
Wow only 48 days Tainted! Holy crap! How are you feeling, besides big and uncomfortable, lol.
Okay, so house financing is fully approved, no more waiting for that. We go for home inspection tomorrow morning, that should go fine :) my mom got a call and they fit her in with the neurologist today, so she is at that now. I just went and renewed my licence/heath card/ plate sticker all at once so that's another thing off the list. So a check arrived to my lawyer for the settlement payment for the roof, just have to wait for it to clear.
So I feel like a lot of weight is off my shoulders right now. Than f$&@ing god! It was all just too much crap!!!
Baby is doing good, my belly is definately growing now! Prob gaining from what I see. Got a couple new mat tanks to cheer me up.
Wow, Hopeful. I am happy to hear that your Mom is doing okay - hope the tests show that she is in the clear - what a scary thing!
I hope that you are doing okay and trying to take lots of deep breaths to get you through the stress. Couple that with the heat and its a recipe for disaster!!

Not much new here - so hot today...I walked out to get the mail and it took me 25 minutes of sitting to cool down and slow down my heart rate. Mind you, our driveway is 750 feet long, so it is quite a trek to get there.

Hope that you are all doing well and staying cool!
Today was much better. Everything is final with the bank we just need to sign on the dotted line. My mom got in for appt with neurologist early, they think this was just a one off episode. She is low in her sodium and potassium levels, which they said could be the cause in itself. Also the lack of caring for herself recently is partly to blame. She got very lucky as they never saw fit to report to DMV when they normally do and you can't drive for 6 months. She got off easy. Anywho she needs to start drinking sport drinks and eating every couple hours. So we've been on her for it. I got a haircut tonight, feels much better.
I actualy don't feel that big!! Believe it or not BC I have a little boy settled in my back! And I'm not uncomfortable at all minus there is more of me that needs cooling down in this heat! Haha! I get bouts of Braxton hicks but that doesn't scare me BC I know that's supposed to happen to help me with the big day!!!
I am however verrrry homesick! I miss my charlie doggy!! Only 8 days left here in NS! Lol I just feel like I need to get back to some sorta normalcy, ya know?

Mom is dragging me to a craft show today... Blahhhhh lol gotta go!
I wish this heat wave would end!!!
Ugh, I'm sick of people.
On Friday I went to my uncles house to celebrate his birthday. We were all sitting around talking when his wife brings up my doggy, which I'm still pretty heartbroken over. She keeps talking about how her little dog isn't as much of a burden as my black lab was.... I start to get misty eyed so I politely excuse myself to go to the bathroom to dry my eyes.

The crazy **** chases me into the bathroom and traps me in there and starts screaming at me "listen here little girl, you are such a fuckig burden to your family....". At this point I'm scared so I try to get past her and tell her to get out of my way. She grabs me by the shoulders and slams me against the providing corner of the bathtub (omg oww) and starts screaming in my face how I'm a disgrace, I'm not a catholic, I'm not part of the family, I'm a whore...

I shoved her extremely hard and at the same time her daughter pulled her off of me. I'm crying hysterically now, my parents and I pack our stuff up and leave.

She called me yesterday to apologize.... I pretty much told her that she's the lowest of low... Assaulting a pregnant woman! I also told her she's lucky I didn't clock her in the face and called the cops on her for assault and that I'm not ready to accept her apology because you never ever ever treat family that way, especially for no apparent reason. Just because you were drinking and you have some deep down issues with yourself doesn't mean you can take them out so violently on an innocent person. Then I hung up on her.

I kinda wish I wasn't pregnant so I could have clocked her in the mouth.

But in more positive news, I ordered a few hypnobirthing books and CDs since I won't be able to attend the classes due to my work schedule :)
Hey ladies.
Tainted- that's wonderful you don't feel huge! I don't understand it cause I feel it even though I'm not and am uncomfortable already. My back and left hip are getting pretty bad. Too bad I had to miss my chance at that massage. Hopefully I get another opportunity soon. Thank god my mom doesn't drag me to that stuff, I think I'd go crazy.

