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Forum Request - Over 35+ Who have conceived

Hello Everyone!

I am new to this site and I like a lot of people are stressing about trying to conceive over the age of 35. Is there a forum on this site that talks about people over the age of 35 who have conceived?

Some days my nerves just can take hearing how long it’s been for some people. I would like a place to go to where I can read something positive. A place that could help a person though their really bad days and the days when they feel like they are losing hope.

Please don’t get me wrong I am not trying to offend anyone. I just want a place to go to where someone says.... Hey I'm 38 and I've tried for 1 yr and now I have a health baby XXX


A little stress!

After being told I could never have children without IVF I conceived my first child at 39 years old without trying. My son is now 2 years old and he came 1 month before my 40th birthday. We are seeing if it happens again. Good luck.
I'm 37 and recently had my first baby (conceived at 36), want to WTT end of next year, I'd love a second baby. Took me a few weeks to conceive but guess i just got lucky :thumbup: expecting it to be harder next time, I'll be 38 but staying positive :winkwink:
I am due June 25th with my fourth pregnancy...I conceived on October 2 and turned 36 on November 9th. My youngest child 14 and my oldest is 19. I had a tubal reversal at age 22 and had it reversed in May at age 35. My man and I weren't using any form of birth control and conceived within a few months..I was surprised I became pregnant so quickly and we are very excited to add a new baby to our family. Just wanted to share that even with tubal surgery, a natural conception is very possible after 35. I don't plan on using birth control after this baby is born..just going to see what happens!
I'm 39 and expecting a very unexpected baby :) We conceived from BD 5 days before I O'd! (based on U/s dates and my symptoms of O). I was really shocked that at my age I got pregnant without trying so it's totally possible to get pregnant after 35 without it taking a long time! My older kids are excited about it, with the exception of my 16 yr old but I expected that reaction from him. I know once the baby is here he'll warm up to it.
I am 35 (36 in Feb) & I came off the pill at the beginning of May after being on it for 17 years, had my :bfp: on 22nd June. Couldn't believe it happened so quickly as been on the pill for so long & with being a bit older. Don't give up hope, stay positive, it can happen :winkwink:
Congrats to you all! Your stories give hope and I appreciate you sharing them. :flower:
I am due June 25th with my fourth pregnancy...I conceived on October 2 and turned 36 on November 9th. My youngest child 14 and my oldest is 19. I had a tubal reversal at age 22 and had it reversed in May at age 35. My man and I weren't using any form of birth control and conceived within a few months..I was surprised I became pregnant so quickly and we are very excited to add a new baby to our family. Just wanted to share that even with tubal surgery, a natural conception is very possible after 35. I don't plan on using birth control after this baby is born..just going to see what happens!

Thanks for sharing. I had a TR in October but your story brings me hope. Thanks.:hugs:

This is my story:

I'll be 40 later this month. This is my third pregnancy: 1st in 1995 ended in m/c at 8w4d; 2nd in 1996 ended in a healthy boy (both with my ex-husband); and now I'm 8w3d (with my partner of 7 years).

My LMP was 14 October, I had the mirena coil removed 18 October and I ovulated 29 October. By 5 November I was 80% sure I was pregnant (nausea, sore boobs and constipation - sorry if TMI!) but got BFNs when I tested on 8, 10, 11 and 13 November.

I reconciled myself to the fact it was wishful thinking and decided it was either the post-mirena hormones playing up or early menopause. Anyway, by 4 December AF still hadn't made an appearance and I was due to get some holiday vaccinations. I wanted to make sure I definitely wasn't pregnant so I decided to do a test (CBD) and it came up Pregnant 3+ straight away. Talk about shocked!!

So ladies, don't give hope. We got lucky first month trying after being a long term Mirena user. Fingers crossed baby sticks and all being well baby will be here in July.

As to how older children will react, my DS is very happy and excited about the news because (in his own words) (a) you won't be concentrating on what I'm up to all the time and (b) someone to help look after you in old age!!!

Pip x
Oh what a wonderful group this is! I am feeling really good about life (new and old!) today after reading these posts.
My history...
Married~ 1990
1st pregnancy/MC 2003 @age 33 (4mths TTC)
2nd pregnancy healthy boy 2008@age 38 (4mths TTC)
3rd pregnancy/MC 2010 @age40 (1 mth TTC)

So I have a beautiful boy who is 2 and we'd love to have another...after getting pregnant almost instantly in January of this year and losing it I really worry that it'll take a while this time. We tried for a couple of months right after this last MC but have put it off till this month to really give it our all...Doc says all is well although I would love to have lost a little weight she (Doc) doesn't seem to have a problem with it. Didn't really feel old until this week when I went for my first routine mammogram just to have it out of the way so I could TTC and when they ask if there was a chance of pregnancy I said "well, yes!". Threw everyone into a panic...me included. Had to have a blood test and I knew it would be negative as I hadn't even ovulated...trust me I know these things i told them...anyway as I was waiting for my negative test result I felt for the first time that older moms have a different set of rules to play by! On cycle day 11 hoping to ovulate soon so I can test on my 41st birthday on Dec28 So here's to us "older moms" I hope we all get healthy sticky BFP's SOON!
As to how older children will react, my DS is very happy and excited about the news because (in his own words) (a) you won't be concentrating on what I'm up to all the time and (b) someone to help look after you in old age!!!

