From Assisted Conception to...Babies!!!

I don't know, 3C. I think they suggested CVS or amnio because there's a 4% chance of mosaicism (i.e., the cells they tested were normal, but the other cells were not). I'm going to follow up with my RE to get clarification.

But I agree that it would make more sense to do less testing rather than more.

I was told that the odds of mosaicism are more like 2% if you do a 5-day embryo biopsy with 3+ cells biopsied. Plus I always think, well the vast majority of Trisomy embryos would have miscarried anyway so the odds of one which has stuck around and was PGS normal are probably considerably better than 98%. I don't think I'm willing to do CVS or amnio until I've exhausted all other means. So if something funny pops up in the nuchal translucency test and the accompanying blood tests then I'd first do the Harmony test before moving on to more invasive tests.

Yeah, that makes sense. Maybe it's because we were not only testing for aneuploidy (wrong number of chromosomes), but also for UPD (two chromosomes from the same parent and zero from the other). UPD is a possible result of my translocation, and I don't think it causes miscarriage.

ILT: does an SCH make a cvs or amnio more risky? Btw, I've been bleeding on and off for 3 weeks now.
First, from what I was told, CVS is riskier than amnio no matter what. Yes, you can find out sooner but because the baby just entered into the stability portion of the pregnancy, the MS rate is higher. The CVS can be done 2 ways. Through your cervix or abdomen. But if you are still bleeding, don't do it First. That was the only thing I was scared of regarding CVS. I agree with 3c though. Do the harmony test. It's less invasive and pretty accurate. I can't do it because of the twins. As of right now, my blood test is already screwy because of them. Basically, I was told that they took my blood result and average it between the 2 babies! Mmmmm...yea definitely going to have lower numbers for each. Age alone put me in risk of 1:98 for anomaly. I'm 39 btw. My geneticists used my NT scan instead of blood test. Hopefully that helps. My genetic consultant was very nice and thorough. She basically said a lot of women who took the tests already had something wrong with the babies. So when they miscarried after the tests, their reasoning was to blame the tests. So how accurate is the miscarriage rate posted? No one can tell. Although, there is always a risk in every procedure and they are required to tell us both the benefits and risks. Nothing is for certain and it drives me nuts! :)

Cmo, my MIL really want boys. She keeps on correcting me whenever I said meant HE! She has been referring them as boys. Her comment when I was looking at girls' clothes online was....errr why are you looking at girl's clothes! It's starting to irritate me! Told DH that he can tell his mom the genders when we find out cuz I don't ned to hear or see negative comments or expression. I will cut her off from her only grandkids! Been tempted to tell her...guess what! I have 4 frozen embies. You are very welcome to do PGD on them, pick a boy embie, and have a surrogate carry him fir you! Cuz I'm done with your stupidity and insensitivity! But, my mom's voice keep on playing in my head.....telling me to be patient and just ignore her. So here I am ranting online. And unfortunately, I love my DH too much to expose him to disagreement between me and his mom. Sorry for the rant :blush:. I better go eat something since DH is cooking breakfast for me. Hunger = 1 mean pregnant lady lol
We've said we're not going to find out. The whole ivf process is so structured and planned that it will be nice for one part of it to be a surprise.

It's interesting you say that - part of the reason we have not looked at the PGS report is because I figured if we find out I'd want it to be at the 20 week scan like other "normal" women so that at least part of this process to me feels like what most women go through.
Most people who ask if we're finding out the gender are Suprised when I say no, so many people o these days, all the last 6 babies born at work the genders have been known but I really want the Suprise!
We've said we're not going to find out. The whole ivf process is so structured and planned that it will be nice for one part of it to be a surprise.

It's interesting you say that - part of the reason we have not looked at the PGS report is because I figured if we find out I'd want it to be at the 20 week scan like other "normal" women so that at least part of this process to me feels like what most women go through.

