BreeaaI am so so sorry sweetie

I've had 3 in a row of these since July...That's why this time I think I am not even gonna bother $tests until I'm at least a day late. It is rough to see no lines for a year, but even worse to see a line start then fade
MrsG I am really sorry you have to travel at this time...I hope things let up for you!

And you aren't complaining, just sharing your feelings, which I am glad we can all do here without judgment. Sorry for your travel hassles lol Hope you make it all safe n sound and unstressed!
ClaireYou sexy minx! I have a coupole tats, but from what I hear, side areas HURT!

I have wrists, hip, belly, and back of neck, but lower Back :shock/;

OMG painful, as it went right over spine, and I had NO fat then!!!!
I still would like a nice hindi Henna type design right up my spine....

Best invest in some liquor beforehand
AFM I am a glutton for punishment

Spent the WHOLE afternoon on playdate with kiddies Mine and My ex from 2007 who is still my best friend- park, lunch, then another play area.
All I could do was stare at him. Didn't help a man at the play area told me "You two have Beautiful children!"

I just was dreaming of what it would have been like had it worked between us...So bummed out!
I wouldn't have stayed in relationship as he was very much a flirty cheater then, but now he is "middle aged" and very much a domestic hubby

I just keep thinking WHY the hell couldn't yoou do this a year sooner??? We sould have been together 8 yrs now.
I do still value that we ARE best friends still- and for those that do not know, he his the "standby" hook-up guy in my life. He and his wife have a VERY odd relationship- stay apart frequently and she knows he goes out to eat/dance etc with me???
Kind of a weird open relationship, but she is VERY uninterested in sex, and surely can't be ignorant. She is very sweet but ENCOURAGES me to go places with him alone, into their bedroom when she isn't there etc???

Very weird, it's almost like she encourages him to "hang out" with me on overnight fishing trips etc...NO IDEA wth it's about. I do know some ppl get off on that, but

I won't lie and say we haven't hooked up here and there the last 7 yrs when I have been single- as I DO NOT cheat when dating someone.

and being totally honest, we met the night I got donor goods

so secretly wishing I could be preggo by him instead, but he is a PULL out control master

We are CRAZY sexual compatible, and in 90%b other things.
I def would NEVER EVER EVER say anything even if it happened, so not to break up their marriage...tho it is a VERY weird one...sigh
Anyhow...We shall see if I even get a BFP, then I can stress that point.
But it was a nice day overall- with DS running to him, and his girls running to me lol.
His wifey knew we were out, and told him to take me to lunch with DS???WTF
She is def a diff species than I am- no sharing for me hehe
I did ask him long ago to be my donor, and he agreed so long as not a Boy

because he has 3 girls ( 5 girls if you include the 2 step kiddos) - so he really wants a boy....OK slinking off to the WTH were you thinking corner...