Pip x
=D> That's a good one! Congrats on your BFP!!!:happydance:
Im 37, we conceived our 1st when I was 36. Here's the details:
- DH is 45, in recovery and has no children
- It took 11 months of using OPK's to conceive
- My cycles were approx 45 days long
- DH was working away during the week, so a couple of months we dtd nowhere near the positive opk. The month we conceived I drove up to where he was staying on the 2nd day of positive opk!
- The month we conceived was the first time I had ever experienced ewcm. We had been using pre-seed for about 4 months with no success.
- I drank 3 cups of green tea a day up to ovulation and walked lots more the month we conceived.
- I was addicted to pregnancy tests (internet cheapies). I did a test every day starting from 8 dpo. It wasnt positive until 13 dpo, and then very faint. first response and clear blue confirmed it on the same day.

HTH :) xx
I have been wanting to post on this thread for ages..

Am 37 and conceived Lani in July 2009 (at 36) after 2 weeks of trying (convinced it would take forever because of my age!) so please dont automatically assume the worst if you are +35!

We had a pretty decent pregnancy despite being given a high risk for Downs Syndrome but have a very happy, healthy 8 month old now...

We will be TTC for number 2 in January so will be joining you all a bit more to share with you how things go this time x
hi all, im 43 and have 9 kids ranging from 23 to 8 months..i had my last 2 since turning 40 and am now considering number 10...god willing:happydance: ..
God Bless you woman!!!!!!!! All I can say is Amazinggggggggggggggggggggg =D> & Baby Dust to you.
Im 38 and just found Im pregnant, its worrying me to death aswell as mine are girl 15 and boy 11.

I've not even told my Mum yet! Im still scared to tell her at 38! xx

LOL I love this so I am not alone.. when and if I can conceive.. I will be definitely afraid to tell my mom and she is 80!! had me at 41 years of age .. Doctors told her she couldnt have anymore and to go "Play" and well of course there is a 6 year gap between my older sister and I.. and gets better.. there is a 12 year gap between the last of the first three she had so .. my mom says "NEVER" LISTEN TO DOCTORS FULLY.. because you and your sister are living proof that Doctors can be wrong.. =P however, I have my moments when a doctor is cruel because of your age.
just found out im pregnant, had a mc in july, and was taking a break this month( has the clear blue fertlity mointor an the drawer). im 37.
Congrats Zelda! They says it often happens when we aren't trying. Good luck!
As one of the first people on here petitioning for an over 35 forum having an bfp forum on here certainly was something i was asking for as well. In fact, i wanted and got an over 35 ttc forum, but i would like to see not only the ttc and bfp section but also an over 35 pregnancy forum and an over 35 parenting forum.

I learned (was pm'd by the owners, lol!) that they prefer direct messaging as a matter of suggestion as opposed to petitioning. Fact is, most of these things have usually occured to them and its just a matter of organisation. So my advice is, tell them what you suggest and fingers crossed.

I support you all the way!!

:hug: Omi xxx
Hi all,

I have an 18 and 11(soon to be 12) year old, I am 36... Yesterday I got our much wanted BFP for our 3rd! I will be 37 when this baby is born! We are keeping it very quiet right now just in case but I do not mind admitting we are a little worried about telling a few certain people, mainly because we know they have shared the same TTC problems :(

Everyone else will just think we are mad! Our eldest does know we wanted a 3rd and they thought it would be "cool" lol

Good luck to everyone, so many minefields and worries that it's lovely to be able to share with people who understand :0)
Congratulations on your :bfp: Winter Sun

Pip x
Hi all,

I have an 18 and 11(soon to be 12) year old, I am 36... Yesterday I got our much wanted BFP for our 3rd! I will be 37 when this baby is born! We are keeping it very quiet right now just in case but I do not mind admitting we are a little worried about telling a few certain people, mainly because we know they have shared the same TTC problems :(

Everyone else will just think we are mad! Our eldest does know we wanted a 3rd and they thought it would be "cool" lol

Good luck to everyone, so many minefields and worries that it's lovely to be able to share with people who understand :0)

Congratulations!! :thumbup:

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