Gender disapointment...

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Be thankful to your pregnant.i think this should help by thinking that there's so many women who's struggling to get least your healthy to get pregnant

Not very helpful advice since it does not make a blind bit of difference when you feel the way you do. I wish women would be more understanding I mean if its okay for our partners/husband etc to want a boy or a girl why is not okay for us? because we are the baby machines we are supposed to be happy with whatever we pop out? no sorry.

I understand how you feel completely xloulabellex because I know i would feel the same if I find out we are having a boy too

<3 I hope you get what you want, however if you want to talk at all.. you know where I am :)

I am feeling alot more positive today which is good! I guess the idea of having a little mini-OH is helping alot xx
It's ok to grieve the girl you wanted to have. This is, probably, the last baby for us, so no chance of having a daughter. Only after I grieved the baby girl I'd never have did I find I could move on.

It still pangs me when friends announce they are having girls. I still get jealous. I'm still pissed my family don't give a shit about my unborn son because he's a boy. But I'll get over it, and so will you, I promise :)

Thank you :)

I guess grieving really DOES help get past it. <3
It's very true, when they arrive - the love knocks you over and you really don't care what bits they have! I have a girl, and she loves bladdddy Thomas the Tank and Chuggington, but she dresses like a little me. I had a HUGE row with a girl on a thread like this a few years ago. I had just lost a baby, and I really thought she was a selfish cow tbh - but I see it now! It's more than that, but it will go. It's hormones and expectations - trust me, your little boy will blow them out the water.

I'm sorry to hear about your loss <3

Thank you, bloody hormones hey!

Haha bless your little'un :) although i'l admit.. no idea what Chugginton is haha *blush* I guess i'll have to learn!
Don't worry, I even wanted a boy from the start and still felt a little disappointed when they confirmed my LO is a boy as then I realised I wasn't going to have a little girl in pretty pink dresses and to take shopping when she's older. I think maybe it's because it can only be one or the other that when you get told your baby's sex, even if it's the one you wanted, it's natural to feel sad about the other side, if you get what I'm tryin to say? Like the grass always seems greener on the other side? :hugs:
Don't worry, I even wanted a boy from the start and still felt a little disappointed when they confirmed my LO is a boy as then I realised I wasn't going to have a little girl in pretty pink dresses and to take shopping when she's older. I think maybe it's because it can only be one or the other that when you get told your baby's sex, even if it's the one you wanted, it's natural to feel sad about the other side, if you get what I'm tryin to say? Like the grass always seems greener on the other side? :hugs:

Yeh, that makes sense! It's like when I can't deicde between.. say.. sandwiches!! I finally pick one, start eating it and think "damn, wish I chosen the other"... haha!

Hey Hun. I think I will add my 2 cents. I got pregnant with my DS in dec 08. My mom wanted a girl and at first I did too. I knew because I wanted a girl so bad that it would turn out to be a boy. I even started calling the baby our son's name. It did come out to be a boy. I love him and honestly don't know what I would do without him.

This time around, everyone has put pressure on me to have a little girl. I am not getting worked up over it. I already have both names picked.

My son was a miracle baby. When he was born at 41 weeks, we didn't know anything was amiss. He was born not only with cord wrapped twice but also a true knot was soon discovered.

I think what you are feeling is normal especially since you had a gender preference. I don't know what else to say but hugs hun
I completely relate. When I was pregnant with my last baby, at the gender scan the sonographer said rather unprofessionally "there's a willy and a pair of goolies" and I was horrified. I kept it together in the scan room, no smiles from me though. As soon as we were out of the room I ran through the waiting room in floods of tears and locked myself in the toilet, I cried all the way home. Fortunately my partner was really understanding and supportive. I'd wanted a girl SO MUCH. It seemed as though everyone around me were having girls, even my OH's sister who was 2 weeks behind me. I too dislike boys clothes, they're all blue and grey and brown and gloomy. Even the clothes that have a lot of colour are also striped or trimmed with grey, there's also no selection.
I have to say though, that my little boy, now 15 months is the absolute light of my life. He's so sweet and gentle, and chilled out, while many of the little girls of the same age that we know are high maintenance, tantrum throwing little madams. My LO hasn't actually had a tantrum yet (so far). People kept telling me that girls were harder to raise (though obviously, all children are individuals and I'm pretty sure my sisters and I were good children). You can't change what your baby is and when he's here you won't want to. You'll love him so much and what's between his legs won't matter a bit.
So far as clothes are concerned, dress him in what you like! He'll be completely oblivious to society's expectations for the first couple of years. My LO wears plenty of pink, along with bright colours like red (lots of red), yellows etc, I rarely even glance at the boys section, some of his clothes have frills and the only blue thing he has is a vintage pale blue floral blouse, intended for a girl I think. It's my favourite item of clothing. I put tights on him, all from the girls section too.

