For a start...

I'm Helen and I'm 24. I have a 3 month old little boy called Josh.

Me and his dad were actually married for 2 and half years and together for 3 and half until one stupid argument made him get up and walk out off to Sheffield to his mates! Ok we were arguing a lot but we'd come through worse than that over the years.

It sucks being single but life goes on. Rob still comes to see Josh, so far it's been every Saturday -we'll see how that carries on when he eventually moves in with his mother.

MEN!!! UGH lol
Hi Im Sharon (34) single mum to 3 (4,3 and 1)

I've been single for nearly a year now after ex decided he had better things to do with his time then spend them with his family. The usual, spending his days off doing what he wanted, spending his money on what he wanted and leaving me to do it all with the kids.
TBH I was living the single life for a while before we split. Ultimatley his libido got the better of him and he went elsewhere (though only found that out after we split as she said she was preg :dohh: but thats a whole other story!)

He still see's the kids when he has the time and money too.

Now though I have control and the kids are happy and settled in our new home.
:wave: I'm Kte

Okay I changed statement a little; I am not sure if I do / don't belong here now but things are still rocky for the moment.

My OH doesn't live at home at the moment, he wanted space. At the time of leaving he decicded that someone else makes him feel happy. Basically as we have little money and work changed his shift hours instead of making an effor to spend time with me he decided to just take the easy option and hang out with a lass who doesn't work and her mates / siblings. So basically she was available when as wasn't as funnily enough I had to go to work to to help pay the bills. So I was borning responsibility and she was carefree fun.

He says nothing has gone one with her (but she has said she loves him, I saw the text). UGH. I could rant all day about how much I hate her and how pissed I am off at him but there is no real point! He wants to make us work and take things slow . . . but he wants to keep in touch with her and this group as they are now mates.

So obviously I don't want him too. There are also a million other crazy things that just suddenly hit our life too, I kind of feel like things aren't real. We are trying to work things out but I really really need this girl and group to dissappear.

So I am at home alone practially a single Mum

I just want a happy life for my daughter!
Dunno why I haven't posted here before lol

I'm Becki, I'm 20, nearly 21. I'm single because my ex was cheating on me with men and subsequently left me for one of them.
I'm Carrie, I'm 30 (almost 31 - eek) and mummy to my gorgeous little baby girl Holly.

Me and FOB has a real whirlwind romance, fell madly in love/lust, then things started to die down towards the end of 2008 - we were planning on going travelling (separately), I was going to Italy to teach. period was 10 days late and I started eating immense amounts of pineapple...put two and two together, did a test (well, 15 altogether!) and found out I was pg on 12th jan 09 with my little miracle baby.

We spilt a couple of months ago, things just weren't right and we weren't working as a couple. He is a great dad to our little girl and sees her lots, looks after her financially, and we're getting on a lot better now we're apart. He's still a big part of my life, which is quite weird - struggling to work out exactly where he fits in.

Not quite sure how I feel about the whole single mum thing yet. Ask me again in a few months!
Hi everyone

I'm Jo, am 25 and 34 weeks pregnant with my first baby.

I was only with my ex about a month when I fell pregnant (still have no idea how as we were very careful, but obviously not careful enough). I let him know early on that I couldn't do anything but keep it and we agreed to give things a go. After moving in together we decided it wasn't working as we were very different people and thought it would be better to split before the baby gets here.

He says he will be supportive, but has had huge problems with the mother of his other two children and it's been difficult for him recently. Hopefully things will be better by the time the LO gets here, but if not, I'm happy to go it completely alone without his support!
Hi, I'm Rosie... baby Charlie was born last August 16th and I was only with FOB for a couple of months when I fell pregnant. I was really worried I wouldn't be able to cope on my own but things have been brilliant just a shame they didn't work out for me and his Dad, I had to end the relationship as it was going nowhere....
Charlie's got great male influences in his life (uncles, friends etc) and I'm happy to make ALL the decisions on my own without a man around:) But never say never for the future...
Heya I'm Emy! (Emma)

I'd had a rocky two years with my partner and we had basically decided things weren't working out and we talking about seperating. I had a fling behind his back and eventually told him (not sure why, I think I thought that would speed up the seperation). He forgave me and I was very unhappy despite this because he is such an emotional drain and I felt like all my energy got sapped from him (not to mention his painfully low libedo and lack of sexual interest).

