From Assisted Conception to...Babies!!!

thinking of you, Faith!

Any of you ladies have achy hips/lower back early on? My hips have been so achy the past few days. I read online that it can be ligaments stretching, but this early? Thank God my scan is 2 days away, I need some reassurance!!

Hey beneath :hugs:
Thank you for the encouragement. I've been pretty ratty lately :p.

Not long to go till your scan :). So sorry to hear about your hips. I didn't have any achy hips until about 30 weeks and then it was just the pubis joint. It all depends on your physiology. Perhaps wait till the scan results are out (I can't wait :D) and then ask to be referred to an osteopath who specialises in pregnant women? If it persists, please get it checked out. I didn't bother when my discomfort started at about 20 weeks (I just assumed it was a twin pregnancy thing) and well you know what happened last week :rofl:
Ahh faith you've had some drama this week, hope your bp stays down for you, you must be so excited to meet your girls!

Beneath, I did at night, they were achy and had to keep turning over onto each side but it didnt last too long

Yesterday I was just so tired and achy, work was non stop and I literally ached everywhere, my knees are really playing up ( ive always had flat feet which affects my knees sometimes) but lately I wake in the night and they're just killing, my stomach and back ached and I just wanted to sleep for a week! I'm at work this morning so just hoping it all doesn't start up again after a good nights sleep for once!

How is everyone else today? Xx

:hugs: star. How are you feeling today? Knees any better?
I've come down with a nasty cold (sore throat, gunky nose), not much I can really take for it so I just need to suffer through it I guess.

Work is starting to wear on me. Well it's a combination of things really. First, the GD is irritating because I am supposed to test my blood first thing in the morning and then 2 hrs post-meals. Two of those tests happen at work so I end up having to schedule meetings around them. Second, meal planning is kind of exhausting, I mean it's not really that bad but when you go from eating anything to eating very restricted things, it becomes a chore. I also am supposed to be testing different sources of carbs to see how I react to them and which ones result in a spike so I can't even eat the same things every day. Third, I sit most of the day at work (I'm a lawyer) which always results in horribly swollen ankles. When I am off work on the weekends and can move around more or lie down in the afternoon for an hour, it is sooo much better. Finally, I'm just not sleeping well which makes me tired and cranky. I need to stop whining! But I still have 65 days to go, my God that seems like an eternity.

On a positive note, I am having my baby shower this weekend! I asked my family/friends to consolidate the two they were going to organize because I didn't want multiple events so now we are expecting around 75 people. Will be a big BBQ on Sunday afternoon. :)

:hugs: to you 3C. Looks like you're going through a lot now. I'm so sorry. Is there really nothing to take for them? Paracetamol perhaps? Get well soon dear.

Regarding the GD, a friend of mine had the same challenge. It was horrid cos' her glucose levels would rise and fall like mad for the most inane things she'd eat. She was put on some fancy low GL diet that seemed to do the trick. I can fish out the details if you'd like? It was a link to a website. Let me know ....
Regarding the GD, a friend of mine had the same challenge. It was horrid cos' her glucose levels would rise and fall like mad for the most inane things she'd eat. She was put on some fancy low GL diet that seemed to do the trick. I can fish out the details if you'd like? It was a link to a website. Let me know ....

Sure if not too much trouble!

I'm very good at being compliant with the diet, the thing that I find annoying is that I was told to try a different carb/starch with my main meals so that the dietician can identify what makes me spike. So for example yesterday I made these dinner rolls out of cassava flour (we had somebody coming over who eats gluten free). I only had 45g of carb worth of the flour (I can have up to 60 at dinner) so it should have been ok but my blood glucose really spiked. I don't get that reaction at all with any other bread, even plain old white bread which is supposed to be the worst! So that took me by surprise and made me depressed. I kind of just want to stick to the carb sources that I know for sure my body can handle.
Hey faith, my knees are still playing up but some days are better tHan others
It definitely sounds like we're all getting to the achy uncomfortable stage now!
My lower back is quite painful, my coxyx area, it really twinges sharply when I move a certain way but have midwife tomorrow so I'll mention it to her