I'm the opposite. My clinic does not allow you to learn the sex from PGS. I almost changed clinics because of it! I feel like there's so much uncertainty through infertility ("will I even be able to have a child?") that I don't need more guesswork.

Plus, it's tough to get ready for baby not knowing. I mean, how do you decorate the nursery?
We've said we're not going to find out. The whole ivf process is so structured and planned that it will be nice for one part of it to be a surprise.

It's interesting you say that - part of the reason we have not looked at the PGS report is because I figured if we find out I'd want it to be at the 20 week scan like other "normal" women so that at least part of this process to me feels like what most women go through.

I'm the opposite. My clinic does not allow you to learn the sex from PGS. I almost changed clinics because of it! I feel like there's so much uncertainty through infertility ("will I even be able to have a child?") that I don't need more guesswork.

Plus, it's tough to get ready for baby not knowing. I mean, how do you decorate the nursery?

Well I figure if we wait until the 20 week anatomy scan there will be lots of time to do the nursery. :)
My nursery is just white at the moment so I'll just get a few accessories and then decorate properly when baby's here, my sisters baby is 6 months and her nursery still isnt finished but shes not sleeping in there yet anyway ( though I wont wait that long, luckily dh is a good decorator!)
I think I found the heartbeat on my doppler this weekend? I thought for sure I wouldn't be able to because of the anterior placenta, and because I tried multiple times through 10 weeks and never caught it. But my uterus has now started to move above my pelvis, just about a finger or two above so not much - I am an expert at feeling the uterus as I did so while I was monitoring my fibroids (when they were removed my uterus was the size of a 16 wk pregnancy). Anyway, could consistently catch it with a bit of patience and clocking in at 162-168bpm depending on the day. I also did find my own heartbeat which was at around 90 so that made me feel even better about it!

star25 - if my nursery was white that's what I'd do too. :)

How is everyone doing? Who else has a scan or appt this week?
Thats brilliant 3chords, makes me want to get one now!

I haven't got any appointments this week, scan 8th may, feels like ages away!
Is anyone getting round ligament pain yet? I'm sure mine sstarted last night, it's a sharp stabby pain on and off and feels all stretchy
Round ligament pain is pretty uncomfortable For me. It was enough to make me stop whatever I was doing and took a few deep breaths.

Got to see the babies again yesterday. They are doing well. Moving around like crazy. They are around my belly button area now & my belly just grew again over the weekend. Unfortunately, I've developed mild carpal tunnel on my right hand and my tailbone has been really sore. Otherwise, I'm ready for amnio on Wednesday!
Great news about the babies ilt :) not so good about the carpal tunnel and tailbone :(
Thanks Star. Nothing I can do beside to wait it out. Just bought a Tush Cush! lol. How are you doing?
I'm not sure if it's round ligament pain I'm getting but my pelvic region is feeling very strange. Kind of stretchy? I feel like I need to hold it when I walk. Started getting the shooting pains when I stretch or sneeze. Is that round ligament pain?
I'm ok thank you apart from the stabby pain on the left hand side on and off, cmo yours sounds like round ligament pain, if you Google it you will probably find it matches your symptoms, thats what I done to make myself feel better but I'll still phone the midwife tomorrow just for reassurance if it's still there so I dont worry lol

Ilt, thats the thing with all our symptoms, theres generally nothing we can do about them bit wait them out and when they've passed there will be something else!
I know we're not really complaining though and appreciate how lucky we are :) xx
Cannot believe I'm 10 weeks tomorrow yay! Last night of progesterone tonight ne interesting donate of my symptoms stay the same after stopping it

Cmo, forgot to say ive had on off pain /stretchy feelings in my pubic area for a fee weeks now so sure its normal xx
Hi how is everyone today?

I phoned midwife about stabby pain and she said probably stretchy pains but if I was concerned to call gp and get referred to epu so got GP appointment at 2:40 ,im just worried as its in the same spot and been going on since Monday night x
It's probably fine. Lots of crazy stuff happens in your body when you're making a new human :thumbup:

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