Sugarlys- how's pregnant life treating you? Doing okay in the bouts of heat? I've just been avoiding the crazy hot days and only go out on the milder ones. My boy loves the splash pads so we have done that a couple of times.

ER - I'm going to be honest. I don't know what to say to that. In my position I personally would have called the police if someone assaulted me and my child, as it's about protecting them now. Just put your child first and it will hopefully guide you to the right answer.

AFM- well, today is moms big move (all the furniture stuff). Should go fine then just arranging and unpacking. Thank god, I see the light at the end of the tunnel! Our house is settled and it's just going to be a month and a half packing and them we will be in our new home! I'm so excited to get in there.
Wow ER, I don't know how you manage to cope being surrounded by such toxic people. I hope you are able to separate yourself because you need to focus on you and baby, not all the drama around you.

Hopeful - I am having a hard time with the heat! It just doesn't seem to end!! Glad to hear that today is moving day - I hope it goes smoothly for your mom.

Tainted - I can't believe how fast time is going!! It seems like just yesterday you got your BFP! I hope mine doesn't go that fast because I am scared to DEATH of giving birth!!

Mirna and Blessed - we miss you and hope you are both doing okay xoxox

AFM, just trying to cope with the heat...not doing much else. Enjoying my time off. I am not getting a job or anything for the summer - we usually just cut back big time on our spending when I am off for the summer and then I will start my mat leave in September. Feels weird to have that long off...I love my job so much so it'll be hard to not go back. Anyway gals, have a great day and stay cool!
This heat is horrible :)

Tomorrow is the big talk with HR about maternity leave, adding baby to my health insurance, and possibly transferring my job to another location. It would only be about 2 hours away from my parents, but it's also 2 hours away from the sperm donor and his whore aka more drama. But I'm hoping that I can transfer next summer... The help from my parents would be amazing.
Sugarlys- it wont feel weird when you have a newborn there to eat up your time. The year flys by faster than I'd like to admit. That's why I ended up staying off. I just couldn't see a viable option with breastfeeding and my 10-12 hour shift job. The way it worked I would never see my son in his waking hours, not okay at all! I attempted to offer them myself part time working from home (I could mark agent calls and work on the training material, as well as take calls myself or resolve cx issues) however they were not willing to work with me at all. It's sad how little value they put into your years of service and expertise now :(

ER- hope your work chat with hr goes well! Start looking into wait lists for daycare when your mat leave is up as most have a fairly long wait (the decent ones anyways) and I know you ladies in the states have a horribly short mat leave.

AFM- so the move went well yesterday. She is in and still surrounded by boxes but at least she can use her stove/sink, bathroom and bedroom are clear. She hasn't her phone hooked up yet though, silly really as we can't contact her (she never activated her cell phone) or even show up at her place as the intercom won't work without phone. I hope she goes to the old place today to check messages and calls us so we can remedy this all.
I've been feeling really tired lately, I think the third tri is starting to kick me in the butt a bit. Baking some healthy banana muffins now, must be crazy with oven on in this heat but oh well. Gotta run out and get some groceries and clean my house! It's been so neglected for dealing with my moms stuff.
Stay out of the heat everyone!
Well good news!

I discussed maternity leave with HR. I can't turn in the forms until mid-august, no big deal. I also applied for leave donation, where fellow employees can donate their paid time off to me to help cover additional leave time, I should hear back in a month or so if I get approved, then I can send an email to everyone asking for donations.

I applied for a full time desk job out towards the west coast of Michigan... They emailed me asking for additional information! So hopefully when the job posting expires and they go through all of their applicants I'll be in the top. It wasn't information that I excluded from the application,but more like okay you're qualified but can you send more info to help us make a better judgement.

That job is about 2.5 hours away from where I'm at now, still close enough to come home on the weekends :)
Yesterday was my birthday. I'm 33 now, age is just a number. Had a massage, went to the Keg for dinner. Good day overall.
Happy belated birthday! You're still so young!

