Oh and Sorry you are the dumping zone for your man's stress,,,I swear men don't know the difference between VENTing to us and being A holes bcuz they are stressed or pissy- I know that is 100% of the reason my recent SO was being such a shitt, he has a total Win/Lose custody court date in 2 weeks, and there is a 50/50 chance his daughter may go with her mom to Nebraska...which for those not IN the US, is NOT anywhere near central Florida

I get it I really do, but he def took his "stress" out the wrong way.
If his daughter is awarded to mom ( who is married to a military career man), he will likely only see his daughter 1-2 weeks per year, due to not being able to afford the travel/flight expenses and time off work.
Obvi he has a wee bit of ego hit over his ex "moving up" in his view, and thinks the court may see them as more stable and military being more respected than a truck mechanic bla bla...
So Nooowww I understand why mom up and moved and left the daughter a couple months ago- they had mandatory military move orders

I am a military kid and my mom stayed behind and dad moved earlier than us alot when things had to be handled, but apparently she thought she could just take her , and he filed an emerg. hearing which is how he got full temp custody now (takes a breath before continuing)
I get why he is freaking the F out- as he has never been away from daughter, and they have always been in FL, but pffftt

I am NOT his dumping zone.
I told him last txt ystrdy- handle your court stuff and find out what you are doing, I'm out!
I'm sure I will hear from him again but I said No Dice

He needs to handle his baggage before even thinking about trying to talk to me...Not to mention I used the Donor Pickle Juice last night- and I am not mixing my TWW stress with anyone else's BS