From Assisted Conception to...Babies!!!

I'm going to phone back soon. Pain is getting too much now!!
Eeeek good luck cmo, hoping all goes well and looking forward to hearing the news of your arrival...exciting! x
good luck cmo, sound's like it's your time! so excited for you xx

bumpsparkle, I know my sister was so lucky, both hers she popped out within 4 hours and didn't even have gas and air, probably why she's adamant she's not having anymore, doesn't want to push her luck, although shes only just 24 last month so I don't say it to her but I think she will change her mind one day

My period type pains sound exactly the same as yours and the same pattern, although saying that I haven't had any today! so annoying, I know it's only my due date today but it feels like it's taking forever now and everyone is txting and messaging every day asking for any news lol

I hired a tens machine from the midwife, first one I couldn't get to work so changed it, second one I couldn't get to work so took it back in, they tested it and it worked, got it home, tested it on my arms and it worked, tried it again and it isn't so I give up! though if you said it works I might try a new battery and take It back again tomorrow when I have my sweep, praying the sweep works!

How are all our babies?
Well gorgeous little girl Orla Anne arrived, very quickly in the end, yesterday morning weighing a tiny 6lb 12oz!! So so shocked as convinced she was a boy and that she would be a big baby! She is just amazing. Got home yesterday afternoon and she has totally kept us on our toes all night! I blame all the night shifts I worked while pregnant lol

So......turns out my cramps since Monday night were labour. Phoned hospital at half 2 wed morning and they said to hold on at home. Phoned back at 4 and went in to be examined. By the time she got round to checking how far dialated I was about 6 am I was 8cm!! Think the midwife was very shocked and no wonder I was so bloody sore 0-8cm with just paracetamol!! Actually thought I was going to have her in the corridor on the way to the delivery room and she arrived 30 mins later after finally getting a wee bit gas and air! In a way I'm glad the hospital part al went quick! I'll try post a picture xx
Omg so happy for you cmo!
How funny as well I posted how that happened to my sister, being 8cm by time got to hospital and her 2 were both 6.12 (so was I!)
Congratulations! Xxx
I'm hoping mine mean something has been happening too, had some more last night but different to period type, lower down and tighter but yet again they've stopped, sweep today!
Cmo, huge congratulations! It really did sound like things were progressing for you on tues evening and a big well done for getting so far on just paracetamol...I'm dreading not coping at 3-4cm lol! Enjoy your special little girl, hope she's allowing you some recovery time :)

Star, what time is your sweep 2day? Mine's at 1:30 and feeling quite anxious about how uncomfortable it might be. Silly when you think about the amount of poking and prodding stuff we've been through with ivf lol!
Mine's at 11:30, I was worried, still am a bit but my friend said it wasn't too bad which made me feel better and she was already at 2cm when she had hers, I'm hoping I get told something like this!
Will let you know how it goes, just think it could our turns tonight! X
Yay, CMo!!! Beautiful name. I'm glad things went smoothly!

Good luck, Star and Bump!
Hi, would have updated sooner but took so long as when I got there midwife was off sick and was waiting for another to arrive
Was there 2 hours! 2 ladies went home but I was determined not to rearrange lol
After all that my cervix was too high for the sweep to be done properly, so annoyed, she said doesn't mean nothing will happen soon as can go down anytime just means the sweep probably won't do anything! Good thing was it didn't hurt lol

How are you bump?
Hi, would have updated sooner but took so long as when I got there midwife was off sick and was waiting for another to arrive
Was there 2 hours! 2 ladies went home but I was determined not to rearrange lol
After all that my cervix was too high for the sweep to be done properly, so annoyed, she said doesn't mean nothing will happen soon as can go down anytime just means the sweep probably won't do anything! Good thing was it didn't hurt lol

How are you bump?

Even when I was in labor, my cervix was super high, so baby could still come soon!
Hi Star, glad you got to see somebody in the end, what a faff though.
The midwife was mega surprised at how low my baby's head was and said no wonder she's been having trouble identifying it the past few weeks. She reckons that could mean less pushing though so yay!
Cervix was soft and was 2cm dilated which is good, but I guess that still doesn't mean anything is going to progress straight away. Got another booked in for Sunday with possible induction the following Sunday if required.
Like you say, wasn't painful just uncomfortable, but had bad period pain and back ache ever since and I don't know if that's just as a result of procedure.
Looks like we'll just have to be patient lol! x
Bump period pain and back ache is exactly what I had! Hopefully not long now til all our babies are here and we start the next leg of our journey together!!

I keep looking at Orla and just can't believe she was that little embryo they popped back in way back in March! They truly are miracle workers!
CMo - congratulations! Lovely name for a lovely little girl. You must be so in love. Enjoy those first days, I regret not having taken more time just to stare at Henry in awe.

Star and Bump - best of luck to you ladies! I sincerely hope your babes are here as soon as safely possible.

We are doing fine and Henry is a giant. I am only now realizing I gave birth to a 1 month old lol. He has outgrown most 3 month clothing as he is very long. I realize my signature says 53 cm but he was actually 55 cm, the initial resident measured him in a hurry and the pediatrician took his time later in the day. Anyway, he is so big and sturdy and I realized it this last weekend when a friend of mine came over with his 3-month-old twin daughters...and Henry was their size. Yowza. We love him and we have nicknamed him Goblin as he looks like a goblin when he makes his poo/fart faces.
First, thank you I needed to hear that, I really was fed up yesterday after my attempted sweep, hopefully I'll feel better today as babysitting my niece so have a distraction, it's not like me to feel down but yesterday I was

Bump, sounds like you're doing great! Bet it won't be long for you and great you only have til Sun for next sweep if he isn't here

Cmo, so pleased to hear you are doing well, can't wait to start next stage with you ladies either :)

3c, glad to hear you and Henry are well, bless him he sounds like he's going to be a heartbreaker :)
3c, thank you and sounds like you're really enjoying motherhood.

Cmo, I bet you can't take your eyes off orla, awww! Period and back pain calmed down today so I'm guessing it was just some aggravation from the sweep.

Star, don't get disheartened. Sweeps are in no way a guarantee for labour and your little one will arrive when she's totally ready. She's obviously very snuggled and happy inside you :) It does start to get frustrating though. We sit here each evening not quite sure what to do with ourselves as we feel so in limbo all the time. And don't get me started on the update texts that keep coming through...grrrr x
Haha the txts and msgs are driving me mad, if she was here you would know about it and if she's on her way I'm not going to start txting you back!

I'm thinking to myself today that nothing will happen to after next weds so I stop expecting something to happen and getting disappointed when it doesn't lol, either way by the 30th I will be induced and in the grand scheme of things that isn't a long wait so anything happening before that is a bonus
Any news bump? I'm still waiting, nothing happening, got midwife coming round 9am weds, still hoping she will be here by then but I'm very doubtful!
Jeez star this little lady isn't half making you wait. Hopefully won't be too long now. Bump how are you?

After expecting a 10lb big baby boy I had to nip to the shops yesterday to pick up a few things for a small baby girl and I am soooo excited. The little girl clothes are so amazing! I always assumed I would have a boy so I've never really looked before. We're gonna end up bankrupt at this rate, can't resist buying lol

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