From Assisted Conception to...Babies!!!

3c, Yaay for an awesome scan!! It's incredible seeing the baby moves, isn't it? :D. You know...a lot of ladies have sensitive nose at the beginning of pregnancy. Mine just started recently. So those gummy vitamins?? Well...they smell!!! Ugh.

First, since the bleeding has turn into spotting, I am sure the clot will work itself out. SCH appears to be very common and unfortunately there is nothing that the doctors or mommies can do about it beside waiting for it to disolves itself. It just really sucky that we have to wear a pad while pregnant! I told DH that I spent more money on pads while pregnant lol.

Bump, feel free to moan and share if you feel like it. This is what the forum is for. I hope you'll feel much better soon :hugs:. I did find sour candy helps a bit with the nause (I know..weird). I've been nibbling on sour candy worms or whatever sour thing I can get my hands on :).
3chords, great news on the scan, do you have a pic?
So good you can have weekly scans :)

First, glad the bleeding has eased off to spotting for you

Bumpsparkle, good to hear from you, sounds like you've had a hard time but hopefully it's about to ease up for you

My tiredness is better yesterday and today, been awake since 5am both days and not even tired where before I was struggling to get out of bed, hope this is normal, always worrying about ssomething!
Hi star,

Here is a pic from yesterday:


Gorgeous boy, 3C!!!

ILT: is your bleed from an SCH too? I had just stopped using pads when the new bleed started. And it was a lot of red :wacko:
ILT: I didn't know that about the sense of smell. My DH had onions for lunch yesterday, and even after I asked him to brush his teeth, it still smelled strongly to me.
Star, I say not to worry about that and enjoy the moment. I am sure the tiredness will be back :p. I've been tired for the past 4 months and kinda hope I can get a little break soon.

First, I am pretty sure I have SCH but my doctors called it blood clot. It's lodged between my placenta and uterus. It was pretty big a few weeks ago. I bled for 3 weeks on and off and once I hit 14 weeks, it went to just a smear or two. Then last week my doctor said the clot had reduced and it was quite small but I'd bleed a bit still. No bleeding so far (knock on wood). So, just know that there is an end to the bleeding :).

Onion smell is hard to remove though First! ahahahahah. I have been bombarded by farts from DH and the dog. To the point that DH had to go to a totally different room and even after that..I could still smell it! It's horrible ahhahah.
I can empathize on the farts, too, ILT! At least once a day, I think my son has pooped and then realize that it's actually my stinky husband!

One doctor described the SCH as a blood blister, so yours probably is an SCH. Congrats on it shrinking! I hope mine does too.
Hope all goes awell at scan first, sure it will you have a strong little bubba xx
Good luck FirstTry, I hope it's just the SCH making its final way out.
Baby is perfect! SCH is much smaller!

And we might have seen something between its legs :winkwink: But I'm still holding out hope that it could be a girl.
So pleased for you first, sounds like the clot is going yay!

Wonder if you did see what you thought you saw, I've been thinking I'll have to ask them to tell to look away if something is obvious as im not finding out, dont want to find out accidentally!

I spoke to the research team at the clinic yesterday and Havr a 14 week scan book for 19th may, glad to have another scan as we only normally have 2 as standard here after the initial 7 week one and thats only because it was with the clinic

Hope everyone is well today, I'm off which is relieving as yesterday was hectic at work, going to meet sil for a walk on beach with dogs and a hot chocolate with marshmallows and cream as im
Pleased to say this is something I haven't gone off!
Hey ladies hope everyone is well

First that's great news. Wonder if it is a little blue bump. Will you find out for definate?
First!! Such great news! Yayy for shrinking SCH! :D.

Star, I don't think you can see much on the u/s unless the tech/Dr. pointed out to you. I still have a hard time figuring things out ahahhaha. But if you don't want to find out the gender, make sure you tell them so they don't accidentally spit it out :D.

Have any of you ladies heard of the "nub" theory? It is pretty accurate for me :D.

So I had my amniocentesis on Wednesday and been recovering for the past couple of days. All I can say is Amnio for twins suck big time! Baby B was easy peasy (painful but easy). Baby A? Not so much. They had to do 2 tries on Baby A because the dr was trying to find a better location. In the end, the best location was between her head and cord. There was a small pocket there and boy oh boy THAT was painful!! I heard my doctor said..she is having contraction and told me to hang in there. Well..if that was a contraction, I'd definitely be having an epidural! After she stick the needle in, Baby A decided to move her arm right next to the needle! So they had to wait and in the mean time tried to make baby A moved her hand by jiggling my belly. Let's just say it wasn't the most pleasant thing to have your stomach jiggled w/ a needle inside you! The whole thing lasted about 3 minutes or so but it felt like 10.

Afterward I was fine until 3 hours later. I felt a little gush of something came out. I think I leaked amniotic fluid. Managed to fill a pad through out the whole night but luckily it stopped in the morning. Now, I am back on wearing a pad due to spotting again :(. My stomach is just feeling sore currently. So hopefully everything is fine. I can still feel the babies moving around all the time. Plus my doctor kept checking on me, which I was glad she did. Thankfully I have doctor's appointment again on Wednesday.

Anyway, that's my amnio experiece. Would I do it again? Yes! Because you can't buy a peace of mind. Hopefully, it'll be smooth sailing from now :D.

Hope everyone is doing well!
Sorry, ILT. I didn't want to tell you how much my amnio sucked, esp since it may have been different since I did mine at 32 weeks. Glad it's behind you now!

Did they tell you that it was normal to leak fluid afterwards? I don't remember. There is actually a simple test they can do to see whether the fluid is amniotic fluid or not.

Anyway, good luck with the results. Fingers crossed. But they have already proven themselves to be strong little ones.
Sorry it was difficult ilt, glad babies are moving around strongly, I can't wait to feel movement xx
Thanks Ladies!

No worries First. I was already scared. They did say that there could be a leak and as long as it's not accompanied by extreme cramping or fever, it should be ok. Just bedrest and fluid. You don't have to do an amnio this time since you already did PGS?

Thankfully everything is ok now. No more spotting and/or leaking.
Thanks Ladies!

No worries First. I was already scared. They did say that there could be a leak and as long as it's not accompanied by extreme cramping or fever, it should be ok. Just bedrest and fluid. You don't have to do an amnio this time since you already did PGS?

Thankfully everything is ok now. No more spotting and/or leaking.

Actually, the genetic testing lab recommends an amnio with PGS. I imagine that's for liability purposes. We are discussing with the high risk doctor next week. I'd prefer not to have one.
First - which genetics lab did you use for your PGS? Ours didn't recommend an amnio. You're probably right it could be for liability reasons but the lawyer in me also finds it strange that they'd recommend something which in itself carries risk (so swapping one form of liability for another).

I had my weekly scan today and am measuring 4 days ahead (14w1d) with a HB of 156. All looked good so I will be back there in 10 days for the next one. Was nice seeing the little guy again although he was not cooperative with getting a good pic.

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