3c, sounds like we need to swap jobs, I feel like I just need to sit down when I'm at work, I've got just over 4 weeks left but I'm struggling with my back, hope you can find a diet that suits you better soon, must be so hard suddenly having to change :(
Thanks girls. My endocrinologist looked at my numbers (I measure my blood glucose level 4x per day) and my food log and says that I am the ideal patient. They are super happy with me. Nevertheless I have to go in every week to see the endocrinologist and dietician, one more thing making work a bit challenging.

9 weeks to go for me! That's not too long, right??
Here you go 3C - The GI Diet - List of low GI foods -
Admitted. The twirls need to come out as one of them is not happy. So did not see this coming :(. Will be in touch xx
Thinking of u faith and sending lots of love to you and your girls! 32 weeks is amazing to get to with twins and the most important thing is they come out safe and healthy!

Keep us updated when you can and enjoy meeting your little ones - U've waited a long time for this moment xxx
Thinking of you faith and fingers crossed for a smooth delivery and nice, big and healthy girls. You did great to bring them to this point!
Hope all is going well for you faith, time to meet your girls! Xxx

How is everyone getting on with their preparations? Dh will decorate the nursery and put the furniture together near the end of Sept when his work isn't so busy, I cant wait as just want to get everything organized, I have stuff literally everywhere! My sister keeps giving me bits too as her lo grows out of things so it's just piling up, I'm so impatient for her to be here I'm going to go through the clothes today and choose what I'm going to take to hospital, early I know but I need to do something!

Hope you're all well, my back pain is turning to sciatica, saw midwife yesterday and all is good :)
Also had my whopping cough vaccination yesterday so feel like ive been punched in the arm, strangely the other arm also feel really achy too lol
4 weeks left of work unless this sciatica gets worse as I used to get it anyway and all the walking and moving about at work just makes it worse

Take care ladies and babies! Xx
Hi star

I've got my whooping cough vac on wed while I'm at the doctors anyway to see the midwife.

We're doing not bad with prep. Room is painted, just need dh to build furniture about oct time. Still need to do all the finishing touches colour wise once we know if we've got a boy or girl.

I've still got 7 weeks left to work, it's a struggle now! Luckily more nightshifts than days which I'm finding easier but my feet are totally killing me constantly!

Oh and I have my 4d scan on Sunday! Can't wait to see baby again!
I cant wait to see your pic cmo, we were thinking of doing another one but the travel would just add to the cost, I dont know how you work nights, I used to struggle with them when I wasn't pregnant!
Your right though work is becoming a struggle, ive had a good day off today resting before work at the weekend
Just under 12
I am also in awe of your ability to do night shifts CMo! I feel like I need a nap in the afternoons, so that part of the work day draaaags for me. I have 6 weeks of work left, unless my doctor takes me off early, which may happen. That's 30 working days but I have 2 Mondays off in there so 28 days to go. Not that I'm counting or anything!

Our nursery is painted and the furniture is set up. I just need 2 more wall shelves, haven't found the right ones but that will be the priority over the next 2 weeks.
Really getting Braxton hicks all day today, not making me look forward to actual real contractions!
Oh really star? Are they painful?

My feet are so swollen!! They are actually killing me! Loving all the pregnancy symptoms really lol

So I was just thinking.... Ilt has her babies with faith soon to follow so it's just 3 of us to go? (3chords, star and myself) I think we're all fairly close together as well. Am I missing anyone?
They're not too painful, last night in bed my bump felt tight low down and it's felt the same all day today and a few times has really tightened like a mini contraction, well I hope thats what it is! Been resting and it's not so bad now
My arm still aches from the whooping cough injection though feels like ive been punched!

Has everyone decided on names?
So far we have decided on Madeline Hope unless I change my mind in the next 12 week's!

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