General chatter while we wait (and commentary on the "pull out method")

Not happening tonight. I'm too achey and potentially feverish. Very frustrated with my body right now.

J, wtf?! THE STARS MUST ALIGN, DAMN IT! You didn't get all that hair off for nothin'!

Ok guys, send me positive ovulation juju for tomorrow!
And just as she lay literally slipping away with each pained breath....JLM stretched out her hand, and begged one of her TTC Sisters to please save ...the Preciooooussssss ( oh wait that's Lord of the Rings):dohh:

The light of the final tunnel narrowing....A final dim glimmer left in her eye
:thumbup:Houston....we have reached FULL FERNING

She shakes her fist angrily at the sky LIVE damn you!!:sadangel::haha:
Yes I am being MAJORLY dramatic...but I am hurting!!!:brat:
HOW are we all SO close and falling apart????

Ok, sweet talk mr. Pickle.

Bring him beer and chips and chocolate.

Give him a rub down....then give him a RUB down :winkwink:

This must happen! I need an official tww buddy! Yes i'm selfish!
Headache is down from a 15 lol to about 8...
I def want it to work ...He says he will call when off work...I think I will just head that way so if he tries to cancel I'll be like :saywhat: Dude I am already over here !!
Ugh so irritated as he starts his day at 5, and if not off till 8 thats already a 15 hr day...then I also have to wait for his daughter to be she doesn't come a knocking:blush:
her room is literally across the hall from his...Dude I just want to hit it and Run lol
I like that idea Gigs, J did you take him chips, beer & choccies hehe! I hope he gave in to your irresistable charms J, nothing worse than shaving it all & nothing uhh! I have a great 'ecard' for that but cant post pics grrr!!! It was something along the lines of, 'i shaved my legs & fanny & all he wanted to do was watch f**king DVD's' hahaa!! He starts work at 5! Thats about the time my alarm went off this morning zzzzZ!!! Its 0632 now & im in kitchen catching up on b&b chat ha ha!
Thx Claire! I do need some humor before bed
Project Pickle poke=pitiful:roll:

Lets see successes-
Hair beautifully done the way he likes :thumbup:
Nails painted, and feet well pedicured :thumbup:
90% of Nether Hair removed, and legs etc :thumbup:
Wore the shirt and jeans he liked when we first met :thumbup:
Makeup well done , but not too much :thumbup:
And finally my signature cologne he like applied to all fav spots - even endured the pure alcohol burning of it on the lady area - freshly burned by nair :shock::thumbup:
Arrived close to but not at his home, and waited the extra hour he was late :thumbup:

Now, we begin the downward portion of the mission going from fab to flames...
He opens the door and walks away on a work call :huh:
I kept a polite smile and waited a couple minutes, and finally went to the restroom.

He finishes his call, and immediately states "I gonna watch some movies and go to bed- I am ignoring this, as yes he had a loong day, and figure I can jump him before he falls asleep.

I position my self on the couch in a pre snuggle position, maintaining proper smile, and give him a bigger smile as he sits... AT THE OTHER END of the couch:saywhat:

OK I nonchalantly move closer in a couple mins - don't want to seem too eager right?:shrug:

His daughter comes racing straight to me, HUGE grin, and telling me about her day, and SHE immed snuggles on my other side...brief chat about her day.:friends:

Sooo, now he starts the movie Ted2- horribly inappropriate but hilarious humor, made quite awkward as his daughter is still there, (I am rubbing his back and head with free arm as he continues melting into said couch.
Due to very adult humor and language in the movie he stopped it and sent her to bed. We REstart the movie, and I am awkwardly squirming at scenes where a woman wants to get pregnant:blush: and ALSO a scene where they SPILL semen cups all over one character:blush:

The movie stopped working for some reason- He has been falling asleep anyhow, and I suggest "Why don't we go upstairs?" :winkwink:
He says Naw...I'm putting in another -Black Mass...Awesome gangster movie.
:trouble: Not FIVE mins in he is sleeping - so I playfully poke him and kiss him on the neck :thumbup: which he laughs and swears again he isn't going to sleep??

