From Assisted Conception to...Babies!!!

Oh gosh cmo that sounds really scary, I'm so glad she's ok! These little ones really know how to frighten us don't they! Hope she's feeling better now.

Star - excited for you to cycle again, how many Frosties do you have?

Welcome miss cassie, nice to have another preggo lady in the group! So glad you've got your bfp after such a tough journey. Whe. Is your 12 week scan and how are you feeling?

Afm, got a cold and sore throat and feeling pretty rubbish. Counting down to our 20 week scan on Thursday and praying baby is ok in there, not feeling as much movement as I had at this point with my dd so looking forward to more.
She's absolutely grand now it's just my nerves that are shattered!!

Can't wait to hear about your scan Mrs w! Don't stress about movement too much. Think I was about 24 weeks when I felt anything. Are you finding out gender?

Our niece is due in 3 weeks and seeing her tonight has made me want to be pregnant again (even though I didn't enjoy it that much). We've got one frostie and I've always said I'll never do another fresh cycle. Think we'll use it about March 2018 so wee one will be 3 if it works and baby is born. Xx
Oh no cmo how upsetting, I'm so glad she's ok now poor little mite, Madeleine has her third lot this Thursday and I'm dreading it as usual, though last time the first one she took a few seconds to cry and didn't even cry much, actually thought the nurse hadn't done it then she was straight back to smiling so hope this time is the same!

Mrs w, we have 7 frosties so hopefully waxwork just as well fingers crossed

I'm feeding madeleine formula during the day and breastfeeding just from the evening after her bath around 6ish and through the night, sometimes once other twice a night
We still don't have much of a routine aside from she falls asleep between 7-8 in the evening then I do a nappy Change and dream feed around.9:30 and generally wakes up for a short feed at 2ish, sometimes again at 4ish then fully awake around 6ish when we get up
It's during the night can be different times but she's had a cough which hasn't helped her sleeping very well
Her reflux can still be quite bad sometimes, good and bad days but the anti reflux milk stays down better than mine

She's trying so hard to sort up, we got her a bumbo and activity try which h she loves as sits her up nicely
She' funny though always smiling at whoever talks to her

I haven't got much 3-6 clothes for some reason so got a few new bits to keep us going and for the holiday then done an online shop of 6-9 months so we're not short for the next stage! I didn't get everything all summery though as I want it to be suitable for the late summer/autumn too when it's a bit cooler so got things like dungaree in shorts style that tights can be added to when it's cooler, leggings and tops with long sleeves so she's covered from the sun, buying baby clothes is so addictive, I think it's cuter when they're a bit bigger and you can see their clothes better, Madeleine is always covered with a giant bib!

How are our pregnant ladies?

Hope everyone has had a happy easter
Hi Ladies!!! I am so happy to see the thread is still alive!!

Hi to all the preggo and new ladies. Mrs. W!!! So so so happy to see you hear. Tell Mo to get on this thread so I can stalk everyone just once ahhaha.

Sorry I've been MIA for...ohh..forever! :D. The twins keep us on our toes. Just when we thought we got their schedule down, they decided to give it a little twist. Running on 4 hour (noncontinuous) sleep for the past 3 days. Yuck! Otherwise, they are growing. No longer premies for sure. Can't believe they will be 1 in 3 months!!

The twins started solid food since January, and were doing well until a few days ago. Otherwise, they were sleeping through the night at 6 months old. But the first 4 months (not counting the 2 months they were in the NICU), it was pretty brutal. Luckily, my mom and aunt came over to help us with the babies. I was thinking of being a stay at home mom but DH convinced me to look at a couple of daycare. I saw that I couldn't give them certain things. So we decided to do home daycare instead. They are happy there now :). I went back to work in December. Booo..So now between crazy work and taking care of the twins, I barely have time for BnB.

It's good to see that everyone is doing well. Star, our babies have the same name. Mine is Madeline and Meredith.

Now that I am semi caught up, I have to get back to work. Will catch up with everyone later! Btw, adorable babies ladies!

Ash, congrats on the twins! Get ready for the roller coaster ride :D.
Ahh good to hear from you ilt, I love the name! And meredith :)
Cannot believe the twins will be 1 in 3 months, it's crazy how fast it goes

Spoke to dietician yesterday who advised to start weaning madeleine because of reflux so she has had a few teaspoons of cauliflower cheese (from a jar for now as wanted to do baby ld weaning when shes old enough) She seemed to enjoy it and she didn't need her second bottle of milk as soon as she normally would do, fingers crossed it helps!
Thanks ilt, lovely to hear from you! Love the twins names and so wonderful to hear how well they are doing! Life must be a whirlwind just now but keep in touch when you can xx

Star weaning is a lovely stage! I'm sure you will love seeing her face as she tries new things!

