First time IVF - Started Lupron last Thurs - Would Love some Buddies

Hi ladies, things have been super busy so i have been reading along but not posting.

Amy- huge congrats hun!! Thats no squinter for me! Mine would not show up in pics for a couple days. So i say no worries. Grow sweet girl grow!

Erin- congrats! I cant wait to see owens pic! Enjoy this sweet time with him and a wishing you a fast recovery.

Lady- so happy to hear you're loving the new job!

Beagle- hope your pup feels better soon. Its so hard to see them hurting.

Terri- yay for good growth on the scan! Cant wait for you to be past stimming and in the tww.
So the line got a teeny weeny bit darker this morning and I got a positive on a digital test. The line on the frer is still really light though so I'm still really nervous. I can't shake this fear that it's not going to stick. It's the craziest thing. It's messing with my head. I should be happy and relieved since we know it's a chromosomally normal embryo but I'm not. It's irrational, I know. However, my beta got moved up to Friday so I'm glad about that. Waiting until Monday would have been torture lol. The only reason they moved it up though was because I was going to run out of medication waiting so long and I was not going to order more until the pregnancy was confirmed (by the RE lol).


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I can see the line on my phone which is good. And digitals are usually less sensitive. Fri is my husband's birthday. Good luck on the beta but I'm sure you are good!
Amy- i can understand your fears. Sorry you have to battle them but this is a victory. One day at a time girlie♡ yay for the digi!!
Thanks for the support guys :)

Terri - Endometrin (vaginal insert), a progesterone lozenge, an oral estrogen pill, and the estrogen patch.
Oh have that lozenge to take. I think it's 100% normal for you to be nervous as well too. I read journals of a couple women with losses, and they have been nervous throughout. I think I would/will feel the same way too. It's so exciting getting darker and darker lines and then to find out nothing's there or something was there and now it's gone is pretty shocking/upsetting. Can one get over that? I'm not really sure. It's always in your mind. have a great embryo and I'm sure everything will be fine this time around. I'm glad they moved your beta up to Friday too. Yeah for small blessings. :)
Hi ladies!!

Erin - yay for baby Owen arriving! I can't wait for an update and pics! Congrats mama!

Amy - YAYYYY!!! I am so happy for you! It is definitely a positive! So looking forward to Friday for your beta! And, I think it s totally normal to be nervous throughout. Probably even after you get your positive beta you'll still be nervous. But this time around, you did PGS and that is a HUGE advantage over your last cycle!

Terri- grow follies grow! How are the O's doing this season? I haven't been following baseball too much but I know the Mariners are sucking this season. I cannot wait for football season - I ordered my Doug Baldwin jersey today! Woot woot!

Beagle - I'm so sorry about your pup's back issues. It it so hard seeing your fur baby go through that. You have a lot on your plate - I bet that can feel overwhelming. Good for you for keeping up and planning such a cool surprise for your hubby!

Booger - my, my! You are one productive lady! Good for you. I feel the same way sometime, I have a hard time sitting still. We watch TV, and I always feel like I have to be doing laundry or washing dishes. I can't relax until ALL the chores are done. DH is the opposite...he always wants to leave the dirty dishes for the morning and it drives me batty. So I just end up dong all his chores, haha.

Anyways, my hubs is also headed on a business trip tomorrow until Friday, so I'll have a few evenings solo. I am sort of looking forward to having some time to myself! What to do, what to do... :)
LadySosa-the Os are playing the Mariners this week. Last night he Os lost and the night before they won, so the rubber match is today at 12:30 your time! I meant to tell you that our trip to Seattle is booked and planned. I'm the activities coordinator, so we're doing a ton of stuff when we show up in late September. We're staying at the Edgewater so if you know of a cool sports bar nearby that would be great. I'm planning a small class reunion for anyone who wants to show up for football and to see me. My older sister is also meeting us there so hopefully some of her friends can meet is there too. If you're bored, come on!! Hee hee.

Today's checkup- lots of small follicles. I'll get a more thorough report later today.
Good morning, ladies. :coffee:

Terri - Hooray for lots of follicles, even if they are small. Still lots of time for them to get nice and plump.

