From Assisted Conception to...Babies!!!

Star - I'm not surprised you're excited about trying again, it's such an exciting, special time! Clever Madeleine rolling over!!

Cmo - my dd had to come out of the pram by about 10 weeks, she absolutely hated it and would scream to be picked up anytime she was in there! I had hoped for ages longer!

Glad you ladies all had special mothers days and are enjoying your gorgeous babies!!

Only 3 weeks till my 20 week scan! X
It seems like time is flying by for you Mrs w!
I can't remember did you say you were finding out the sex?
I think we probably will find out! I didn't with my dd but want to know this time x
Hi everyone!

Well it's a year today since I got my bfp!! What an amazing year, I can't believe I have a little baby snoozing away beside me!!

Have any of you planned christenings? What are your thoughts? We are not religious at all but this last year has made me think of how this little girl is such an amazing miracle and I really want to celebrate it. I want a naming day with a humanist service but dh is really against the idea so we decided on a blessing, basically much the same as a christening but you don't say all the vows and they use ointment/oil instead of water to baptise. My issue is godparents, I really want my brother and sis in law, my best friend and dh sister. Is 4 godparents too much??
I've been looking for a thread like this one for a while because I don't quite feel like I belong in the first trimester even though I do. It's hard for me to relate to women who haven't struggled like women who have gone through IVF to conceive their children. Hoping this thread will become active again so I can find some women to relate to a little better. We had our 5th IVF transfer back in February and we found out we are expecting twins. A boy and a girl. The one reason we know so early is because we did genetic testing.

Congratulations to everyone who has gone on to having their babies, and good luck for all trying!
Welcome ash :) Mrs w is pregnant and the rest of are still here for support, congratulations, how amazing twins! X

Cmo, we're not religious either but was thinking of a naming ceremony too, maybe in the summer and so something in the garden, I don't think 4 are too much it's up to you, the more for your precious baby the better
Would you have yours at a venue? I found a good website with local people who help organise it and hold the ceremony, would be lovely to celebrate our miracles xx
Ash - welcome and huge congrats on having twins! What a wonderful surprise after such a long, hard journey! I know what you mean, I don't really fit in on the pregnancy boards either. How are you feeling? Any sickness? Was it a big surprise to be expecting twins?

Cmo - my dd is christened but we had 4 godparents. It's worked out well for us, so I'd say if that's what you'd like, go for it! And really lovely to have a celebration.
Thanks for the welcomes ladies!

MrsW - I'm feeling not pregnant at all which is freaking me out! I'm terrified of having a missed miscarriage but trying to just remain as positive as possible. My embryos were genetically tested so we know there is nothing wrong with their chromosomes but not having any symptoms makes me worry! I do have mild nausea but it is so mild that sometimes I'm not sure if I'm making it up or if it's from the progesterone. We transferred our only 2 genetically normal embryos so twins wasn't a huge surprise. Our doctor gave up a 65% chance of twins if we transferred two. I am shocked that two stuck when I couldn't even get 1 to stick 4 times! But that's where the shock comes from. I am thrilled and really just want this pregnancy to end well. I love these little munchkins already!

How's your pregnancy going?
I wouldn't worry at all about the symptoms, it's so different for everyone. This could just be how you feel with pregnancy hormones. Lucky you!! I'm guessing you've already had a scan and seen both babies are ok and viable so far?

Like you I worried all of the way through 1st tri, I have had a mmc before and was paranoid it might happen again. I also had bleeding throughout the first 8 weeks but scans showed all was OK each time. Now I'm feeling less sick, but I'm still worried sick! Apparently I have low papp a which is related to iugr, amongst other worrying things. I'm just praying all will be ok.
Hi ash massive congratulations on your twins. Thread is definitely still active, it's nice that we can all share the journey we went through to get these little miracles and share them growing as well as support others. Is this your first bfp? My baby was my first and I think I stressed my whole pregnancy. I had very few symptoms so until I started feeling movement it was such a stressful time, I wish now I could've relaxed and enjoyed it more but my little madam makes all the stress so worth it.

Star think I'm going to book a venue for christening. My family are small but dh side are massive so there is no way I'd get everyone comfortably in my house.
MrsW - we had a scan at 6wk1d because I was having some spotting and both babies had heartbeats and were measuring on track. I try to remind myself of that when I'm feeling negative. What is the low papp? and iugr?

Cmo - It is my first pregnancy and I want this so bad I think that's why I'm so stressed. It took me so long to get to this point I would HATE for something bad to happen. I don't want to look back on the pregnancy and wish I would have enjoyed it more so I'm going to try really hard to just relax and enjoy the pregnancy. I also can't wait until the babies start moving so that I know they're ok in there.
Papp a is apparently a hormone in our blood that gets checked during the combined nt testing and mine is low, I don't know much about it. Iugr is intra uterine growth restriction where babies don't grow properly be uses the placenta is functioning properly and so often have to be born early.

