From Assisted Conception to...Babies!!!

First - such a relief it is just muscular. Keep baking, baby!

I don't know what threshold the endocrinologist uses for insulin, but I really hope not to have to go on it. I will see her on Tuesday morning and find out by then.
Sounds like your diet is well controlled 3c, I dont know how much weight ive gained as never weigh myself, I dont think ive put weight on all over though apart from bump so shouldn't be too shocking!
Glad it's a muscle problem only first. Phew!!! Hang in there :).

I had the scariest bout of SPD on Wednesday. It was a relaxin surge which occurred on my way home. Guess who was rendered completely immobile by 5pm that day? I literally could not move and got stuck on the pavement on my way to the GP. :rofl:

Okay it wasn't funny at the time but I can look back and laugh now :). Yes, I got weird looks from men and perhaps older women who thought I was missing a shopping trolley with used bags. A couple of women stopped in their cars (women I've never met I'd add) to help cos' they quickly clocked what was going on - they both said they'd been through the same thing. So be warned ladies, if your pelvic muscles decide to go on a very short holiday, stay at home till they return.

I've got full use of my legs back but have still got a little bit of pain in the groin area. I had an acupuncture session yesterday but she could not do much as she was worried about triggering labour. So, the waddle continues. Both girls are head down and continue to do butt lifts just below my ribs to our amusement.

Today I'll try to pack my hospital bag and work out how to use our pump (we were advised to get a double pump).
Anyone decided if they're planning to breastfeed only? Mix with formula? Or formula feed only?
Omg, Faith, that sounds so scary! I'm glad you're okay now!

Breastfeeding: I will try to EBF (exclusively breast feed) but you never know how it will go until you try. With DS, I had to suppliment with formula until I produced enough milk, around 6 weeks. With twins, you've got a bigger challenge. I recommend pumping after every feeding to get your supply up. Even if nothing comes out, the nipple stimulation tells your body to produce more. Good luck!

P.s.- BFing is the best weight loss method known to man!
Omg faith that sounds so bad!!

God knows how much weight I've put on but it's went on everywhere!! My boobs (which are big at the best of times) are enormous! I normally run and am really strict with my diet to keep my weight under control so no exercise and my new found sweet tooth are really taking their toll!

I've still not completely decided about breastfeeding. I'll def give it a go and I'll definitely express and top up with formula if needed
Yikes faith!! Sounds funny in retrospect but I'm sure it wasn't in the moment.

I am also hoping to breastfeed and use the pump. But I am not going to be a martyr for a cause - if I am having trouble, I will supplement, etc. I just know too many women who fell into a deep depression when breastfeeding didn't work out like they'd thought it would. Don't want that to be me.
Totally agree 3chords. If it doesn't work out I'm happy to formula feed. after waiting so long for this baby I want to enjoy it and not get myself in a state struggling to breastfeed or express.
Thanks ladies.
Well after 31 weeks of zero drama I had to go on high BP meds last night. My feet started swelling all of a sudden (actually just the one at first) and then tested my urine and we had traces of protein. If I ever needed to pack my hospital bag asap, that was it. Got to the hospital hoping my BP would have settled - no such luck :(.
So they've put me on lobetolol which worked. It was either that or they'd keep me in. They also used ctg to check the girls and twin b refused to sit still. By law, they need to get a 10 min reading per baby and we kept losing her cos' she wouldn't sit still. Well. It look turns between hubby and the nurse to hold and press the sensor firmly against my belly. 6 hours later and we were finally done. I need to go in twice a week for BP checks from now.
That is tough, Faith. Sorry you had that experience.

But you have been doing amazingly for carrying twins! Don't twins have an earlier expected due date, like at 36 weeks?
Good luck on Tuesday, Beneath! Any symptoms yet? I know it's still very early.
thinking of you, Faith!

Any of you ladies have achy hips/lower back early on? My hips have been so achy the past few days. I read online that it can be ligaments stretching, but this early? Thank God my scan is 2 days away, I need some reassurance!!
Can't remember having hip pain BMW but certainly had pain in my right abdo sort of area, put it down to ligaments stretching.
Can't remember having hip pain BMW but certainly had pain in my right abdo sort of area, put it down to ligaments stretching.

It's not a pain really, more like an aching. Hopefully normal!
I didn't have any but even days away from 30 weeks I don't have hip/pelvis issues at all. Or back for that matter. I have one sore spot midback that is because of posture issues, it's just an aggravated muscle which is a huge pain but not pregnancy related.
Ahh faith you've had some drama this week, hope your bp stays down for you, you must be so excited to meet your girls!

Beneath, I did at night, they were achy and had to keep turning over onto each side but it didnt last too long

Yesterday I was just so tired and achy, work was non stop and I literally ached everywhere, my knees are really playing up ( ive always had flat feet which affects my knees sometimes) but lately I wake in the night and they're just killing, my stomach and back ached and I just wanted to sleep for a week! I'm at work this morning so just hoping it all doesn't start up again after a good nights sleep for once!

How is everyone else today? Xx
I've come down with a nasty cold (sore throat, gunky nose), not much I can really take for it so I just need to suffer through it I guess.

Work is starting to wear on me. Well it's a combination of things really. First, the GD is irritating because I am supposed to test my blood first thing in the morning and then 2 hrs post-meals. Two of those tests happen at work so I end up having to schedule meetings around them. Second, meal planning is kind of exhausting, I mean it's not really that bad but when you go from eating anything to eating very restricted things, it becomes a chore. I also am supposed to be testing different sources of carbs to see how I react to them and which ones result in a spike so I can't even eat the same things every day. Third, I sit most of the day at work (I'm a lawyer) which always results in horribly swollen ankles. When I am off work on the weekends and can move around more or lie down in the afternoon for an hour, it is sooo much better. Finally, I'm just not sleeping well which makes me tired and cranky. I need to stop whining! But I still have 65 days to go, my God that seems like an eternity.

On a positive note, I am having my baby shower this weekend! I asked my family/friends to consolidate the two they were going to organize because I didn't want multiple events so now we are expecting around 75 people. Will be a big BBQ on Sunday afternoon. :)

Normality slowly returns. Hoping to come off the meds soon. They apparently have an effect on the babies.

So sorry for whining - the whole sofa arrest thing is doing my head in.
That is tough, Faith. Sorry you had that experience.

But you have been doing amazingly for carrying twins! Don't twins have an earlier expected due date, like at 36 weeks?

Hi first. Thanks for encouraging me. I was so intent on going through all this drug free. Oh well.
According to the NICE guidelines, the maximum gestation age is 38 weeks. However, if my BP does not stay low then I'll definitely need to go in for a c-section. We'll see.

One of the many good things that's come out of this - my hospital bag is now packed and we've done two timed test drives to our hospital so we know the route to take yo get there. Just need the girls to avoid the rush hour :rofl:

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