid morning appt Fri. I do this when I buy gifts too. Because I am just so used to telling him everything from my day. Then I am like oh yeh, that was a surprise for you! I used to be much better at this :)

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