With this baby, I am once again hoping for a girl, I'll be disappointed if its another boy, but not so much as I know what a pleasure little boys can be. I have a lot of girls clothes, including dresses, and if this baby is a boy he'll be wearing dresses for the first six months of his life, (it was once the norm for boys anyway, oh and btw, in the 17th century, pink was a boys colour, according to what society dictated at the time, the only way these trends change is by people refusing to be held by them and chossing to do things differently).
You don't have to introduce your child to transport vehicles, you don't have to adhere to societal rules about boys and girls toys, that's all rubbish anyway, children are genderless for the first couple of years. Go for unisex stuff.

Anyway, I've run on long enough. BTW I found it helpful to talk to people sympathetic to my feelings about my situation on a website called
Just another chipping in to say I understand how you feel, and don't feel bad for it.

I didn't realise how much I wanted a little girl until I became pregnant with my first. I thought that, with sod's law, it would be bound to be a boy, so I convinced myself that the baby would be a boy. I was completely blown away when I had my little girl and fell completely in love with her at first sight.

When I was pregnant second time round, I would have really liked another little girl, but was completely certain from early on that the baby was a boy. He was, and although I loved him as soon as I saw him, it wasn't the overwhelming, mind-blowing total love that it was when I saw my daughter (although the fact that he was early and a stupidly fast birth could have had something to do with it, as I was quite in shock). However, my love for him grew and grew, and there is now no difference between how much I love my boy and my girl. And to be honest, my little boy is so much easier than my daughter - she challenges me continually and doesn't give me a moments rest, whereas my little son loves me unconditionally, he plays by himself, is easier to second guess etc.

Hope that helps a bit.

Welly xxx

P.S. And, to be totally superficial, you can get the greatest cute stripey cardigans for little boys (look in Boots and John Lewis). Girls cardigans are pants!!
The moment you lay your eyes on that little boy you will forget all about the negative...and to be honest boys are less drama filled, and my boy is amazing, he has taught me patience and dinosaurs lol HE knows every dinosaurs name and teaches me, he loves to fish and explore outside, he is one of the greatest gifts I have ever recieved, and so is my little girl. Both genders have their moments of better than the other, but just remember this baby is part of you, and will love you the same as if it were a girl... hormones suck but you will get better with it oh and did I mention, hats, bowties, and little aviator sunglasses are SOOO worth having a boy :)
I completely relate. When I was pregnant with my last baby, at the gender scan the sonographer said rather unprofessionally "there's a willy and a pair of goolies" and I was horrified. I kept it together in the scan room, no smiles from me though. As soon as we were out of the room I ran through the waiting room in floods of tears and locked myself in the toilet, I cried all the way home. Fortunately my partner was really understanding and supportive. I'd wanted a girl SO MUCH. It seemed as though everyone around me were having girls, even my OH's sister who was 2 weeks behind me. I too dislike boys clothes, they're all blue and grey and brown and gloomy. Even the clothes that have a lot of colour are also striped or trimmed with grey, there's also no selection.
I have to say though, that my little boy, now 15 months is the absolute light of my life. He's so sweet and gentle, and chilled out, while many of the little girls of the same age that we know are high maintenance, tantrum throwing little madams. My LO hasn't actually had a tantrum yet (so far). People kept telling me that girls were harder to raise (though obviously, all children are individuals and I'm pretty sure my sisters and I were good children). You can't change what your baby is and when he's here you won't want to. You'll love him so much and what's between his legs won't matter a bit.
So far as clothes are concerned, dress him in what you like! He'll be completely oblivious to society's expectations for the first couple of years. My LO wears plenty of pink, along with bright colours like red (lots of red), yellows etc, I rarely even glance at the boys section, some of his clothes have frills and the only blue thing he has is a vintage pale blue floral blouse, intended for a girl I think. It's my favourite item of clothing. I put tights on him, all from the girls section too.