I was having a holiday on my own, which I intended to make a little wild. Either way, I decided that I didn't want a period so asked my GP to put me on the Pill. Due to my weight she advised the mini-pill and I got that, she explained that I would still get periods and later I realised that I'd wasted my time! I figured I had a three month supply and having not been on the pill before I would give it a go and see how it affected me.

I met with my ex one day in town, just 4 weeks after going on the pill. His girlfriend had gone back to Australia and he was lonely. We spent the whole day together like a date, and my heart was very happy and full - we got a little tipsy and decided it was a good idea to book into a hotel...the rest is history.

I didn't sleep with my partner afterwards, but had some four days before and thought nothing of it. I proceeded with my holiday, where I went and stayed in London with my ex for the best part of the week which was wonderful, I was very happy.

After missing two periods I got a bit suspious and took a test when I got back from England. Instant, blazing positive - I honestly couldn't believe it! Utter horror followed, realising that I would be a single mum, since my partner was moving out while my ex was studying in uni in England.

Mad, I'd used condoms for 4 years and had no issues - and I shall definately be using them from now on.

Since meeting baby on U/S for the first time I am optismistic to do the best I can for him/her. I have a good family and good support, very luckily have my own place too.

Sorry for the rant!
Hey, I'm Lacie [19] and my LO's name is Lily [5m].

I was with FOB [30] for about 5 months when I found out I was pregnant [3 months gone]. I had been on the pill for years so this was a complete shock. We moved in together and as you can imagine things just didn't work.

He was abusive and a complete twat so I left him just after Lily was born. If it wasn't for my little blessing I would have ended up stuck with him and putting up with his shit. But putting her first really was the best thing I've ever been able to do.

Now I'm living on my own with LO and my two cats Buddha and Sid. I know... crazy cat lady! But I'm happy for a change so I think I will leave things as they are and if I'm ment to find love again it will find me. :)

:hugs: Hugs for all you single mummies!
Hey, I'm Lacie [19] and my LO's name is Lily [5m].

I was with FOB [30] for about 5 months when I found out I was pregnant [3 months gone]. I had been on the pill for years so this was a complete shock. We moved in together and as you can imagine things just didn't work.

He was abusive and a complete twat so I left him just after Lily was born. If it wasn't for my little blessing I would have ended up stuck with him and putting up with his shit. But putting her first really was the best thing I've ever been able to do.

Now I'm living on my own with LO and my two cats Buddha and Sid. I know... crazy cat lady! But I'm happy for a change so I think I will leave things as they are and if I'm ment to find love again it will find me. :)

:hugs: Hugs for all you single mummies!

Haha! My partner was 34 and Im gonna be 21 when the baba is born. I also have two cats called Rogue and Saffron (I adore them!). Crazy-cat Single Mums FTW! x
Hiya I'm Kate. I'm 21 and my little boy Lucas is 7 weeks. Sorry if this is a bit long!

I was with the baby's dad for two years before I got pregnant. We had what I thought was the best relationship ever up until that point (other than a rough patch about a week into the relationship, when I slept with an ex, which he seemed to forgive me for), we'd been living together for five months since I'd moved to his hometown to be with him. We spent every minute we could with each other.

After finding out we were going to be parents he changed completely. He went from being loving and caring to barely speaking to me, spending as little time as possible at home. I had a difficult time during pregnancy, and most people said he was just trying to come to terms with everything. I found out at seven months pregnant he'd been cheating on me.

