From Assisted Conception to...Babies!!!

Thank you Ladies!! I wouldn't have been this calm if it's not for your support. Really really appreciate it.

3chords!! yaay for good u/s! In 2 weeks, you'll see the baby moves a bit :D.

So I finally got a call from the genetic department and set up an appointment for next tuesday. I was told the result will be in 1 1/2 to 2 weeks. I did talk w/ the counselor and she said if it's just based on the u/s scan then the babies are doing great. Nothing is wrong with them. The problem is my blood test and my age. Here comes the age issue again :). Don't they know that age is just a number?? hahahaha.

BMW, I keep thinking that your slow rise of beta is because both babies implanted then 1 vanished. Because you number is still quite high. Hopefully this week will past by quick for you. :hugs:.

Age is just a number dammit! Lol these people!! Glad you got an appointment though. Now we are both waiting till next week impatiently!

I atually asked the doctor if that could be the issue with my betas, that both implanted but only one made it and he said its possible. I dont know. I guess time will tell!!
We'll be counting the days BMW! I think a little over 5 weeks w/ no severe cramping after a nice high beta is a pretty good sign!

I can't remember which thread and who asked when we will stop worrying. The answer is never! Not even after we have the babies since now we'll be worrying about the babies :D. Hopefully after we all pass our first trimester, some of us can breathe a little easier. :)
We'll be counting the days BMW! I think a little over 5 weeks w/ no severe cramping after a nice high beta is a pretty good sign!

I can't remember which thread and who asked when we will stop worrying. The answer is never! Not even after we have the babies since now we'll be worrying about the babies :D. Hopefully after we all pass our first trimester, some of us can breathe a little easier. :)

I hope so!

And I agree with you.. I dont think the worrying will ever stop!
We'll be counting the days BMW! I think a little over 5 weeks w/ no severe cramping after a nice high beta is a pretty good sign!

I can't remember which thread and who asked when we will stop worrying. The answer is never! Not even after we have the babies since now we'll be worrying about the babies :D. Hopefully after we all pass our first trimester, some of us can breathe a little easier. :)

I hope so!

And I agree with you.. I dont think the worrying will ever stop!

Nope! I check on my DS every hour that he's sleeping and then have my night owl DH check after I've gone to bed!
Thanks for asking star. Still no more bleeding which is good. My nausea has cranked up to actual vomiting today. I know that's a good sign but hard to remember that when I'm feeling so rough. Just feel sick all the time so I'm probably not eating enough which then adds to the sick feeling. Taken a few sick days off work due to the bleed but I really can't imagine being at work feeling this way...eeek!

How are you feeling? Happy 6 weeks day!! :) x
I'm not feeling too bad thank you, mainly tired but excited to be a sweet pea now!

Yay on the no bleeding and sickness, sorry you're feeling rough but it sounds like a good sign :)
I'm still not feeling nausea and I want to!

Midwife called yesterday and ive got appointment the day after scan, just praying everythings ok xx
Bump so glad to hear the bleeding has stopped! What did the clinic say?
Bump, glad to hear you arent bleeding anymore! Im feeling pretty rough myself today!! Woke up a little dizzy today and the sickly feeling kicked in shortly after and now just feel blah! I hope alll this is a good sign for my bean though!!

3 chords - great news on scan so happy all went well.

Bump - brill news that the bleeding has stopped and sickness a great sign.

Beneath - they all sound like great symptoms so sure your little bean is just fine

Star - busy couple of days for you then midwife straight after scan. Things starting to move now and feel real all these appointments.

How is everyone else?

Well I'm up and down to be honest. This baby seems to like junk food!!! I'm so worried as I lost 5 stone to get ivf and I don't want to go back to old habits and already feel out of control with eating. I've really fallen off track the last couple of weeks and I'm feeling down about it. Just made a butternut squash and red pepper soup for lunches in a bid to get focused
Bump, Yay for no more bleeding!!

