For a start...

Hi, my name is Caitlin, I'm 21 and 28 weeks pregnant. Some of you have probably seen my posts about the fob a while back. We're still not together. Things were great in the beginning then once I got pregnant everything just started falling apart piece by piece. There was drugs involved and money being taken from me and I can't have that around the baby for one minute. I tried getting a place with him and he just never seemed interested, so I got my own place. I have been there for 3 months now. We get along some weeks on texting and some days I am so mad at him for things I find out he's doing. He's been telling me he's going to the military since around May and nothing has happened yet. And just the other day he called me and told me we should work things out and he wants to help me pick the baby's name, but I already have. I'm not sure if that's mean of me, but I feel I can pick since I've been the one doing everything. The day after that we talked and he told me we will never be together again and that it was all fun til I got pregnant, so that really hurt my feelings. He switches his feelings around so much I never know what to expect next. Plus, when we found out it was a girl he threw a fit. Some days he seems like he wants to be daddy and other days he seems like he could care less about either of us. But as of this point we are not together and won't be together anytime soon unless there is a major change! But I am going to try to do the very best for my daughter. :D
Hi! I am Kerry. I am 33 and have two daughters. Alexis, 6, and Mia, who was born in July of this year. My ex and I were divorced on 9/13 of this month. after being together for 10 years.
He has always been lazy and never held a job for longer than a year. Last August he decided to become a school bus driver. A neighbor got him the job. He had been hanging out drinking with her since the start of summer. Once he got the job he was spending all of his time with her. During the day when I was working, in between his bus runs, and at night while I was home. In November we found out I was pregnant with #2 which was not an accident. He didn't seem happy and was still continuing his "relationship" with her. I do not think they were having a physical affair but deffinetly an emotional one. I begged him to stop and he refused.

So, after many weeks of begging him to spend time with his FAMILY I asked him to leave. He wouldn't. So, I filed for divorce. He continued to live with us until April. During this time he didn't pay a dime towards our household expenses. NOt even groceries and still expected to eat dinner with us. His father/attorney told him not to leave that I couldn't make him. Finally my attorney made him leave. He has anger problems so part of the divorce is that he has to take anger management classes.

We have a 50/50 custody arrangement. He has the girls everyday for a few hours and the oldest overnight on fridays. I do not get any child support but we do have the agreement from the divorce that he is to pay 50/50 of everything. He of course hasn't. Makes excuses that he only works part time. Not my fault. I work full time and have double his expenses seeing as I have an apartment and he only rents a room.

I am actually enjoying being single and hope to SOMEDAY find some one who wants to at least share EQUALLY in finances and wants to spend his time with me and my daughters.
Hi all...I'm 25yo and single mom to a 4yo.
I'll keep it short. FOB was and still is a loser and I was a fool for dealing with him for the amount of time that I did. My daughter is great and she got his looks (the best thing he had going for him).

Currently in a relationship with a wonderful man who treats us both very well but I'm still a single parent until we get married. It's a hard road but if you can do can do anything.
not been in this section before but want to say hi x
im emma im a single mum ive got a 10yr old daughter with diabetes who im a full time carer for and im 10 days away from my new little man arriving !!!
ive been a single mum since my daughter was born so im def used to it and little man will be loved and looked after the same as his sister !!!
oh and between you and me little mans sperm donor was useless and legged it sharpish he will be having nothing to do with bub x
heyyyyy :)
im victoria im 18 on sunday and 16 weeks pregnant on sunday too :) x
me and FOB split because he has another child and wouldnt man up and tell people i am pregnant so he kept it a secret from everyone and it caused millions on arguements and he turnd around last week tellin me he wants his ex back and she can never find out about this baby.. so ive walked away and untill he mans up he isnt coming anywere near me! .. love him and miss him but i think i hate him 10000 time more.
glad im doing it alone :) xxxx
hmmm, i just had drunken sex with someone and the pregnancy was the result despite taking a morning after pill. it seems like most people's baby's are from people they knew for a long time or boyfriends etc. anyhow, i'm not ashamed, these things happen.