With this baby, I am once again hoping for a girl, I'll be disappointed if its another boy, but not so much as I know what a pleasure little boys can be. I have a lot of girls clothes, including dresses, and if this baby is a boy he'll be wearing dresses for the first six months of his life, (it was once the norm for boys anyway, oh and btw, in the 17th century, pink was a boys colour, according to what society dictated at the time, the only way these trends change is by people refusing to be held by them and chossing to do things differently).
You don't have to introduce your child to transport vehicles, you don't have to adhere to societal rules about boys and girls toys, that's all rubbish anyway, children are genderless for the first couple of years. Go for unisex stuff.

Anyway, I've run on long enough. BTW I found it helpful to talk to people sympathetic to my feelings about my situation on a website called

Thank you so much for your input, I appreciate it. And it's great to know i'm not alone.

I gues you're right, they ARE genderless for first couple of years..

The Ingender website keeps crashing on me for some stupid reason but i'll keep trying.

Just another chipping in to say I understand how you feel, and don't feel bad for it.

I didn't realise how much I wanted a little girl until I became pregnant with my first. I thought that, with sod's law, it would be bound to be a boy, so I convinced myself that the baby would be a boy. I was completely blown away when I had my little girl and fell completely in love with her at first sight.

When I was pregnant second time round, I would have really liked another little girl, but was completely certain from early on that the baby was a boy. He was, and although I loved him as soon as I saw him, it wasn't the overwhelming, mind-blowing total love that it was when I saw my daughter (although the fact that he was early and a stupidly fast birth could have had something to do with it, as I was quite in shock). However, my love for him grew and grew, and there is now no difference between how much I love my boy and my girl. And to be honest, my little boy is so much easier than my daughter - she challenges me continually and doesn't give me a moments rest, whereas my little son loves me unconditionally, he plays by himself, is easier to second guess etc.

Hope that helps a bit.

Welly xxx

P.S. And, to be totally superficial, you can get the greatest cute stripey cardigans for little boys (look in Boots and John Lewis). Girls cardigans are pants!!

Aww i'll have to have a look! Thank you sweetie, I 've heard they are easier so i'm pinning hope on that. <3 thank you fior your words xx
Hey Hun. I think I will add my 2 cents. I got pregnant with my DS in dec 08. My mom wanted a girl and at first I did too. I knew because I wanted a girl so bad that it would turn out to be a boy. I even started calling the baby our son's name. It did come out to be a boy. I love him and honestly don't know what I would do without him.

This time around, everyone has put pressure on me to have a little girl. I am not getting worked up over it. I already have both names picked.

My son was a miracle baby. When he was born at 41 weeks, we didn't know anything was amiss. He was born not only with cord wrapped twice but also a true knot was soon discovered.

I think what you are feeling is normal especially since you had a gender preference. I don't know what else to say but hugs hun

So glad to hear your son is okay!!

Thank you, *hugs back*
Huge hugs from me, I can only say I feel I'm going to be in the same boat as you.... You basically just described future me in your post (if I'm having a boy) I've always wanted a baby girl and I can feel I'm going to be gutted if the little one's a boy (although happy for a healthy child), but we have to smile and just think, next time may be the time to have a little girl! :D
love and light,
Lola xXx
I came across this thread and i just wanted to say that i dont undestand how you feel but i can tell you this....regardless of gender the FEELING you will have when he is brn will be overwhelming.

you wont want him out of your sight, you'll be checking his breathign 100 times a night and you'll never put him down. he clasps his tiny hand around your finger, and does a huge yawn against your chest you'll cry untill you cant cry any more with love.

i have never, in all my life, loved anything as much as i love my son, and hes the most precious and wonderful thing in my life. I wasnt trying for a baby he was a suprise. and i wish SO SO MUCH that i had taken the time to just enjoy my pregnancy knowing i would love him when he was born, instead of worrying if i wont.

