Oh noooo!
MrsG!! omg ....I am so so sorry
Gigs Excellent news lady- jump on him later today!
AFM - I am so fricking stressed and aggravated to miss my this cycle by 1 day bcuz SO couldn't stick to what he said, and NOW he has yet to reply STILL to ystrdys question I can come over tonight and hang with him and his daughter

Seriously, it's a simple yes/no...I sent him and ultimatum

I told him I'm not trying to bug you but if you don't want to be in a relationship Let me know and I will stop bugging you.
I'm over it seriously. I realize he literally has 14-16 hour work days mon-fri, but WTF

If you have time in the morning to post shit on facebook in the morning and evening- then you can F*@king answer the simple question.
I don't even care if he wants to end it at this point bcuz he has been such an ass the last cpl days, but I feel so so bad for his daughter, as she asked me the other night if I will be at her bday party next week and I told her "Of Course!"
I even have her gifts and all...When I DON'T show I'm sure He will tell her some BS about me bailing- and that pisses me off even more.
Will see how it goes, cuz I am NOT gonna let him smear her image of me.
I think she got so attached bcuz her mom is gone

F him ... if we break up, I know he leaves his car unlocked, I'll fricking leave her gift in there - or have his brother give it to her
I'm crampy as hell, cervix is moving again, firm and closing up...this day is sucking ass so far