Kaye, it's hard not to give in to your cravings though. I've tried but no success. Fortunately, the babies are loving fruit and veggies. I can't get enough of them. I like my junk food too but most of the time got sick after I ate it. You've lost the weight before so you know for sure you can loose it again. I say no worries and eat reasonably :D. Maybe a smaller size of junk food :D. I told DH that wanted a bag of cheese puffs but still haven't gotten it until now :p. I need to gain weight!! Still no weight gain and started my second trimester already :(. I need to ask my OB about this. I am getting a bit concern.

BMW, I am so happy you are getting more symptomps now.

Ladies, MS sucks big time! But, it does make you feel good and a little relieve knowing that the babies are growing. My MS is usually worse toward the weekend for a few days then it eases up during the week. I feel that whenever the babies are growing, my sickness increase. I wish I have good tips on how to ease the nausea unfortunately I kinda like but dislike it at the same time. My RE did recommend taking more B-6 vitamins to help w/ the nausea. I am just going to brave through it since it gives me a peace of mind anyway. Hopefully, mine ease up in a few weeks. Hang in there Ladies!!! Just remember to bring extra pair of undies with you everywhere and a little plastic bag!

Spoke to my gym instructor tonight and she said to increase my carbs, especially through first trimester.

ILT - yay 2nd trimester!! That feels like a milestone. I've read some women lose weight in first trimester due to morning sickness. It might just be that.

I've heard ginger biscuits are good for Ms and to have them at side of bed so you can have one in the morning. I'm just feeling sick and not actually being sick so I'm lucky really.
Kaye what excercise are you doing?

I lost about 3 stone for ivf through running and healthy eating. I've probably put on about a stone through treatment and I'm really keen to manage it. Been swimming a bit and done a little jog this morning. Been reading loads and it all says it's fine to run but I'm really nervous about it!
Hi Cmo

I do all sorts, I do bodypump, bodycombat (even though that one I will need to give up soon) I also do metabolic effect workout with weights (which I have dropped the weight), it's high intensity for 30 seconds each excercise for 30 mins. I obviously need to rest more now. I run twice a week too, only slow and not far but I do find running hard

I do about 5-6 hours over the week

I've read if you were doing it before its fine to continue when pregnant.
I am jealous that you Kaye and Cmo! I haven't been able to do anything at all. As soon as we transferred the embies, my RE told me no strenous exercise. Basically, I wasn't allowed to sweat profusely. Then with the bleeding, I seriously can't exercise. I am hoping that everything will clear out soon so I can at least do a prenatal yoga.

Kaye, I don't think I've lost weight but I also haven't gained any. I am off and on about 2lbs. I have my OB appointment next friday and I am going to ask her. I've been told not to worry about my weight. I was actually overweight before I started the IVF process due to multiple surgeries on my feet. Before that I used to run 3 miles daily. So Kinda miss it :). But basically, I miss being active. I feel like a slob compare to you and Cmo :p.
ILT - don't feel like that. You need to do what's best for you and babies at the moment. Mine sounds alot, but honestly it's really light excercise and light weights now with plenty of rest.

I think I've gained between 1-2 lbs but I have been relaxed, going to gain control and up the veg snacks

It's going to be harder carry twins, but leisure walks are great for you 😆 so once your off bed rest, get out in that fresh air for some nice walks. I think I'm going to swap runs for walks very soon. X
That would be great wouldn't it. We could woddle along with big bumps together 😂
Hi ladies, I definitely feel lazy listening to all this talk of exercise lol, I never weigh myself I'm
Just over 5ft 6 and just under 10 half st last time I was weighed, I'm a bit tubby around the middle but thats where my weight always goes, I just dont enjoy exercise!
I do tend to go for quite long dog walks though and always on my feet at work for 6hrs a time constantly walking about so I tell myself this is enough hehe dont know what I'd be like without a dog!

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