From Assisted Conception to...Babies!!!

Ilt, glad bleeding is a lot less now, we have one born every minute here, I love it :)

3chords, how exciting scan is coming up, mine is a week tues, eek!

Im not having any nausea, other symptoms ive got are tiredness, an ache in pubic bone area on and off, twinges low down especially if Im desperate for a wee and today everything just felt a bit tighter around lower stomach, veins are more visible on chest and boobs and also the area around my belly button is a discolored, not badly dark but a bit and it's noticeable as im very pale and my laparoscopy scar can be seen whereas normally it blends in with the whiteness of my skin, hoping these are all good signs
I decided against testing again in the end as time as gone pretty quick anyway, GP appointment tomorrow then scan the following Tuesday, very scared and excited

Did anyone in UK watch the triplets programme the other night?
Star - I've recorded it. Going to watch it later. Was it good?
It was good but theres a sad bit too to warn you xx
Good luck with the scan bmw. Nausea has a weird comforting edge to 😃😃.

Ilt - so relieved your bleeding has stopped. Brown is good. I still have the odd visit from time to time.
Hi Kaye - what's the name of the program please? If it was on the Beeb, maybe I can iplayer it.

Indulging in Modern Family reruns here now. Heaven 😃😃😃
Just remembered you have a scan tomorrow too Ilt. Pretty sure it'll be fine now that the bleeding stopped. Do get them to double check for an sch; I had to insist the sonographer check for any as I was going to get "these things happen" push-back. They found a very small one
near one of the babies which thankfully is nothing to worry about as it's tiny. I'm careful not to lift much now.

Hi to everyone else. Hope you're having a restful weekend 😃😃
Hi faith - it was called the triplets are coming. On itv xx
Thanks Kaye. Just found it 😃😃. Downloading it now xx
Good morning everyone. Hope your all well. I'm back to work tonight after a month off. Been off since before my egg collection, so much has happened in the last 3 weeks!

ILT good luck with your scan today x
Hi, sorry I've been missing in action for a few days.

ILT, sorry to hear what you've been through. Really hope today's scan can give you some reassurance x

Beneath, got everything crossed for you. Hope the days go by quickly!

Star, good luck for your gp appt. Can't believe your scan is only a week away! Mine is 2 weeks 2mrw and I'm a nervous wreck every time I visit the loo! Crinone has been much better thank you until 2day but I'm hoping it was just a few days build up. Still unnerving to see brown through! Can't wait to get off the stuff as it's causing more worry than is necessary. Tests have arrived but been good so far :)

For the front page my estimated due date is 19th Nov x

Hope everyone's ok. Tiredness cranked up a level as of yesterday and also the nausea. Not been sick yet but I think that's only due to determination to keep things down with each heave. Feeling grateful for it all though, as crazy as that makes me lol! x
Hope you have good first day back at work cmo, I had 2 weeks off and that felt like forever until I went back to work then it felt like I'd never been off!
Ive cut my hours down to 24 a week now so much nicer and only do 8-2 shifts

Bumpsparkle, glad the crinone has been behaving, cant wait to be off it too, im not really having any trouble with it but it's just a pain each night and I worry I'm not getting it all out!
I cant believe my scan is only a week away, time has literally flown by, im so scared!

I had my GP appointment today, just filled out a form on computer, done bp and was ok and wrote down details of ivf, he said midwife would be in contact when I'm
between 8-12 weeks and that they might not do 12 week scan due to having one at clinic! Screw that I'm not going from 7 weeks to 20 with no bloody scan in between! I dont really think he knew much though as hes new to being a GP and when I speak to midwife I'll tell her ill worry myself to death if that is the case lol
Got a copy of emmas diary guide to pregnancy from GP so can get the mums to be packs etc and a form to get free prescriptions, hoping I wont actually need any!
Also checked over in general as still got a sore throat and cough and he said theres no infection amd it's viral so just have to wait it out, fed up of waking up feeling like this, id rather have morning sickness and actually wish I had morning sickness!

