
Er- It's a tough choice but you have been trying to involve him and he's not been pulling his weight. If you think it's best for lo than that's what matters most ER. Just realize with the way he is thinking he will most likely petition the courts to have a DNA test to prove his rights then come after you for those. His lack of being there may give the impression he'll just give up but there is no guarentee for that. Unfortunately no matter what you say or do that baby is half his DNA so you can't just waive his rights away although you can make things difficult for him. You may be facing this kind of stuff for the rest of your life. You could always say in the event you die your parents should get custody but he can contest that as he is the father, and your parents are not. I think you may have a rough time but I would suggest just documenting everything and collecting all bills. If he wants to exercise his custodial rights he will have to pay out the ass for them.
Your baby really deserves better than all this fighting and bickering, just remember its about protecting the child and keeping them stable and happy, whatever anger is underlying with the two of you. I hope you take this as just my simple thoughts and advice only. Good luck.

Tainted - I have a wedding on Saturday to go to. Let's see if I can stay awake till cake is served, lol. Better not have to chauffeur home a drunk hubby again. It gets old real fast.
Thanks about the congrats. Anyways off to do more work at my moms apartment of chaos.

Oh yeah- I'm 27 weeks today! Third trimester already. Where has the time gone?
Hey everyone!
We just got home from being away in Ottawa for the weekend. It was my husbands aunt's surprise party. It was fun, but I am happy to be home. Feeling good still....especially when I eat good food and stay away from the junk.

ER - wow, sorry that you are having to make some tough decisions. I don't know what I would do in your case.

Tainted - how much longer are you in NS for? Is the heat wave over? Today was the first cooler day here but it looks like we are going to get more humidity later in the week.

Hopeful - wow, third tri already. Crazy how fast it goes. I hope that you are still feeling good.

Mirna - hope that everything is going okay with you and that you are feeling good.

Blessed - we miss you and hope you are doing okay!

Talk soon girls!
On my days off I'm going to speak to the dept of human services aka state aid and start a petition for sole custody with visitation. That way he has to come visit for the first 12 months, since ill be breastfeeding. Since I'll have sole custody (hopefully) he can't not let me leave the state for another job... So that's what I'll do. I'll find another job in a different state, one that's driving distance to my parents so we can visit them over the weekend. It could be as easy as transferring my job to another location (gov't job).

If he gets joint custody, I'm screwed. He would have to approve me leaving the state.
Good idea ER. I'd hate to see him try to interfere with baby breastfeeding, but it's been done. The earlier you can protect yourself the better. As for job out of state, we had a case in the courts where a woman left canada while pregnant and ended up staying where here family was in the US and having her child there. The man was trying to prove it was kidnapping but the courts ruled it wasn't as that would infringe on the pregnant mothers rights before a baby was even present. Can't you move before baby gets here?
If I did, I wouldn't have babysitters... Aka my parents, when I go back to work after baby. I can't see putting my baby in daycare at 2 months old. Plus, my part time pay isn't enough to get an apartment now, which is why I'm living with my parents.

He's such an ass.
Sugarlys- hope Ottawa was a good time. I'm still feeling good, just the left hip bugging me and heartburn a lot. I hope I am okay next week, I go for the gestational diabetis test, just 1 hour one I think. Hope I pass this time with flying colours.
Going to
Or row for a massage therapy appt! I'm thrilled, wanted to go for ages but just never had time and a babysitter. My hubby is working early mornings tonight so hell be home during the day on Wednesday. He said it was done so I am free :)
Still waiting on this house stuff, he inspection on Friday and wedding on Saturday. Sunday is help my mom again as her movers are coming on Monday. Busy busy, can't wait till life slows and I have a new home to relax in and then shortly after is baby!
Closed out one of my retirement accounts today... I'm putting the money into a savings account in case I need to use it for a lawyer. I was able to buy decorations and favors for the baby shower... One less thing to worry about. All I need to do is put addresses on the invites and coordinate with my friend who is buying the cake and tableware. My parents are purchasing the food. And I need to print out the games like baby bingo, but I probably won't do that until closer since I need a headcount of attendees.

I never knew how much goes into a baby shower... But then again, it's only my side of the family helping out since his has pretty much exiled me.

