First time IVF - Started Lupron last Thurs - Would Love some Buddies

Babies, babies everywhere. I love it!

ERose-What a handsome little man you have there. My favorite picture is the football one. It's coming soon!! hee hee. Glad to hear that you are doing well and you have a lot of family support. We missed you, but know you are super busy. <3 Congrats MOM!

BabyW-Thanks so much for checking in. We missed you too. Emma is just the cutest little thing. The picture of her sucking on your DH's nose is also really cute. Thank you for sharing your pics with us.

jkb-You're up next. Are you just about all set?

LadySosa-Glad it finally rained! hee hee. It's crazy how we hate rain, but it's such a necessary evil. And yes, transfer is coming up fairly soon for you. Finally!!

Amy-:hugs: How are you doing? Hope you got to spend the weekend doing something fun for you to get your mind off things.

MrsW-Nice to see you. Hope you're enjoying your time away from BnB. It's so addicting.

AFM-My best friend's husband turned 40 over the weekend, so she had a huge party last night. There were about 50 people. It was so much fun. We got there early to set up, but the set up was already finished (by her sister and kids!), so it was just party time starting around 11. hee hee. We got home at 11p, so you know it was a rager. hee hee. I'm skipping church today because I'm pretty tired. I even took my meds with me so I wouldn't have to go home. HA!!HA!! This girl hates to leave a party when everyone is having fun. We had crabs, pit beef, macaroni and cheese, chicken, snowcones (yes, a truck showed up for everyone to get snowcones). I only ate crabs and drank beer.

I went in this morning for my follicle check and they are coming right along. I am still at 9-10 follicles, and the largest is about 13, so I still have a few more days to go. I'm hoping retrieval is over the weekend because I have to go back to PA again on Thursday.
Oh Amy, I was so hoping this wasn't the case. I really thought this was it for you. You had a great embryo and PGS on your side. Take whatever time you need to regroup.

To all our new mamas what beautiful babies!

Erin, Owen is just adorable. I love the football photo too. It is amazing to see in the first photo you posted how accurate the 3D photo of him truly was. I hope you're soaking up the joy of him finally being here. Hope the c-section recovery is going well.

BabyW: So wonderful to hear from you. We miss you! Miss Emma is gorgeous. I love, love the photo of her on DH's nose. Sorry to hear about the mastitis, I hear it is awful. Did that interfere with your breastfeeding? Yay for your awful manager getting the boot, but I'm sorry to hear there are layoffs going on. That's never easy.

Lady: it is so wonderful to hear how happy your new job is making you.Hope yo had a nice lazy weekend.

Terri: it is totally the roll. Do you have any Primos near you? It is a small chain. They have awesome rolls. I've told me parents they better bring an Italian hoagie to the hospital if they want to meet their grandbaby =) Few places where I live now make a good cheesesteak. The standard thing is to put tomato sauce on it, which is fine, but folks, that's a pizza steak. Not a cheesesteak.

I've spent much of the weekend on my edit test for the new job and I really feel like I nailed it. And I had fun doing it. A friend who works for another magazine there was reading through my submission and afterwards told me, "They'd be crazy not to hire you." I emailed the HR guy on Friday to see if I can get some solid answers to my outstanding questions.

Hubs was at a concert in Baltimore with his brothers so I rolled solo to our good friend's annual Musikfest bash. It was a good time but it is a no kid affair with keg stands and jello shots etc. so it had me wishing I could partake just a little.

Just wanted to mention, Britax on Friday recalled a ton of its seats from its convertible line of the Advocate, Marathon and Boulevard Clicktight seats. It is the one I registered for due to the great safety ratings. I almost bought it this week because it was on a super sale on Amazon. There is a fix for it if you do have one.

Hope everyone had a nice weekend.
Terri- so glad ylto hear your scan went well and things are moving along. It won't be long:) we are pretty set and ready, I have some little last minute things to complete but mainly just decor stuff (example: hair band holder;)) everything is washed and packed and waiting. I can't wait to hold her in my arms.

Sars- congrats on completing the edit! I'm sure you did excellent!

Lady- it's almost time!!!!! It makes me so happy to hear your loving the new job, makes such a big difference.
SARS-I'm glad you said the things about Owen looking just like his ultrasound because I thought the same thing and forgot to write it. Such an accurate picture!! Glad you enjoyed the edit and I hope they answer your questions with the right answers. Now I want a cheesesteak. I'll have to pick one up on Thursday when I go back to Chester. Hee hee. Good bribe for your parents. A hoagie is a good first meal post baby because you can't eat lunchmeat, right? How exciting.

Jkb-a hairband holder is probably so cute. Glad you're just about ready.

