Gigs Excellent information you shared. I think ALL of us have some point in life that we want to hit the "end game" button. And you are so so right about how what we or someone else goes thru - may be meant to be- so that we can give another inspiration, wisdom, and hope later in long as we persevere, and don't decide to end our own journeys.
I had a man I fell for years ago, a coworker, and fell HARD for him. He was "That guy" that EVERY woman at work was crazy for, and they all tripped over themselves trying to get his attention. I too found him AMAZINGLY attractive, but didn't even Think we had a chance, and NEVER tried to get him.
Well imagine my shock, when he came after ME! He initiated the relationship and I was absolutely on

, and thought life was as Great as it could be. Well fast forward a couple months, and I was
blindsided when he invited me over only to tell me he was ditching me and our REALLY great relationship - to return to druggy, cheating Ex!?
He was a Nurse, I was a Paramedic, and she was a cokehead slut..
I was DEVASTATED and felt in that moment I was literally not as worthy as a lowlife cheating druggy. Not to mention ALL the ladies at workwhispered and gossiped and giggled - I am sure out of jealousy that I had ever been the one he chose.
I literally went from Super confident and secure of who I was to questioning if I had EVER been ANY of those things.
Well my point is that was
NINE years ago. I went thru a Horrible depression then, and drank and drank every night after work to dull the pain - not caring if I woke up the next day

Eventually I got past it- even got a tattoo to symbolize "Queen" to remind myself to NEVER let a man devastate me like that again, nor treat me badly. I even had to SEE this man every night at work, and work together acting like I was OK, and he KEPT talking to me with general was HARD.
My point is I was past all of that silliness and looking back Why the F*CK had I ever let him affect me so much?? I saw him a cpl years ago, even went out to lunch with him- He is now fat, has no ambition, and a gambling addiction, and is divorced from the druggy girl. LOL

Felt SO good to see the Karma Bitch slap he had gotten...
Well Fast fwd again to my life now, and I TOTALLY did not see it yesterday, when my recent SO put me thru this crap the last few days - I was pissed, and aggravated, but once I read his "post" on facebook that he wasn't seeing anyone- I was DEVASTATED again - to be classed as non existent after all we have been doing together the last few months. I LITERALLY sat on my bathroom floor and sobbed, that deep gut wrenching CRY just like NINE years ago, my heart was hurting SO badly, and then I felt SO stupid again.
It was a rough day- especially since he kept texting things that made me feel even lower- like he had no clue WHY I ever thought we were really together.
Still hurts now when I type I am crying.
BUT - my tattoo and the fact that Dobby- who is going thru Sooo much pain of her own- took the time to come from lurking to make a post for me:

It literally was the Reality Check I needed to STOP letting him hold me back yesterday from the goals and dreams I share with ALL of you ladies
Sorry for the loonng post- but I agree with Gigs- sometimes the gutwrenching PAIN that almost ends us, is the SPARK to SAVE someone else from their end!
So yes
Claire it may be too late but I DID get out of my misery, and forced myself to NOT give up, and met the donor last night.
I am 100% happier today than yestrday, and once again have HOPE and am again wondering

WHY did this Man hold sooo much power in determining who I am yesterday??? - he is that sad pitiful man from years ago

I feel GREAT today- Thx to Dobs and MrsG with all their sorrow- taking time to support ME, and all you other lovely ladies

You al!