From Assisted Conception to...Babies!!!

I also got a passport photo done but in Canada the rules are very strict, you have to go to a professional studio, has to be lit a certain way, with white canvas background, baby can't have mouth open, can't smile, can't look sideways, etc. Henry's photo is absolutely hilarious!

The rules are the same here, professional photographer shot my dds in minutes but I'd never have managed it!
Congrats Mrs W!!!

Hey all! How's everyone & their little ones?
K just had her four month vaccinations and has been sleeping all day today. She's the size of an average ten month old. Way off the charts. Just from EBF


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Ahh what a cutie rosina!

I hadn't had madeleine weighed for a couple of weeks 2 weeks ago at 9 weeks she weighed 11lb 3oz, growing out her clothes way too quick!
Wow! She's big too! And oh so cute! I don't have anything down for 9 weeks, but at 8 weeks she was 12 lbs. Looks like Madeleine is very close to that. We're buying clothes like crazy... She's wearing 9-12 month clothing. These little ones need to slow down a bit! :)
Awww Rosina she's gorgeous!! My dd was a big baby too, always on the 95th percentile and she's still tall for her age. I always think big, gorgeous, chubbier babies are so healthy and it stands them in good stead if they become poorly and don't eat as well for a few days! X
Congrats mrsw!!!!

Hey everyone, can't believe this time as year we were all getting out bfp!

Time had flown.

Well Aaliyah is now 19 weeks and at 18 weeks she was only 12lb. Little dainty thing lol.

Can anyone tell me how you upload a pic as I can't remember then I can show you her X

Hope everyone well x
Hey ladies, Hope you're all well!

Can't believe how big these babies are getting. We need to go get weighed tomorrow, 2 weeks ago she was 10lb 7 @ 12 weeks so still dainty but I can really see a difference in her this last week, she's filling out now. Got the dreaded 2nd lot of jags on Tuesday as well.


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Hi ladies, just a question, my friend had egg collection on 26th Jan.and had a 2 day transfer and has got her bfp, how many weeks would she be today?
Hi ladies, just a question, my friend had egg collection on 26th Jan.and had a 2 day transfer and has got her bfp, how many weeks would she be today?

You can count as if egg collection was ovulation. So, add 2 weeks to get gestational age.
Gorgeous baby pics everyone! Such cuties and they are all getting so big now!

Star - congrats to your friend and exactly what first said re dating.

I have started feeling little pokes and prods the last few days, just very light ones! I also bought a Doppler yesterday as I have been feeling so anxious and heard the magical little heartbeat!
Hi thank you, for some reason I completely forgot how to work it out and I had a fet so couldn't work hers out lol
Thank you Mrs w such a happy surprise as she had heavy bleeding for about 4 days and got a negative test day before otd, didn't then test again for another 10 days as she was feeling ill and got strong positives and 2-3 on a digi!! This is why all clinics should do blood tests! They only had the 1 embryo too so it's a little fighter!

That's good news you're feeling movement Mrs w, all this excitement makes me want to try again!!
Forgot to say madeleine rolled onto yer front last week at 11 weeks old, so proud yet so sad shew doing this already and growing so quick!
I was literally googling what age they might do it as she was trying so hard and as I was she just done it, now when ever I put her on the play mat she's straight over
I've had to swap her back from the next to me crib back to the swinging crib as the next to me gave hee too much room to wriggle about and she kept ending up right against the side which scared the crap out of me as she doesn't roll back yet, well dh swapped them over at 3am the other night!

She's got a cold at the moment too but seems well in herself just a bit stuffed up
We've finished our baby massage course for what it was worth in between feeding lol but was nice to make new friends
We now go to a breastfeeding group once a week and baby play which are conveniently one after another in the same place

Sleeping wise she's falling asleep about 7 or 8 in the evening and waking up once for a 5 minute feed til 5-6 but after that she won't go back in her crib but will sleep on me

Feeding wise were still breastfeeding and formula feeding about 3 times a day with the anti reflux but I think that's improving

What does everyone plan on doing regarding weaning? I think we're going to try baby led weaning and getting excited about this, probably getting excited about the less milk coming back up!

How is everyone else?
Hi star

That's so good she's rolling over! What a clever girl!
I'm looking forward to baby massage, just waiting on a space coming up in the next session. We do jo jingles and book bug just now. I really need to get up to scratch with all these nursery rhymes though!

I had to take Orla out her carry cot and put her in her buggy part of her pram! I was gutted, my baby is getting too big! Probably could've got another few weeks out it but she was getting frustrated lying down so at least now she sitting up a little and can see what's going on.

It's a year today since I had my egg collection and she was 'conceived', what a crazy journey it's been since then! I go through stages of being sad that she's getting big but then so excited as everyday she's doing something different and is just so entertaining!
Ahh bless her, I think madeleine still likes to be cosy in her pram but then when she's in the double buggy with her cousin she does seem to enjoy facing forward and being more upright
I need to buy her some books, we've only got 1 :(
Quick question, have you been apart from your babies yet and if yes how long for?
Dh has taken madeleine out for a walk for an hour a few times but that's it due to breastfeeding but as she's sometimes on bottle he had her for 2 hrs whilst I went to my sisters and I felt like I had lost a body part! I think it was cos I actually left the house rather than him and without the pram too (cos I walk everywhere) felt so strange and I hated it, is this normal or should I have enjoyed the break more?!
Orla has stayed overnight at my mum and dads a few times now, we had a couple of functions that we couldn't take her too. The first time was a nightmare, I missed her so much but it's much easier now, still miss her like crazy though! My sister in law normally takes her for a few hours once a week or so on her day off which means I can catch up with housework etc. As much as I find it hard being away from her I want her to get used to being with other people especially as these are the ones that will help me out with childcare when I'm back at work. I trust them with my life so I know she's in great hands and it's nice to have a few hours with dh. They enjoy time with her as well without me there, she gets spoils! My family is so small and I feel like they've waited as long for her to arrive as we have so I never want to deny them time with her. Always glad to get her back though!
Ahh that's nice Orla, Ive got 3 sisters and 1 brother all within 5 minutes of me, well more like 2 so I'm good for babysitters but just find it hard leaving her! What you said makes sense though about giving them time without me there, though when I am there they have her anyway the whole time!
Just realised cmo I called you orla lol

I know it's crazy but I really want to be pregnant again and give birth! I don't know if it's because my friends have just got a bfp from ivf or I know 3 other people that are pregnant but I just want to do it all again!

I'm so grateful for madeleine and would still be as happy if it never happened again but I just miss it all the excitement, haven't thought as far ahead of actually having 2 babies but can't wait to try again!!
Was just thinking it was a year ago today that our little 5ab embryo was safely defrosted and transferred. It still amazes me that that embryo is now the growing little boy next to me!
Feeling so very lucky...especially knowing friends who are still struggling for their miracle or never will.
Is it loopy that I get a tear in my eye at least once a day when I look at him? Hope you're all enjoying your little miracles and have a special mothers day on Sunday x x
Not loopy at all! I do it too :-D

I have a hard time leaving the little one. Had two appointments and left her with DH. I'm also trying to edit my final paper for my graduate degree... But I've only got in about five hours in all of February. :-(

It's hard to work when I know she's just upstairs... Sounds like we have some work to do. Proud of you Cmo! It's so hard!

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