Hey y'all! I'm Jenny, 24 3/4 of age, from Germany, living in Florida since Feb. 2009. After a great relationship and a short marriage to a great guy who just happened to fall in love with someone else (not even realizing it) in Germany and being laid off of my job over there several months after separation from my ex-hub, I packed two suitcases and moved to the States where I led a nice independent single life for 10 months. After meeting a lot of crazy and cute guys that were only fling material, at the beginning of December '09 I met who is now known as FOB.
We had an instant connection. A week later I flew to Germany to appear at my court date for my divorce and didn't have any Xmas plans over in the US, as I don't have any family here. As we really liked each other, he invited me to spend Xmas with his family in Las Vegas. I'm very spontaneous and although we hardly knew each other agreed and flew to Vegas after returning from Germany. We had a great time there and during that time we somehow ended up deciding that both being through a marriage already and mature enough, we were ready for starting a family and could see each other as parents. So we decided to get off all contraceptives.
In mid-March then I fell pregnant and we were both excited. I had a difficult first trimester, being quite sick but still having to work full time and although he was being quite supportive, I understand that it must have had some effects on him not getting any sex or closeness, as this still was a very "fresh" relationship. I then got a bad cold and since he's an excessive snorer he got banned to the couch for a week, so I could get my rest. From there things went down, down, down.
One bad argument led me to starting to question things between us. 1 week later I stumpled across his credit report and his miserable financial situation, that he had been completely lying to me about. As I felt there were other things I shouldn't believe, I started digging and found:
- his profiles on several dating websites, some created 5 days after I started my new job and him knowing I would work many evenings/nights (also 3 days after LO was conceived

- an e-mail that revealed that he had cheated on his ex-wife and not she on him like he wanted to tell me
- e-mails dating all the way back to January that he send out to girls who were posting on craigslist looking for sexual encounters. He continued sending them and using the dating website profiles even after finding out we were expecting. Some of these e-mails even included a picture of ME and him, apparently looking for a threesome.
- a file folder with pics of naked girls playing with themselves, some of whom I knew or had heard the names of. He retrieved those pictures while working on these girls computers (he's an IT guy). The folder was titled "revenge blackmail" (how psycho!!!)
Anyways, I ended up busting him and ending things in mid-June. He was so angry that I went through his computer telling me I had no right to. Well, what right did he have to lie to me like that and send out MY PICTURE to random people on the internet?
He still wants me to believe he never cheated on me. Yeah right.... after all these msgs on websites and all these emails where he send his number etc!??? I'm not stupid!!!
Things have not been easy since. He has bad anger issues because of his own failures. Wants to be part of HIS child's life, but doesn't support me at all. We still have the same apartment as the lease goes til February '10, but he's been spending his nights and days at some other girl's place for weeks now. Interesting how quickly he found someone to take him in, if he so wasn't cheating on me...
I always wanted my first child at the age of 25 though and I'm very happy to soon have her. It is tough and it's going to be even tougher once she's here to do this on my own, as I'm not a citizen and don't qualify for most governmental support, but I'll survive somehow