Booger/beagle/mrs L. hope you ladies enjoyed your weekend.
Good morning, ladies! :coffee:

Terri - I have to live vicariously through you since you are always doing fun things. Your friends party sounds great. I'm glad to hear your follies are coming along nicely. Nice and slow is the way to go!

jkb - Sounds like you guys are ready for baby! I can't remember - do you have a name picked out already? If you do, are you keeping it a secret?

sars - I'm glad your test edit went well! I can't wait to hear what happens with this opportunity for you. Any way it goes, it sounds like it was a great experience. I'm hoping HR answers all your questions here quickly. How are you feeling? Are you still getting exercise in?

Amy - :hugs: I'm so sorry. Nothing else to say other than this sucks. :nope:

babywhisperer - Oooooh, little Emma sure is a cutie. She looks so tiny in that professional photo. I'm guessing it's just the angle of the photo but she looks like she'd fit in your pocket! Sorry to hear about the mastitis. Hoping it is cleared up now and stays away!

ERose - Owen is just adorable. So sweet. Loving all these baby pictures. Makes me want to meet my little one even more. I keep waffling between and excitement and panic and this pictures are making me feel more excited! Enjoy!

JCM - Hope you get your full day of sleep in today! :thumbup:

Beagle - Was DH surprised??? Can't wait to hear how it went.

MrsW - Nice to hear from you! Good luck stimming - I really hope this is your golden ticket.

LadySosa - That's awesome that you are loving your new job! I bet it feels great to know you made the right decision. Also, I'm glad you guys are getting some rain. We could use some over here. It's awful smoky in our valley right now from all the fires in WA, OR, and ID. I feel just horrible for everyone affected.

Hello to anyone I missed. I know I always miss someone - it's never intentional, just absentminded I suppose. :hi:

My weekend was okay. Nothing exciting. DH had to work all weekend so I was at home alone. That's fine but I was getting a serious case of cabin fever by last night so I made him take me out to eat. Times like that make me miss living in a bigger city. He didn't get home until 8 and most of the restaurants in our town close early or aren't open at all on Sundays. We ended up at a little pizza joint, which was fine but not exactly what I had in mind. Oh well.

A friend/coworker of mine gave me a swing and bassinet this weekend. I feel so fortunate to have people who are willing to hand stuff down to us. So far I have been able to get 2 strollers (1 of which is a running stroller :happydance:), an infant car seat with 2 bases (no accidents, barely used), a bassinet, the swing and four bags of clothes. It makes this girl's thrifty heart soar!
JKB: You're so close!

Terri: You're right on the lunchmeat. My OBGYN is more lax on it than others but suggests sticking to turkey. I want an italian hoagie so bad. I wanted a cheesesteak after all that talk too.

Booger: I hear ya on the excitement and then panic. Some days I want this little bugger on the outside and other days I feel overwhelmed with all I still have to do. I have to remind myself people have been having babies for centuries without all the stuff we use today. So, as long as we have a car seat, diapers and clothes we're OK. That's awesome you've been getting gifted so much stuff. Have you made progress on the name selection?

I've still been exercising but more walking than running. I have a FitBit and I've been trying to hit my 10,000 steps a day with walks with the dog and just walking places.
I know! I'm trying to keep the amount of stuff we have pretty limited. Even though I know we already have way more than necessary, I don't feel as bad about having it since it's most of it is used. I am trying to to be too consumptive.

I was just curious about your exercise routine since you're about a month ahead of me and I keep wondering how I'm going to feel moving forward. I've been sticking to walking for awhile now. I'm hoping I can just keep up with that until the end. It just feels good to move. If I sit for too long, my back starts hurting. I've been using my stand-up desk at work more now than I have in a long time. Seems kind of backwards.......
Sitting for a long time messes me up too. I will fill everyone in on the weekend later...just popped in to see the updates. My boss dumped a big task on me, so I really need to get on that. I am hoping to get a call soon about picking up my dog from the vet. The good news is he has only had 2 treatments (he is scheduled for 6) and he had no shaking or signs of pain all weekend. It feels so good to see him walking around normal. He still eats slow, though. And on the way to the vet he threw up all his gross. So I told my husband on the days he goes in, only feed him enough to get his meds.
beagle-I just looked and DC's bday is exactly two months away. Woohoo!
Glad to hear that the dog is feeling better. Hopefully he won't throw up on the way home.
Booger- we have picked a name:) its Ellie Mae. I wanted a double name, so she will be called both first and middle. I had the hardest time deciding to finalize it but now that i have I'm loving it more and more everyday
Awww. My grandma's middle name is Mae and my birthday is in May so I love Ellie Mae!!
Hi everyone :)

Just checking in real quick to say hi :hi:

