Mornin ladies...maintained my temp this morning- happy about that. Was hoping I didn't get a dip since FF stillll will not give me solid CHs, and preO temps had been high at the start of this cycle, so just barely back to that level.
Looking back at bfp with DS my temps stayed around 97.7 the first week, then rose to 98 range thru the next 6 weeks.
GigsSorry about the injury, but glad you were able to find both spots in the fence before they got too far out. Can you run some hot wire along the base of your fence line? Low voltage maybe? It would zap whatever tries to dig in. Hope no eggs were taken, but that is likely what "it" was after.
Here the Raccoons can get into nearly anything, and opossoms and armadillos LOVE to dig all over too. Try to elevate that knee, and ice as perv said.
:soothe: Pamper my lil Giggly-bit hehe
Pacific I agree with CB- you will still have

in there, and they will be the strongest ones. You still may want to try later today. You will feel better - even tho you are well covered with earlier BD. Are you team pink?
My daughter was conceived with BD 3 days before O.
MrsG So happy for you that you will be back to your super sweet hubs.

Have a safe trip back
Thx everyone about the gift...didn't get to sleep till after 3 am! but doc has the script called to pharm for my sleep meds thank goodness. I will have to give them up once I get a bfp...hope to be so tired from growing a bean that I won't miss it.
Claire You and I chatted late night/early am hehe. Hope you are having a great day!