Lady - Enjoy your few evenings alone. I always like it when DH goes away for a few days too - and I know he enjoys his alone time when I'm out of town. I think we all need our space sometimes. Plus, then I can eat cereal and PB and J for dinner and not feel like I have to cook an entire meal. :haha: How long until transfer?? I know you're getting pretty close.

Amy - Your test definitely looks darker than the other day. It's hard not to stress about how "dark" they are but if your digital says "Pregnant" then you are pregnant. Just a couple more days until beta. Try to relax if you can - but you know we're always here for you!

JKB - Hi! I hope you're doing well. I think you're the next to have your baby!!! You're getting pretty close.

Beagle - Ah, that makes sense then about finding a pediatrician. I have a family doctor that serves as my lady doctor, I really like her so I'm hopeful we can all just go to her from now on......I hope your doggie is doing better.

Hello to everyone else!!!

I am so tired this morning and I'm not even sure why. I actually fell asleep early last night and didn't wake up a bunch like I normally do. Maybe I got too much sleep! :haha:
Booger - the tiredness comes & goes for me & no real reason why. But I do feel like I am officially pregnant crazy. Oh well.

My pup goes in today for his first treatment. I am excited & hopeful. He is about the same. Feels fine when he lays down but pain after he walks around. But he is excited to eat even though eating slow & excited to go outside. He just pays for it later. Keeping up the pain meds & hoping to see improvement this weekend after his initial 3 days.

I usually enjoy a day or 2 without my husband...but a week while I am pregnant with a sick dog...not fun. But I just keep thinking 2 sleeps down, 2 to go. My animals drove me nuts last night. I went to sleep super 8. Then woke up at 11 because dogs are confused & don't know where to sleep when my husband is gone. So one was walking all over with nails on the hardwood. Got him in bed then my cat wanted out...wouldn't shut up! So I turned on the tv & was able to sleep again after a couple hours. So overall not bad.

My mom texted me to make sure I was ok home alone. I said I was fine & eating hot dogs for dinner every night since the chef was away! Ha Ha! She said that poor baby is going to come out wrapped in a hot dog bun!
terri - glad to hear you got some follicles starting to grow --- hope they keep on plumping up and stims go smoothly!!

beagle - hope the vet visits help your pup quickly. my cats do the same thing when my husband is idea when to fall asleep, or where to fall asleep....they just keep waiting for him! its sad! we sure do love our fur babies.

amy - i am so excited for you and pray things continue to look great! thats great that the line is getting dark. the morning of my beta, the line was soooo faint i couldn't even totally tell -- then two hours later, my beta was 188! i was using cheapies, but still, i thought they would be better than that!

thanks for all the support/thoughts on the ob and our bad first visit - i ended up switching today. i thought about it a few days, talk to a few more girlfriends about it....and DH was still really unhappy about our doc - he even said anybody would be better than that guy! I truly don't think the doc is bad, we just didn't really mesh well.....and maybe it would have been okay in the long run, but DH just was not excited to go back to see this guy, and I want him to feel comfortable too. So, we shall see! Next appt isn't until Sept but hopefully it is better than the last!
MrsL I think you will be happy you switch. Some things you can just sour on early on & never get over...which sort of brings me to my story...

