From Assisted Conception to...Babies!!!

I think that I will rent a hospital grade pump. A few reasons. First, it's way more effective/efficient. Second, I will likely only breastfeed for 6 months (if all goes well) because we would like to do a fresh cycle IVF that soon and then bank some PGS normal embryos. We have 2 frosties left from our first cycle but they are not PGS tested and can't be PGS tested at this point and we are not willing to use them. So because of that it will actually be cheaper to rent the pump. Also, hospital grade pumps pump and stimulate production way more, so I will be able to bank frozen milk to keep using it beyond the 6 months.

Of course this is if all goes well and I don't have to go to formula for any number of reasons.
A Breast pump is $75 per month to rent here in U.S. i have a medela symphony that I still need to return (long story but i wasn't charged to rent) and it was better than the others but the other medela was just fine. I had low supply issues so I used it most of the time even at work. Look on ebay. You can get a preowned one pretty cheap and the hospital grade ones are the only ones approved to be used by multiple people since they are closed systems. In us Breast pumps are covered by is orange 100% except re ring hospital grade.
I can get the Medela Symphony for $60/month rental and my insurance will cover up to $500/year, so all of it. I really don't want to buy it used when I'm not even sure how successful I'll be. Since insurance will pay for it either the rented Symphony or the purchased non-Symphony, I figure I have nothing to lose by renting the better one.

My friend who is a breastfeeding guru (her daughter lost almost all of her bowels 48 hrs after birth so could never breast feed but could take it by bottle) has told me that she noticed quite a significant difference between the best non-hospital grade Medela and the hospital grade so she just gave up on it.
yeah if insurance will pay for it I say do it. I agree there is a difference. The hospital grade sucks harder and faster and the mechanism is just better and stimulates natural better. The non-hospital grade does an okay job but I always had it up at full speed to do similar as the hospital grade on like 1/3 power. If I ever get the chance to breast feed again I would do a hospital grade in a heartbeat. Hopefully you will be super successful and get lots of milk. I had plenty/oversupply for the first 8-10 weeks then had a huge supply drop due to his palate which was not diagnosed despite me seeing lactation a few times. So he wasnt sucking efficiently enough to stimulate me to make more. And it was too late. My supply never increased ( I tried so many things! I almost went crazy trying) and he was taking 36-40 oz per day and I never made more than 20-24 oz per day and eventually it keep getting less and less (mainly due to work and stress there and not being given time to pump or eat) so at 5 months I called it quits. I only had enough frozen stored up for a week or so I believe.
Yeah, that is super stressful - same thing happened to my Mom with me. I think you do the best you can and if you have to move on, so be it. My friend actually developed mastitis 5x and was told that if you have an oversupply (which not many women do), then it's actually better to use the cheaper pumps b/c the hospital grade ones will just make the problem worse.

How are you doing Mo? I know you must be reeling still from the shock of last week. :(
Still in shock somewhat. Still very upset. What sucks the most is the nausea is still hanging around. If I'm not pregnant I don't want to feel pregnant. I'm also concerned that I'm not bleeding. I stopped a few hours after I passed the gestational sac and had just done spotting. There was blood in my uterus at the scan. I go back friday for repeat hcg levels and ultrasound but I'm afraid if I don't bleed then the dr is going to want to do a d/c which I really don't want to do. But we are going to the Caribbean the weekend after next and I want this to be over by then.
Morning Ladies,

I haven't even consider any breast pump or anything. I think I am playing it by ears at this point. If I have milk to breastfeed, then Yayy..go twins. If I don't, then formula it is. So I haven't really do any research regarding bottles and breast pumps. Good info! Thanks ladies.

24 weeks!! Hopefully 14 more weeks to go :). Friday was a really long day for me. I had 3 hours doctor/ultrasound/preterm labor class all together on the same day. Afterward, we raced to go to our friend's wedding and stayed until 9:30. By end of the day, my ankles were swollen so bad...they were bigger than my calfs! lol.

Babies are doing well. They weight about 1lbs 4 oz and 1lbs 5 oz. Growing the size at a singleton rate. My doctor was a bit concern on my weight gain though. I gained 3lbs in 2 weeks. She wanted me to try to slow it down even though I'd gained 7lbs so far. So more walking for me :).

Mo, I hope everything settled before you go on your vacation!

Everyone else Hi! :wave:

Sorry I can't write more. My stupid carpal tunnel is getting worse. Can't sleep at night because my hands were hurting...gaaaahhh...
Yay, ILT!!!! Congrats on reaching viability day!!!

3C: yep, hospital grade is the strongest. It's nice that insurance will cover it. I agree that you should start with that.

Near the end of BFing, when my supply was in, I found that a hand pump was also really effective. I mean the non-mechanical, just squeeze it with your hand kind. I was really surprised.

