From Assisted Conception to...Babies!!!

I love Sophia, if it's a girl I'll push so much for DH to agree! Think it's a boy though!

I feel so paranoid aswell when I think about mc this far into first tri. Then when I asked nurse at my 7 week scan what my chances were if getting to 12 weeks she really said just the same as a normal pregnancy. I suppose it seems more common as it's all pregnant people on here but definitely reminds you that there's still a long road ahead!
3c - :hugs: Please try not to worry. I can understand how frightening it can be. The oct 2015 thread had a lot of ladies leaving the group for the same reason in the first 6 weeks. It was quite frightening. Every pregnancy is unique so as tempting as it sounds, read everything with a pinch of salt. My cousin who's a doc always says to me, like House (series starring Hugh Laurie), "patients lie". More often than not, people don't give the full picture and so you can read stories and think the same thing will happen to you.

Someone sent me a link to a write up by a friend of hers who lost her twins. I did not respond cos' I knew my response would annoy her - the author says there were anomalies in her placenta in one line and then spends the rest of the time blaming the quality of care she received. The person who sent me the link was trying to get me to worry. I've set that to ignore.

:hugs: once again xxx
Cmo sophia is a very cute name!

Faith, can I punch whoever send you that? That's just so wrong!

I think we all know that there is always risk in everything that we do. Such is life. The thing is would you let it bother you too much or just take it day by day and count your blessing. I've been told by a coworker that her friend miscarried after an amnio. Then I told her that my research shows that amnio is no longer that dangerous. Plus, I believe that my babies are strong.her answer to that was oh wasn't that safe 15 years ago. uuuummmmmm.....ok crazy. Then when I told her that I have clot...again one of her friends miscarried because of it! that point I just smile & walked away.

stay strong ladies. The babies are okay :).Let's try our best to provide a minimal stress environment for them to grow :).

Btw, I think my nipples just grow! Scary lol
You're right ILT. Everything we do in life has a risk. Right now we are all pregnant and need to relax and enjoy it. I was reading if u see a heartbeat at 7 weeks your risk of mc drops to 3%. You hardly hear of the 97% healthy babies just the 3% that want to share there experience. I completely believe in fate and if it's meant to be then it will and so far all our babies have been through such a journey already to be with us. the heck did I get to 9 weeks??? My complaint today (and for the last week), TMI coming up.......constipation!!!!! Jeezo ladies!!
faith & ILT - thank you! I've also seen countless times on these boards women claiming that transvaginal ultrasounds caused their miscarriages, etc which is just completely wrong and off base. I think it's maybe easy to focus in on *something* to blame when things go wrong rather than thinking it was just random chance and crappy luck.

I was on a business trip the last couple of days. Had a late flight home last night and it was such a nightmare. I vomited through all 3 time zones, in the paper bags the flight attendant gave me, in the plastic bag I had because I'd bought a book to read. Just when I thought the nausea was getting better...I think it was the dinner service that did me in. The woman next to me had ordered a salad with a really smelly dressing, something blue cheese based. The guy on the other side had mac n cheese. Less than 5 mins after they tore into their meals, I was done for. On a positive note, the miscarriage thoughts at least left my head at that time!
Cmo, happy 9 week's! Funnily enough I was complaining about that too today, I can go but not as often or as easy, I'm constantly drinking water and eating a salad every day and fruit, just glad for symptoms!

3chords, hope your feeling better now, sounds like you had an awful time :(

The stats on a mc after hearing a heartbeat at 7 week's has made me feel more positive, im
Trying not to worry but I'm getting nervous as the scan gets closer, even though it's still 3 weeks away I'm going to try amd enjoy every moment of this pregnancy as never thought I would be pregnant and dont want to waste a minute worrying xx
Loving the positive vibes! We can do this ladies :D. I heard that after 8 weeks your chance of miscarriage is less than 2%. It looks like most of us are on their 7th week or pass it already so Yay!

3chords, LOL on puking over 3 time zones! I hope you told your neighbors that you were pregnant and not sick ahahha :D.

Cmo, 9 weeks! 3 more weeks and you'll be in 2nd tri :D.

I have to run errands today. Unfortunately all of the new bras I bought online are too big! I am just going to exchange them with maternity undies. I LOVE my maternity undies. It's definitely a must. Can't wear regular one anymore :D.
Star I agree! I never thought I'd ever be pregnant and it's almost likely this will be my only baby so I'm going to enjoy every single bit of this!!
Triple scan all done. Results were negative Downs. Very relieved. Also very tired cos' the sonographer had to do a lot of jiggling to get twin b to change position. Off to catch a few winks. Will write properly when I wake up.