Dont be ashamed in the slightlest i am ashamed that i had such bad judgement on the FOB to my child and have to explain to my LO why daddys such a fuck up sometimes think it wud be easier if i didnt know.
hmmm, i just had drunken sex with someone and the pregnancy was the result despite taking a morning after pill. it seems like most people's baby's are from people they knew for a long time or boyfriends etc. anyhow, i'm not ashamed, these things happen.

Dont be ashamed in the slightlest i am ashamed that i had such bad judgement on the FOB to my child and have to explain to my LO why daddys such a fuck up sometimes think it wud be easier if i didnt know.

Thanks ^^ I think if I act ashamed people will sense it and act different towards me as well. I have the issue of explaining "who is daddy?" yikes :dohh:

dont be ashamed.. i wish my baby was made like this as i wouldnt have the hassle of having to talk to such a nobhead all the timee x
I'm a single mom of 6 month old little boy named raydynn, his I know who his dad but I don't like to admit it as I constantly get judged but now I fear I may be pregnant again but this time it could be one of two guys the father of my son or a guy that I just hang out with sometimes, and when we drink things happen.. Raydynns dad isn't around and I know if its his we'll be screwed so I am hoping its the other guys cuz he'll be there! So I have gone over not telling either of them, telling them both or just telling my friend (not raydynns father) the truth that it could be his and see if he wants to be there because I know raydynns father won't be as he left me the first time I got preggo, I love him so much but he is a peice of trash he wants nothing to do with my son he does however pay me 200 a month .... blah that's my drama
Im 17 and now a single mammy to my 7 month old boy, have been since he was 3 months.
Got together with FOB everything was fine, around a month in i find out im pregnant, things got sorta bad as i had terrible sickness and refused to go to his house as the smell of his house made me feel sick and he wouldnt come to my house as he hated my family. He would go out with mates while i was home being sick there was cheating accusations and the 1 night i did go out to one of out friends for new years eve he left me at his friends house after going home in a huff and the friends mam had to drive me home as it was snowing and i had no way to get home. After my 20 weeks scan and the sickness stopped things started to look up we even went out shopping a couple of times and he started to come to my house.
After i had LO i think he became jelous that LO would have my attention all the time and my love for LO was alot more than for him, we argued alot and the relationship was not good.
There was a couple of instances where he smashed things in front of me and threw a bottle of pop at me but it was on my birthday in a pub when he hit me that it all ended in tears!
I took him back stupidly after a couple of weeks but he blew that chance too, havnt saw him since. Received threatning texts ect but have now changed my number, he hasnt seen LO since either as he isnt alowed contact on his own.

I now live on my own with LO, dont like it but what can you do.
so yeah thats my story
Im single mummy of little boy called Kian. Been single since i was 9 weeks pregnant, hadnt been with FOB to long only 6 months when i found out i was expecting, wasnt planned but was chuffed. I ended the relationship, he was a big drinker, used me for my money (to buy booze), accused me of cheating/lying on numerous occasions, hated the fact that i had Male friends deleted there numbers of my phone and fb etc , yet he was allowed Female friends, he even said i was lying when i told him i was pregnant. i couldnt put up with his ways he drove me mad and i ended up really low. Anyway he wanted to still be a father which iwas happy about at the end of day still want LO to have his daddy, he came to the scans but thats it didnt see anything of him till after LO was born. But during this time he had sent threatening texts msgs saying he would burn my house and car down if he couldnt see LO and that i wouldnt be able to cope so would soon come running to him as LO as his blood :-/ (so immature). Anyway everything is going through the soliciotors now and got my first mediation session next week xx
I'm April and im 29 yrs old, I was with my girls father for 11 yrsnbut seperated from him in august 08 and jumped out of the frying pan and into the fire 3 months later and got myself into an emotionally abusive relationship which lasted two years and changed me as a person, I even ended up doing drugs which Ive always been dead against. I tried leaving the relationship a few times but failed up until 5 days ago when I finally left him for good and it really is for good, coz ive woken up to how he brain washed me, how he made me and my eldest daughter drift apart and how he, well it was just poop. So now im single again and yeah it hurts but each day I get stronger and each day I get a bit closer to my little girl and am finally enjoying both my children. xx
Hi im new to this but have read many posts on here and hope someone can give me some advice ,.... im 34 years old and a mother of 3 id been with thier dad for 15 years and split with him last year ,i got myself a job after being a stay at home mom for 10 years and now work 23 hours a week ,with the help of other benefits i am coping just about ok ...... but then a few weeks ago after a girlie night out one thing led to another and it resulted in a for old times sake one off !! Now guess what ... yes ive just found out im pregnant with number 4 , i wont get rid of it .. but how do i try and claim for another baby when i got pregnant being single ??????????????? im so confused and really worried how financially i can cope xxxxx
Hi all,