The vet I went to today is my old vet. They are further away & I hated how hectic they were & I had a few really bad run ins with them. But I loved the vet I saw. So they opened a sister site right around the corner from me & my vet moved there. So we switched. So much nicer & not as busy. They are awesome & have stayed late more than once for us. So anyways my vet left & a new one came who we really love & she recommended this procedure but I had to go to the old place. I call Monday & set everything up...come in late today because they are open late...then drop off tomorrow & an appt on Fri since I am off. 3 days in a row as instructed...then every other next week. I go in & new I was screwed because they first thing they said was did I schedule anything with the tech. I said yes. Then after about 20 min a lady came out & told me 2 bad things. One: the treatments need to be 24 hours apart...& two: the tech & all therapists were gone. She said they would do it but not sure about tomorrow & basically I felt the whole treatment plan was up in the air. My vet could not be reached. I started crying...seriously I was crying. I said I was sorry for crying but my dog had been in pain all week waiting for this appt & I scheduled it the way I did because I do not have a lot of flexibility at work right now. So anyways...she did the procedure & said tomorrow they would talk to the tech & my vet & see what to do. I said I could leave early tomorrow to do as late as they could but apparently even 22 hours apart is not enough. But at least he got the treatment & he is in the play pen again & actually not shaking or anything. So I am glad he was able to do something today but so pissed at the situation. I really feel like bringing in goodies for my vet's office because they are just so awesome & this shows just how much. I am trying to calm down now because I just start crying again. I think I am overwhelmed & also thinking about the situation. I really wanted to clean up some today but just feel wiped out. I really want my husband to see a clean house on Friday when he comes home. But I know he wouldn't care if I didn't. But I just wanted to do something for him since he does so much.

Side note...if the tech was not stressing to fit me in, I would have taken a pic...but thought it may piss her off...we all had to wear glasses because of the laser. And they put goggles on my dog. He looked so cute & funny. Like a little dog aviator!
Hi ladies!
Wow - the board is sure quiet, no posts today! Well, I'm happy to be the first.

Terri - I meant to ask you about your trip! Sounds like you've got a fun itinerary all set! You guys will have a blast.

Beagle - Ugh! That sounds so frustrating! What a stressful situation. Like I said, you have a lot on your plate. It is so great that you are doing something special for your hubs, but just remember not to overburden yourself. Your hubby will want a healthy, happy wife and baby above all else. :) I'm curious to hear how the treatments go; having a doxie, I'm sure some day we will encounter back troubles.

Booger - I had fruit loops for dinner tonight. :) Hehe.

Hi to everyone else! Hope everyone's having a good week so far!
Hey ladies!!
I had another checkup today and I still have 9 follies. They are still kind of small, but at least I could see them on the screen today, so they are growing. I go back on Sunday. I had to drive to PA yesterday to evict someone. I got to the courthouse early and sat in my car until 15 minutes prior to the case. Well, when I looked at the door, they said that all cases with my number on them are postponed for a week. SERIOUSLY??!!! I was not happy. But, I got doughnuts from a place that was on Save my Bakery on Food Network and hoagies to console myself. I guess i'll be taking off work next week as well. I just hope I don't have my transfer next Thursday.

LadySosa-What's the scoop on you? Is your transfer coming up soon?

beagle-I agree with Lady Sosa. I'm sure your house is fine, and your husband would want you to take it easy and not stress out. Enjoy your day off today and I hope he loves his surprise.

sars-Did you hear back from Runners' World yet? What are you thinking?

Amy-I am so looking forward to your check in later this afternoon. :happydance:

MrsL-Glad you changed doctors. It's not a big deal to switch. It's crazy, but it seems like doctors don't really have much vested in their patience. Pretty sad, but i guess that's just the way it is.

jkb-Yup..I guess we'll soon be on baby watch for you. Yeah!! Things are so exciting around here.

ERose/kfs1/babyW/Jen/ (Amy)-Hope you moms are all doing well.

That reminds me, where has Krissy been? I guess I better scroll back. She had that blood panel earlier in the month and her transfer is set for the 21st. Check in and let us know how you're doing, babe. :hugs:
The website is I think I can see a difference already. I feel much better about everything now. Don't worry. I don't plan to overdo it. My body def let's me know when to rest.
Girls! I'm soooo sorry that it's taken me so long to post but I've had some time adjusting to the little one's arrival. :)

Adeline Ellene was born on 8/4 at 4:07 am. 6 lbs, 10 oz, 20 inches long. She initially had some trouble breathing but she's absolutely perfect now. Just realized I can't post a pic from my phone so I'll post a bit later and will catch up. Love you ladies!
I'm so happy that you checked in kfs1. Congrats to you and Adeline, and we want to hear all about it when you get a chance. A check in is all I needed though. I can finally relax. hee hee. Love ya!

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