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Forum Request - Over 35+ Who have conceived

HIya sorry not been back with an update...yes I have told her and wasnt good lol...Ive sent you a private message....Let me know if you have got it x x

No I never got it. Been looking out for you, you disappeared for a while. Hope your ok. Try and private message me again. xxxxxx
Hello Ladies,

Well since I am the one who started this thread I think it would be best to share my news with all of you here.... I'm Pregnant! Yup that’s right ME I'm Pregnant. I will be 36 in Dec and I like you have been TTC for a while now.

Here is my story (I'll keep it brief)

AF was due Oct 22nd, felt the symptoms of AF but she didn’t come for a visit. Oct 28 tried a CB pee test at home and the test came back negative. Nov 4th whet to the doc, also had a pee test which came back negative. Nov 5th, went for a blood test, it came back negative. Nov 11th I was back at the doctors again, this time the pee test came back positive. I went home and took another pee test on Nov 11th that came back positive. Nov 15th had a blood test and that came back positive too. So here we are….after weeks of confusion the doctors has come to the conclusion that were having a baby.

So girls explain that...either I got pregnant like I was suppose to, during my week of ovulation back in October and the doctors couldn’t detect it or I got Pregnant sometime on or after Nov 5th when I was no where near my ovulation time. The doctor called today told me that I am really early on in my pregnancy and don’t know how far along I am so I need to go for an ultra sound. Kinda weird...thought I would share.

Hopefully this story is one of inspiration and faith. I hope it picks up everyone spirits and provides some positivity.

I wish all of you the best of luck; hopefully everyone’s dreams, wishes and prayers will soon come true. We are all on this journey together. My wish now is to have everyone else cross the finish line.

Best of Luck!

Destiny! How exciting for you!!! Wow... didn't know that was possible!

New to this forum... but love reading the stories.. Am 38, TTC #1... I am in a somewhat similar situation, as was supposed to start 11/22... neg POAS on 11/22 & 11/24... blood test neg on 11/23... Dr just said to come back in a week if no AF... How did you survive the agony of waiting all that time???!!!
I feel quite certain I'm not pg, just wish dang AF would come already!!

Best of luck to all of you!!! Thanks for starting the thread.... :)
Hello Ladies,

Well since I am the one who started this thread I think it would be best to share my news with all of you here.... I'm Pregnant! Yup that’s right ME I'm Pregnant. I will be 36 in Dec and I like you have been TTC for a while now.

Here is my story (I'll keep it brief)

AF was due Oct 22nd, felt the symptoms of AF but she didn’t come for a visit. Oct 28 tried a CB pee test at home and the test came back negative. Nov 4th whet to the doc, also had a pee test which came back negative. Nov 5th, went for a blood test, it came back negative. Nov 11th I was back at the doctors again, this time the pee test came back positive. I went home and took another pee test on Nov 11th that came back positive. Nov 15th had a blood test and that came back positive too. So here we are….after weeks of confusion the doctors has come to the conclusion that were having a baby.

So girls explain that...either I got pregnant like I was suppose to, during my week of ovulation back in October and the doctors couldn’t detect it or I got Pregnant sometime on or after Nov 5th when I was no where near my ovulation time. The doctor called today told me that I am really early on in my pregnancy and don’t know how far along I am so I need to go for an ultra sound. Kinda weird...thought I would share.

Hopefully this story is one of inspiration and faith. I hope it picks up everyone spirits and provides some positivity.

I wish all of you the best of luck; hopefully everyone’s dreams, wishes and prayers will soon come true. We are all on this journey together. My wish now is to have everyone else cross the finish line.

Best of Luck!

Destiny! How exciting for you!!! Wow... didn't know that was possible!

New to this forum... but love reading the stories.. Am 38, TTC #1... I am in a somewhat similar situation, as was supposed to start 11/22... neg POAS on 11/22 & 11/24... blood test neg on 11/23... Dr just said to come back in a week if no AF... How did you survive the agony of waiting all that time???!!!
I feel quite certain I'm not pg, just wish dang AF would come already!!

Best of luck to all of you!!! Thanks for starting the thread.... :)

Hey AustinGurrl

When I was at the doc for the last time I really didint think I was preg. The doc even said I know this is getting annoying but its best to check. I remember sitting in the doctors room waiting for my results. I then hear the nurse say though the door to the doctor do you think she will be happy? My ears perked and then I thought nah she cant be talking about me I'm not preg. So really...who knows sometimes these tests are wrong. When I posted last I though I was a few weeks and now I am starting to think I am 6 weeks. My ultra sound is Friday, I will know sometime next week. So go figure.... :) Good Luck! Hopefully your story is like mine. Keep us posted!
I am new to this site as well but can tell you I was 41 when I had my last baby, baby before that I was 21... So it is possible I am 42 now and trying again this time seems a bit harder but dont give up!
Hi everyone

im 37 years old and was not trying for a baby i was on the contraceptive pill but i am 18 + weeks pregnant. im thrilled now but it was a complete shock for both myself who has a 20 year old and an 18 year old and my OH who hasn't got children and didn't want them ( he has now changed him mind thankfully)

i want to wish all you ladies who are actively trying to conceive a successful conception and healthy pregnancy and enjoy the trying whilst you can im sure once the little bundle of joy arrives your sex life will never be the same again lol
Congratulations Destiny!

I got pregnant when I was 36 years old and gave birth when I was 37. I'd had a miscarriage in 2008 but when we started trying again a few months later absolutely nothing was happening. Due to my age I didn't want to leave anything to chance and shot straight to the GP to and both my partner and I started to have fertility tests in conjunction with the local hospital. For me this included a test called a HSG where they inject dye into the fallopian tubes. As part of the investigations I also had a procedure called a hysterospcopy where they look into your womb via your cervix with a small camera. One month after this procedure I fell pregnant.