My sister went with me to my ultrasound yesterday. She cried :) he was such a wiggle worm, he still is today! He's been very very active, which is great and reassuring. But unfortunately, it was discovered that my baby has a small genetic birth defect. He has Vesicoureteral Reflux, basically kidney reflux. His one kidney is enlarged because the "urine" isn't draining into the bladder properly. The doctors are going to keep an eye on it as it's been enlarged for the past 4 ultrasounds or so. If it doesn't correct itself before he's born, I'll have to take him in for a kidney ultrasound once he's a few weeks old and then discuss how bad it is and treatment options, but right now the high risk doc thinks he'll just be on antibiotics for the first few years of his life, maybe surgery when he's a few years old, and no rough housing or high impact/contact sports for the duration of his life. No big deal. I worry, but I know everything will be okay.
hopefulllll happy happpy birthdayyyyyy
misssed u all so much i have 0 time on hand m not even having time to obsess about my pregnancy
yesterday i did a scan and everything is perfect!!! am 9 weeks 2 days pregnant and loving it.i finally have slight nausea which is reasssuring!! im writing from my phone im hoping to havve time this weekend to post some pix
blesssed how uve been? been thinking about u!
Hey girls... My time here in nova scotia is coming to a very quick end! I am ready to go now though! My hormones seem to be in full swing for the first time with this pregnancy! I have been going non stop since we came here and doing things other people want me to do! Lol I'm getting snappy! Lol
Sugarlys... I am nervous about labor and delivery but I know it's gotta come so I'm mentally preparing myself now for it! 5 weeks to go today... Isn't that nutty? And I was a premie... So there is a chance he may come a little early! I've been not meditating but working with my thoughts towards positivitity... And I'm using sounds of nature while I do it because I have anxiety... So hopefully this will help push that out of the way in the hospital!
ER... Glad u got everything set up for mat leave! And the extra thingy that u possibly can get!!!
Hopeful... Happy belated! You aren't old! Shush! I'm 29 so not far behind ya! Also glad everything went smoothly with the move! And I totally hear ya on the being tired thing!

AFM.... I am ok! Broke a tooth in half two days ago... It was a root canaled tooth that needed a crown but I need to be sedated to go to the dentist because I have such bad panic attacks about it! So I went yesterday and he just like sanded the sharp parts off and said it should be fine til after baby! And my teeth are so weak from being so sick! Blah! So I'm taking extra care of them! Lol
I'm still pretty comfortable! I get heartburn more often then I used to but it's controlled by a glass of milk for the time being!
Knock on wood... I'm sleepy so great right now... I'm not even getting up to pee through the night.. Isn't it crazy! I'm feeling the best I have during this whole 9 months so far! I'm happy!
Anyways the heat wave here is still booming... It's like 30-42 degrees Celsius every single day! Thank god for the pool is all I have to say! Lol
Hope you ladies are keeping cool!
Happy belated b-day Hopeful! Glad you had a good day!

Tainted - wow, five weeks to go....crazy! Glad your visit home has been good!

ER - glad to hear you got your mat leave stuff organized - how long do you get off?

Mirna - welcome back! Glad to hear everything is going well!

AFM, had a dr. appt today. Everything was good except that there was some blood in my urine...I haven't noticed anything, but they are going to send it off just to make sure I don't have a bladder infection...I should hear back by Monday at the latest. Anyone have experience with this during pregnancy? I have been peeing more but its hard to know if it is the pregnancy or something else. Other than that, not much new with me. Enjoying my time off :)
As of right now I should have 4-5 weeks off paid. The leave donation, if I get approved and people donate... I could be off for 12+ weeks with pay :)
Ugh!!! I hope that happens to you my dear! We get a year at a percentage of our wage from the government! Too bad they didn't have that in the states I feel bad for u ladies!
Sick toddler here, had a bad fever at 4:30 am. It was enough to get me ready for a trip to emerg but the tylenol took it down a bit thankfully. Lazy around the house day for sure...
Tainted- hope the trip home is kinder to you and allows you some sleep.

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