From Assisted Conception to...Babies!!!

Hi cmo :)

3c good news for viability day!

First, good news too! sure nxt results will be perfect too
Hi ladies, I try to keep up with the thread on daily basis. It's a bit difficult to type with a carpal tunnel right hand and IV on the left :).

First, I'm sure the second set of test result will come with flying color.

3c, yaayy for V day.

Cmo and Star, are you ladies enjoying feeling the babies move?

On sunday, we had a little scary moment. I had been feeling a little pressure on my stomach throughout the day and didn't think much of it. At 11pm, I started to feel a bit of pinchy feeling on my lower ab & decided to tell my nurse. They called the OB and we did pelvic check, which was closed. But they moved me to labor & delivery unit for precaution & monitoring. As soon as I get there and have the monitors strastrapped on my belly, probably about 10 minutes or so, I started to feel contractions. They were 2 minutes apart at one point so they gave me magnesium to help protect the babies brains but wouldn't stop labor if it happened. Both babies were head down at that point. I have to admit that I was scared to death of the thought of giving birth. Luckily, the contractions slowed down and now I'm back to bed rest.

Then yesterday, while the nurse was checking the babies heartbeat, she suddenly told me to lay on my left side and gave me an oxygen mask. I thought that was weird and DH perked up because babies usually have good HBs. Before we know it, another nurse came in and was told by my nurse to page the on call OB bc Baby A's HB seemed to decelerate. I was sucking the air from the oxygen mask like crazy. I could feel the nervousness of the nurse through her hands since she was holding the monitors. I saw DH's face turned white. Luckily the OB showed up in 5 minutes, calmed everyone down, and grabbed the ultrasound machine. Thankfully the babies were doing fine & the nurse just freaked out a bit. Phewww.

But so far we are doing good and we are taking it day by day. Every day the babies stay inside is an accomplishment and 3 days less in NICU. I told people that I'm growing babies so I'm going to eat whatever they give me so they can gain a bit of weight. But so far, I've only gained 10 lbs. Hospital food is too healthy! :).

I hope everyone is doing well! Things that we are willing to go through to complete our families :)
Awww ilt you're really having a nervy time of it at the moment aren't you, but your right every day babies stay put is an accomplishment and you're already doing the most amazing job of being their mummy, probably why they cant wait to come out for mummy cuddles!
I am enjoying the movement, I love it but only really feel a few kicks in the evening or when I'm
Bed but not really during the day, is this normal? Last night I didn't really feel anything too strong either so now I'm worried something's wrong, I thought I would worry less when starting to feel movement, is this normal too? I hate having to wait til the evening to see if I feel something :(

Hows everyones shopping doing? There was a sale on at mothercare in uk so ive pretty much got everything now lol, probably need some 0-3 month clothes but my mum's worried there will be nothing left for her to buy! Though shes knitting cardigans as it will be winter and 1 of them will be her going home outfit, only things I need to get are a travel cot as we do have weekends away etc and I'm planning a hol after Xmas, I know what one I want to get bit it's out of stock at the mo
My sister is giving me her rainforest play mat and jumparoo both which are only a few months old and Xmas presents from my mum
I'm just getting so impatient but I know theres 18 weeks to go yet!

How are everyones bumps? I swear mines bigger some days than others, was talking to a girl working in a shop the other day and I didnt notice her bump at first behind the counter and she didnt see mine but then she was laughing as couldnt bend down to get something and it was like she had a massive bowling ball on her front and she was only 27 weeks, made me feel tiny!
I'm gonna take a pic in a min in the same top I had on and took a pic of at 14 week's and see the difference!

Hope youre all well xxx
Ive just felt a big quick so not so worried now :)

Ilt, hope you're still doing well xx
Ilt sorry to hear about your scare but I'm glad the babies are staying put!

Star this lack of movement is really stressing me out too. Sometimes I feel what I think is a kick and like you it's only at night then it seems there's nothing for days. Wish I knew for sure what I was feeling!
ILT, those are eventful days for you! So, so glad the babies are still hanging in there, I know from my friends who had preemies that every day is a pretty big victory at this point. I can't believe you've only gained 10 lbs, my goodness I wish I could say the same and I only have a singleton! Though I do hear you about hospital food. Can you bring anything in from the outside?

star & CMo - our little Roar is pretty regimented about when he moves as well. In the beginning it was mostly evenings, now I can tell when he is sleeping or awake. I think you will see increased movement day by day. As for shopping, we have the stroller, car seat and winter car seat cover, swing and bassinet and a bunch of clothes, mostly what we were given by other people and some we bought. We will have our baby shower on August 30 so I think that I will hold off on buying more clothes until after that time b/c ppl tend to bring a lot of newborn clothing to these things. We got the nursery painted this week and will go look at/pick out furniture this Saturday.