i wasted my beautiful baby boys pregnancy being preoccuiped worrying about money and possesions and crap when i should of been cherishing his every movement, and putting headphones on my belly and letting him here it, talking to him more and singing off tune to him while i showered...i didnt, its my biggest regret.

i PROMISE you this...when hes born, nothing else in this world will matter.not even the fact that hes a boy.
I very rarely talk about my gender disapointment on here because majority of the lovely ladies on here havent experienced GD. And this subject is always so heated.
I think people get confused about it all. Your mourning for the little girl you so always wanted. And which you still might get in the future!! Your not sad about having a son, but the girl you didnt/haven't got yet!
Does that make any sense? is another site to look on. But ingender seems to have a lot more information, but there's so many dam bugs on it, sometimes all you seem to get all the time are the monkeys lol.

When your little boy comes into this world. Your disapointment will all but of disappeared!!
As soon as I saw my daughter, it was just amazing and I know with my second daughter it will be the same. :)
Whilst some people may not understand your feelings it doesn't mean they're not valid and recognising this is the first step in dealing with them.

I think PepsiChic is spot on with what she said about enjoying your pregnancy, this is such a precious time in your life that can never be repeated. Enjoy every minute of it, all the kicks, somersaults and hiccups because he is your baby, no-one else can, or ever will, feel him moving inside of them and this is something to be treasured.

I had no preference regarding gender and when my son was born I was so overwhelmed I forgot to even ask what he was, thats how unimportant it is at that moment! He is a complete mummys boy and I love it. He is the light of my life and I wouldn't change him for all the girls in the world :)
Aww... I know what you mean... we are ALL wanting a girl in my family, but we're going to find out the gender today and I feel 100% sure it's going to be a boy (there are about four reasons I think this)... and I'll be 41 when this baby is born, so it may be my only shot!! :(

If it's any consolation, everyone I know who wanted a girl but got a boy, fell in LOVE after their baby was here and can't believe they ever were disappointed. I'm hoping that is the case!!
Just wanted to give my support. I haven't got any experience, but I am so sure that what the lovely ladies say that once that boy is in your arms, everything else will come into place. But don't feel bad or guilty, you can't help how you feel! It doesn't make you a monster or a bad person! Big hugs, I am sure everything will be fine :hugs: :hugs:
I have to be honest with you, I totally don't relate to this!! BUT I certainly don't judge you for it, or think that your feelings arent justified.

I wanted a boy with my first and got one, and this time around I don't care what I have. The fact that you wanted a girl so bad and got a boy is a legitimate reason to be upset. I may not understand how your feeling, but please know that what previous posters have said about loving your child as soon as you see that precious little boy is completely true. I promise you, when you look back, you may always want that little girl, but you'll love that sweet baby boy more and more each day.

Don't be so hard on yourself. :hugs:
Big :hugs:

I have 4 younger sisters and 2 younger brother..but I have never met my brothers. I grew up in a house of girls. I've changed girls nappies, played girls games.
When I was pregnant with Liam I really wanted a girl. It would have been MIL's first grandaughter so I felt a bit pressured. I had a 4d scan at 27 weeks and when the sonographer said he was a boy I felt gutted. When I was alone I had a good cry. How the hell was I going to look after a boy?
But now, I wouldn't change him for the world. He's so loving and cheeky and not one day has gone by in his life that he hasn't made me laugh. He is such a character. Watching him play fight with his daddy, sitting on the floor whizzing cars to each other...he is perfect in everyway.

I'm now pregnant with a little girl. At my 16 week gender scan, when the sonographer said girl I was soo happy. I wouldn't have minded another boy at all, but this is our last LO (and I'm only 19 :cry:) so it makes it a little extra special to know our family is complete with one of each. My little girl will have an amazing big brother to protect her from filthy teen boys. I'm soo glad I had a little boy first to protect his little sister.

Give yourself time to accept your little boy. By the time your due you'll be so anxious to meet him that you'll forget all about your gender dissapointment. It may not stop you from wanting a girl in the future, but you'll never wish that your boy was a girl.
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