He said she was just some tart who came into his pub, who he barely knew and they'd just kissed a few times. Apparently she knew all about me and the baby and just shrugged it off. Although I figured there was more to it, I forgave him and didn't push it because I couldn't face losing him while I was carrying his child, and tbh I doted on him he was my world. He seemed to improve but wouldn't break contact with this girl.

Three weeks ago I found a link on our home computer to a dating site profile of his. He'd been using it for months, and had even logged in just hours after Lucas was born. When I confronted him he didn't think it was a big deal. He swore on the baby's life at this point I now knew everything, but I started to feel I didn't know him at all. So, at 2am I left to stay with my mum. It was supposed to be for a few days, but in anger the next night I texted the girl he cheated with, calling her allkinds, I'd not spoken to her before. When she text back it turned out she was as in the dark as me, after we spoke we realised he'd made up a whole other life. He'd given her a false name, told her he was single, that I was his ex and had broken his heart, he said he lived with a friend and that he only found out I was pregnant 6 weeks before I was due.

As far as she knew they were in a serious relationship and were still together at that point, he'd been texting her from the hospital when I had the baby. They met two weeks after we found out I was pregnant and he'd chased her for a while before she agreed to go out with him. After speaking to his mum it transpires she wasn't the only one, and he'd been set out to hurt me from the start, he's admitted that much himself. Seriously, scary.

He's yet to see Lucas since we left, despite my constant calls to him to try and arrange visits. He laughed at me and hung up when I told him me and his son could be homeless. Unbelievable! So now I'm a single mummy and just glad we're away from that! :flower:
haha! My partner was 34 and im gonna be 21 when the baba is born. I also have two cats called rogue and saffron (i adore them!). Crazy-cat single mums ftw! X

Hiya. Im Michelle. I'm 28 & I'm a single mum of 3. Jamil who's 10. Tahj who's 9 & Sabrina who's 6.

My realtionship started when I was very young. I was 16 and my ex husband was 26 at the time. I fell pregnant at 17 and when i turned 18 we got married. we got divorced 3 years ago when I was 25. Everything was goin fine intill i found out he was cheatin on me with our next door neighbour. I dont do 2nd chances so i moved back into my mums and filed for divorce. it was hard at first and he wouldnt cooperate but eventually he did. Im now back in a new house an me and the kids have finally got back to some normallity. he doesn't have alot to do with them although he is good 2 them if that makes sesne!

At first i really struggled being on my own with the kids but now i wouldnt change it for the world!
Hello I'm Ali and I'm 21. I just broke up with my OH of 5 and 1/2 years. He was my high school sweetheart, and my first and only love so far. I found out i was pregnant in may and my OH was not happy about it... he kept ticking me off and bringing up abortion before i finally blew up at him and went to bed. The following weeks seem to be getting better and i truly thought he was warming up to the idea of having a baby - we were even talking about when we should tell everyone.

My boyfriend had always been extremely clingy...even after we moved in together when i spent every moment with him he was still really clingy. I would get annoyed from time to time and ask him to stop but i love affection too so for the most part i would put up with it. Well as i got more hormonal and further along in my pregnancy i started getting more and more upset about him hanging on me. I thought that after 5 years we could give each other a little bit more space and i blew up at him. I wasn't saying i didn't want cuddles just that he didn't need to be so smothering. He was like fine whatever and walked away sulking.

The next couple of weeks he stopped touching me completely, he wouldn't even have sex with me or hold my hand. However, he would talk to me like normal and didn't even act mad. I had tried apologizing and hugging him myself but he would just touch my back and not even give me a real hug like normal.

