From Assisted Conception to...Babies!!!

Yeah I've had strange pains too, but figure it's the body trying to adjust to running out of room in the pelvis. Hope all ok for you star!

My appt with my OB is at 2pm today. I think I'll get my requisition for the NT test, etc. I mostly want to talk to her about what my schedule of appointments will be and what the timing will be for the c-section. I think way back when I had the myomectomies she mentioned around 38 weeks but to be honest I wasn't paying that much attention to baby making at the time. Of course this is all predicated on it working out at the appointment! I caught baby's heartbeat again on Monday, didn't try yesterday so hoping nothing has gone terribly wrong since!!
3c, any reason why you decided to have c section? I'm just curious since my high tisk OB actually recommended to try for vaginal first. So now I keep goingback and forth. Good luck on your appt today!
3c, any reason why you decided to have c section? I'm just curious since my high tisk OB actually recommended to try for vaginal first. So now I keep goingback and forth. Good luck on your appt today!

I didn't decide on it, it's mandatory in my case. I have had 2 abdominal myomectomies to remove fibroids, so I already have a c-section scar. I have had 16 fibroids removed from all over my uterus (inside the cavity and in the walls and on the outside of the walls). So that is how many cuts have been made to my uterine muscle. Therefore my risk of uterine rupture is too high as my uterus simply doesn't have the flexibility to stretch and push a baby out. I have to have a c-section before I go into labour to minimize my odds of uterine rupture - if I do go into labour before the scheduled c-section, they will do an emergency c-section immediately. I've had like 3 second opinions and everyone agrees, frankly at this point I'm not even sure that I could find an OB who would take me on as a vaginal birth patient and no midwife would take me on either. TBH, I'm totally ok with it, I already know what the surgery is like - my myomectomies were far more complex and difficult than a simple c-section (for example, my first one took over 4 hours) so I'm not afraid of the recovery. Most important thing to me is to minimize all risks.
3c, oh wow. In that case, c section is the safest way to go then. I wouldn't even consider vaginal. Like you said, surgeries are something that I am familiar with. Pushing babies out of my vagina..,, not so much and everyone I know have given me their horror stories on vaginal births! Thankfully, I still have a while. I think I'm just going to play it by ears.

First, did you have vaginal birth?

Getting ready for my amnio. A bit nervous now.
ILT, I will keep my fingers crossed. I have known a few people to get amnio (my cousin did b/c of high risk for Down's) and all turned out to be ok - no complications. :)

Vaginal birth is obviously preferred, horror stories notwithstanding, because your recovery would be sooo much easier/faster afterwards. I think I'm coping well with c-section idea because I accepted it a couple of years ago and so I never really had any hope that it would go any other way.
Good luck ILT! Hope all goes well!

Star how was your GP appt?
Yes, I had a vaginal birth after 21 hours of labor and 2.5 hours of pushing. The pushing is the real stuff. Especially if you have an epidural, the time before pushing is largely downtime.

Anyway you do it, childbirth is a major undertaking.
Perfect appointment for us. Heartbeat of 160, she found it immediately.

I love my ob, have such a long relationship with her due to my previous surgeries. She understands my fears and concerns and so we can have a weekly ultrasound all the way up to 20 weeks. So thrilled!! Going in on Monday for the nuchal translucency test.

And we found out we are having a boy. :)
3chords congrats on your baby boy! So glad it went well!
Wow, 3C, you already found out the sex?!?! Congratulations!!! Knowing the sex makes the pregnancy feel so much more real (at least for me).
We did PGS so our embryos were sequenced. It's just that where we live (Ontario) they are not allowed to tell you the sex until your first OB appt at ~12 weeks.
We did PGS so our embryos were sequenced. It's just that where we live (Ontario) they are not allowed to tell you the sex until your first OB appt at ~12 weeks.

I see. My clinic does not allow the genetic testing company to reveal the sex, even to the clinic itself. It's their personal ethics choice. Other clinics here not only let you know, but let you choose. We decided to stick with our clinic despite this (them imposing their choice on us) because they gave us one amazing child already.

In our jurisdiction the legal thinking is that since at 10 weeks you can get the Harmony test and find out the sex that way anyway, you can have the PGS results at 12 wks. I find sex selection repugnant, and we didn't want to know until now but now is kind of neat not to have to depend on ultrasound technician.
Ilt hope amnio went well and your ok

3chords, congratulations! You must be thrilled to know :)
You're so lucky to have a scan every week!

Appointment went well, GP called epu and asked them to see me, she exaggerated a bit which made me feel bad but glad I har a scan and all was well, baby measuring 9w3d but they werent worried
26.2mm, I couldn't believe the difference in how baby looked from the 2 little dots I had 3 weeks ago! I'll post a pic later, only 2 more weeks til next scan so hopefully can relax a bit now until then, also GP sent urine sample to hospital ( well I took it there) and maternity unit took a sample too so it's lucky I always nees to go!
Woohoo star25! Can't wait to see a pic of your gummi bear!

I wouldn't worry about measuring a few days behind, babies grow at different rates plus ultrasounds can so easily be off by a mm or two. My SIL's due date was just moved up by 2 weeks based on size of baby and she knows for sure when she conceived (her partner works in a mine most of the month so is only around for a few days).
3C, Yaay for a boy (I added it on the front page and hope you don't mind) and weekly U/S!

Star, agree w/ 3C. Don't worry about measuring behind. Babies can catch up pretty quickly. Glad to hear everything is going well for you.

So, I didn't get to do an amnio yesterday. Baby B was ready to go but there was a section of Baby A's sac and chorion that hadn't fused together yet. That was the safest part for the doctor to do the amnio. We were given option to just do Baby B only and since they were identical they would have the same DNA. But, my doctor suggested to do both just to be sure. We both agreed. So, the amnio will be done next wednesday instead. So far, the doctor said both babies look great and she was 90% sure there was nothing wrong with them. Both babies measuring to date and weight 5oz each. And...I fell asleep while the ultrasound lady was doing the measurements!! 3 Times!!! DH was laughing at me lol.
Haha ILT! Must have been quite the sight.

You will probably get a lot more comfort once they do both babies next week. Only 6 more days!
shame about having to wait but sounds like babies are well so all good :) you must have been relaxed to have a little nap at the same time so that can only be a good thing!

here's my 10 week photo, they are leaving the dates as they are due to the ivf it's more of an accurate date than the measurements


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    10 week scan.jpg
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  • 10 wk scan.jpg
    10 wk scan.jpg
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Hi ladies! I had an u/s this morning too. Baby measuring two days ahead. We saw her/him waving :wave:

Even though I've been bleeding, the bleed in my uterus is still the same size, so must be new blood. No one seemed concerned, so neither am I.
Great news first, how cute about the waving :)

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