Ouch, that's a nice one Gigs! Hope you aren't too sore!
We'll all be obsessing about your sticks come monday, haha
I've only ever had one shiner like that. I bent down to clip the leash on the dog and he bounced up in excitement and his big head hit my eye...
As for sending DH off, I am really dreading it. I hate it, but at least this time I know what it's for and it's only for 3 months that we have to do it for. A few years ago DH took a job way up in the oil fields so had a 14 days on, 14 days off rotation. At that time our communication wasn't very good, so DH quit and found a job closer to home. It was quite the strain on us when he was away but after 14 days of DH just sitting around I was happy to sent him off to work again.
Last night I laid out my expectations for the next 3 months and DH agreed. If the communication stays good, I can do it. If our communication had been good when he was in the oil field, it might have worked out too but neither one new what to expect of the other back then. I don't think we knew what to expect from ourselves.
It'll be hard not seeing him for 7 weeks

but I keep trying to gear him towards visiting me at least once in between.
Maybe it'll be easier once I give my notice at work (mid January) if I don't get laid off first.