I also spent most of my night at L&D after taking a terrible fall in the kitchen, I slipped on the wet floor next to the dog's water dish. Baby was fine, no contractions (they monitor 4 hrs post-fall) which is a huge relief.
Cmo, sounds like we're in the same boat, I think 3c is right though, they will get more often and stronger as Time goes on, we'll just have to try not to stress x

3c so glad u and baby are ok, what a fright for u
Thank you for the advice on movement, I worry then feel a random kick and feel better again! X
Hi ladies, when does third tri start and is it different in th e us and uk?

Ilt, how are you and babies today?
I think it's probably the same here, cant wait to be that far along!
Me too!

I forgot to say I got my c-section date - October 28, a Wednesday, at 7:45 am. 14w6d to go!
Good luck, Ilt. You're doing a great job!

Star: in my experience, everyone buys you clothes, especially newborn to 6 month size. So, hold off on buying. Worst case, Carters delivers in 2 days. When you're breastfeeding at 3am, you have plenty of time to buy things online, if necessary!

Exciting, 3C!

AFM, the nurse gave me unofficial amnio results: the baby is normal :dance:

10 more days until viability! When I was bleeding from weeks 6-12, I never imagined things would go so smoothly from weeks 12-22. I feel lucky and blessed.
Great news first on the results! :)

I have got quite a few bits but it's hard to resist after waiting so many years for this! I better not start shopping online lol

Ilt, how are things going?
Yay FirstTry! What a huge relief it must be to have that final chromosomal sign off. :)

ILT, hope things are well with you and the girls.

I am just biding my time until vacation on August 1. We are taking two weeks off and going on a road trip to coincide with my BIL's wedding. Can't wait, work has been brutal. Some days I really don't know how I'll make it to 37 or so weeks at the office. BUT they have hired my replacement on contract that starts in August as they want us to have overlap of files so maybe that means I can take it easy the last few weeks I'm at work...
3C, yayy for scheduled C section. Approx. 14 weeks to go! Time flies faster during pregnancy. I remember when we were busy with IVF injections and all the wait that we had to go through. Cheers ladies for making it this far.

First, definitely looking forward to V day for you.

Star, I agree with first. Not saying that you can't buy stuff but people will buy you clothes whether or not you asked for it. We've received a few gifts from family and friends and we are not eveven going to do a baby shower. We were planning to throw a "Come meet the babies" party so we know for sure what we were going to need.

29 weeks ladies. So far babies are still inside. Both of them are heads down already and the possibility of vaginal birth increased tremendously. To be honest, I'm scared of the thought of pushing out 2 babies in such a short time. I asked my Dr. What would happened if I get tired after the first one? Can I have a red bull? She laughed at me. I was actually pretty serious :D.

I'm still a bit anemic so need another bag of iron in me. So far I have 2 bags already. Still bring catagorized with mild pre eclampsia. Babies are kicking harder now and we only have to do 2 NST (non stress test) daily. Blood test every 3 days and hopefully they'll take out the needle for IV and other liquid meds tomorrow. I'd like my hands back please.

So far I've lost 5lbs since I've been in the hospital. Total weight gain for this pregnancy is a bit less than 5lbs. They feed me well though. Always have complete breakfast, lunch, and dinner with snacks in between. Ice cream after NST and 2nd dinner 2 hours after I finished a tray of food. Barely move from my small hospital room. But, my stomach is getting bigger. Will definitely be done by 34 weeks according to my doctor. Here is my current bump.


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So glad you and the girls are doing well ilt. You've been on my mind. How's your BP now?

Lols at the red bull request. I'm with you on that one. I'm on maternity leave now and have been catching up on episodes of "One born every minute ...." - I've seen three twin deliveries so far. Yup! I think a red bull drip might be a good idea :rofl:
That's great news first on the test results :). Not long to go till V-day :D.
I posted a longer reply earlier and lost it!

Glad you're doing well ilt, certainly not long now, however you give birth you will be amazing, you're already doing so well and what a great bump!
New series of one born every minute starts tomorrow night!

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