I'm a single mommy to be, I was with the dad for just over a year and ended things just before I found out we were expecting.

I actually created a long thread in the relationships section before I saw this section.

Needless to say, that even with the baby coming, my feelings for the father don't change. Its going to be hard and I know its extremely hard on him, but in the end I feel its the best for all of us.
Hi I'm Pam n mummy to mya who is now just over 13months. I've been a member of bnb for sometime and also been a single mummy for 6 months now, but actually only just discovered this section (I obviously didn't scroll down far enough lol)

Its a very VERY long story how I ended up here so I'll try making it very short. Got with FOB a month later was preg, lost that lo at 8weeks, then within 3 wks had a bfp with Mya, very hard rocky pregnancy and the relationship was following suit, fob stole money, lies, sat on his bum all day etc etc, we broke up and made up numerous times, well I had Mya (eventually lol) n I was very ill fob was amazing for 2wks and then it all went down hill again, stole money (on one occasion took my bank card at 3am and emptied my bank account), became even more lazy (which I didn't think was even possible, but apparently it is) would bad mouth me to everyone and then finally brought drugs into my house) so 6 months ago me and mya left.

I'll stop there as its now getting long lol.

I'm glad this section is here and that I've finally found it lol
My name is Tiffany and I'm 19. I have a two year old son named Matthew. I attend college at PSC. I share a place with my twin sister Traci (on here she as Thaynes. She introducted me to the site), her husband and son, and my son.
I dated my sons father off and on for 6 years. We finally broke up when I was 18. He has never been an active father in your sons life.
Hey, Ive only just noticed this thread!
Im Gem and Im 19... Dont have my LO yet but hes due in just a few weeks.
Been single since about 10 weeks. Id been in hospital with hyperemesis and got out a couple of days before FOBs birthday, but was still quite ill/weak so didnt feel up to going out or anything till I was better. Because of that he dumped me on his birthday and turned really nasty.
Barely heard from him since but he likes to make out on FB that he cares about the baby and is doing loads for me... when in reality he hasnt bothered lol.
His loss if he doesnt bother at the end of the day. Im not bothered about him as long as my baby is healthy and happy :)
I have 2 stories...

1: DSs dad and I were dating in HS, then we broke up by choice. He was a nice, caring person & normal. then we got back together after I graduated and had a little apt together. I fell pregnant. He abused me and when he had a friend beat me up while he stood there and I ended up in the hospital, thinking i was losing our child, i left him. At first he wanted nothing to do with DS, then after a DNA test- my life turned upside down. He now has custody but DSs grandparents take care of him, he doesnt see his dad.

2: DH and I dated after DSs dad and I broke up (in HS and after). We got married in Nov 2005. I was preg with DD1/Angel DS. Then we had DD2. Everything started out peachy in our marriage, but he has some serious stability and reliability issues. He is 25 and acts like a 15yr old. I have threatened to leave him before but never felt ready. Until now. I am ready. I am waiting on a section 8 apartment and we are leaving.

Im Jennifer, 25, almost 26 and I feel like maybe being on my own for the first time in my life will be the best thing for me. :shrug:
Lil, I hate guys like that! They are such low lives trying to look good to their friends but dont care about the ones that matter! The mother of their children! My sons father is not in his life and wont even aknowledge that he is alive let alone his, but its horrible how men can do that!

On earth, I am so sorry you had to go through all of that I am not sure what all the abbreviations mean (I have never been abbrev. saavy :blush:) but I am glad you finally decided what is best for you and your family! Its the hardest decision to make but in the end its probably one of the best! Good luck to you..

to all of you single mommys :hugs:

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