Well last Saturday night when i came home (i'm usually gone on Saturday's) there was a car in my spot of the driveway that i didn't recognize. His moms gas tank had a leak a month ago so i assumed she had gotten a new car and was visiting. When i went in the house he was cuddling with a girl on the couch watching a movie. The first thing he said was "Oooh busted! Well this is awquard"... I kicked them out of the house and grabbed what i needed completely bawling. When i saw him a few days later he said he had stopped loving me anywhere from 3 weeks to 3 months, that he was sorry but still wanted to be my friend if i was willing. He said he hadn't slept with anyone. I recently found out he had made an account on dating site as "single" and was looking for potential partners while still dating me.

I am sooo incredibly hurt and i loved him so much i really don't know what to do. We were just kids when we started dating and i can't imagine my life without him. My parents were nice enough to let me live in their huge band room connected to the garage (they weren't using it anymore). Everything had revolved around just me and my boyfriend so long i don't have anyone to turn to except family. It sucks knowing that after a long term relationship i'm the one thats coming out of it alone and he has some girl to cozy up to. I know i'm gonna end up a single mom because he doesn't care about the baby at ALL.

Right now i'm just trying to get healthy again because after me and my OH broke up i have been feeling so sick and not eating much or drinking water at all and i know thats not good for my baby. Am also going to use this time while i'm not paying rent to help save up money for my baby later on. Thanks for letting me vent everyone just REALLY had to get this off my chest, i feel so alone.
I'm 20 and am expecting my first child. I had been married for about a year and decided that, since I was not in love and in fact was completely miserable, I wanted a divorce. About a week after we seperated I found out I was pregnant. Bad timing but I am still so excited! I told my soon to be ex-husband about the pregnancy and he said that he wanted nothing to do with it because "it was too painful for him" since I broke his heart. I personally think well too freaking bad for you, its not about you its about your child so suck it up but, hey, not my decision. His decision not to be involved just confirms for me that he is not someone that I would want to be married to. I never had understood how a so-called "man" can just walk away from their child.
Hi Im jenna 23 single mummy of 2
My daughter is 3 and son is 1 next week.

My and kids daddy broke up when i was 8 months pregnant with son after i found he was cheating on me. Contact with children has been minimal since having son he had his new baby in march and has only been once after that.
Hey y'all! I'm Jenny, 24 3/4 of age, from Germany, living in Florida since Feb. 2009. After a great relationship and a short marriage to a great guy who just happened to fall in love with someone else (not even realizing it) in Germany and being laid off of my job over there several months after separation from my ex-hub, I packed two suitcases and moved to the States where I led a nice independent single life for 10 months. After meeting a lot of crazy and cute guys that were only fling material, at the beginning of December '09 I met who is now known as FOB.

We had an instant connection. A week later I flew to Germany to appear at my court date for my divorce and didn't have any Xmas plans over in the US, as I don't have any family here. As we really liked each other, he invited me to spend Xmas with his family in Las Vegas. I'm very spontaneous and although we hardly knew each other agreed and flew to Vegas after returning from Germany. We had a great time there and during that time we somehow ended up deciding that both being through a marriage already and mature enough, we were ready for starting a family and could see each other as parents. So we decided to get off all contraceptives.

In mid-March then I fell pregnant and we were both excited. I had a difficult first trimester, being quite sick but still having to work full time and although he was being quite supportive, I understand that it must have had some effects on him not getting any sex or closeness, as this still was a very "fresh" relationship. I then got a bad cold and since he's an excessive snorer he got banned to the couch for a week, so I could get my rest. From there things went down, down, down.

One bad argument led me to starting to question things between us. 1 week later I stumpled across his credit report and his miserable financial situation, that he had been completely lying to me about. As I felt there were other things I shouldn't believe, I started digging and found:

- his profiles on several dating websites, some created 5 days after I started my new job and him knowing I would work many evenings/nights (also 3 days after LO was conceived :( )

- an e-mail that revealed that he had cheated on his ex-wife and not she on him like he wanted to tell me

- e-mails dating all the way back to January that he send out to girls who were posting on craigslist looking for sexual encounters. He continued sending them and using the dating website profiles even after finding out we were expecting. Some of these e-mails even included a picture of ME and him, apparently looking for a threesome.

