I just want to introduce myself and tell everyone how helpful and informative this website has been for me during my journey to conceive. I am 35 and my DH is 36. We have been married for 1 year. I am a pharmacist and have extensive medical knowledge and thought that getting pregnant should be easy! Boy was I wrong!!! Here is my journey and I will tell you what I did (non-pharmacologically ) to get a BFP!!! You can do it too!
1st month: I take my OTC prenatal vitamins with an additional folic acid 800mcg everyday for the last 6 months. So, I am thinking, this should be a piece of cake! I have a 28 day cycle and I calculated my ovulation day. So, my DH and I had sex 2 days before ovuation and the day of ovulation. HPT RESULT: BFN!!!
I was shock! I was sure that I would be pregnant. How could I be so wrong?? So for the next month, I had to step up my game and I purchased an ovulation kit and a basal thermometer.
2nd month: I started to chart my basal temp every morning ( I am usually around 97.5 before ovulation). I begin the ovulation kit starting on day 10 and got my surge on day 11 and 12. So DH and I would BD on day 11, 12, 13 and 14. HPT RESULT: BFN!!!
Now I am getting very frustrated and kinda scared. Is it me? Is it him? What am I doing wrong? Why is this so hard? I would read for hours about other TTC posts and try to learn what other people are doing that worked. So for the 3rd month, I went ALL OUT!!!
3RD month: I am now armed with: ovulation kits, basal thermometer, in addition to prenatal vit and folic acid, I added the following:
1. Mucinex- take 1 tablet twice a day. This will increase an vaginal mucus.
2. Aspirin 81mg- this will help the blood circulation.. especially down there.
3. Vit C 1000mg twice a day. Studies have shown that it improves fertility.
4. Grape Seed- twice a day. This help increase Vit C absorption.
5. Fertile CM for Women- help improve vaginal condition for sperm survival
6. Pre-conception Tincture- just a bunch of herbal stuff
7. Evening Primrose Oil- help vaginal mucus
8. Fertilaid for Men- this is to help DH with sperm production
9. Viagra- to make sure DH performs when called upon!
I was determined this month to get pregnant!!! This time I decided to add a random day of BD on day Cd 7. I got a positive OPK on day 8 and 9. So we BD on day 7, 8,9,10,11. We would BD only in the evening right before bedtime. However, before BD, I would masterbate with vibrator and made sure I had an orgasm once or twice so that I can be adequately wet down there. I am usually very dry and felt that if I orgasmed before BD it would provide a good environment for the sperm to survive and well as make BD more pleasurable. Also, I could not orgasm during intercourse especially in the missionary position. After BD, I would keep my legs elevated for 30 minutes and would simulate "riding a bicycle" and "doing the splits". Afterwards, I would go straight to sleep. I would not even get up to pee. I just wanted to keep as much sperm as possible in my vagina.
It seems like this month I was ovulating 2 days earlier than I should! That is why the ovulation kits are very important!!!
Now I wait...TWW is the longest.
On CD 22, I got a dark brown blood spot on my undies! OMG, I thought I was getting my period!! I was so sad and bursted into tears!!! I was frustrated and was about to give up! For the last 3 months, my whole life revolved around TTC. I gave up sports, wine, alcohol, social events, New Years Eve... just in case I could be pregnant. I immediately became desperate and sad and a bag of mixed emotions. I didn't know what to do. But I could not give up. I had to step up my game EVEN MORE. I immediately ordered on Amazon: Conceive Plus lubricant, Instead Cups and ProXeed Plus for DH and a new Snowboard to go snowboarding that weekend!!! Since I am going to get my period, I might as well enjoy my favorite winter sport while I can. Let me tell you, I went just a little crazy and had to let off some frustration. Buying more fertility product gave me a sense of hope for next month and based on the reviews, I heard that Conceive Plus and Instead Cup are miraculous.
On CD 23, I thought I would be starting my period, but nothing came!!! I waited all day and still nothing. It was a one time spotting and I knew immediately, it was implantation bleeding. We decided to take a pregnancy test the next morning with the first urine. I did not sleep at all that night cuz I knew for sure I had implantation bleeding and therefore I could be pregnant!!! At 4:30am, I woke up DH and asked if we can take the pregnancy test (ClearBlue Digital) and OMG it was a BFP and 5 days before AF too.
I am not sure if all the vitamins, mucinex, fertility pills helped or not. However, I know for sure that giving myself and orgasm before each BD and keeping my legs elevated for 30 minutes then going straight to bed was the only thing I did differently in the last month. An orgasm relaxed your body, makes you wet down there giving the sperm a healthy environment. Also, keeping my legs elevated allowed to sperm to travel more easily to where they need to go. Going straight to bed and laying down allowed the sperm to stay in place and do what they needed to do besides dripping out.
I am sure all the pills and vitamins played a vital role too but who knows.
I hope my story has given you hope and important information. I am 35, so I am not a young chick anymore, so we need all the help we can get!!
Good luck everyone and don't give up!!!
ps. Btw, I will definitely plan on using the Conceive Plus, Instead Cups, and ProXeed right away when I try for baby #2!!!