Hope everyone else is doing well.
Loving the positive vibes! We can do this ladies :D. I heard that after 8 weeks your chance of miscarriage is less than 2%. It looks like most of us are on their 7th week or pass it already so Yay!

3chords, LOL on puking over 3 time zones! I hope you told your neighbors that you were pregnant and not sick ahahha :D.

Cmo, 9 weeks! 3 more weeks and you'll be in 2nd tri :D.

I have to run errands today. Unfortunately all of the new bras I bought online are too big! I am just going to exchange them with maternity undies. I LOVE my maternity undies. It's definitely a must. Can't wear regular one anymore :D.

My boobs grew another size after having my son. So, be ready to buy more if you're breastfeeding.

I started as a big 36C, went to 36D when pregnant and 38E when breastfeeding! Plus, nursing bras are a must if breastfeeding. You gotta be able to whip a boob out at a moment's notice :thumbup:
Yaayy for awesome scan Faith!

First, OMG! I was 36DD before. Now just went to 40/42 D/DD! It's crraazzzy. Btw, did your BBs go back to normal after breastfeeding?
Yaayy for awesome scan Faith!

First, OMG! I was 36DD before. Now just went to 40/42 D/DD! It's crraazzzy. Btw, did your BBs go back to normal after breastfeeding?

I'm now a 36D, but unfortunately they've lost some perkiness :shrug:
Yay Faith! I bet you're thrilled to have it over with.

FirstTry - what are you doing in respect of your screenings given that you did PGS? I think I'll do the routine stuff but don't see myself paying for the MaterniT21 or Harmony tests...
Yay Faith! I bet you're thrilled to have it over with.

FirstTry - what are you doing in respect of your screenings given that you did PGS? I think I'll do the routine stuff but don't see myself paying for the MaterniT21 or Harmony tests...

I don't know, 3C. I think they suggested CVS or amnio because there's a 4% chance of mosaicism (i.e., the cells they tested were normal, but the other cells were not). I'm going to follow up with my RE to get clarification.

But I agree that it would make more sense to do less testing rather than more.
Haha I'm jealous of all the big :holly: I'm only a 34a and they haven't really got any bigger, just achy and veiny, this better be a symptom I get soon!

Think my nausea is definitely wearing off now fingers crossed, how is everyone else's?

Going back to names again my dh is very keen on Evelyn, it has always been my favourite name but about a year ago we a resident came into the care home called evelyn, we call her eve but I'm not sure if it's put me off using it as dont want people to think I've chosen it because of the resident, who is a lovely lovely lady but I wouldn't want it shortened to eve as im always saying the name at work, am I thinking too much into it and should I just go with the name I've always wanted if it's a girl?

Ive got it in my head it is a girl, I dont know why, maybe it's because I'm always with my 6 month old niece I cant picture having a boy, I think I'll be Suprised if it is a boy though just
as happy either way!
Does anyone else have any feelings on what theyre having and whos finding out?
First, I'm expecting the BBs to be not as perky. Btw, don't you have SCH? I think if you don't mind waiting Amnio is definitely better than CVS especially with our age and condition. Then again the genetician refused to do CVS for me because of the spotting. Have you ever had an amnio before? Mine is in 4 days and am getting a tad bit nervous.

Star, it's hard shen you are already set on a name. Not sure if you like this but how bout Evalyn? Similar to Evelyn but different nickname....Eva. I'd keep perusing the names. Sometimes you change your mind at the very last minute. we will definitely find out the genders. it's easier to buy stuff if I know the genders.
I don't know, 3C. I think they suggested CVS or amnio because there's a 4% chance of mosaicism (i.e., the cells they tested were normal, but the other cells were not). I'm going to follow up with my RE to get clarification.

But I agree that it would make more sense to do less testing rather than more.

I was told that the odds of mosaicism are more like 2% if you do a 5-day embryo biopsy with 3+ cells biopsied. Plus I always think, well the vast majority of Trisomy embryos would have miscarried anyway so the odds of one which has stuck around and was PGS normal are probably considerably better than 98%. I don't think I'm willing to do CVS or amnio until I've exhausted all other means. So if something funny pops up in the nuchal translucency test and the accompanying blood tests then I'd first do the Harmony test before moving on to more invasive tests.
We've said we're not going to find out. The whole ivf process is so structured and planned that it will be nice for one part of it to be a surprise.

I'm leaning more towards a boy but I think it's coz I've got a nephew. My mum and sis in law would love a girl.

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