From Assisted Conception to...Babies!!!

ILT, sending huge hugs your way!! Im sure the babies will be fine! They are in my prayers (yayyyy girls!!)

Bump, brown blood is good!! I hope they move your scan up for your own peice of mind.
Unfortunately I also woke up to spotting. There was just a smidge of reddish/pink on my pantyliner and then rust coloured when I wiped. I put in a progesterone suppository this morning and after that started melting, brought out more brown discharge. Now it has stopped but I am still going in for a scan at the clinic at noon. Of course given my history I am panicking.
What a rough 24 hours for so many of you! :hugs: :hugs: :hugs:

ILT: I wish you clarity and peace. With my DS, we had a scare about a horribly debilitating genetic condition (no talking or walking ever, somewhat vegetative) when I was 32 weeks pregnant. To be honest, we researched late term abortion. I had an amnio. We waited 2 terrible weeks for the results, and they came back inconclusive. The sample was insufficient to test. So, we had to wait until birth to test my DS. I made peace with the idea that I might be taking care of him for the rest of my life and beyond. Not that I'm a martyr or a saint; I don't know what my decision would've been if he had the condition and it had been detected early. I just don't know.

We were lucky and my DS does not have the condition.

Down syndrome is somewhat different, as there is a spectrum of ability. And maybe the twins would be a support to one another. But it's still not a trivial challenge to take on as a parent.

All that said, I pray that yours are among the 15/16 that do not have it. And that this was just another blip along the road.
Unfortunately I also woke up to spotting. There was just a smidge of reddish/pink on my pantyliner and then rust coloured when I wiped. I put in a progesterone suppository this morning and after that started melting, brought out more brown discharge. Now it has stopped but I am still going in for a scan at the clinic at noon. Of course given my history I am panicking.

Praying for you and baby!!! Hope everythings fine :hugs:
3chords, I'm so sorry you're going through this nightmare too. Really hoping you get some peace of mind from a scan today. How far along are you?

Afm, bleeding seems to have eased up this afternoon and is mainly brown spotting when I wipe. Still not had call back from clinic, they really are useless sometimes.

I'm feeling a little more positive that it's easing up and has only lasted about 18 hours but just worried it's the calm before the storm. We were in bits last night thinking our baby was leaving :( Feeling like I'm back in the 2ww again with this could be/might not be pregnant x
3chords, I'm so sorry you're going through this nightmare too. Really hoping you get some peace of mind from a scan today. How far along are you?

I am 7w5d today. I was trying to drink a bit of water for the scan and just puked all over my living room floor. Blah. I swear if I am having a m/c and STILL vomiting/nauseous, Imma lose it!!
3chords, I'm so sorry you're going through this nightmare too. Really hoping you get some peace of mind from a scan today. How far along are you?

I am 7w5d today. I was trying to drink a bit of water for the scan and just puked all over my living room floor. Blah. I swear if I am having a m/c and STILL vomiting/nauseous, Imma lose it!!

You're funny! But I think your bean is still snuggled in. I had spotting on occasion up to about 10 weeks with my DS. Good luck.
Bump: with such a high beta, I have to believe your baby is fine. Your theory about a twin makes sense too. I hope you get some peace of mind soon.
Morning everyone ����.

Bump - I'm keeping my fingers crossed for you that the bleed is nothing. Ilt has shared very good advice. Hang in there xx.

First - thank you for sharing details about the diet. I didn't know about babies not liking sugar. Puddings are my weakness and so I'm going to have to watch it. I try to eat an avocado everyday for now.

Ilt - HUGE hugs for your news. I can imagine you and DH are going through a range of emotions. I'm thankful that you don't have sch. I'll be praying for the results of the DS - let's take one day at a time. When do you find out for sure?

Wishing everyone a lovely day xx

Faith: it's just me, because I had gestational diabetes before. You will be tested for it between 24 and 28 weeks, and don't need to worry about it unless you test positive.

Avocados are supposed to be good for you and baby though. Plus, I find them yummy!
Bump, glad to hear that the bleeding has turned brown. Make sure you still drink lots of water and lots of vitamin C. I heard drinking cranberry juice can also help but too many juices to drink :D. I believe water is the best solution.

