Mornin Ladies
Claire By that temp jump looks like your eggy popped yesterday!

As for kitty petting

blush: thought you meant something else first lol) The old man lives in the kitchen/breakfast nook, and the siamese "live" in my son's room - literally. They only come out to eat and potty- my litterbox is on the screen porch and they go thru a dog door to access it. Rarely they nap hugging each other on the back porch- very cute!
GigsHere is the url for the link to Dog Whisperer...No idea why it won't just post the link instead of embed

You can copy/paste the link below**Just take out the spaces I put into the https part:
h t t p s://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=nmGKtby43Oc
Very cool you have an uncommon

breed! I love that. AmStaffs are awesome- very silly and playful, good protectors for home and LOVE kids- mine used to lick my cat all the time, and the neighbors calves thru the fence- we used to say he was "tasting" them lol. I had chihuahua pups then too, and he was very gentle with the little 3 lbers.
As for kitties- they are much like dogs with VERY diff personalities by breed. You may be able to sway Hubs into a

by getting a rare breed like the Ocicats or Bengals?? Siamese are very long lived (21yr old one nearby) and they "act like dogs" Very social, and curious, and so far mine love to play in water. LOL just had an image of a cat in one of your ducky pools!
As for adopting mine- they came fixed and chipped, but not declawed. I would never have declawed if they were not INDOOR only cats. They destroyed a couch, but honestly, they took the declaw no prob- no limp or anything. They still "claw" the couch when they stretch
For comparison, I was in awe the first few shows I went to and saw Dobermans with these NUB nails that were nowhere near the floor

very neat clean looking foot...Turns out when they are young, while ears/tail are done and sedated, the vet clips the nails ALL the way back near toe, and cauterizes to prevent bleed. This prevents the nails from growing, not more than a nub anyhow.
Pacific So very cool you have an uncommon breed!

Love that!
I am used to seeing ears cropped, but looks good natural as well to me

I do like that Euro shows don't allow crop/dock on show dogs. Def not used to the look here in states tho. You know we Americans feel the need to always CHANGE something lol.
That's a great breed for farm life.
We should all be testing around the same time.

Temp rise for me yay! FF still has dotted CHs pffft but I should be 5-6dpo. I will be testing later than my usual 9dpo start, but that does put us poas about the same time!
Here's 2 pics of my MegaMutt- He's a Bullmastiff. Today- he decided he was wary of the bougainvillea plant we have

It's usually all green and bloomed bright fuschia all over so he didn't want to walk by it

No vicious dog here lmao.
Romeo by the Fearsome Bougainvillea ready to bike
My fave look The Romeo Head Tilt