- a file folder with pics of naked girls playing with themselves, some of whom I knew or had heard the names of. He retrieved those pictures while working on these girls computers (he's an IT guy). The folder was titled "revenge blackmail" (how psycho!!!)

Anyways, I ended up busting him and ending things in mid-June. He was so angry that I went through his computer telling me I had no right to. Well, what right did he have to lie to me like that and send out MY PICTURE to random people on the internet?
He still wants me to believe he never cheated on me. Yeah right.... after all these msgs on websites and all these emails where he send his number etc!??? I'm not stupid!!!

Things have not been easy since. He has bad anger issues because of his own failures. Wants to be part of HIS child's life, but doesn't support me at all. We still have the same apartment as the lease goes til February '10, but he's been spending his nights and days at some other girl's place for weeks now. Interesting how quickly he found someone to take him in, if he so wasn't cheating on me...

I always wanted my first child at the age of 25 though and I'm very happy to soon have her. It is tough and it's going to be even tougher once she's here to do this on my own, as I'm not a citizen and don't qualify for most governmental support, but I'll survive somehow :)
Wow, I'm reading these stories and I am just so surprised at how many truely nasty men there are out there. and i really didn't think I was with one of them until recently.

Hi, I am 26 and have just had my first daughter... she is now 7 weeks old.

We had been together over 8 years. He is 20 years older than me, everyone thought he was lucky to have me and I thought I was lucky to have him.

Then, last year he started getting more and more distant and putting a lot of emphasis on wanting to do his own thing like skiing holidays and poker nights. We found out I was pregnant and things were ok.. bt he wasn't particularly interested. Then we started having arguments.. mainly that he wasn't spending any time with me. During these arguments I just felt he was so angry at me and I didn't know why.

Anyway things carried on as normal and it got to labour day. I was in hospital with my birthing partner and she told me how my OH had flirted with her and made her feel really uncomfortable and started bragging about how I would never dare look at his phone. Then birthing partner had an emergency and had to leave me in labour and my OH told her he was gonna pop out for a cigarette and leave me on my own to give birth.

Anyway, long story short after the birth, I had my suspicions about him cheating and began checking he emails.. most were deleted but on my second day of looking i found an email telling another woman he loved her. This was all the proof I needed so I packed up all my things whilst he was at work and I left.

Since then I have had very angry messages from him ranging from him saying it is my fault that I wasn't able to put him in his place to saying that things would have been better if I had cooked more meals for his dad?

We are currently trying to stay friends but I am so angry at him for cheating right now, so I don't know how things will go.. all I know is that he has taken far more interest in my daughter in the 10 days since I left than he had in all the time before hand.

I know there are nice men out there.. I really hope my daughter and i find one some day

Im 24 was with OH for 6 years, we have now seperated! most of the time we get on fine but sometimes argh I could just kill him!! xx
Hi there,
I am 22 weeks pregnant and was on/off with the FOB for 8 years, should have stayed "off" after 8 days of his behavior but here I am...he is selfish, immature, and reckless concerning me, but will most likely be involved in the baby's life. Which is good of course, but will be hard for me, being that he doesn't care about me, and now I am seeing, never has. Ironically, being pregnant and seeing what a jerk he is capable of being is finally getting me over him...only to be attached to him permenantly now! My biggest concern right now is who and, more importantly how crazy, my child's stepmom might be, ugh. But I am trying very hard to not get wrapped up in the pettiness of him, and keep telling myself, it could be so much worse.

Anyway, I found out that I am having a boy, I am very excited and nervous also. I never thought I'd be a single mom before I was even a mom :) but it is what it is, and I am looking forward to it. I have been reading yourall's stories for a few weeks now, and everyone on here has really made me feel better, it is hard to be in this situation but it is so good to know there are others out there, and that you're okay! I am just trying to have a positive remaining 4 months of pregnancy, and get ready for my whole life to change!

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