This continued for a bit, and I was debating letting him sleep and :sex: later, or be more was already midnight- so aggressive.
I hey sleepy head, and pull on his toe (curled up on the couch)
He says "I got something ELSE you can pull.."
I say Oh yea, and when I lean in to kiss him, gently holding his chin, he TURNS HIS FACE AWAY!!!! WTF Flag on the damn field!!!:growlmad::yellowcard:
Now I'm irritated but figure I'll let him keep dozing in and out.
I continued holding one hand offering to let him lay down and playing with his TWO am he promptly wakes from his catnapping
Stops the movie and says "I'm going upstairs to get to bed"
And OFF he went walking upstairs, not waiting for me to come:shrug:
So I tagged behind and once up there feeling QUITE awkward:blush:
He simply stands there and stares at me ...Like when you TRY to give someone a hint to leave???:growlmad:
So i tell him - I know you need your sleep babe, I'm gonna let you sleep cuz I will only wake him up leaving before he has to..."
To which he give me a blank stare - and says it's whatever...WTF
:trouble: So NOW I walk right up and ask Why are you acting weird
and he replies He's not So like two kids Yes you are, no i'm not.
But EVERY time he looked AWAY- couldn't look me in the eye ](*,)](*,)
So I again politely said he needed some sleep and I would see him later..
NOT the way I expected AT ALLLL!. He did sheepishly walk me to the door, and my car....where he is suddenly very chatty about trivial things:dohh:
I again go to hug goodbye and a peck and he was very stiff about it:growlmad: WTF again.
So I kept it ladylike and told him I know your tired and stressed, but relax lol...get some sleep. 2nd hug MUCH better.
In the car I send a kiss emoticon and repeated get some sleep.
This is where Bad went to worse sigh
He starts a texting frenzy- starting with
"I need some help lol" I say " I would just keep you up lol, goto sleep"
He then replies "Yea you probably couldn't get it to go down"
Reiterating why this is like a bitchslap to my face- He has gone 2 hours before and NOT finished...But him saying that to me was like it was an insult- like I am not able to please a man enough:trouble:
Oh uh uh
I tried to keep my replies light but ended up going back to him being weird all of a sudden- which he still denies.
I got home at 2am, it's almost 4am and I am still seeething.
Mission Failed and I don't know I want to bother trying again tonight- so I am OUT this cycle:hissy::finger:
Wow. WOW. Wtf is his deal?!is this guy worth it, J? He seems like a bit of a prick...well at least he certainly acted like that last,night. I mean maaayyybe the comment was a challenge, not an insult...just trying to give him the benefit of the doubt...but why was he being so weird and aloof?

I mean, maybe there's a reason he's got two failed marriages under his belt....?
OMG & what the actual f**k!? I think you really need to ask him bluntly what his issue is or if he is still intrested in the relationship thing.. I know its difficult when you really like someone but in the beginning (even when ya tired) it should be all excitement & humps :shrug:.. & the fact he cant look you in the eye for straight answers would really make me snap, you are very calm with him, i think i wouldve blurted something out :-/ maybe the text comment was meaning how horny he felt? But then why wouldnt he put out??.. Frustration probs doesnt cover it!
Ugh tossed and turned alllll F-ing night- sleep pill did not work at all :growlmad:
Ugh I am honestly starting to think his "performance" issue of lasting a looonnnng time, since his motorcycle accident is either
1- due to pain pills for his neck/back injuries
2- :blush: perhaps it's a combo of being 44, and his injuries, because he is very open that he has alot of sex drive, and DEF can "rise" to the occassion but he doesn't have as much sensation as before the accident- thus hours of sex without an ending most times sigh

I have snooped around and not seen ANY prescript pain pills, so I HOPE that isn't the issue as I will def put his ass on the curb!
And honestly he doesn't act high or like a pain pill user - trust me :roll:
I saw hundreds working in the med field, and volunteering at rehab etc.

I honestly think he has nerve/sensitivity issues, and I'm sure it hurts his ego, even tho I said I understand, and obvi there are medical things that may help...

:brat: I really like him and he is definitely interested, so I think he is kinda pushing me away.

I just REALLY want my baby dream, and am REALLY torn whether or not to bring up a donor- I know he would flip the hell out as he is very much a "macho" guy with NO tolerance for "cheating/sharing"
I know he wouldn't feel ok with me getting preggo from another guy.

:shrug: Honestly as he agreed to NTNP, I think he is being distant because he knows he may not be able to make my baby dream happen AND we def can't afford the IVF route...our insur doesn't even cover it :cry:
Claire forgot to answer you...He is super lovey dovey when out and about even with his daughter sitting on the couch watching movies together etc, but the MINUTE he sent her to bed he got very blah.