All I can say is: never give up hope and if you feel it is right for you, get to the GPs, tell them you have been trying for a long time and request that they do fertility testing.
Hi, I'm 37 and have been ttc #1 for 3 months and have just got my :bfp: I was convinced it wasn't going to happen for me this quickly, how wrong was I?!
Good luck everyone and lots of :dust:
Big congrats to you Alibobs!

I posted in the other 35+ thread, I should have posted here too. I'm 35 years old, my husband finally jumped onboard with TTC. He jumped on board like the week I was ovulating (after a couple years of saying no)... So... we attempted, and SUCCEEDED. I can't believe it. So, we conceived the first month. I wasn't even sure when I was ovulating, just new it was around that week. We did the deed just twice. I am stunned..

Looks like my due date will be about August 9. How exciting but SCARY! I won't be telling my family until after we hear the heartbeat. Hopefully that will be the first week in January.
Big congrats to you Alibobs!

I posted in the other 35+ thread, I should have posted here too. I'm 35 years old, my husband finally jumped onboard with TTC. He jumped on board like the week I was ovulating (after a couple years of saying no)... So... we attempted, and SUCCEEDED. I can't believe it. So, we conceived the first month. I wasn't even sure when I was ovulating, just new it was around that week. We did the deed just twice. I am stunned..

Looks like my due date will be about August 9. How exciting but SCARY! I won't be telling my family until after we hear the heartbeat. Hopefully that will be the first week in January.

Wow how lucky were you! Big congrats to you too!
You're right its is scary but exciting. My due date will be about the same time, still to get it all confirmed though.
H&h 9 months to you!
I'm a personal trainer, and my midwife is one of my clients :) I've e-mailed her and already told her the news.. I think I am going to wait until I'm around 9 / 10 weeks so hopefully we can hear the heartbeat at the first appointment. We have insurance, but it's not the best. And I don't think it's totally necessary to come in sooner.

We've got three healthy happy boys.. I'm hoping for pink this time, but of course will be truly blessed either way! One big step down (conceiving)..two more to go (heartbeat/get out of miscarriage territory..and birth!)
Same here ive been blessed with 4 boys and got my fx for a little girl for my last, but thankful for what i get as long as its healthy x
Congrats to all with their :bfp: Hopefully more of us will join you soon.

:dust: For those in need. :winkwink:
I had a tubal ligation reversal in May 08..we conceived Emily in June 09 and she was born in Feb 10..I am 38 and DH is 42...we are now in our second month TTC our last :baby:
Hi Girls,

I'm now 6 weeks pregnant, this is my 3rd pregnancy and i feel bloated and fat already! Does anyone else feel like this? :shrug:

Yep i feel fat i cant fit into two pairs of my jeans already :shrug: no symptoms as yet apart from the odd nausea that dont last long x
was just reading this thread and wanted to share with every one I have an 18 year old daughter a 16 year old son then when I was 34 my dh and I starting trying to have a child together. I fell pregnant first try had a very uneventful pregnancy and gave birth to my son 2 days after turning 35 then we thought we needed one more lol we got pregnant on the second month trying. I just gave birth to another adorable boy one month before turing 38. I hated hearing all the are you crazy remarks your to old comments and people just negative in general. I knew getting pregnant at an older age had its risk but to be honest these last two were actually easier on me then when I was younger. I had no complications and delivered two very healthy little boys my Ob had me start geritol(low iron and thin uterine lineing) and start takeing folic acid and to have at least one serving of high fat dairy a day no douching and to wash with a dye and fragrance free soap. I love being an older mom I get some nasty looks sometimes asked if they are my grandkids(grr) but I dont let it bother me so please just stay postive it can and will happen for each of you HUGS and truck loads of baby dust to you all :)
was just reading this thread and wanted to share with every one I have an 18 year old daughter a 16 year old son then when I was 34 my dh and I starting trying to have a child together. I fell pregnant first try had a very uneventful pregnancy and gave birth to my son 2 days after turning 35 then we thought we needed one more lol we got pregnant on the second month trying. I just gave birth to another adorable boy one month before turing 38. I hated hearing all the are you crazy remarks your to old comments and people just negative in general. I knew getting pregnant at an older age had its risk but to be honest these last two were actually easier on me then when I was younger. I had no complications and delivered two very healthy little boys my Ob had me start geritol(low iron and thin uterine lineing) and start takeing folic acid and to have at least one serving of high fat dairy a day no douching and to wash with a dye and fragrance free soap. I love being an older mom I get some nasty looks sometimes asked if they are my grandkids(grr) but I dont let it bother me so please just stay postive it can and will happen for each of you HUGS and truck loads of baby dust to you all :)

So nice to read everyones stories here, but its beyond me why anyone would give someone a dirty look for being an older mum??, if it was so against nature to be a mum when older, why does our bodies still allow us to fall pregnant then, bit stupid of those people to dish out dirty looks then isnt it, talk about thick with no intelligence people LOL
Well im 43 and havent had anybody say anything about my age i have to say! x
Thanks to everyone for sharing their stories, they give me hope and inspiration!!

Congrat's to all the Mommy's and Mommy's to be :)
mommaof3--I know what you mean about folks asking if you are the grandmother. When my mom was 38 she gave birth to my sister (I was 16 at the time). I can't tell you how many folks would either come up to me and ask if the baby was mine, or ask my mom if she was the grandmother!! :devil: I don't know who was more irritated, me or my mother. I do remember telling my mom one day (after the 100th person asked if I was the mommy) that "If ONE more person asks me if this is my kid, I'm gonna deck them!" Anyway, congrats to you, and thank you for sharing your story with us. I love to hear positive stories from women of "advanced maternal age". :haha:

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