How is everyone else?

Ilt, hope all goes well at the scan today xx
star25 - good on you for pushing back. I would go INSANE with no scan from 7 until 20 weeks...what the hell! Don't you also need to do the nuchal fold screening etc around 12 weeks? I was under the impression that can't be done earlier or later.

ILT - good luck today! I'm sure all will be well, hope you get some great pics of the little ones to share.

I'm still battling the same nausea, at this point I kind of feel like maybe I just have to suck it up and wait it out for another 5 weeks or so. Blah. Ultrasound this Thursday so that is something to look forward to!
Sorry you feel crappy, 3chords, but nausea is a reassuring sign.

My symptoms kicked in today, after a long hiatus. I'm woozy and ravenous, and then I feel nauseated after eating. Followed by hunger 20 mins later. It's noon and I'm on my fourth meal :haha:
I'm jealous of the nausea!

My throat hurts so much at the moment I wouldn't handle it, just want this illness to end now it's been on and off ( although mainly on) for 3 weeks now ;(

3chords I just hope GP was wrong pretty sure they have to do a 12 week's scan for measurements etc, there wont be much to see on a 7 week one, cant go from that to see a nearly full grown baby at 20 week's lol
star25 - are you taking any steroids as part of your FET protocol? Those really kill your immune system but even without them your immune system downregulates during early pregnancy so you catch every bug. Sore throats are horrid. Also, I understand the nausea jealousy as I've had it in the past, but believe me, ENJOY IT! My SIL is 14 weeks now and she had NO nausea. She gained like 15 lbs in the first tri as she ate everything around her. Her pregnancy has been soooo easy compared to mine, I can't even handle thinking about it lol. Nevermind that she got pregnant on the first try at the age 39, wtf...

FirstTry - are you eating small meals? I think it would help me if I snacked more the problem is I feel so sick I can't stomach food in my mouth. Let me know if you've found anything that works! The only thing that seems to help me temporarily anyway is super salty food. And that's not exactly healthy.
Thanks ladies!!

My appointment is at 1:45pm. I'll try to post as soon as we get out.

Bump and First, welcome to the nausea club! :D So glad I am not the only one now ahahhaha.

Star, not having a scan for weeks will worry me! Have you tried drinking honey and lemon for your sore throat? It helps with my cold for sure. I drink it at least once a day. Are you over 35? If you are, then you can choose to do NT scan for genetic or now they have an easy blood test to determine that. I can't do it because of the twins. But since it looks like the clinic is stingy with ultrasound, I'd do NT scan :D.

3chords, is thursday your first ultrasound?

First, I am jealous that you can eat. My problem is fullness. I ate a bit and the food didn't feel like it went down. Grrr...

Faith, I'll definitely ask if they can see SCH today.

Cmo and First, do you ladies realized that you are due on the same day?? :D

Soooo...has anyone heard of the "nub" theory?? I think I am going to see if the U/S technician will be willing to prove the "nub" theory :D. Maybe we can find out the babies genders today. Something fun to do :D.

I can't remember if it's on this thread or the other thread that someone asked about my baby bump. I am starting to have a little bump. Nothing major still look more like I ate a watermelon than a bump ahahhaha. I think I am pretty small for carrying twins. Watch..I am going to jinx myself and going to be as big as a house! So far, I only gained 2lbs. Not too bad :D.
3chords and ILT: I have the added fun of a gestational diabetes diet. Since I had GD last time, they want me to start immediately. That means low carbs, so no sweets :brat:, one slice of bread with eggs for breakfast, plain yogurt and berries for snack, half a cup of rice and half a cup of beans for lunch/dinner (can substitute with quinoa, whole wheat pita, etc), unlimited veggies, meat, cheese, nuts, and avocado (but watch cholesterol intake).

So, I've had yogurt and fruit, egg and cheese, salad, and chili so far today.

I really want some chocolate. And ice cream!
I feel some nausea sneaking in since yesterday which is making me hopeful maybe my bean was just a slow starter

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