I am the same as you and really nervous but just trying to enjoy it. I'm still not feeling regular movement, just the odd pokes and wriggles but I do have a Doppler to hear the heartbeat which helps when I'm feeling really anxious.
ash - congrats on the twins! I am in awe of anyone with twins - both the pregnancy and parenting two little ones, after "just" having my boy I'm never again transferring two, too afraid haha. You will do great and they will be such great little friends. :)

star - strangely enough I also really miss being pregnant and am really looking to being pregnant again (though not trying). This is really weird because I HATED being pregnant, I felt awful for the vast majority of the 39 weeks. First I had horrible nausea/vomiting for 15-16 weeks, like unrelenting 24/7 awfulness. Then I developed gestational diabetes and had to test my blood 3x per day and go on a really restrictive diet. I also had unbearable heartburn, a hemorrhoid the size of a canteloupe (ok, not really but still...) and so on. And yet! I want to do it over again. I sometimes think I want a do-over because I'll be able to enjoy it in a way I couldn't enjoy the first one. After multiple IVFs and multiple losses I just basically lived in fear really...

CMo - we're just planning to get Henry baptized. We're both Catholic nominally (the last time we were in church was on our wedding day) but both of our parents are much more religious and go to church weekly. So for them it would mean something. I also come from a culture that's quite culturally Catholic, if that makes sense, so that's why we're doing it. Probably in May or early June.

My little guy is so cute, he smiles and laughs all day. Seriously the happiest baby I've ever seen. We had a very rough go of dealing with his silent reflux for the last 6 weeks or so when it peaked, trying out different meds etc and finally seems to be settling down. I hope he's turning a corner. Attached a couple of pics. He is 20 weeks old today!


  • Henry17wks.jpg
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  • Henry19weeksE.jpg
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Oh my word 3c he's so cute!!
Madeleine has reflux and they said possible dairy allergy so I have been dairy free to breastfeed her but it hasn't made a difference so I'm going back to the anti reflux mil and breastfeeding
So glad before easter, dairy free was not fun
I'm going to probably breastfeed until we come back from holiday mid may then start baby led weaning with the anti reflux milk and try to atop breastfeeding so my periods have a chance of coming back

When do you plan on trying 3c? Sorry I think you have already said

How is everyone else?
We'll probably do a new cycle in August, I won't be transferring any embryos until late fall, like October/November at the earliest, but may wait until January. I don't want them to be any closer than 21 months apart or so, two years would be even more perfect.
Wow that is so exciting 3c, I also don't want to wait too long as obviously don't know if it will work again so I'm going to try towards end of year if possible
Hi Ladies,i hope its ok to join.

I have been stalking but not commenting for a while.

Currently 11w4d pregnant with my first.

Im 27 and my fiancé is 35.
We had been trying for 4 years with no luck. Clomid was a was wate of time.
We started our ivf journey last year.
First cycle.
3 eggs collected all 3 fertilised and stopped growing around day 3 so no frosties for me..
Cycle 2
5 eggs collected, 4 fertilised and 3 made it to 5 day blasties.
1 was transferred which ended in a chemical . We took a 4 months break and went on a holiday. Came back refreshed and relaxed. Transfered my last 2 blasties on 21 january 2016 and got my bfp at 5dp5dt which was the 26th january and have been happily pregnant since.

Feeling very blessed right now cant wait to meet my little bundle of joy on the 8th October 2016!
Hi miss and welcome :) it's so exciting to.have pregnant ladies back in the group

Km looking forward to all your babies arrivals and hopefully starting a cycle of my own around the same time!
Hey ladies hope everyone is well.

What a week we've had! LO was really unwell after her 3rd set of jags and ended up in hospital overnight, it was so scary! She was fine all day then when I was getting her ready for bed she went a really funny colour and wouldn't open her eyes, I actually thought she'd stopped breathing. Must've lasted seconds but felt like hours. She was really sick then came back round. I phoned NHS 24 for advice who referred us to out of hours. She was completely back to normal when we saw the doctor but because of her colour change she wanted her to go to a&e. They checked her over and done bloods and ecg to make sure it wasn't anything cardiac and because she had a temp they wanted to make sure there was no infection so wanted her in overnight for observation. Consultant saw her in the morning and was happy it was just a bad reaction to her jag and let her home. It was awful!! Spent the whole time in tears and even now every time I look at her I start bubbling again! She's totally fine now but never want to go through that again. Just reminds you how precious these little ones are! Xx

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