Wow that is a temp jump J, im always stirring in the night so im suprised my temps arent eratic, maybe thats why they're in the lower range perhaps? ..
Uhh i know, before i fell pg i was a 32/34 E, then pg went upto a G lol then after bfeeding, D, ohhhhh the depressingness of it Lol! M
We rarely get snow in UK, last time it snowed in the South was very early 2013 & Riley was still a bubba, since then hardly anything, maybe an odd flurry & thats it!
Im in debate of an elective section for no2, i want to try & labour but then the realism will kick in, il get super anxious i bet.. They like to not push for csections here & try natural, but most that have sections go onto have csections for pg after also..
My sister was the same as you gigs, never dilated anymore than 8cm, then Ruby started moving around & got wedged, csection it was! Have to say though, the planned section was chilled, surgeon was awesome & very nice & they had the radio on in background in Theatre, twas lovely