I went and had another beta this morning to make sure it's dropping back to zero (it was at 3 which they said was good enough). The RE also wants to meet with me next Monday to discuss what happened. The nurse said it's possible that he wants to run additional tests just to rule out any other possibilities for why it didn't work this time. I also started AF this morning, which came with killer cramps but I'm glad it came pretty quick rather than making me wait forever.
Amy- sounds like a good plan! Hope the dr has some answers for you. Sorry AF is here but like you said, I'm glad you didnt have to wait long. You are in my thoughts&#9825;
Amy - I am curious if you did any prep for this cycle like the lining scratch or a mock transfer? My cycle was delayed for a polyp removal. Something I had never dealt with before or known I had. But it is an easy thing to just show up out of nowhere. Hope you get some answers & are quickly on to a successful cycle.
Amy-I too am glad that AF is here so quickly. Do you still have 2 frosties on hold? Have you had the HSG and all those other tests done previously? Maybe a fibroid or something got in the way this time. I agree with doing additional tests because there is no reason this shouldn't have worked. You know I'm putting all my trust in PGS/PGD, so this is scaring me a little.

beagle-:coffee: I'm waiting for the update. hee hee. I guess you might be busy with your task, so don't mind me. I just want to hear about the bday surprise.

AFM-My follies are in the high 17mm range today. I think I'll probably trigger tomorrow night, which is fine because I'm down with a Friday or later retrieval. My denim capris are way too tight for comfort and I should've switched to my elastic band pants but it's too late now. I'm feeling good, and I'm ready to get this show on the road, good or bad. :hugs: to myself. hee hee.
Terri - I think it was just how early it was & the car ride. I picked him up at lunch & he was fine. Very excited to be going home!

I know 2 months to go! It is so crazy to think about!

My weekend was good. I was happy to get my husband & we went to eat lunch & checked out our daycare which we really liked. I have to call once a month once the baby is born to keep myself on the waiting list...makes me nervous. But we saw the infant room & the older infants (6+ months). The ladies seemed to love the kids. And the play areas outside are separated by age which I really love. My husband was surprised I took the day off. He said I guess that's why you didn't answer your work phone. I said I deliberately forgot to change my voicemail to say I was out so he wouldn't know.

I told him we had to get up early for his surprise. Once we got there he assumed it was the beach. It is 2 hours away so we got up at 3 am. But he didn't know which beach. I know I said before, but it was the beach he proposed. We got some great pics of the sunrise & I had brought clothes for him to change in to. He is a graphic t-shirt guy. So I brought a polo. And I had other things for me in case what I was wearing didn't show the bump so great. We had breakfast & drove to another beach & took the ferry. it was just a relaxing day. But a long day. I slept on the way home & he crashed at home. Then dinner was pizza. My plan was to take him to a brazilian steak house. But he went to one on Thurs with his group in Denver. I was so bummed. So i said we would save it for another time.

Sunday was sort of a lazy day. Laundry & some light shopping. My pool is green again because of rain & I wasn't able to vacuum it. Now I hear there is rain all week. So I am not sure how much effort to put in. Summer is almost over as far as the pool is concerned.

So I have been feeling pretty upset & hormonal lately. I know it is mostly the pregnancy. But I just needed to vent some of it. First of husband is amazing & does so much for me. But sometimes I just don't think he gets how I feel. So I put a lot of thought in to the beach trip. I knew we wanted to do our own thing with maternity pics. Nothing fancy. And even though we never go there anymore, that beach is special. So we went & he was happy & excited. I told him I brought clothes so we could do bump shots. Well he took some of me, but it seemed like he got really focused on the camera & the sunrise. I said we should take pics walking under the pier & he agreed. But later he just took pics of the birds. Then I was standing in front of a pillar & my bump was a shadow so I called him over. But in the end, he only did one set of continuous shots of the 2 of us...which pretty much means only 1 good shot out of them. He had a few of me, but I wanted it to be us. I didn't pester him about it...thought maybe I was being sensitive. But later he showed me some shots & I said you never did the pier shots of us. We only have 1 good shot of the 2 of us. Why didn't you do more? He said yeh I am sort of regretting that now. So the whole thing really just bummed me out.

I also keep telling him to talk to the baby so he will know his voice. Read to him or something. Please understand, my husband is not a macho guy. He has mushy feelings & all that & is always doing things people think are lame. But he doesn't care. So I thought he would like doing this stuff. But he never does it. I know he is excited about the baby. And I am being overly emotional.

The other thing is with like the dog, the pool, & also his dad. So he keeps saying things to be about the pool & I just want to say to do something about it. I can barely bend down to get a water sample. I get so tired, I can't really vacuum it. Then on Sunday he said he needed to call his dad & see him since he was working so much this week. His dad wasn't picking up & I said he needs to pick up or he won't be getting anything. My husband made a comment about no time except after work to stop by if we didn't see him Sunday. Which brings me to the dog.