It def seems like he feels pressured to perform, since he get kinda frigid once we are alone. Remember he was back to normal once I was walking out lmao :hissy:
Yes I am being VERY calm with him because it is as tho he is trying to make ME say F U and walk away- then he can still be manly and blame the breakup on me.
I'm sorry J. Maybe this weekend when he isn't working like a mad man you could have a talk with him. Maybe don't bring up baby just try to figure out why he's pushing you away and more about his problems. Is he willing to see a doctor?

Afm- I feel like crap. I can't really explain it but my stomach hurts. Sorta like cramps sorta not. Also have been bleeding this morning for a little longer than normal. I haven't been worried at all since the first time but I'm starting to now. I know try not to. I'm trying to stay calm and relaxed so I'm working from home today to try to feel better.
Oh gosh MrsG :hugs:
Hoping it is just growing pains! Try to rest up tho and water water water

He is a very proud man, so me thinks agreeing to NTNP, has hit him now that he may not be able to achieve something for once. And yes he has been to several docs since 2007...he even showed me all the lovely penis pics:blush: of the testing etc lol
Rods poking and prodding.
Each doctor has simply said it's likely nerve related, which I get- he seriously broke his back, ribs, neck etc! Coma and all - amazing recovery for so much- seen all those docs and ugly pics and scars:shock:
I read up on it tho and male infertility, urology etc- all guys with similar probs the studies say if they can get it up - even with less sensation, they should MENTALLY visually etc be able to "finish"
I mean men who can't get erections can finish just getting mentally turned up!

I'll broach the subject of seeing him later tonight- so if he say no...I'm gonna play it cool.
Just back off, and maybe he will get relaxed again and Chase me again :dog: lol
Proper response later...for now, this is where i'm at.

My photo didn't show :( "not sure if ewcm or leftover seminal fluid"

Ok J, makes more sense now. He's being sensitive about his issue....maybe his "you couldn't get it back down" comment was a self pity comment. Lots of things to be read there....but glad he is definitely interested. Maybe he's subconsciously pushing you away as a test?

Mrs, so sorry to read that! Bleeding is always scary, but often nothing. Hope it stops and everything is just fine!
Completely makes a bit more sense J when its put like that, maybe the pressures on him to perform as you say.. Completely forgot about his accident.. Are you guys able to get away for an eve without the squiggles to have some snuggley comfort cuddles to chill out & take his mind of the pressure poss.. If you see him this eve hope its less stressful for you guys :)

Oh no Mrs G.. Hopefully its nothing & all the stretching in there is causing some spotting, very common but still horrible to endure

Gigs you able to re upload that pic? Had you recently had jiggys then? My SO's fluid has always been quite watery, fingers crossed its ewcm, had anymore of it?
I literally got ONE hour of sleep last night, and have been driving from place to place ALL damn day and the minute I get in the fricking door my :jo:mother is pissing me off asking me THE SAME questions OVER and OVER and OVER!!!:hissy:
I get that she is 74 and losing it and not admitting it - but how many Fing times do I have to repeat YES I will get you a subway sandwich for dinner, YES I know what you want you get the SAME sandwich everrrryy week:growlmad:
Then in 2 minutes Ok I wrote it down:dohh:
I knowwww I get it, I just want to sit down before my next errand run and EAT for the first
Then she proceeds to READ me every frickin ingredient....arggghhhh!!
Then AGAIN she come to my room to tell me where she PUT the order she wrote!!!
I'm gonna frickin lose it!!
Thirty minutes straight now....:ignore:
To top that off I just did a SEVEN hour pee hold just to do a repeat opk
and the LAST thing I want is nagging:hissy: opk is already neg :cry:
No sleep, holding pee 7 hrs and NO food are not a good mix with a nagging mom:trouble:
I want to yell WOMAN I am literally missing a ttc cycle and you are nagging about a damn sandwich???:gun: back away from my door....
(Thank you for letting me rant, so I don't go to jail:haha:)
Not since this morning. I'll see what tomorrow brings... Grrrrrrr all i can do is growl. Oh and yes, :sex: this morning and the previous two mornings :thumbup: not sure if it'll do me any good though, seeing as i have no idea if i'm going to ovulate any time soon :(
Ahhh J wth?! Guess you can't very well tell mom to shove it but.....
Feel your pain & frustration J, my Dad had senile dementia, grr & stressy at times! Oh noooo your opk neg :( that happened rather quickly.. Depending on when you ovulated though say it was earlier today or this morning, 12 hrs later.. Still can catch it maybe?

Keep humping Gigs, more girly sperms left up there swimming aboot for that egg :thumbup:

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