Afm, we had our 20 week scan today and it is with HUGE relief that I can say all was fine! She saw no markers or issues at all, just a happy, healthy baby and we are having a BOY!! I can't believe it, so we will have one of each!! Went out after and got him a baby gro to wear home from hospital from jojo maman Bebe and a gorgeous giant muslin with blue elephants on and his first teddy which is a giraffe. After 2 years of heartbreak and worry followed by our bfp and then 4 months of worry, anxiety and tears I finally feel like a weight has been lifted. I think I am going to have a baby ladies!!!!!!!! We are on top of the world.
So pleased for you Mrs w, not that I doubted all wouldn't be fine but I'm happy you feel relieved and can enjoy your pregnancy! Xx
Hey star! We're good. How are u? LO is becoming more of a madam everyday. She loves being held and she knows that if she cries we pick her up so she's playing on it and loving all the cuddles and attention (wouldn't have it any other way if I'm honest lol)

Ilt it's so good to hear from you! Glad the girls are doing well. I can't believe they'll be a year old soon!

Hope everyone is doing well.

Has anyone thought about weaning yet?
Congrats MrsW!!! Eek! So happy for you!
ILT - sounds like you have your hands full. So glad they're doing well. :)

oops was going to write more but the little one just woke up!

In Ontario (Canada) - we have to see our specialist within a year, otherwise we need a new referral from our family doc. So I stopped in to talk about the potential for baby #2. We just got government funded IVF - not sure how long it'll last, but we're on the list. One year wait. Also did AMH test - low fertility... boo. I'm 32. Anyone else thinking of the next? Sadly no frosties from the last 10 eggs retrieved, 4 mature, 2 fertilized, 1 made it through the night. 3dt.
Hi rosina, sorry about the amh results, good you can get funding though so hope it all works out for you
We're thinking of doing a fet as soon as I have had 2 cycles, don't know when that will be, I'm only breastfeeding at night now and I will stop that in a months time after our holiday as want to be able to breastfeed on the plane, hopefully periods won't take too long to return but if past cycles are to.go by who knows!
Cmo, we've started weaning as advised by the dietician due to reflux, they did say possible milk allergy but both of us going dairy free didn't make a difference and the prescription milk.was too thin and wouldn't stay down, we're now on 24oz anti reflux milk a day with breastfeeding once after bath in the evening and through the night
She has pureed food once a day around lunchtime, we haven't increased this yet as taking it slow, the dietician said it can help with reflux
We've got an appointment with allergy clinic start of June, going to start baby led weaning at 6 months but so far she is loving the puree!
Have you thought about weaning yet?
Looks like I spoke too soon ladies, after is here, wasn't expecting that but luckily isn't as painful as I expected it to be, so much better than what it used to be (at the moment anyway!)
We've not started properly weaning yet but been giving her a little spoonful at meal times after her milk so she can get used to sitting in her high chair with us at dinner time. I felt so cruel just sitting her in it and her watching us eat. I got a few of the Ella's kitchen pouches and just froze tiny portions. She loves it! Think she's going to eat everything in sight!

I'm determined to start making my own stuff for her so bought the book last week and we'll start properly in the next few weeks. Everyone says I'm crazy and it will never last making my own but I'll give it a bash!

Hope everyone is ok!
You'll do great cmo making your own, I read someone just made their own reading the ingredients on the back of the ellas kitchen pack xx
Hi how is everyone and babies?

I went to clinic yesterday and got everything for fet #2
It won't be happening yet but I've signed consent forms and basically were ready to go when I'm ready, just have to call them a week before I want to start to order meds and get them delivered
If I do it before 29/09 I won't have to do all the blood tests again as they will still be in date, I was thinking Sept time anyway after the summer
I must be crazy but I waited so long for madeleine and I would love for her to have a brother or sister
And we never know if this will ever work again or when it will work but I would like to try :)
Star that's so exciting!!! I really hope it works for you, a small age gap will be hard work but so worth it, Madeleine would have a perfect little best buddy!! I'm looking forward to following when you do get started.

Cmo good luck weaning, it's so much fun! I did a mixture between making my own stuff and using the pouches so whatever works for you. I enjoyed making stuff myself aneed used pouches when we were out and about.

How's everyone else doing?

I'm plodding along, 23 weeks now. Had some spotting this week and midwife suspects it's due to my low lying placenta. She said to be prepared as I may have more bleeding and could be in and out of hospital if I do. It's made me feel anxious again, I so want to enjoy this pregnancy but so far, it's pretty hard work!
Thank you Mrs w, coming from a big family with 3 sisters and 1 brother I couldn't imagine her being an only child, my niece is 18 months old though so they will be close as I babysit 1-2 times a week while my sister works so can imagine how hard it will be full time Haha

Sorry to hear about the spotting but as long as bubs is OK, can't believe you're 23 weeks already!! Xx
Star that's so exciting!! We've got one frozen but think we'll leave it until 2018. That gives me a full year back at work so we can save again so I can take another full year off. We've only got the one though so would be a miracle if it worked and I always said I'd never do another cycle but we'll see if I change my mind when the time comes lol
Sounds like a good plan cmo, I don't think I would do a fresh cycle again, if my frosties didn't make it then it would just be us and madeleine which I am so happy with anyway xx

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