I also tried to wean at 6 months (for the same reason), but it took another month for my milk to slow. And I was sad to stop at that point, so I cheated and fed DS sometimes. I'm looking forward to BFing again, and I hope my milk comes in more quickly this time. I've actually been able to squeeze out a drop ever since weening 10 months ago.

Mo: I hope it all gets sorted quickly.
ILT congrats on V-day! And on having big and robust girls! Hope they keep cooking for a long while. :)

FirstTry, how long did it take for your milk to come in?

MoBaby, I had a bit of a nightmare with my 2nd miscarriage dragging on and on so I needed the D&C in the end. I hope that your beta has plummeted and you can physically move on faster.
Mo I really hope things don't drag out for you. A break will be good to escape reality for a bit! Have you thought about next steps or is it still too early? Do u have anymore frozen? Xx
We have 2 frozen still but don't know what to do. That is the last transfer will would have as im not doing IVF again. I start a new job in September and technically I need to have a year there to get full mat leave so I'm thinking january transfer.but idk.

I started bleeding heavily with severe pain today so I think I'll be okay friday I hope.
ILT congrats on V-day! And on having big and robust girls! Hope they keep cooking for a long while. :)

FirstTry, how long did it take for your milk to come in?

MoBaby, I had a bit of a nightmare with my 2nd miscarriage dragging on and on so I needed the D&C in the end. I hope that your beta has plummeted and you can physically move on faster.

Well, it took several days for my milk to start. I had to suppliment from day 3 because DS was jaundiced. Then, it took 6 weeks until I was producing enough to eliminate formula. That was 6 weeks of painful nipples and pumping and frequent feedings and all that glamorous stuff!

But then suddenly, it all started working and was suddenly easy.
I never once had sore nipples... That should have been a sign that something was wrong... But I just thought I was lucky.
Thank you for all the breastfeeding advice, I'm so clueless!

Ilt, glad to hear babies are doing well :) not so good about the swollen ankles though :( sometimes my socks are leaving marks around mine and my feet get a bit puffy in my shoes after work but nothing too noticeable yet!

Mo, hope you're ok and all will be fine by Friday, I'm sure you will make the best decision for what you want to do xx
Hi everyone :wave:

I'm sorry I've not been posting that much. I've been stuck in the land of redecorating madness. We're done now. I'm hoping to get a cleaner in to help restore sanity before DH and I kill each other :p. We've been living out of black bags since the old wardrobes were dismantled. Guess who's not able to find anything to wear most of the time? :rofl: anyway good problem to have I say.

Happy V day ILT. :flower: so sorry to hear about your carpal tunnel. Would you give acupuncture a go?

Mo - I'm so so sorry for your loss :(.

One month to go and I finish work - whoop! Bad news is that I have to work with the bully I mentioned during the first tri. Sigh.
3c, glad I'm not the only one thinking about how soon to do another cycle, ive waited long enough for this and hopefully a fet will work again!

Faith, good to hear from you, how are babies?
Are many of you planning a second cycle/second baby?

I've always said I'd do as many cycles as needed to have one baby but probably won't do another full cycle for a second. I've got one frozen embryo that I might think about using but if that failed that would be me. Don't know if I could justify paying out all the cash for a second cycle and I think we can afford one baby comfortably but don't know about 2.
I think that I would like to have more than one baby but would be happy with one. DH on the other hand came from a large family and it is very important to him to have more than one. So we have committed to doing another cycle. Unfortunately this means stimming all over again as we have no PGS normal frosties left (and we don't want to use the 2 frosties that are untested). So it will be an expensive and painful endeavour. I am not willing to do more than that one fresh cycle (and FET to follow) so basically has to work or we'll have one.

I had my 20 wk appointment and got the results of the anatomy scan. Everything is totally perfect! Baby Roar is measuring 6 days ahead. I still can't believe it, I always feel like there will be something wrong. All the bloodwork was great too (we got the Down Syndrome tests last time and got spina bifida results this time) so not really much to do now, just wait for our 24 wk appt.
Cmo, me and dh would love a big family, ive got 7 fronties and will try again as soon as im ready, obviously I'll be grateful for one but will keep trying but I wont do another fresh cycle of they dont work

3c, great news! I'm like you always expecting something ro be wrong! I cant wait for my scan next Friday
Both girls are now kicking as if "....and everyone was Kung-fu fighting" is playing on loop in my belly. I'm enjoying it so far :).

We've started on the nursery. Cot beds have been set up and we got the buggy with 3 attachments - car seats,carry cots and seats, bassinets, bedding and mobiles. I'm yet to buy things for the hospital bag. Anyone bought what to wear on leaving the hospital? And for your babies?

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