I am the one taking time off in the morning to drop him off & running back at lunch to pick him up. Which means on Tues & Thurs I have to skip lunch to make up time & Wed I have a dr appt which will be my lunch. Which means my dog has to stay all day. My husband was like I hate that. But not once through all of this has he offered to help me. I know he is so busy. He just took possession of the new store so they are in set up mode. But he could try to make time for me on his lunch. Also he has missed a couple of appts & so now it just seems like he will never go again. I know he doesn't have to be there, but it would be nice. He doesn't even tell me he isn't going. I have to say something the day before. And all the appointments are on his calendar. I just feel overwhelmed I guess. I know he does a lot & is also tired. So I feel like I am just complaining or whining. I don't know. I will be glad when my vet appts are finished at least.
Hi ladies! :hi:

Beagle - I'm sorry that your beach shots didn't go quite the way you planned. They still sound lovely! Maybe your husband was just too distracted or tired from his week away. I completely understand you on the hormones and mood swings. I'm not normally an emotional person but lately almost anything can make me cry. As far as getting your husband to help more, I have found (at least with my DH) that most people aren't mind readers (even after years of being together) so if you need him to do something, you need to ask. I always think "Oh, wouldn't it be nice if DH did so and so for me" and then I'm disappointed when he doesn't - well, how is supposed to know I need him to do something if I don't tell him? Some people are more intuitive than others when it comes to feelings and my DH just isn't one of them - and I know this after 11 years together!!! Anyway, it sounds like you just need to tell him what you're feeling and hopefully you guys can figure something out. He's probably just used to you dealing with the dogs and doesn't think twice that it might be harder than normal right now. I'm sure if you tell him that this is all overwhelming for you, he'll be more than happy to figure out a way to help.

Terri - Hooray for trigger tomorrow! I know you were hoping to avoid a Thursday retrieval and it sounds like that is the case. It's great your excited and feeling good - I am feeling the same for you!! :hugs: from Booger!

Amy - Well, I know it's not the outcome you were hoping for but I guess it's good that your beta dropped fast and AF is already here. You can get your next transfer started! I hope your doctor has some ideas about what might have happened. :flower:

jkb - Awwww, such a cute name! My nieces and nephew call me Aunt May so I love that. And being a southern girl at heart, I love the double name (looking at one myself). :thumbup:

It is so nasty outside right now with all the smoke in the air. I didn't go for my morning walk because it was just gross when I got up. You can't even see the mountains. Ugh. I can't wait for some rain and Fall weather.
My grandmother also had Mae as a middle name & she always called me Sadie Mae. Unfortunately, my last name just doesn't work with Mae as a middle or first name. But I do like it.

I did ask him about the dr appt & not being able to get my I asked him & he just assumed he would be too busy. And he hasn't asked if I can move my appts so he can come. And yes I know I am overly sensitive right now & need to just tell him how I feel.
beagle-Aww.. :hugs: I'm sorry your hubs didn't get the pictures you wanted. I have to say, the one thing about digital pics is that it's so nice being able to see the picture right then and there, so you're more likely to get the pics you want. Do you know how many missed photos people had back in the day? It was always a surprise getting your pics developed only to find out that the ones you thought were awesome had someone walking through them, or whatever. HA!!HA!! Maybe you can choose another day to get pics nearby. It still kind of sucks that he was focused on other stuff. I hope he starts understanding very quickly that you need help and that the things you want to do are going to change in an instant. You both are probably just super tired too with all that was going on this week.

booger-I heard today that the military is going west to help with the fires. I didn't hear if they are going to WA/CA/MT, but I hope they go to MT and help. It has to be pretty scary/unbearable with all the smoke in the air. I agree with you about speaking up. I speak up all the time and my hubs just ignores me or forgets about me. That's one complaint I have. I was used to doing things on my own, but now that I'm married, I'd like to have a partner, and sometimes that doesn't work out. It's frustrating, but 5/10 times I can get him to help. hee hee. More importantly with a Friday retrieval, I get a super long weekend.

Ooh, it's lunchtime. chat later!
Terri - not that I needed a reminder, but I need to find some food too! Starving & it seems my 2 guys at work are hard at work & finally have some things for me. But it is all coming at once. I was working on another project today & my manager told me not to answer my phone & to just keep going.

The problem with my husband is he usually just submits to me & does something at the moment...but then after he thinks I am satisified he goes back to how it was. I will def try to get pics again soon...but starting this weekend, he works half day on Saturdays. So it will be hard to do. And the beach just would have been perfect especially the beach I picked. Oh well. He did get a few good shots of me & one good shot of us.

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