3chords, hopefully yours might be just cervix irritation because of the progesterone. I am not trying to dismiss it. I think it's probably a good thing that it's only spotting and turn brown fast :). Try sipping the water instead of chugging it. Or juice. OJ is the best :). Don't worry about drinking water if you can't stomach it. They can always do vaginal u/s. FX everything is ok! Let us know as soon as possible. I have a feeling that everything will be ok though :). :hugs:

First, thank you for sharing your story w/ DS!! Although I can't imagine how you both felt at that time :hugs:. In all honesty, I don't think we can handle 2 babies w/ DS. If we have lots of family around for support, I might toy with the idea. But so far our family consist of me, DH, and his mom. I am sorry if this bother the other ladies but truthfully, we'd probably go for termination. We just can't afford it mentally, physically, financially, and emotionally. Again, if it's only 1, bring it on. I did read that DS with identical twins is not very common. So hopefully, it's just a blood work glitch.

They will want to do the CVS test as soon as possible. I think before the end of 13 or 14 weeks. So hopefully, I'll hear from the genetic department today and able to schedule an appoint this week. I am still very very hopeful that nothing is wrong with the babies. All this will past in a couple of weeks and hopefully I can enjoy the rest of my pregnancy better.

I hope I am not being a downer. Thanks for listening ladies!
Your not being a downer ilt, were all here to be here for each other and voice our worries ot concerns along with all the good bits and there will be lots to come for all of US xx

3chords, sorry to hear about the spotting too, sounds like it could be from the progesterone, lots ofrest and water for you too!

Bumpsparkle, would have thought they would have phoned you by now knowing that you will be worrying, hope you hear from them by the end of today, how is it now? Hope your ok as you can be xx
Hugs, ILT. I hope the cvs is soon and you don't have to wait two weeks for results. But be prepared, as there might be a wait.
Hi ladies!

Thanks for all your support, means the world to me!

Scan couldn't have gone is measuring a day ahead at 7w6d with a super strong heart beat of 171. They see no blood or clots in uterus and think based on small amount of bleeding that it is cervical irritation from the suppositories. I go in for my next scan in 2 weeks. They also said no intercourse and to insert the suppositories "more gently" haha. And they took my blood to check progesterone level, but generally all seems to be ok!

ILT - I am sorry you are having this stressful time. I have a nephew with DS and my cousin went through a lot of worry and agony during her pregnancy with all the tests and so on. I really hope it all goes well and you have your answer asap and it is totally ok! I absolutely understand your thinking and worry and no judgment from me.
Thank you BMW, you are so sweet to offer your prayers and thoughts during a time of big worry for yourself. I think of you and your bean every day!
3chords what fantastic news. Bet it was amazing seeing your baby.

BMW how are you holding up? Been thinking about u!

Bump you're another one that's not ever far from my thoughts. Any news from clinic?

Girls we're having a really tough time of it on our thread just now! Hang in there all, we're all made of tough stuff and can get through this little rough spell together xx
3chords what fantastic news. Bet it was amazing seeing your baby.

BMW how are you holding up? Been thinking about u!

Bump you're another one that's not ever far from my thoughts. Any news from clinic?

Girls we're having a really tough time of it on our thread just now! Hang in there all, we're all made of tough stuff and can get through this little rough spell together xx

Im hanging in there. Trying not to grieve something until I have to and just enjoying every moment of this pregnancy rollercoaster im on right now! Staying as positive as I can.

We are all going through hurdles, but we will overcome them!!
3chords, so happy for you, what a great scan :) xx
Thank you Ladies!! I wouldn't have been this calm if it's not for your support. Really really appreciate it.

3chords!! yaay for good u/s! In 2 weeks, you'll see the baby moves a bit :D.

So I finally got a call from the genetic department and set up an appointment for next tuesday. I was told the result will be in 1 1/2 to 2 weeks. I did talk w/ the counselor and she said if it's just based on the u/s scan then the babies are doing great. Nothing is wrong with them. The problem is my blood test and my age. Here comes the age issue again :). Don't they know that age is just a number?? hahahaha.

BMW, I keep thinking that your slow rise of beta is because both babies implanted then 1 vanished. Because you number is still quite high. Hopefully this week will past by quick for you. :hugs:.

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