Ohshit. I just realized I sealed up the invite envelopes without putting the where I'm registered at cards in them.... Oh fudge!
Ladies, I have had a horrible day. Was all set to drop Xavier off with K's mom so I could go get my massage. Called my sis at my moms to see if she was still there helping out so I could drop off pjs I bought for my nephew. She tells me my mom just had a seizure and cracked he head on a chair, the paramedics were with her in the background. So I rush over and drop off my son wit K's mom and rush over to emerg. I'm still sitting here in the waiting room for someone to tell me what the hell is going on!
Please pray for my mom, that she comes out of this okay.
Oh Hopeful!! That is horrible. I hope that everything is okay with your mom - stay strong. Prayers are with you! Keep us updated
I am home for now, my sis is staying there with her. They just sent her for a CT scan, hope they find a cause for this. Either way me and my sis are in for a boatload of work over the next days leading up till Monday. I still have home inspection and wedding on Saturday. I wish I had some of this crap off my plate.
Before finding out about my mom at 1:15, at noon I had a bit of a scary episode with me. Had some major pain and pressure down low, obviously in my bottom of uterus. It lasted five minutes then died down, I had to lie still on my left side, it I tried to move the pain was unbearable. After that I had two occurrances of tightening stomach, evident to me as contractions. I think it was Braxton hicks. It's gone and not happened since. I have to be careful though obviously.
I hope you are all well. I'll update when I can. Thanks Sugarlys
Okay. So the CT was clear, no lesions or tumors. She has been released but is not allowed to drive. She is seeing a neurologist next week to have further testing done. My sister had brought her home for the night as neither of us or the docs want her being alone. So, she is in better spirits she had a shower and said she feels human again :) I am so relieved. Thanks ladies for the support. Hope you are all well.
Now I'm wiped outand need sleep after my ice cream cheer up session :) g'night all
Oh hopeful! That is too bad about your mom! Unfortunately working in the field I work in people can have seizures and they never find out why and never have another one! I kind of hope that is the case for your mom, or that it is something extremely simple they can find! I will keep you in my thoughts and prayers! And it's wonderful that there are no rumors! And don get too stressed no early babies!!! I think maybe your body was warning you with your little episode!
AFM... Still in NS, ready to go home now! I miss my life there! Don't get me wrong I'm having a great time just ready ya know! I get little bouts of Braxton hicks all the time... Little bits of cramping etc... My body getting me ready for the big show.... Which still frightens the pewp outta me lol.
Mom and my sister and grandma are holding a shower for me on Monday! All of my high school friends that are still here and family and cousins etc are coming it should be a good time! The girls at work just called yesterday and asked if they could have one for me in August once I get back too! Isn't that sweet?
AHHHHHH!!! I only have 6 weeks tO go isn't that crazy!!!

Sugarlys glad to hear your mini vacay was great... What are u going to do for the whole summer being off??
Where's Mirna?
I miss ya blessed!!! Come back soon!
Ok I'm ready to go back to sleep now.. Talk soon
Yeah tainted is right... My mom had a seizure at a gas station after filling up her car... All the tests came back normal and no seizures since then and that was about 8 years ago?
Well they can occur BC of too much of anything... Too much sun, too much alcohol, too many fumes.... Etc!
I think it's just she overexerted herself and hasn't been eating or sleeping properly, just not looking after herself. It's a wake up call for her, and for our doc for not supporting her enough and realizing how bad of a state she is in. My mother is frail as hell and bruised all over and shaky. Her fibromayalgia condition has killed any muscle she once had. I'm not overexaggerating at all how bad of shape she is in. We need to get this move over with and get her settled so she can relax. I just feel like lately so much is piling up and swirling out of control. I just can't wait till things settle down.
Thanks no, just make a time warp to next week when everything is settled and hopefully worrying is to a minimum. Just listening is helpful, thanks ladies :)
Time is flying now for pregnancy. I've surpassed the 3 month mark, in less than 3 months my baby will be here :)
Well that's the thing... People don't get what stress can actually do to someone! If we don't get a grip on ourselves with stress it's never a good thing! I got an anxiety disorder from stupid stress! Lol
48 days til my due date! CRRRRAAAAZZZZZY!!!

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